Hellllooooooooo! I'm terribly sorry for the longest update everrrrrr, but I broke my foot a few weeks ago sooooo yeahhh. Then I had bucket loads of homework and ugggghhhhh! But I'm here now, so I'm really trying to get back on track but please, bear with me! I just went to the doctor yesterday and he told me I stttttiiiillllllllll have to wear a medical boot for another 2 weeks! Grrrrrrrrr, here's a tip to you all: DONT BREAK YOUR FOOT, or really any bone, because it's a nightmare... Anyway, this is very last chapter of the story. I'm sorry to end it, but this seemed like a stable place...just I case I were to write a sequel...idk. So tell me your thoughts! Thanks everyone who believed, read, and enjoyed the story. You guys mean very much to me :) So review, fav, follow, oh and tell me if you would read a sequel or not. THANKS! And sorry for the shortness :(

Here's the story!

"Leo, I think we should take Chase to Adam's grave," Bree told Leo one day.

"Noooooo Bree! Bad, bad idea," Leo shook his head frantically. "You remember the funeral?"

"I know, but I think it will really help Chase."

"He'll just have a relapse just like at the funeral. How can that possibly help Chase?" Leo's eyes narrow.

"I...don't know, but, but I know this will help him. I have a feeling, Leo!" Bree persuades.

"So you want to risk Chase having a relapse, never talking ever again, possible attempt suicide, or having his flashbacks return more often...because you had a feeling?" Leo deadpans.

"I know it sounds crazy, but please Leo, I know this will be good for him. It will help him grieve," Bree begs.

"I don't think this a good idea...but, if you take him I'll come," Leo sighs.

"Thank you Leo, we'll go tomorrow," Bree smiles.

Next Day

"Leo, I called the hospital and I have permission to take him," Bree informs Leo.

"Ok well let's get going," Leo sighs.

"Ok, you have his medicine, instructions, oh! And here's a sedative...just in case." The peppy nurse preps them. "Oh and please be careful. I don't feel comfortable letting you guys take him, but only because your of age...and your dad owns the place. Plus it will be good for Chase to go outside for a bit." The nurse smiles wearily.

"Don't worry, he's our brother, we'll take good care of him," Bree reassures her.

"Well, ok then, Chase is waiting for you at the entrance with a nurse."

"Ok thanks, we'll have him back by tonight."

Bree heads back to the entrance while Leo goes outside to bring the car around.

"Hi Chase," Bree welcomes when she nears the boy.

Chase was sitting in a wheelchair with arm and ankle restraints, as well as a seat belt clasping him down and preventing him from moving much. The boy looked pretty pissed as he glared at the air in front of him. Chase was very frail looking and his paleness gave him the image of a vampire. His hair was disheveled, and his cheeks looked flushed. He didn't answer Bree, instead he took to burning a hole in the wall with his glare.

Before Bree could say anything else, Leo honked, signaling he was out front.

"I'll help you get him in the car," the nurse said, pushing Chase to the side of the car.

Together they got Chase into the car and buckled before folding the wheelchair into the trunk. The nurse waved them good-bye as they drove off.

"Hey Chase," Leo said after a long silence in the car.

There was no answer. Leo looks in the rear view mirror and sees Chase's forehead up against the glass, looking as if he wished to be anywhere but with them in the car.

"So, Chase, I heard your class at the island is missing you," Bree supplies after an even longer silence.

"Where are we going?" Chase says abruptly, though he was still facing outside.

"It's a surprise," Bree says, getting over her shock at hearing Chase speak to them.

"I don't like surprises," Chase grunts.

"Well you'll like this one," Bree says cheerfully.

Chase rolls his eyes.

No one talked for the rest of the ride.

"We're here!" Leo sighs an hour and a half later.

Bree looks behind her at Chase. When Leo announces their arrival, Chase looks out the window but looks down abruptly once he realizes his surroundings.

"Come on guys," Bree encourages while clicking off her seatbelt.

"I'm staying in the car," Chase says in a harsh whisper.

"No Chase, we're all going out," Bree tells him firmly.

"No," Chase grunts, shifting in his seat.

"Chase this will be good for you," Bree encourages.

"No," Chase growls again.

"Come on Chase, just go over there to Adam and just talk to him or something," Bree says.

Chase doesn't move.

Bree sighs and walks to the trunk.

"Leo, come over here and help me put him in," she cries in struggle as she tries to open up the 'wheelchair of death'.

"Bree I don't think this is a good idea," Leo says staying back.

"Leo help me!" Bree finally opens the wheelchair and opens Chase's door. "Chase get in now!"


"Chase I'm older than you and I say Get In!" Bree says, standing her ground.

"I don't care," Chase scoffs.

Bree, in a fit of anger, grabs Chase's arm and tries to pull him out.

Chase immediately starts yelling 'rapist' in an act to attract help while Bree just pulls harder and harder.

"Bree come on, let go!" Leo jumps in.

"No! No!" Chase screams.

"Why Chase?! Why don't you want to do this?" Bree says exasperatedly.

Chase looks away.

"Answer me!" Beer says angrily.

"You don't understand," Chase whispers as he stares down at the shoes.

"Please Chase, just help me understand," Bree pleads with tears in her eyes.

"No Bree you don't, u can't. You don't know how it is each morning waking up and for a few seconds thinking everything is ok. And then all of a sudden, everything comes crashing down. I killed my own brother. Do you know how that feels? I can't explain what goes through my head Bree. It's just like every morning, why get up? Why live? I feel dead inside, you don't know how that feels Bree, to be breathing and just wishing you weren't, so everything could be over with. I just wish I would wake up and we'd be in our capsules again, the three of us. But it's never going to be like that ever again. All because of me. I did it. Adam is dead because of me. Because I'm so fucking mean to everyone. I don't want to be me. You guys are right, I'm self centered, and dumb, and-and annoying, and I can't fucking take it anymore Bree. I just feel so alone and trapped. It's killing me Bree, killing me."

When Bree looks up, she sees a stream of tears falling down Chase's face.

She's never seen so many emotions on her brother's face before. So much pain, loneliness, confusion. It made her sick inside to not notice it all until now.

"You know Chase, I feel like that sometimes too," Bree admits quickly, causing Chase to glance up at her face quickly.

Her tears fell in unison with Chase's as they gazed deeply into each other's eyes. Brother and Sister.

"But after sometime, I got over it. Wait, no I don't mean it like that. Well...kind of of. But...ughhh I'm rambling," Bree sighed, "But I'm trying to say, after sometime, you have to pick yourself up. You have to stop grieving and move on. Adam wouldn't want this. You just need to move on, but still keep him your heart, and then he'll never leave you."

"But-but how did you just stop? I don't understand," Chase said frustratedly.

"At one point, I felt so mad and upset and crazy. I felt broken, just like you do. But just when I was ready to give up, Leo found me. He looked just as broken as I did. I felt alone. But when I saw him, I realized that I wasn't alone. I still have you and Leo, and Tasha and Dad. Adam may not be here physically, but he's here," she pointed to Chase's heart. "And your not in this alone Chase, we are all here waiting for you to realize we are right behind you. Let us help you." Bree smiled.

They both stared at each other as Bree whipped Chase's tears. They barely realized Chase was snuggled into Bree's lap as they sat in the mud. They heard sniffling behind them and they both turned around.

Leo was staring at the two longingly while sobbing. Snot was dripping out his nose, though he held a handkerchief in his wet hand. "That was beautiful," he finally cried.

Chase and Bree laughed, "Oh Leo, get over here!" Bree laughed opening her arms wide.

Chase scooted over just as Leo jumped into Bree's lap. They all held each other, the silence wasn't awkward, it was just...perfect. Family. Siblings. Two boys and a girl who had faced terrible hardships in their lives. It was going to be a long, hard journey...but they would be okay. All of them. Because they were not alone...they were together. And family sticks together no matter what.

***********The End ***********