Disclaimer: I do not own The Outsiders. All rights go to S.E. Hinton. Thank you to her for creating these amazing characters that we all know and love so much.

"Man, am I glad that this school year is over!" Two-Bit exclaimed as we headed over to his car. "This has been one hell of a year, but at last, we are done!"

I chuckled at his enthusiasm. "For three months. Then we have to start it all over again."

"C'mon kid," He lit up a smoke and passed me one. "We just finished a year of school and you're already talkin' about next year. Can we at least have a few months of freedom before the daily grind starts again?"

"I think I can make that work," I teased. We got into his car and waited for his engine to hum to life. I thought for a second that we had to get Steve to come over and jump it for us, but sure enough, ol' Two-Bit's car came through again. I wonder when it will give up completely and he'll have to trade in his car for scrap parts.

"Do you want to celebrate the first day of summer vacation tonight?" Two-Bit asked. "What do you say Ponyboy, should we go to the movie house?"

"If you're offering, then you know I'm in, that is if Darry allows it. But don't you want to go out with Kathy tonight?"

He shrugged. "Maybe we'll go out after." He flipped on his car's radio and sang obnoxiously loud along to the Elvis song that was playing. I was glad to get away from Two-Bit's off-key renditions and into our house. Our house was empty, and uncharacteristically quiet, with both Darry and Soda at work.

Two-Bit came in after me, with his arms full of crumpled papers. "What could you possibly be doing with all of that?" I asked him.

"All of these papers are paper from the school," he explained. "Which means that they belong in the garbage."

"Toss it outside in the garbage can," I said with a laugh. At least he was throwing it away in the trash. So many Greasers today just threw their papers in the school hallways for the janitors to clean up. If I remember correctly, when Soda and Steve ended their freshman year, they went down to the lot and started a bonfire to burn their school work. Yep, Soda was never too fond of school.

"Do you have any preference on what we see tonight?" I asked Two-Bit when he came back in.

"Nah, anything is good with me." Two-Bit flipped the TV on and settled on some cartoon show.

"Now that you're a senior are you still going to watch cartoons?" I took a seat next to him and grabbed the book that I was reading.

"Just because I'm finally the big senior on campus doesn't mean that I'm going to stop watching Mickey," he answered and took a swig of his beer. "Let's not get crazy now."

I just had to chuckle at him. He looked so ridiculous sitting on the floor watching cartoons and wearing the matching t-shirt, but that was who he was, and Two-Bit Mathews didn't change for anybody. He was the biggest kid there was.

I sat on the couch and read my book until I noticed it was getting late. The sun was setting. Man, Darry and Soda were right. When there was a book in front my face, the world could be ending and I wouldn't notice until I finished my chapter.

"Do you want to start heading off to the movies?" I asked.

Two-Bit flicked off the TV and headed out to the car. "Sounds good to me."

I left on note on table to let my brothers know where I am going. I hoped Darry wouldn't mind, but it's not like I have school tomorrow, so he should be okay with it.

The drive to the movies took longer than usual, because it seemed like everyone was heading in the same direction we were. Everyone was heading down town to celebrate the last day. I recognized a lot of kids from my school, both Greasers and Socs.

The movie theater was packed, as I expected it to be. I bought a small popcorn and joined Two-Bit in the back. It was safer to sit in the back because the front was crawling with Socs who had the same celebration idea and Two-Bit and I.

The movie was pretty good. Nothing too special, but there were some pretty tuff fight scenes and car chases. We were about half way through the movie when Two-Bit started to squirm. He entertained himself by tossing kernels of my popcorn at the back of some Soc's head. Every time he turned around, Two-Bit would drop what was in hand and act like he wasn't doing it. He eventually got bored of that little game he created and got up and headed out to the lobby, then came back a few minutes later.

"Hey, would it be okay if I headed out early?" He whispered.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Well, it's just that I forgot I promised Kathy that I would take her for dinner out after school. I just gave her a call from the lobby."

I wasn't upset that Two-Bit had to leave, I got that he had other priorities, but I didn't know how I was going to get home. I could walk, but that would be awful dangerous to be alone with all the drunk and rowdy Socs around. Who knows what kind of stunts they would try and pull tonight. I'd have to give Darry and Soda a call. I hope that wouldn't be too much of a bother. "Sure, of course you can go. Have a good time."

"Are you sure? How will you get home?"

"I'll have Soda pick me up. Go on, I'll be fine."

Two-Bit agreed and he headed out while I finished what was left of the movie. When it ended, I headed out to the lobby to phone Soda. I hoped he was home by now.


I got home around 9:00 from my shift at the DX and man, was I beat. School was finally out, which meant there were so many kids from the school buzzing around the gas station. I caught three Socs trying to steal a snack from the shop, and had a flood of people come in with car troubles. Now that the Socs were out of school there mischief would only get worse from here. I had to make sure that I was watching my back at all times.

There was a note from Ponyboy on the kitchen. It read: Went to the movies with Two-Bit. I'll be home before curfew. –Ponyboy. At least he's been better with telling us where he was going.

I was fixing myself a sandwich when Darry came through the door. "How was the day?" I asked him.

"Same work, different day," He responded, setting his tool belt down and collapsing into the recliner. "Would you mind giving me a back rub tonight?"

"Ah c'mon Darry," I said, giving him a sandwich and some chips. "Did you pull another muscle?"

"Maybe," He said, but he was cut off by the phone ringing.

"Hello?" I asked.

Hey Soda, it's Ponyboy. Do you think you could pick me up from the movies?

"Sure, but wasn't Two-Bit with you?"

Well, yes, but can't you just come?

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes." I hung up the phone and grabbed the keys to the truck.

"Hey Darry," I started. "Ponyboy just called and asked me to pick him up from the movies. I'll be back soon."

Darry polished off his dinner and had his eyes closed, but he nodded.

Ponyboy was waiting outside the movie house when I pulled up. He got in truck quickly and slammed the door behind him.

"How was the last day of school? Why didn't Two-Bit drive you home?" I asked him.

"I finished my history final today," he said. "I won't know how I did until next week though, when report cards come out. I think I did pretty good, so I Darry won't skin me. Two-Bit left half way through the movie so he could go out with Kathy. It's okay though, I didn't mind."

"You're so smart I'm sure you did fine. And about Two-Bit, he never should have left you at the movies alone at night. I'll have to talk to that pea brain later," I said, but then I turned my attention road. The traffic had picked up and kids were darting in and out of the roads, not even looking where they were going. The main roads were full of cars, and it looked like it wasn't going to clear up anytime soon. I decided to take a short cut down a side road. I was almost home, just a few roads up. I stopped at a stop sign, then proceeded to cross through the intersection.

I saw a pair of two bright lights shine through the driver's side window, then the sound of metal crunching and glass shattering. Something sharp cut my face and I could feel blood running down the side of my head. The truck did a few somersaults off the road and my vision got blurry. Something metallic was in my mouth. Blood? I didn't know. My hand was cut up badly from the glass but I managed to move it around to feel the seat next to me. It hurt with pain unimaginable, but I forced myself to keeping feeling around for my brother. I only felt torn leather.

"Ponyboy?" I called out, but my stomach dropped when all I heard back was eerie silence. I heard nothing. Not anything from Ponyboy, the other driver, or any cars in the distance. It scared the hell out of me.

I tried to get up, but when I did, my body felt like it was being ripped into two pieces. I had to get out of this truck, but the pain was getting too intense. Dark spots clouded my vision and I suddenly couldn't see anymore. The only thing I saw was black.