The eleven year old, blond jinchuuriki cursed as he ran through the rain. Some annoying brat had given away his location to the godaime and now she was after him. He'd have to run to his second hide out before she could catch him. People glared at him and coldly threw things as he ran past them. He had managed to avoid the sandaime extremely well, but the godaime was scary and fantastic at tracking him. Probably was the Senju blood in her veins that felt the Kyuubi in him. His clan had been a grand clan that moved to Konohagakure from Uzushiogakure when they had been attacked multiple times. Konohagakure had promised to protect and cherish every member of the Uzumaki clan, especially because the Shodai's wife had been an Uzumaki, but when the famous sealing clan had fallen into ruins after the Kyuubi's attack and the Bijuu had been sealed into the only remaining member, a child, the promise was abandoned and the young jinchuuriki had to protect himself from the world. He hated the village and foiled every attempt of the sandaime and godaime to put him an orphanage. By all rights, he should have been handed over to his mother's best friend who he had never met, but the elders instead tried to lock him up and keep an eye on him. By Uzumaki custom their children were not allowed to meet people from outside the clan until they could use a kunai, throw shurikens and use the basic of sealing jutsu's. The blond had been learning his first sealing jutsu when the Kyuubi had attacked Konohagakure. The Uzumaki legend was crushed, some thanks to the clan that saved the village. If his clan was still alive, he probably would have been in the academy, acing his classes, eating with his clan, introduced to the person he would marry in the future and he'd have plenty of friends. He suddenly slipped and fell face forward. Instantly the godaime was pinning him to the ground.

"Caught you, Naruto! Shizune, take him."

"Yes, Tsunade sama." Naruto was pulled up into Shizune's arms and carried off even as he struggled furiously. People were staring at him. None of the looks were friendly. He could almost hear what they were thinking. They were thinking that he was getting punished for something, that he was being disposed of and they were thinking 'good riddance'. Naruto stuck his chin out and glared straight back at them. Naruto was surprised when he was dragged into the godaime's private quarters. Shizune pulled him out of his clothes. Naruto struggled, growled, shouted, scratched and threw punches but they were all ineffective. He was shoved into a bath, scrubbed clean until he was pink, his hair was washed and tamed, he was dressed in a deep blue yukata and a cherry blossom was tucked behind his ear. Naruto snarled at Shizune and Tsunade.

"Now, Naruto, if you cooperate with me for today, I'll treat you to a meal of however much ramen you want every day, you hear me?" Tsunade asked him, arms crossed over her chest, looking at him sternly. Naruto blinked and his mouth instantly watered. No, there was no way he could give in to whatever they were thinking. He opened his mouth to refuse and then his stomach growled loudly. Damn it, he hadn't eaten since a random packet of chips he had stolen the day before. Naruto very slowly nodded, fire still in his eyes. "Good, you will do as Shizune orders you to do, you will walk next to her, keep your head down, eyes lowered and you must not speak." Tsunade said. "Are we clear?" Naruto nodded, his stomach was practically burning for food. "Let's go, Shizune."

Tsunade marched out of the house. Shizune smiled at him and held out her hand to him. Glaring at her, he took it and she led him out of the house where Tsunade was waiting. Tsunade sternly reminded him to lower his eyes. Naruto did as he was told and he walked with Shizune, seeing the feet of people as they parted to make way for the Hokage. It had stopped raining. He could feel eyes on him. After walking for what seemed like forever, they walked through a pair of gates and arrived in front of a huge house.

"Ah, welcome, Tsunade sama, please come in." A deep male voice said. The voice was so serious it made Naruto cringe. Shizune squeezed his hand comfortingly.

"Sorry to bother you so late and so suddenly." Tsunade said.

"Is he the one?" the male asked. Naruto could feel a pair of eyes on him. Naruto had a bad feeling about which clan ground he was on, he edged just a little closer to Shizune. Even though he hated Tsunade and Shizune, they didn't treat him like trash as everyone else did. So he had a certain amount of trust in them. He knew they wouldn't kill him or throw him away to some hell. "Is he as troublesome as the rumours say?" Naruto winced.

"Ah...unfortunately yes, but nothing you shouldn't be able to straighten out, just the pranks of a lonely child, and the Kyuubi won't make a fuss, I can guarantee it. The Uzumaki's were experts at sealing and befriending the sealed. But then again, you should know that first hand."

"Indeed, come inside. His mother and brother are preparing him. His mother is utterly thrilled. Have a seat." Naruto sat down next to Shizune, his heart pounding in his chest. What was he doing here? "Look up, Naruto." Shizune squeezed his hand and he slowly looked up. Naruto recognized the man as someone from the Uchiha police force. Instantly Naruto was hit with a wave of uncertainty. What was Tsunade doing. "Do you know why you're here?"

"No." Naruto bit out harshly.

"I apologize, he's been living out on the streets-" Tsunade began.

"Nothing I can't straighten out, just as you said." The man turned back to Naruto. "My name is Uchiha Fugaku." Naruto's eyes widened. He really was an Uchiha! What was going on? Naruto's free hand instantly went to his stomach where the seal was. Were they going to extract the Kyuubi? Naruto was the only living person who knew how the sealing jutsu worked, how any of the Uzumaki jutsu's worked, the only one who could understand the way the Uzumaki jutsus were coded. An Uchiha could take the information from him. Naruto almost snarled. Forget ramen, Naruto would protect his clan's legacy. "The Uzumaki clan and the Uchiha clan made a vow before the Uzumaki clan annihilation, due to the interference of the elders we weren't able to do a thing, but with Tsunade sama as Hokage now, we can carry out the agreement. As the last member of the clan, the representative of the clan, the person involved in the agreement and the current head of the clan, it is your duty to fulfil the agreement." Naruto stared at him with wide eyes. "The youngest member of the clan the only clan member with Uzumaki blood with blond hair was arranged to marry my youngest son as soon as he came of age. That would be you, Uzumaki Naruto, the last of the strongest sealing clan." Naruto's jaw dropped.

Tsunade baachan, that cheater!

"You will be raised in secret in our clan, you will be taught how to be a proper husband to my son and the etiquettes of our clan, of course we have decent knowledge of the Uzumaki clan, so if there is anything you have not been taught yet, you will be taught how to be an Uzumaki."

"How to be an Uzumaki? I am an Uzumaki and I don't need an Uchiha to tell me how to be one. And what the hell is this about getting married, Tsunade baachan? Like hell I'm going to-"

"I take it that you would rather let the Uzumaki name fade away, everything about them will be forgotten. Are you really OK with that?" Fugaku cut in, his eyes almost piercing through Naruto's soul. Naruto swallowed, Naruto loved his clan so much, he had so many beloved people in his clan all taken from him in one night. He treasured his clan more than anything. Naruto stuck his chin out, glaring at Fugaku, his eyes swimming with flames.

"I'll do this for my clan, nothing else." Naruto spat out. Fugaku smirked and Naruto almost felt like hiding in fear. So this was the power an Uchiha had, the power to induce fear with simple expressions.

"We're coming in," an excited female voice said. Shizune squeezed Naruto's hand and Naruto remembered what that meant. He instantly lowered his eyes. The door slid open and Naruto heard three pairs of feet. "You can look up."

Naruto slowly looked up. There was an older woman who seemed to be Fugaku's wife, a male who seemed about five years older than Naruto. Naruto saw a boy his age, dressed in yukata, his face expressionless. Naruto's breath caught in his throat.

"Welcome, I am Uchiha Mikoto."

"Uchiha Itachi."

"I am Uchiha Sasuke." The youngest said. Naruto realized his position instantly and he bowed his head.

"Pleased to meet you, I am Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto slowly looked up. Mikoto beamed at him and Itachi was smiling. Sasuke simply glared at him. Naruto felt dread fill him. His husband to be hated his guts and Naruto was already starting to be drawn in by him.

Forget being an Uzumaki, he had to get out of this house as fast as possible. He could tell staying in this house was not going to do him any good, it would only crush him.

"Well then, we'll leave him to you." Tsunade smiled, getting up and motioning for Shizune to follow her. Naruto panicked instantly.

"Wait, Tsunade baachan, what are you talking about? You can't leave me here!" Naruto cried out.

"What are you talking about, Naruto? You're in the custody of the Uchihas now." Tsunade said.

"Don't worry, Naruto kun. Everything will be alright." Shizune smiled at him and let go of his hand. desperately, Naruto tried to grab it again, but Shizune was already standing by Tsunade's side.

"Thank you for paying us a visit, Tsunade sama." Fugaku said.

"Oh no, it was nothing. Thank you for taking this brat under your wing." And with that Tsunade was gone. Naruto sat there, heart pounding in his chest. Every cell in his body was tingling in fear. Naruto didn't trust anyone. Was there any guarantee, the agreement that was spoken of was real and not fabricated? There wasn't a single Uzumaki to say so. Naruto's stomach chose that time to growl. Naruto's face reddened.

"Naruto kun, have you had dinner yet?" Mikoto smiled at him.

"No, Mikoto san..." Naruto said weakly.

"He's so sweet! Itachi, can you get what's left of our dinner?" Mikoto asked.

"Yes, mother." Itachi got to his feet and went to a different part of house.

"I will attend to my work, see to him." Fugaku left the room as well.

"So, Naruto kun, what are your hobbies?" Mikoto asked. Naruto blinked at her.

"Um, I like to practice my clan's sealing jutsus..." Naruto mumbled.

"Oh yes, of course! That's very admirable. As wonderful our clan is, we have very few sealing jutsus and only a few can use them. The rest use normal sealing tags. I find it amazing that you can use the Uzumaki clan jutsus at your age, Naruto kun." Mikoto said. "Isn't he just wonderful, Sasuke kun?" Mikoto turned to her son. Naruto looked at Sasuke, wanting to hear some form of acknowledgement.

"Who cares if he can use sealing jutsus? In actual combat, he'll turn out useless." Sasuke scoffed. "I'm going back to my room." Sasuke got up and walked out. Naruto sighed. What was he expecting, really? He continued to stare at the table.

"I apologize about his behaviour. He isn't sure how to take all of this. Give him just a little bit of time and I'm sure he'll warm up to you. He really is a delightful boy." Mikoto said apologetically. Itachi chose that moment to walk in with Naruto's food. Naruto's mouth watered. He hadn't had a meal like this in six years.

"Thank you for the food..." Naruto said before he practically devoured everything in sight. Mikoto and Itachi watched him in amusement. When Naruto was done he sat there awkwardly. He had no idea what to do. With people like Tsunade, Fugaku and Shizune he knew exactly what to do. But Itachi and Mikoto just sat there smiling at him, looking like they had just saved a starving kitten, not that they were far off.

"Are you tired Naruto kun? We've already prepared your bed."

More than anything else, Naruto just wanted to run away. Everything in him knew staying in this house was a bad idea, but he had eaten so much after such a long time and his eyes were drooping. He had a full stomach and he was tired from all the dramatics that had happened that day. Naruto was about to topple over in exhaustion when Itachi caught him. Itachi and Mikoto carried him to a room and put him down on a futon. Naruto was asleep before they even said goodnight.


Naruto curled up in his warm bed and he smelt the food his mother was making. In just a bit she would come and wake him up. His dad would teach him more things that day. But first, Naruto wanted to sleep a little more. Curl up in that futon and just sleep. Wait! He didn't have a futon! His parents were dead! Naruto's eyes shot open. He was in the Uchiha compound. He quickly scrambled to his feet. No, there was no way he was staying. He wasn't going to let anyone tame him and turn him into bride material. He ran to the window and jumped out. There were huge walls around the place, but there was a tree he could use to scale the wall. He'd have to climb in his yukata, who cared if it got ruined.

"Where did Naruto go?" he heard Fugaku's voice. Naruto cursed under his breath and started climbing the tree. Oh wow, climbing a tree had never been so difficult before. Maybe it was because he was practically trembling in fear at the thought of being caught by the Uchiha patriarch. That was one man Naruto knew he shouldn't make angry. "Naruto!" Fugaku's voice bellowed from straight beneath him. Yelping, Naruto lost his footing and crashed into the ground. Naruto let out a hiss of pain. "Come," Fugaku grabbed his arm, yanked him up and dragged him with him. Mikoto and Itachi were sitting on the porch and Sasuke was standing in the garden.

"Naruto kun, you're hurt!" Mikoto cried in concern.

"You don't need to be bothered with someone like me." Naruto spat out. The back of his head was smacked.

"You seem to have no manners." Fugaku said. "Do we need to drill manners into you as well?" Naruto glared at the ground. Who was he kidding? He was in the Uchiha compound. There were Uchiha's left and right. There was no way he could have even gotten halfway to the gates. He was so scared. "Sasuke kun will test your strength now. According to your strength, we will decide a training schedule for you, you will be trained in a way that you will be able to pass the genin exams in three more months. Once you become genin, we'll change your training schedule to coincide with your teacher so that you may become worthy of being in the Uchiha family." Naruto hesitantly looked up at his fiancé. Sasuke smirked at him and Naruto prayed he wasn't blushing because that smile should have been made illegal for its knee melting ability.

"Let's see what your oh-so-amazing sealing jutsus from your so called legendary clan can do." Sasuke said coldly. Naruto's eyes narrowed. He did not just insult his clan.

"Start!" Fugaku called.

"You will apologize for belittling my clan!" Naruto screamed running forward.


Naruto was knocked down for the hundredth time that day. He couldn't even move a finger. Sasuke put his foot on Naruto's chest, looking down at him, ice in his eyes. It should be a sin, Naruto's barely conscious mind thought, demons like him shouldn't be allowed to have such good looking faces. Naruto hated Sasuke, hated him so badly. Sasuke gave him the tiniest smirk and Naruto's bloodied lip lifted in a snarl.

"Is that all you've got, Uzumaki?" Sasuke asked coldly. Naruto growled and Sasuke pressed his foot harder on Naruto's chest. Naruto choked and coughed up blood. Sasuke pulled away, wiping his foot on the grass. "There is no way I am teaching this...thing." Sasuke turned and walked off.

"Very well then, we'll leave him to you, Itachi." Fugaku said and left. Mikoto and Itachi were instantly running towards Naruto who was blankly staring up at the sky, slipping in an out of consciousness. Mikoto picked Naruto up in her arms.

"Itachi, get the medicine kit, now!" Itachi ran off and Mikoto carried Naruto into the house, took off what was left of his yukata, filled the tub with warm water and special healing salts and then put Naruto into it. Naruto sank into it like a boneless fish. Itachi walked in and winced. Naruto was covered in bruises, cuts and burn marks, his eyes were unfocused and blearily staring off into the distance. The bath was almost instantly filled with blood and dirt. Once they were done treating his wounds and bandaging him, they put him back down on his futon and let him sleep.

Naruto only woke up the next day, thanks to the Kyuubi, most of his wounds were almost healed. Mikoto was the one who took him to the breakfast table. He was told Sasuke had already left to the academy. Fugaku was about to leave for work when Mikoto put Naruto's breakfast in front of him.

"From now on you will train with Itachi. You're lucky he has a three day holiday because of an injury and strain to his eyes. But otherwise he will be plenty busy. Make a schedule with him today and start training so that even on days Itachi is not there, you will be able to train." Fugaku said.

Mikoto looked concerned about Naruto's body but didn't say a word. She knew that Naruto needed to get used to this. It wasn't like an Uchiha to get soft on anyone.

"I understand." Naruto muttered.

"Call me father from now on."

Naruto almost glared at the man. There was no way Fugaku even thought he could replace Naruto's father. Naruto's father was someone Fugaku wouldn't even be able to compare to. Naruto closed his eyes and prayed for patience. Yes, people called their in-laws like that didn't they. Fugaku would be an in law when Naruto turned twenty five.

"Yes, father."

Fugaku was gone.

"Mikoto san, why don't any of you seem bothered by the fact that I'm a jinchuuriki?" Naruto whispered.

"Why would I be?" Mikoto laughed. "That would mean that I'd have been uncomfortable around my best friend!"

Naruto blinked at her.

"Don't you know, sweetheart? Kushina, the former jinchuuriki, your mother was my best friend." Mikoto grinned. Naruto stared at her, suddenly feeling warm and safe. His mother's friend would never let anything happen to him, that was what she had told him. "I hope you can get along with my family the way the two of us did."

A memento of his mother. Mikoto was his mother's best friend. If so, he would try his hardest to live up to Mikoto's expectations. He was entrusted to Mikoto, that meant she was his foster mother. Naruto would not let his mother or Mikoto down. He would survive this.

"That's quite the determined look on your face! Eat up quickly and we'll go and train." Itachi said.

"Yes, Itachi niisan!"


A/N - Yay, OK. This is my first Sasunaru fic and my second Naruto fic. How is it? It's a fanfic in which the Uzumaki clan moved to Konoha before they were attacked and the Kyuubi attack annihilated them and Naruto was five when that happened. The Uchiha massacre doesn't take place.