A/N: Hey guys it's me again :D

So this story was going to be a one-shot but I had way too many ideas so I decided to split it into chapters.

I hope you guys will like it :)

Disclaimer: I do not the Fairy Tail characters

"Natsu wake up! You're late for school!", a voice yelled in my ear making me escape my slumber.

"WHAT!", I yelled out as I jumped up from my comfy warm bed. "I thought it was still summer break!"

"No you idiot! It's your first day of high school today and you're already late!"


"Yes! Now go get changed!"

"But I have to shower-

"You don't have time for that we have to go now!", my now impatient dad yelled as he pointed to his watch.

"But I have to be fresh and clean for my first day of school. If I don't make a good first impression-

"JUST GET DRESSED!", my dad roared as my whining finally got to him.

"Ay-Aye sir!", I yelled in fear as I grabbed the clothes all around my bed and the floor.

"What should I wear?"

"JUST PUT ANYTHING ON!", my dad yelled at me as he noticed my questioning look.

"Alright", I sighed, I did not want to argue with my dad at 7:45 in the morning.

I put on a white plain t-shirt, some blue jeans, and my trusty scarf. My scarf did not match with my white shirt but I didn't really have time to care.

"Alright now go get something to eat really quickly and meet me in the car", my dad ordered as he walked out of my room.

"That's right I completely forgot about breakfast! How could I forget about food?! That's inhumane!"

I rushed out of my room and headed for the kitchen.

"Please tell me we still have some toast"

I browsed through all the cabinets looking for some bread to make some toast. But I couldn't find any.

"NO! Now I'm going to have to eat something else but what?"

I opened the fridge praying to dear Mavis that there would be at least some yogurt in the fridge. But I didn't see any.

"Why?! Why is this happening to me!"

"Hey Natsu?", a timid voice called out my name.

"Yeah?", I responded as I moved my head to see my little blue haired sister named Wendy standing right next to me.

"Are you looking for this?", she pulled out her arms towards me revealing a yogurt cup in her hands.

"Oh my Mavis! Wendy you're a lifesaver!", I grabbed the yogurt from her hands and opened it.

"No problem", she giggled as she watched my thankful expression.

"But don't you need a spoon?"

"I don't have time for that dad's already outside"

"Then how are you going to eat it?"

"Like this", I raised the yogurt cup over my mouth and squeezed it. The squeeze made all of the yogurt gush out from the cup and into my mouth.

"Taa Daa!", I shouted as I threw the empty yogurt cup into the trash can.

Wendy just looked at me as she sweat dropped.

I started to make my way outside until I realized something.

"Hey Wendy?"

"Hmm?", she hummed as she sat on the couch in the living room.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school like me?"

"No my school doesn't start until next week"

"Lucky", I mumbled with a sour face as I headed out the door.

"Bye Natsu! Have a wonderful first day at school!"

"Bye Wendy! Thanks again for the yogurt!", I waved to her before I locked the door. Once I checked to make sure if the door was locked I ran to my dad's car.

"I'm here! Let's go", I said as I took a seat next to my dad.

"Umm… Natsu?"



"Shit!", I immediately exited the car and headed back inside the house. So far my day was going just great.

"We're here! Now hurry up and get to class!", my dad yelled as he started to push me out of the car.

"But I don't have my schedule"

"Are you serious?!"


"Then go to the office and ask for one!"

"Ay-Aye sir!", I hopped out of the car and ran through the front doors and entered the giant mysterious school. It looked so big and huge on the inside than it did on the outside.

"Wow", was the only thing that escaped from my lips.

It was so breathtaking but as the same time scary.

"So this is where I'm going to be for the next four years"

A smile traced Natsu's face.

"I can't wait to see what will happen in these four years. I bet they'll be-"

"Hey you! What are you doing standing in the middle of the hallway! Shouldn't you be in class?!", a female voice yelled towards me shattering my thoughts.

I looked towards the source of the voice and found a red headed girl walking over towards me. She was nicely dressed, she had a suit and everything. She looked like she could be a teacher, but for some reason I knew that she was the same age around me.

"Umm…. I can explain"

"Please do!", she yelled as she got into my face.

Even though she was the same age around me she was really intimidating. Her eyes were practically shooting daggers at me. I couldn't help but shiver.

"I- I um….. I don't have a schedule", I whispered as I looked down at my shoes.

"And why is that?"

"I was…. late"

"YOU'RE LATE!", she said with the most scary face I had ever seen. Not even my dad could scare me like this.

"Ye-Yeah…. I overslept"

She glared into my eyes making me even more frightened.

"Why is she so scary?!"

I continued to look at her too but I avoided eye contact. Because I knew if I looked into her eyes I would die from fear.

"Well if this had been any other day I would've punished you, but since it's the first day of school I'll let it slide", her face softened as she sent me a smile.

"Oh thank you Ms….

"Erza Scarlet, Student Body President", she stuck out her hand.

"Natsu, Natsu Dragneel", I shook her hand making her nod.

"Nice to meet you Natsu"

"Likewise", I said trying to sound professional.

"Well since you don't have your schedule, I'll help you go get it"


"Of course! It's my job to help out the students"

"Thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it now follow me to the office"


I began to follow Erza through the hallways. They were so giant and filled with life. It didn't look like a boring school. It looked like a second home, that's how friendly it felt.

"So what school did you attend last year?", Erza asked me trying to start up a conversation.

"Fiore Academy", I responded as I kept looking at my surroundings.

"Really? My boyfriend used to go there too"

"What's his name I probably remember him"

Erza blushed the same color as her hair. It was weird seeing her like this. A few minutes ago she looked like a demon to me but now she looks cute. I wonder how that works.

"Jellal, Jellal Fernandes", she whispered shyly.

"Jellal huh? Let me think…. Oh yeah! I remember him!"

"You do?"

"Yeah I think, does he have blue hair and an eye tattoo?"

"Yup, that's him"

"Yeah I do remember him. He was really quiet he never talked to anyone. He would just sit in the back of the class and do his work silently".

"Yeah that does sound a lot like him", she smiled softly as her eyes glowed. I could tell that she was thinking about him.

After snapping out of her daze she turned around to face me.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Now it was my turn to blush.

"Uh- Well no, I'm not really the relationship type. And besides no one has caught my attention", I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You know I was like that too. None of the boys seemed to interest me, but then I met Jellal. He was so different from the rest. I just couldn't help but fall in love with him".

"So what made you fall in love with him?"

"Hmm… Let's see…", she put her hand under her chin as she tried to remember.

"Well for starters he was always nice to me. Everyone else would be really scared of me and avoid me. They treated me like I was a delinquent. But Jellal….. Jellal wasn't like the rest of them. He went up to me one day after school and asked me out. At first I was surprise because, I wasn't used to getting asked out by anyone. Everyone would always just fear me, and I understood why. Everyone feared me because I acted strong around them. I was as hard as a rock. But when Jellal asked me out, I felt soft and caring. Just seeing his face made me softened. So to answer your question I fell in love with all of him. There isn't a single thing I hate about him."

I was breathless, I couldn't find the right words.

"Is that what true love is?"

"He-Hey Erza?", I squeaked out.

"Yeah?", her happiness in her face didn't falter.

"Would you call that true love?", I whispered as I stared at the ground.

She froze for a second but then she smiled.

"Yes, I would call it true love"

"We're here!", Erza called out as we now stood in front of the office.

"Yosh!, Finally I can get my schedule!"

Erza chuckled, "Yes now come, let me take you to the principal"

"Alright lead the way"

Erza and I both stepped into the office. We were greeted by the smell of coffee and the sound of typing.

Erza went up to a lady sitting at her computer typing away as she sipped on her coffee.

"Excuse me? Ms.?", Erza whispered as tried not to interrupt the office workers.

"Yes Erza, what can I do for you today", she responded back sweetly as she continued to type on her computer.

"Is Principal Makarov here?"

"Yes, he's in his office", she responded as she took another sip of coffee.

"Perfect! Thank you very much!", she said with a sophisticated tone as she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in her direction.

"So does the Principal give me my schedule?", I asked as Erza kept dragging me.

"Well normally no, but since you were late he's the only one who could give it to you now"

"Yeah sorry about that", I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand.

Erza stopped as we reached a wooden door. She then turned around towards me and gave me a really frightening look.

"Just don't be late again or else…..", she cracked her knuckles which intimidated me even more.

I gulped, "Ay-Aye Ma'am!"

"Good, now get in there", she opened the door and shoved me inside. Once I was inside she shut the door behind my back.

"How does she change moods so fast?"

"Hello there young man", a short white haired old man said to me with a smile.

"My name's Principle Makarov", he said as he stuck out his hand.

"Natsu Dragneel", I shook his hand as I sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Nice to meet you Natsu, now what can I do for you today?"

"I need my class schedule"

"You lost it already?!", he shouted making me jump up.

"No", I said as I waved my hands in front of me.

"Then what happened to it?"

"I never got one; I was late"

"How could you be late on the first day of school?!"

"I overslept ok! Don't judge me!"

He sat there in silence as he gave me a questioning look.

"I see", he sighed as he started to type on his computers. A few seconds later a white sheet of paper came out of his printer.

"There's your schedule", he said as he pointed to the printer. "You can probably make it to 2nd period before it ends if you hurry".

"I ran to the printer and took the white sheet of paper, "Thanks Mr. Makarov! You're the best!"

"No problem kiddo now go! Hurry up! And don't be late again!"

"Ok I won't!", I yelled out as I rushed out his room

"I have to hurry and get to class!"

I ran out of the office as I looked at my schedule.

"So my second class is English with Ms. Evergreen in room 702. Great now I know what my class is but the question that still remains is where is it?"

I wasn't looking where I was running because I assumed that all of the hallways were empty. But my assumption was wrong.


My body collided with another body making me fly to the ground.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING HOT SAUCE!", I heard the person who collided with me yell.

"WHY DON'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING STRIPPER?!", I retorted back without much thought.

"Wait a minute did he just call me hot sauce?"

"Wait a minute did he just call me a stripper?"



A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! ^.^

Thanks for reading! :)