Disclaimer: I don't own HP or One Piece.
Author's Note: Kind of short, but I wrote this in class while the professor was lecturing so please excuse any mistakes.
Eyes On You
Saving-People Thing
If Miyako had to pinpoint the moment she started having feelings for him, she'd probably hem and haw, and do that some more before saying this:
Perhaps it was when she first walked onto the auction stage, all the poor excuses of a human being were all calling out lewd or derogatory comments. But there was one small group that didn't, and in the center of that group was Law.
He just watched, boredom evident in his eyes.
Or maybe it was because of the Mink that stood beside him. Miyako knew that Minks were loyal, so there had to be something that the Mink liked about that man in order to follow him.
Then again, it could be how his eyes sparked with interest as she proceeded to wreck chaos at the auction. He did look rather attractive like that.
Or it could possibly be the food he gave her. Or well, at least the promise of food and did keep his word in the end even if she did find herself in his bed.
Which he later handcuffed her to...really the nerve he had...
Her dad would blow a gasket if he knew. Or die of laughter.
Miyako could also probably say that she did enjoy that little beard Law had. If she was honest, then she might say that she liked the feel of it when kissed. But if she had to be completely honest, she could say that it did remind her a bit of Mihawk. She had developed a bit of a puppy love for the swordsman when her dad brought her to meet him. Her mind was more mature compared to her age, so it was no wonder that her "first love" in this life was someone way older. Luckily, it had faded into admiration and familial love for him now.
She did seem to have a thing for the typical tall, dark and broody. After all, she did date Blaise from her past life and had an infatuation with Mihawk in the beginning. So really it shouldn't have been a surprise that she developed something for Law.
The mass of fluffy hair on his head was enjoyable too. She nearly laughed when she first saw it after stealing his hat as a disguise. Miyako would have expected it to be flat after it had been...well...flattened by a hat. The fact that it wasn't, reminded her of her old hair. The infamous Potter hair that she had, the one that would not lay flat no matter what spell or potion she used.
His height was certainly nice. Miyako got her tall height from her dad in this life, and while she did enjoy it compared to the short stature she had as Harriet Potter, she missed being able to lean against a nice, tall, sturdy figure—her family didn't count.
Law's physique wasn't too hard on the eyes either. In fact, Miyako wouldn't mind seeing it all day, especially the numerous tattoos that decorated his body. She wasn't sure about the story behind the tattoos, she hasn't had the heart to ask since every time she took to tracing them with her fingertips, his eyes would take on a sad, longing look that was mixed with pain.
Or she might be inclined to admit that it was Law's eyes that continued to have a hold over her. They had seen too much. It reminded her of those who survived the Battle of Hogwarts, of Ron's and Hermione's eyes—having seen and done so much to help her in her mad quest of destroying Tom's Horcruxes.
Law's eyes also held the look of a dead man walking—only living for a single purpose, and would do anything, even give up their life, to fulfill that single purpose. They probably would have looked liked hers, when she accepted her fate after viewing Snape's memories, that she held a piece of Tom's soul and had to die in order for Tom to die. Or maybe it was the look she had after Harriet heard the full prophecy—"for neither can live while the other survives."
It was the look he had when she saw him in Dressrosa, particularly when Doflamingo was mentioned. That was likely why she swore that she would stand by him, there was no way Miyako was going to allow Law go on a suicidal attempt on Doflamingo, not without her. And also because that dolt brought her little brother in on his mad plan.
At the end of her rant, Miyako still wouldn't have been able to tell when exactly she started having feelings for Law, but she could give a tentative answer on what caught her attention. It was Law's eyes—the very look of them—after all, she did have a saving-people thing.
This sort of popped into mind when I started spacing out in class since none of my professor's lecture was sticking in my head.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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Blushing Green Apple