A/N: I don't own Nightstar, Sammy, the Doom Patrol, Mento, Hybrid, or Touch-N-Go. I own everyone else. Enjoy!

Teen Titans: The Next Generation

Chapter Ten: When Trouble Comes to Town

With the information Glint provided on the HIVE, the Jump City Titans were much better equipped to fight their enemy. They knew most of the powers, names, and faces of the HIVE members and felt more confident as they patrolled the streets. If any of the HIVE were to walk the streets, the Titans could identify them and arrest them. The former Titans agreed to allow their children to stay at the Tower during the summer to ensure they got notifications of when crimes were taking place.

The new heroes were patrolling the city when they heard a motorcycle as loud as thunder roll through the streets. "Well, someone's trying to show off!" shouted Burrower as he cupped his hands over his ears.

Riding on a motorcycle that looked like it belonged in a motorcycle gang was an older teen with grey skin, black hair, red eyes, and barbed wire tattoos all along his arms. He wore a biker's jacket, pants, and boots. On the seat behind him, clinging to him to ensure she didn't fall off, was a teenaged girl with a helmet on. They came to the pizza shop where they pulled over.

"All right. Here we are. How's about a kiss for Donny Rancid?" he asked.

The girl shoved her hand into his face. "Let's not and say we didn't." she said. "And I wouldn't use the name "Rancid" if I were you."

"Hey, I drove you all the way over here. A little gratitude would be nice," the older teen snapped.

The girl took a twenty out of her wallet and handed it to him. "Here." The boy begrudgingly took it. She snapped off the helmet and handed it back to him.

"Thanks," he muttered before he rode off again, his motorcycle roaring through the streets.

Once he was out of view, the girl dusted herself off and ran her fingers through her hair. The girl had short, black hair and blue eyes. She wore a black, sleeveless leotard with black boots and gloves that had light-golden trim, and a light-golden scarf and waist wrap. After browsing the nearby shops for an hour, she spotted the Titans enter the pizza shop.

At their favorite spot, the team conversed over their pizzas. "Did any of you guys know Glint's name was Gunther?" Beast Girl asked. "I kind of feel bad for him."

"I think it's a cool name," smiled Channeler as she sprinkled pepper flakes onto her pizza. "Like an animal sidekick or something."

"And of course that would be your main criteria for cool names," said Falcon in a deadpan voice.

Just then, the older girl approached the team. "Hey there, kiddos. Give your 'auntie' Touch-N-Go a hug," she said with a grin.

"Touch-N-Go?" Burrower said with a mixed look of happiness and disbelief. "What are you doing in Jump City?"

"I heard you kids started your own team and I thought I'd check in on ya and see how you were doing."

"Burrower, who is this?" Hallie asked.

"Oh, this is Touch-N-Go, one of our grandpa Mento's former apprentices," said Burrower.

"So how is the old timer?" Touch-N-Go asked. "Still grumpy as ever?"

"You know our grandpa," said Beast Girl with a shrug.

Touch-N-Go talked with the Titans until they finished their food and asked if she could see the Tower. Eager to show off their new hero status, the team agreed. Once at the Tower, Touch-n-Go marveled at the interior.

"Nice digs, kids!" she said with an approving nod. Suddenly, she noticed Snicker-Doodle cowering behind Hallie. "Oh, I see you have a little alien pet," she said.

"Come on, go say hi," said Hallie as she put Snicker-Doodle on the floor.

"Actually, Hallie made it!" Channeler said matter-of-factly. "She was working on a magic trick and accidentally created a mockery of Darwinian evolution when she pulled this cutie out of her hat."

"I think you should leave that story to me next time," Hallie said.

"Hey there, little guy," Touch-N-Go smiled as she offered her hand for it to smell. Snicker-Doodle sniffed her with its trunk and growled as it backed away.

"Snicker-Doodle, what's wrong?" Hallie asked with concern as she picked it up. "You never growl."

Suddenly, the Titans' communicators went off. Nightstar opened hers and read the report. "Apparently there's a couple in a hot rod car speeding around the city," said Nightstar.

"Isn't that the police's job?" Hallie asked, annoyed.

"It would be if the hot rod didn't have front-mounted snapping jaws, liquid nitrogen sprayers, and spherical grenades." said Nightstar.

"Are any of those even legal?" Channeler asked.

"Not at all," said Nightstar. "Titans, go!"

The team started to head for the door before they looked at Touch-N-Go. "You kids run along and go be heroes," she said. "I'm going to watch some TV and figure out why Cookie over here doesn't like me." Snicker-Doodle growled slightly.

Meanwhile, in the city, the couple in the hot rod car were speeding through the streets with the police in hot pursuit. The man, who was driving, had slicked-back, black hair and brown eyes behind tinted glasses. He wore a greaser's jacket, a white T-shirt, dark blue jeans, and converse. The woman had wavy, black hair, and blue eyes behind red, cat-eye, tinted glasses. She wore a red scarf around her neck, red lipstick, a white bustier top, tight, black pants, black high heels, and a tattoo on her right shoulder of a heart with the word "Daddy" on it.

"Woo-hoo, nothing like a moonlight cruise, huh, sugar?" the woman asked as she wrapped an arm around her partner.

"It'd be even better if those dang cops would leave us alone," the man grumbled as he made a hard left turn to try to shake them off.

The woman looked at the cops from her passenger mirror and pouted. "Maybe we should call it a night," she said. "We don't want to miss tucking Sammy Jr. into bed."

Suddenly, Falcon appeared using his dark energy which made the man slam on the breaks. "Your fun is over." The rest of the team came up from behind him while the police were catching up.

"Aww, come on, kid!" the man whined. "We were just having a little drive."

"We have a kid at home," the woman insisted. "You can't throw his parents in jail! Who's going to look after him?"

"I have an idea," said Falcon. He used his energy to pick the couple up out of their seats, set them on the ground, and absorb the car. "Consider your car impounded."

"No! That's my daddy's car!" exclaimed the woman.

"That thing? Where do you even get a car like that?! Aside from a TV show," said Channeler.

"My daddy was Ding Dong Daddy!" the woman snapped. "You're messing with Ding Dong Dolly now!"

"Please change your name," said Falcon.

"Either walk home or go to jail. Your choice," said Nightstar with her arms folded.

Dolly shrieked in anger. "Fine! Come on, Sammy!"

While the Titans were dealing with Sammy and Ding Dong Dolly, Snicker-Doodle watched as Touch-N-Go walked up to the computer and began to type. Once some screens with information appeared, she plugged in a USB drive. Growling, Snicker-Doodle snuck up on Touch-N-Go and grabbed her by the leg with its mouth, trunk, and front legs.

"Gah! Get off me, you little freak!" Touch-N-Go snapped as she violently shook her leg to break free. Once she broke free, she typed some more and watched as the computer showed a loading screen. Snicker-Doodle roared like a tiger and grabbed her from behind. "Will you just get off!" She grabbed Snicker-Doodle and threw it against the wall and it landed with a thud. Touch-N-Go unplugged the drive and was about to shut down the computer when The Titans entered the main room. She turned to face them and tried to cover up the screens.

Before she could say anything, Snicker-Doodle flew into Hallie's arms and chirped as if in fear or pain. "Woah, what's wrong, baby?" she asked in concern.

"Your "pet" bit me!" Touch-N-Go snapped. She walked up to Hallie and pointed her finger aggressively at her. "Learn to teach that thing some manners. And make sure it gets a rabies shot! I'm out of here!" She was about to leave when the Titans stopped her.

"Woah, Touch-N-Go, what happened?" Burrower asked. Nightstar noticed the computer was on.

"Yeah, Snicker-Doodle never bites people," said Channeler. "Not even when we give it a bath."

"Touch-N-Go, were you using the computer? You said you were going to watch television, but that's not the television. We had everything off when we left," said Nightstar.

"Your little "pet" turned it on," she replied in an annoyed tone. "Little brat jumped onto the computer. I was trying to get it off, but it bit me when I tried to pick it up!"

"Show us where you got bit," said Beast Girl, trying to stay calm. "We should make sure there's no open wounds.

Snicker-Doodle growled and flew out of Hallie's arms and grabbed Touch-N-Go's hand that was holding the drive. "Snicker-Doodle, what are you doing?!" Hallie asked.

Touch-N-Go accidently dropped the USB drive. Nightstar grabbed it before Touch-N-Go had the chance. "What is this?" she asked in suspicion.

Knowing she had been caught, Touch-N-Go glared at the Titans. "Sorry, kids, but I have a job to do," she replied. Quickly, she grabbed Nightstar's arm and drained her energy which caused the leader to faint. Once she had the drive, she was face to face with the other Titans ready to use their powers.

"Touch-N-Go, what's on the drive?" Burrower asked.

"None of your business!" she snapped. "Now get out of my way before I drain all of you."

"Why are you doing this?" Beast Girl asked, clearly hurt. "You were like family."

"I was never part of your stupid family!" Touch-N-Go snapped. "And I never should have worked under Mento. The sour old man was always too hard to please. We never did anything right. You have powers. Didn't you ever stop to think that maybe instead of helping this city of ungrateful idiots, you could stand above them?"

"No. We're Teen Titans. We protect this city," said Falcon darkly. "Now hand over the drive."

Faster than they could say "Touch-N-Go", the older teen touched each of them, draining their energy just long enough to escape. "See you later, losers," she waved before the elevator closed.

Once the Titans regained their strength, Beast Girl and Burrower went out to look for her while Nightstar and Falcon checked the computer. Hallie and Channeler comforted Snicker-Doodle. When Burrower and Beast Girl came back empty handed, Nightstar told them what she had found.

"She had several searches up. One was for something called Hybrid. It looks like she was checking to see who was on our criminal database."

"Guess it's time to add her to the list," Burrower growled.

"We'd better call Grandpa Mento and let him know what happened," said Beast Girl.

The next morning, the Titans called Mento and Elastigirl and told them what had transpired.

"At least you're all alright," said Elastigirl.

"So what is this "Hybrid", Grandpa Mento?" asked Burrower.

Mento let out a sigh. "It's the name I gave the team when they were working under me," said Mento. "After the Mega-Security Prison was put into construction, I decided to look for kids who had abilities but weren't using them for good. I didn't want to see any of them go to prison for the rest of their lives all because they made bad choices. As you know, Touch-N-Go was one of the kids I trained. After a while, they started questioning why they had to obey the law seeing as how they had powers and how life wasn't so kind to them before they got them. So they left me and formed a new group. I've tried to keep it from you kids so you wouldn't have to worry especially with the HIVE showing its face again. I realize now that that was a mistake."

"Don't worry, sir. We'll have every Titan on the lookout for Touch-N-Go and her team," said Nightstar.

Mento nodded. "I'm sure you'll find her. I know I don't say this often, but I'm proud of you kids."

"Oh my gosh, bro, Grandpa's proud of us!" Beast Girl said in fake shock. "Quick, Falcon, check to see if the underworld froze over!" Falcon smacked her with his energy.

In his mind, that was an appropriate response for someone casually telling him to go to hell.

To be continued

A/N: So in case you missed it, the guy with the motorcycle is the son of Johnny Rancid. Ding Dong Dolly is Ding Dong Daddy's daughter and Sammy is that younger kid who hung out with Cash, the two greasers who stole Cyborg's car. Hybrid is a group from the comics and Touch-N-Go was a part of it, but in the comics, most of the Doom Patrol members die and Mento is left an insane wreck. He forms Hybrid with kids who were in weird accidents, he injects them with Promethium to give them powers, and try to kill the Teen Titans. In this version, he tried to mentor kids with powers who had rough childhoods and were committing crimes. He saw the prison as a sign that the justice system would be less forgiving on those who commit crimes with superpowers and wanted to keep some of those kids from going to jail. Obviously that didn't work out so well. Special thanks to my husband for adding in the extra funny dialogue.