and to clarify, this is in the same universe in the past.

The reason why Tsuna refers Reborn as a nurturing teacher is because he's thinking of his Reborn- one from ten years future.

It's pretty hard to get the ten years future and current people status down pat so sorry if I confuse you at any points!

The reason this is so short is because writing a suicide scene is actually so ridiculously hard sorryyyy

BETA - Horizon-Dawn


Tsuna felt like a fish stranded on dry land.

He had absolutely no fucking idea whatto do.

Yes, he knew this was going to happen, but it didn't mean that he was prepared for the way his heart almost lurched and his hands to shake.

Yamamoto's life was in his hands and that was a terrifying thought. The idea that he could say the wrong thing and end Yamamoto's life – along with his own life, because it was so connected with the baseball player's – was frightening.

"I-I don't kn- um, what brought this on?" Tsuna tried to ask with all the calm he could muster. He tried to hide his shaking hands by violently shoving them into his pockets, but it didn't help as he could see the baseball player's eyes tracking the movements.

Yamamoto let out broken laughter that was cracked with raw feelings. "I broke my arm, Tsuna. Do you know what the doctor said? She said it was near a growth plate, so one of my arm could end up shorter than the other. And that means no baseball. I'll have to see if my arms will grow to the same length, in the meanwhile I can't play baseball until it fully heals. However, if it doesn't grow to the same length, I can't play baseball anymore. Tsuna, I won't be able to play baseball!" He said. The calm yet devastated voice started to grow louder turning into an emotional cry of unadulterated pain.

"O-Okay. I understand." Tsuna said.

Then, he took a deep breath. In and out. There's no use for panicking Tsuna. He told himself. Yamamoto was looking at him with almost a hysterical gaze and Tsuna couldn't return that hysteria. He had to be stern, firm. He had to be a mafia boss.

"Sometimes in life, we face many adversary. I understand the feeling of wanting to just stop. The feeling of your world crumbling around you and the feeling that you can't get out because everything you have, everything you have worked for just disappeared. Your heart can't stand the emptiness and the terror that the void brings. Baseball was your whole life, it was the foundation of your being – I understand that you don't know what to do now. But Yamamoto, you have to understand. You have to understand that just like baseball is your whole life, you are a whole life to someone else."

Yamamoto stared back with widened eyes and dilated pupils. The screaming look of help in his eyes dulled to one of tiredness.

Encouraged by the calming baseball player, Tsuna continued. "To your dad, you are his whole life Yamamoto. Do you want to take yourself away from him just like how baseball was taken away from you? Do you want him to cry over, agonise over you?" He took another big gulp of breath. Tsuna wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing.

He knew that he should be pointing out that Yamamoto's fundamental thought of wanting to die when he broke his arm was what has been wrong, not the fact that he would be leaving everyone else behind. Tsuna was essentially guilt tripping him and that wasn't the intention.

Hayato would've been much better at this. He was always better at things that involved words. Tsuna thought but blinked the bitter thoughts out of his mind.

"I know so far, I have said you need to live for your dad. But I think you need to live for yourself too. For your future."

Yamamoto laughed. "What future? One without baseball? Do I even want that future?"

Tsuna shuffled his feet, not really sure what to say. He wanted to tell him that he had such a bright future. He was one of the best people Tsuna had ever seen and he blossomed enormously as a hitman. Tsuna wanted to tell him that the mention of his name struck fear into opponents and reassurance to their allies.

But instead, Tsuna improvised. "I'll give you a future. I'll give you something to live for. I'll be a guide in your life, as a friend, side by side. We can laugh together, cry together, bleed together and even die together." Tsuna stated, projecting his voice in a confident manner.

"You're so much more than baseball. I know it sounds terrible when I phrase it that way, but you're a human being who can adapt if you aren't able to play baseball anymore. I promise I'll be by your side to help you every step of the way. You can yell at me, you can hit me, but I promise I'll be there to save you."

His eyes blazing orange, Tsuna stepped closer to Yamamoto until his serene eyes peered right into Yamamoto's. "Trust me." He whispered.

The seconds of silence followed, but Tsuna didn't move an inch and continued the eye contact. Ignoring the increasing anxiety that was eating away in his stomach, Tsuna stood firmly.

The baseball player stared back with a bleak look, but soon, flecks of life could be seen returning back to his eyes again. "I trust you." Yamamoto whispered back.

It would be an understatement if Tsuna said he felt happy. He felt ecstatic, overjoyed and just absolutely thrilled. The warm glow of hope kindled inside of him, and he wanted to jump up and down and declare to the world just how joyful he was right now. His best friend told him that he trusted him. Yamamoto trusted Tsuna to guide, to be involved in his life.

There were no truer declaration of friendship than this. Complete trust in another person.

"Good job Tsuna! You got yourself a guardian!"

A smile danced around Tsuna's lips. Even though it had been during an emotional and stressful time, Reborn's sudden intrusion was pretty much expected in his life and really, the good job compliment made him even more excited.

It also helped that Reborn dissipated the awkward atmosphere settling in.

Yamamoto gave a heartfelt smile. "Thanks, Tsuna." He said. "I'm gonna go home and talk to dad."

Tsuna nodded. "That's a very good idea. He's one of the people who cares most about you."

The baseball player gave a happy laugh. "Yep! I'll go make some sushi with him. Tell Nezu-sensei that I've gone home. And oh, don't forget to go to the Disciplinary Office!"

Oh my god, I've forgotten.

"Bye!" With a merry smile, the baseball player ran off.

"You need six more Guardians." Reborn helpfully informed him without actually telling him what a guardian is and why he needed them.

Tsuna brushed past the hitman, "Tell me later, I gotta get to Hibari-senpai's office." He said in a hurried tone with the blatant disrespect that Reborn hated.

Even though he knew that it was coming, the mallet that struck him didn't' hurt any less. "Ow, what was that for?" Tsuna whined. "I gotta go!"

"I demand respect, Tsuna." He merely said, and crossed his arms.

Tsuna let out a mock sigh. "Reborn, I'll be with you just a moment after going to see Hibari-senpai since I'm very late." Tsuna tried to say with patience.

The hitman narrowed his eyes at him. "A Boss should never be late for meetings." He said, as if Reborn didn't already know he was late. As if he wasn't keeping Tsuna's every move and every breath under surveillance.

Tsuna resisted to grumble that he was now even more late, since Reborn held him behind but smartly choose to just nod and ran past him.

He ran straight to the first floor, where the office was located. Another attack of the vicious butterflies invaded his stomach. He felt like he would never be ready to face Hibari.

Tsuna approached the looming doors of the office. Behind this door stood the younger self of his lover, whom he shoved his bag onto, just this morning.

Ah, chaotic relationships. It wouldn't be the mafia world without them.


i'll make the next chapter long

I love you all

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