A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first actually posted fanfiction. I've been writing for a while but never really posted any of my works. I hope this turns out well… Without further ado, I present to you...

Chapter 1

Perseus Jackson was a natural soldier. He was self-disciplined at necessary times, obedient, and able to conduct successful military invasions and such. In this, his military talent was evident at the age of ten.

Like everyone else in the 7th century, he started training at the age eight. Balancing school work, training, and chores wasn't easy for the fourteen year old, but he didn't mind. He loved helping out in his household.

His mother, Sally Jackson, was a kind middle-aged woman. Despite having had nearly nothing herself, she went out of her way to help others less fortunate than her. Sally was proud of her son, who inherited her compassion, loyalty, and mental strength.

When Perseus entered the modest looking shack, he immediately embraced his mother.

"How was training, honey?" his mother asked.

"Bloody, as expected," he grimaced. "What is the purpose of inflicting such heavy punishments at training camp?"

"To bring you to your full potential," his mother answered. "That's the way it's always been."

"Yes, warriors are born through hardship," Perseus agreed. "Nevertheless, it's pretty intense. I just turned fourteen."

"You understand that what you call training now will only increase in difficulty, don't you? You must take the Guardian Examination in four months."

"That's true…" he conceded. "If I pass, which god or goddess would I be assigned to?"

"I wish I knew, honey. Maybe Demeter? Or possibly Poseidon?" Sally smiled as if she knew something. If Perseus noticed, he didn't say anything. He knew that if his mother chose to keep something from him, it would be for a good reason.

Perseus smiled, but didn't reply. He personally hoped for Poseidon. The sea god was his favorite deity. He had been told multiple times that he resembled Poseidon and his offsprings with sea green eyes, messy jet black hair and a Mediterranean complexion.

He moved to the cramped kitchen and started cooking. His mother smiled as she watched him move around. She thought, He's just like his father.

Perseus smiled to himself as he used leftover Maza from breakfast and freshly caught sprat to prepare dinner.

Once the fish had been expertly cleaned, he roasted them over the fire. Then, he sifted through their storage of herbs and spices, before finding the correct one. Perseus lightly sprinkled salt on the sprat.

While the fish was cooking, he cut the bread into thin slices, before placing the fish on the bread. He then placed a sprig of basil on both plates before serving it.

Unlike other families of the 7th century, Perseus and his mother ate at the same time. It was customary for the men of the house to eat first and the women and children to eat whatever is leftover. However, Perseus didn't like this tradition because it made it seem as if his mother was beneath him. He wanted to treat his mom like an equal.

Perseus isn't like most of those boys his age, Sally thought. That warmed Sally's heart. She couldn't believe how her little boy had grown up so much.

The next month came and went. Then the next, and the next, and it was finally here.

After all these months of preparation, the Guardian Exams had arrived. Every single person in their town had been anticipating this very moment.

All soldiers between the ages 11 and 25 had the opportunity to apply for the Exam. Most people did. It was an extremely high honor, because if you passed, you were assigned to guard an immortal. This was the first and only likely time this would happen for someone.

As Perseus looked at his opponents, he suddenly became nervous. I'm finally here. At the Guardian Exams. But what if I fail? My mom needs the money from this. Everything is at stake.

"Cheer up, little warrior. Why the forlorn face?" Dima asked. Dima was Perseus's best friend. They met two months ago when -

Perseus feinted to the left before he danced out of the way of the oncoming slash. Sweat poured down his muscular back. The intense stares of his fellow soldiers made him uncomfortable. He was used to the attention but didn't like it.

His musing was interrupted by the battlecry of his enemy. Perseus planted his feet firmly on the ground as his opponent charged closer and closer. Mere feet separated the two. Perseus wasn't moving. At the last second he sidestepped. His opponent's face was red with anger.

"Stop trying to run away, punk! Fight me!" Klas screamed before charging again.

Perseus sidestepped again. This time, he stuck his foot out, effectively tripping Klas. "Learn from your mistakes," Perseus calmly replied.

In a flash Perseus disarmed Klas and held his sword against Klas's throat.

"Dead." he proclaimed. Claps slowly filled the arena, as everyone was amazed at the fight. Their teacher, Master Sita, smiled at his prodigy.

"Well done!" Master Sita praised Perseus, before turning to chastise Klas, "You shouldn't let your anger get in the way. It will only blind you." Klas glared at his rival.

"Master, you taught us to fight, not run. And-"

"Yes, I did teach you to fight, but I also taught you to use your brain. Charging in blindly isn't the same as fighting,"

"But Master. I didn't-"

"Do not argue with me," he replied firmly.

"Of course Master Sita." Klas replied, bowing.

"Perseus, you did an outstanding job."

Klas scowled. He couldn't believe that his beggar was being praised for running away. Klas decided that his father would hear about this.

"-one here to see you."

At the Master Sita's words, someone in the crowd came forward. It was the upper-class's teacher, Master Ambrosia. He was a wise man. Everyone who trained with him eventually became a general. The only way to get in his class was for him to evaluate you and accept you. It was a huge honor to be accepted since he rarely accepts anyone. There hasn't been a new student in three years.

"That was an excellent block, Perseus," Master Ambrosia said while examining Perseus from all sides. He then began to mumble to himself, "Excellent, excellent, excellent, perfect, could be better, excellent."

At last, he announced that he found what he was looking for. Disbelief was evident on everyone's face. Master Ambrosia turned away, asking Perseus to follow him. Perseus started walking towards Master Ambrosia when a throwing knife flew towards him. He stared wide-eyed at the knife for a split second before ducking. Just in time, too.

Perseus felt, rather than saw, someone rushing towards him. His body sprung into action, Duck, Dodge, Slash, Feint. A complex dance against a deadly enemy. Dodge, Slash, Jump. It was a tie. The two men, student and teacher, were tied. Upon both their necks, a sword was held. The two were sweating heavily, their breathing labored.

"Well, that was unexpected," Perseus gasped. To say that he was surprised would be an understatement. He couldn't help but wonder what that was for.

Master Ambrosia replied as if reading Perseus's mind. "You passed the test, young warrior." Perseus slowly realized what just happened before quickly bowing to his new Master.

"Thank you, Master Ambrosia. I am honored that you chose me to be in your class." Master Ambrosia just smiled, gesturing his young student to follow.

The two walked out of the arena together. Klas glared after the pair.

It should have been him to that Master Ambrosia noticed. That gutter rat doesn't deserve anything. He doesn't even have the guts to be a real man!

No one noticed Klas's murderous stare.

When the two arrived at Master Ambrosia's private training arena, students immediately jumped into place.

"At ease, young warriors." Simultaneously, everyone relaxed. "This is Perseus Jackson, he is your new classmate."

"How old is he?" A boy shouted. He looked about nineteen. He had messy light shoulder-length brown hair with streaks of blond and baby blue eyes.

"He is fourteen, Dima." Everyone gasped. No one that young had ever been selected.

"Is he good?" Another boy with red hair and brown eyes asked.

Dima snorted. "If he wasn't any good, then why do you think he's here?"

"A mistake."

"The only mistake in this class is-" Dima started.

"Enough! You two, ten laps now," Master Ambrosia demanded. The unknown boy and Dima bowed before sprinting laps.

As soon as they were finished, Master Ambrosia had his students pair up to spar.

"Ignore York. He's jealous because he used to be the youngest before you came." Dima said.

"How old is he?"

"Sixteen. You beat him by years."

"Oh." was Perseus's intelligent reply.

"Wanna spar? I mean you don't have to, but you can if you want." Dima rambled awkwardly.

Perseus laughed and said yes.

From that day on, the pair became best friends. Perseus had learned a lot since that day, even though it was hard being the youngest. Everyone expected the most from him, but they always got it.

"Hello? Are you home? You never answered my question. Why the forlorn face?"

"I'm fine," Perseus replied curtly.

Dima just rolled his eyes at Perseus's stubbornness. "I don't thi-"

Dima was cut off. "What are you doing here?" York and Klas demanded at the same time.

"Oh, I don't know… competing? How about you?" Perseus replied sarcastically.

Before the two could come up with a retort, the announcer for the Guardian Exams called for attention.

"Today is the day the gods choose."

A/N: So… What do you guys think? Sorry for any mistakes. I tried to catch all the mistakes but I have a feeling I missed a lot. I don't know… Maybe my gut is wrong. Guess I'll find out based on your reviews. I probably should post because I'm rambling and am nervous to post. Okay… Going to post in 3… 2… 1… POST!