Being in a relationship with Kiku Honda aka Japan is the best challenge that happened in Arthur Kirkland's, aka England, life. Not even taking care of America can rival this.


Though Japan might appear stoic and all, he still has this personalities and antics that only England knows.

From his occasional days of being so picky at food, his sudden shift of emotions like he was a teenage girl (well... he does look like a girl but England won't tell that to Japan because he might not talk to him for days like last time he pissed the smaller nation off), to his sudden sweet moments (not that he minded it).

No wonder China told him that Japan is a very handful person.


Are you curious on how England and Japan's relationship goes? Curious on who made the first move? Curious when they both have started liking each other? Curious on how Japan makes England's headache worse at times? Curious on how England managed to bring back the Japan he loves and he (and everyone) KNOWS when Japan suddenly acted like Italy after those two hanged out for only five hours? (Though he does admit that the way how wide Japan's smile was too adorable)

Just drop your questions and we'll answer them!