Eggsy watched as the sharply dressed demons, walked into the room they split up like a hunting pack and moved around room seeing the Owners about their stock. Eggsy wasn't one of the normal stock that came though these paces but his Owner was a low level think headed half demon that only wanted money. The one demon that caught Eggsy eye wasn't like the other demons, he walked around the omega angels like he was walking through a garden. While others would push their fingered in places that made other scream this posh demon would even touch them and check their eyes and teeth either way it made Eggsy growl.

A harsh pull of his hair and his head pulled back made him looked at the man standing next to him "Don't mess this up for me or I will be selling your arse on the streets!" Came nasty growl in his ear from his owner Dean. Eggsy hated him has done since his mother married the half demon then 6 years ago Eggsy's mother had died leaving him with his abusive stepfather and the man has made sure Eggsy would be a good omega to sell to 'posh wankers' as he calls them.

So here he is a 'Show and sell' place, his hands bound above his head to stop him from moving and or running away. The other owners have done the same as more Demons came pouring into the room, their eyes almost glowing and their mouths drooling as the almost naked Omegas Angels. The man Eggsy had been watching walked up to them and Dean licked his lips and went to open his mouth but the brown haired demon put his hand up to stop him from speak as he looked at Eggsy his hands went to his face cupping it as he looked into his eyes. "Are your eyes a natural blue?" He asked

"They are." Dean said, the man didn't take his eyes off Eggsy "A good pure little angel." He said, his hands twitching by his side.

"I was talking to Eggsy." He said looking at the name on the collar around young boy's neck, Dean snarled but said nothing he hated be talked to like he was nothing.

"Yes they are a natural blue." The teen said to him. This seem to please the man as he looked at the bright sapphire blue orbs. The demon move his fingers across Eggsy's mouth

"Open your mouth." He whispered, Eggsy open his mouth at the command, the demon purred happily as the boy listen to him.

He moved his fingers over the teeth as he looked and hummed "Ummm good and healthy teeth, when was your last dentist visit?" He asked as he wiped his hands in a hanky. The teen frowned and looked away from Demon

"About a months ago." He said. The man nodded as he moved his hand down the teen's front, over his chest twisting this nibbles to get a response from the angel. He enjoyed the moan and the whimper that came from the boy

"He is great shape nice and lean." He said to Dean who looked up and nodded eagerly

"I have him do laps every morning and evening in the pool." Dean told him "He is ripe never been touched made sure of that, you know what these Angel omegas are like all begging for it when the time comes. So he's been on suppressants since he came of age." The posh demon looked at him with a dark looked ready to growl at him "He is due to come off them in the end of week."

Leaning in the teen and sniffed his skin and smiled at the warmth of the boy's scent, and then frowned he notices something odd about his scent. He turned to Dean and tilted is head and frowned at him "His mother was angel?" He asked

"Yes." Dean told him

"And his father?"

"Of course." Dean took a step back as the demon stood up straight and growled at him

"This boy is half human not a pure angel like you're trying to sell." Eggsy looked wide now fearful of being left with Dean

"What no…. he looks like a pure angel!" Dean said with a growl

"Oh yes he looks like a pure angel, however his scent tells me he is half human." They stood quiet looking at each other before the demon pulled something out of his pocket then wrote something down before handed it to Dean "This is what I am going to pay you." Dean snatched the check off him and blinked down at it

"B…But there is nothing but zeros?" He asked, as Eggsy whimpered as he lowered his head as he felt his hands getting untied and then stood there feeling lost

"It's what you deserve. Come now Eggsy we off to see my Doctor."

Eggsy was sure that Dean would have grabbed him and held him back, but the man did nothing as Eggsy walked off with the Demon. The man was called Harry Hart and he was known as a Royal Demon they what Eggsy believe he has more money than sense. They stood in Harry's doctor's offices which made the halfa uneasy …why would a demon need a doctor…he thought. So far Eggsy hasn't spoken to him since Harry 'brought him'. "I won't bite." The Royal demon said as he looked Angel up and down as he sat as far as away from him as he could. "Well not yet." He told him. "Merlin my doctor he is very good with halfas and omega don't worry he won't hurt you any more than necessary." The boy growled at him and it made the demon chuckle.

The door open and in walked a bold man wearing a knitted jumper "I didn't believe you when you said you were bringing in a halfa omega angel." Eggsy looked at him hearing the strong Scottish accent and wanted to giggle but the fear in his stomach kept him looking down as the bold man walked cover to him.

"The man selling him was saying he was pure angel, but he smells liked a half." Harry said smiling

"Well it's rare to see an omega halfa." Merlin said as he hooked his fingers under Eggsy's chin and looked at him humming

"Did he have work done to make him look like this?" Harry asked, the teen snarled at him for saying such a thing making Merlin smile

"No I don't think so, he looks like a natural looking boy. Just a thought but I believe his father must have been a one of those alpha angels we hear about." He said as Eggsy turned away from him "Leave me alone with him and I will find out what else his owner lied about."