Tuesday came and went without anyone connecting Matt with the video that was now everywhere on the internet. However, he knew it was a matter of time, and Wednesday morning, when he was getting ready, his phone went off, sounding Foggy's name. He grabbed it and answered.

"Matt! Guess what is playing on the news right now."

Matt groaned. There was only one reason that Foggy would call him rather than waiting twenty minutes to when Matt usually arrived at their office in the morning. "I'd rather not. I'm thinking I already know."

"It's getting even more attention than I expected it to. You're a local hero all over again!"

Switching the phone to his other hand, Matt stuffed some papers he had been reviewing into his bag and set it on the counter. "Great." He said wryly. "Look, Foggy, I'll see you soon. I'm going to head out now."

"Sounds good." Foggy's laugh echoed over the line even as Matt hung up. Grabbing his glasses and cane, Matt left his apartment. It seemed that his luck would not hold as the moment he stepped outside, a woman standing at the bus stop turned to stare at him very obviously. Of course, if he were blind in the traditional sense, he would never have noticed. However, that made it seem almost ruder. He could hear her take out her phone and take a picture. Matt gritted his teeth together at her complete lack of politeness, but he couldn't allow her to see that he noticed without giving himself away.

Others continued to recognize him on his brief walk to the office, though none were nearly as obvious or rude as the first woman. Matt arrived not five minutes later and collapsed onto his chair with a groan.

"That bad?" Karen's voice was full of amusement even as she passed him a cup of coffee. She sat on the edge of his desk. "Foggy called me this morning—told me to turn on the news." He could tell that she was grinning.

"How bad was it?"

"You're overreacting, Matt. It wasn't that bad. Mostly. The station I watched just played the video and then talked about how we took down Fisk. Now, of course since it's the media they are playing it up a bit and…" She took a dramatic breath. "I might have searched the internet and found out that you might be asked about a potential interview—"


He could tell that she was grinning, but when Matt didn't respond she became a bit more serious and reached out to grip the hand he wasn't holding his coffee with. "Matt, if this is really bothering you that much neither of us will mind if you stay home to wait out the hype for a few days. It isn't like we have a ton of pressing cases right now."

Matt felt a wave of gratitude for Karen, and was once again grateful that they had somehow managed to find her and that she was willing to stay. "It's more just annoyance than anything." He admitted. "It had to be Tony Stark."

Karen huffed out a laugh. "Foggy insists that this kind of luck has always followed you, but you're right. If it hadn't been Stark than I doubt that it would have gotten more than a little attention."

"If it hadn't been Stark there would have been no one to take a video of it." Matt countered and Karen agreed with a smile.

"It'll all blow over in a couple of days likely. You just have to tough it out until then."

The door opened and Foggy came in. He immediately joined them, claiming another spot on the other corner of Matt's desk. "What are we talking about?"

"Oh, just that it's possible that Matt might be approached to do an interview." Matt's goodwill toward Karen faltered a bit at that.

"No." Matt repeated, though it was clear that Foggy and Karen were no longer listening to him. "I don't want an interview."

Foggy laughed. "Think of the publicity, Matt! We need clients. This is the perfect way to get our name out there more." Foggy paused to get himself coffee. "As soon as we have money to make a budget we really need to plan on putting some towards advertising. Because our lack of clients is just sad. When I think of all the money I would be making right now if I had—"

"Sold your soul?" Matt suggested with a grin.

Foggy made a wounded noise. "I'll have you know that a six figure income might be enough to cover the price of my soul and then some."

They all went silent as the door to their office opened. Matt had been two distracted talking to his friends to really be paying attention, but he immediately focused his senses at the person standing in his doorway and had to fight to remain neutral despite being tempted to slam his head against the wall. The strange electrical static noise gave the person's identity away immediately.

"Oh my god! You're Tony Stark." Karen squealed, leaping off his desk to her feet, and Matt gave into the impulse a bit, dropping his head into his hands.

"Guilty." Tony said to Karen. "But I'm afraid that I don't have the honor of knowing your name."

Matt snorted. "There is no chance that you didn't look me up. And if you found our office, then you no doubt know her name."

"I can see why you are a lawyer." He said, a note of complaint in his voice. Matt sat up properly and gave Foggy a sudden shove off of his desk. He barely landed on his feet.

"Now that was uncalled for." He protested once he had regained his balance.

It was clear to Matt that Tony was amused. "Pepper insisted that I should call ahead so as not to interrupt your very important lawyer work. I can see that you are very busy and she was clearly right."

"We were just telling Matt how the public finally connected his name with the video."

"I watched that." Tony commented offhandedly. "Actually Pepper made me wait to come over and visit until after you were connected to it." His voice was almost whiny as he explained that, and Matt just knew that his day was going downhill fast and it was barely eight in the morning. There was no way that Foggy and Stark weren't going to get along splendidly. Tony continued and Matt caught the tail end of his rambling. "I think I might be even more confused how you did it now that I've seen the video. By the way, here. I owe you this."

Yes. His day was going horribly. Tony had just tossed something at him. Again. And unlike before when he hadn't had to fake not being able to sense what was coming, today he could track it as it grew nearer. He was always surprised by the amount of pure will power it took to not flinch when he knew something was about to hit him, but he managed. The last thing he needed was to give Tony more reason to be interested in him. His secret wouldn't last a day with the genius prying into his life with more than a cursory interest.

Whatever Tony had tossed hit him, ricocheting off of his chin and then clattering to the floor. As soon as it stopped, dead silence filled the room before it was broken by Foggy bursting out laughing. Karen immediately turned to scold Foggy for his mirth at his friend's plight, not knowing that before finding out Matt's secret, Foggy would have been the first to tear into whoever did something so thoughtless. Matt couldn't blame him now though for his amusement. Though he couldn't find it funny himself, he could easily see how it would be to someone who knew.

"I did it again." Tony commented with a bit of dismay. "If you ever meet Pepper you have to do me a favor and not tell her."

"Again?" Karen demanded, turning from Foggy now to Tony, clearly riled up. Apparently her awe of being in the presence of one of New York's hero's had worn off enough for her to take offense. "You mean you threw something at him before!"

Tony was silent for a few moments, and Matt thought he was contemplating escape in the face of Karen's wrath before he shook his head and spoke. "Why is every woman I ever meet terrifying?" He complained. "She's like another Pepper, and she doesn't even know me." Tony eyed Karen for a moment before picking whatever he had thrown up off of the floor and carefully offered it to Matt who took it curiously, running his fingers along it. It was a new cane, though the material was unlike any he had had previously. "I researched them." Tony explained, glancing at Karen for a moment. "This one is better."

"How does it open?" Matt asked after running his fingers along it, searching.

Tony reached out. "At the end. Here." He showed Matt a small almost unnoticeable button and the cane automatically extended to its full length. "The other direction closes it. I read about the problems. This is a new material I made a while back. Hadn't found any applications until now, but… It should give you better feedback than the options on the market, and I'll be surprised if you can break it even if you try. It weights half as much as the traditional options."

Matt swung the cane back and then curiously turned to make it tap the wall. It felt different, but he didn't doubt that it would likely turn out better. "Thanks." He said genuinely, tapping the button and feeling it retract. He was slightly touched that the man had put time into making something useful for him.

"You can be my test subject too. If it works well, it shouldn't be difficult to produce on a large scale." Before Matt could respond there was the sound of someone approaching. It was clear she was rather thrown by the sight of Tony Stark there, but Foggy immediately stepped in.

"No, come on in. We were just finishing up here anyway." Foggy told her.

"I suppose that is my cue to leave." Stark said with a hint of amusement. "I see how it is." He turned back to Matt. "Don't think I'm not going to find you sometime when you aren't working. I still want to know how you did what you did, and I'm going to find out."

With that last remark, Tony Stark left their office. Matt shook his head in a bit of disbelief. His life had taken a very strange turn in the last few years, but now even as Matt—not Daredevil—it was becoming more and more strange. He would deal with the few reporters looking for a statement and it would pass, but he knew that eventually, his two lives would cross and it would become even stranger than before. It had already started with Foggy knowing his secret. Matt turned to join Foggy with the potential client in the office, determined to not worry and simply face his problems as they came.

AN: This story line is continued in the sequel, A Rising Threat.