(ring, ring...)

Hey kid, looks like I found your number. I just called to say, thanks. Thanks for everything, for breaking the barrier, for setting everyone free and allowing us to...

(sigh) Who am I kidding, I'm talking to the voicemail of a dead kid...

The fact of the matter is, things aren't as great as they seem. Yes, we made it to the surface, but without you there to join us it feels like we've made a wish to a monkey's paw. It's a hollow victory, no bones about it. This should've been the best day of our lives but it feels like we've been cheated, and we're all just in for a whole new world of hurt, and without you there to show us the ropes we're all gonna get licked.

We miss you Frisk, I don't know if you could hear me but... eh. I don't know why you let your determination run dry at the moment when you needed it most, but I know you wouldn't have thrown your life away unless you knew you had no other choice.

We built new towns around Mount Ebott, a new Snowdin at the peak, a new Hotland at the beach, and a new New Home which Asgore called "Newer Home". Yeah, he was never great with names. We've bought up all the land in the area around the mountain and declared it our own country, we're not quite ready to integrate into human society yet so having a place of our own is probably the best way to live right now. Asgore also disbanded the monarchy and decided to start a democracy instead... And then won the election anyway because he was running against Jerry and Burgerpants. Basically, most of everything's the same except now he's "President Asgore" and we all live on the surface... and you're not with us.

Oh, Asgore built a pretty awesome memorial for you too! You even have your own statue in the middle of a public park, surrounded by lots of flowers and trees. The epitaph says "In memory of Frisk, hero to all monsters", I think it's sort of an understatement.

So, you're probably going to ask how everyone's holding up? We're hurting kid, real bad.

Toriel and Papyrus were hurt the worst. Toriel... You can't just lose three kids in your lifetime and ever be the same. She never bothered moving to the surface with the rest of us, she stayed down there in the ruins... alone. I visit her whenever I can but she's not the same cheerful woman she used to be, she's so quiet, she doesn't laugh much anymore and whenever she smiles it seems like she's faking it. She's starting to become like me, no motivation whatsoever, and that scares me. Her heart's so heavy now, it weighs a ton... Normally I'd make a skeleton pun right now but it wouldn't be very appropriate.

As for Papyrus? He ain't doing too well either. Ever since you died he's become angry, really angry, I've never seen Papyrus so pissed off. A few days after we got out he went down into what was left of the old Hotland and just started raising hell, smashing everything in sight with the Gaster Blasters and giant bones, I never realized how terrifying he could be when he's actually pissed. He's not mad at you though, he's mad at us, he was screaming about how it wasn't fair because you were a hero and we all tried to kill you at some point, and despite the fact that you saved us all in the end you were the only one who didn't get a happy ending. It hurts seeing Papyrus suffer. I'll be honest, I used to have nightmares all the time that you would kill him, cut his head clean off. But it turns out you and him became besties, and then you died. That being said, Papyrus did achieve his goal of joining the Royal Guard, he's captain in fact, the position became available after Undyne was promoted to General. I haven't seen much of her or Alphys lately, they're mostly really busy with their work leading the army or researching and developing who knows what.

Welp... Just thought I'd call to say hi. I guess I'm going to Grillby's, but if you get my message...

We could really use your help right now.
