So I'm apparently back with this story

Funny really, whenever I'm stuck with my other stories I actually write this up quite easily. Odd how that works *Shrugs*

Well anyways before we begin

Disclaimer: All property belongs to their rightful owners, I only own the story

Now without further ado, lets begin

It's been nearly two weeks since Leo came to Jerusalem Lot and he still hasn't a clue to where Libra is or how to contact them.

Leo let out a sigh as he drove down the street on his delivery bike as he was making his last delivery for the day. It was apparently taking him to more nicer part of the city which was a nicer change of pace because everywhere else constantly had a chance of him being crushed by some monstrosity of a creature or vehicle. Right now he was leisurely driving down the street like everything was normal.

It brought a sense of relief to him as he soon arrived at the large hotel the person ordered from. After parking his bike he entered the hotel and asked the person at the front desk for the rooms location. After learning the number he went to elevator and got in as it took him to 30th floor

Leo got out of the elevator and walked down the hallway to the last door and knocked on the door "Hello! Dogimo Pizza delivery!" Leo called out as he waited until he heard some shuffling behind the door

After a moment the door open "Yes, I'm right he-" The woman stopped talking when she saw who was delivering her pizza

Leo turned and his jaw dropped when he saw who it was "It's you!. . . Again!" Leo shouted in shock as Chain blinked before letting out a ragged sigh

"Of all the people to deliver my food because I didn't feel like leaving my place or to cook on my day off" Chain complained to herself as she felt the world was against her "Well at least your not that monkey bastard" Chain muttered under her breath low enough that Leo didn't hear

"I'm right here you know!" Leo shouted taking offense to what she was saying "You could at least be nice to me for helping you those two times" Leo mumbled as Chain heard him

Chain let out a sigh ". . . . . Thank you" Chain forced out rather dryly

Leo let out a sigh "I guess that's as good as I'll get" Leo said tiredly before reaching into his back pocket and pulled out a wad of money. He then held out the money to her "This is yours" Leo said still holding the money up to her

Chain stared at the money before looking at Leo ". . . I didn't even pay you for the pizza, not to mention I paid it through the phone with my card" Chain said after a moment

"No this is just the money you left the last time I saw you" Leo explained as Chain looked at him very confused

"So?" Chain asked rather curiously to what he was getting at

"This is yours, take it, it's not mine" Leo stated calmly

". . . . . I gave you money for the lunch so it's yours" Chain pointed out

"Yes, but I only asked for the food, not the money so it's yours" Leo said waving the money in front of her

"And I say I don't need it so keep it" Chain retorted

"Well I can't in good conscious accept handouts so take it back" Leo said holding the pizza out to her with the money

"I said no!" Chain exclaimed as she pushed the pizza away from her

"Well I say take it!" Leo shouted back





"Why are you so stubborn!" Chain shouted at him

"I don't know! Why are you so stubborn!" Leo shouted/questioned back at her

"I don't know!" Chain yelled as they both fell into silence. They stared at each other before they soon started letting out a fit of laughter

As soon as they settled down they took a small breather "My name is Leonardo Watch, or Leo as most people call me" Leo said holding his other hand out to her

Chain blinked before realizing she had no idea what his name was at all. Chain scoffed as she smirked "Chain Sumeragi, a pleasure to meet you" Chain said as she shook his hand

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance as well Chain, now about taking your money" Leo said as he stopped shaking her hand and held out the pizza with the money still on top of the box

Chain let out a groan and dragged her hand across her face in annoyance "You just don't give up do you" Chain asked tiredly

"I consider myself determined is all" Leo said with a soft smile that made Chain's chest tightened a bit but ignored to stare at him with a dull look

Chain let out a tired sigh and grabbed the money out of his hand before pocketing it "Honestly, you must be the most pure person in this city" Chain said shaking her head at him as she took the box of pizza in her hand

Leo stopped smiling as a frown replaced it "I'm not pure, no one is, we all have a sin we committed in life. I will live with mine until I fix it" Leo said with his head lowered as he opened his eyes slightly as a dull blue dim came from them.

Chain eyes widened at this attitude the person in front of her was exuding. He always had a cheerful and helpful person so it came off as a shock to see him this down.

"Hey" Chain uttered as she rapped her knuckles against his forehead

"What was that for!" Leo said taking a step back while holding his hands on his forehead

"Your sullen mood was getting on my nerves. Besides you look better with that goofy smile on your face" Chain said with a smirk

"Uh. . Thanks. . I think?" Leo uttered as he wasn't sure if what she said was a compliment or insult

"You're welcome, now aren't you supposed to be going somewhere?" Chain inquired

"No, you were my last customer for the day. So all there's left is to go back to the parking lot and get my bike before heading to my apartment" Leo explained rather blandly

". . . . This hotel doesn't own a parking lot. Just the place in front of the hotel where that large beast comes along and makes white rectangular marks on the ground" Chain suddenly brought up as Leo stared at her for a moment before a look of dread splashed across his face

"MY BIKE!" Leo shouted as she ran down the hall back to the elevator

Chain stared at the boy, er man, who began pushing the button down repeatedly in hopes of the elevator to go faster. Chain let out a small giggle as the sight of him being frantic was somewhat cute.

Chain let out a sigh before she entered her apartment to eat her now cold pizza

(Few days later)

Chain appeared in her room out of nowhere as she let out a weary sigh of relief as she sat down on her couch, exhausted from her work with Libra "Should I order out" Chain mumbled before pulling out her phone to call a chinese place before stopping at the Dogimo's Pizza number

Chain stared at the number and thought of Leo. The foolish idiot with that warm smile of his and such a pure heart

After a moment she pressed call as she waited for a bit and heard the call connect

"Yes this is for delivery"

Well that's it for this chapter, I hoped you all enjoyed it

Please leave a comment or PM and I'll see you all later. Have a great day