Authors Note: I do not own Star Wars. It is owned by Disney and is the Creation of George Lucas. I will be trying to post a new chapter every day as time permits. Please Enjoy!

Prologue: 19 BBY

The Emperor's shuttle exited hyperspace as close to the planet Mustafar as its pilot felt was safe. In the back Emperor Palpatine was meditating on the dark side of the force, down below on the planet's surface he could feel Darth Vader's anger as he battled his former master. He could also sense the peril Vader was in, which is why he had come. As he sat there meditating the shuttles intercom came to life.

"Your highness, we've exited hyperspace and should arrive on the surface momentarily. Our attempts to contact the facility for landing clearance have gone unanswered" his pilot informed him.

To Palpatine that only meant that Lord Vader had done as he had been commanded. He reached down and pushed the button for the intercom. "Very well Captain, proceed to the surface."

He reached out once again with the force trying pinpoint his apprentices exact location but he felt another presence, one he hadn't expected. She was alive but barely, and probably wouldn't survive much longer without a proper medical facility to tend to her. He contemplated on how he could use this information to bend Vader to his will even more. He knew his new pupil was not completely devoted to his tutelage just yet. But one way or another Vader would submit completely, or else.

"Your majesty, sensors just picked up alarms going off in the facility below. From the looks of things there's going to be a catastrophic failure. An automatic beacon just started warning away all ships" his pilot said updating him on the new development.

Palpatine pushed the button on his end and gave his response. "We must hurry Captain; I sense Lord Vader is in grave danger"

Down on the surface below Obi-Wan's duel with his former Padawan had just moved out onto a balcony overlooking the molten river. He could feel the anger rolling off Anakin in waves. He had sensed such feelings in Anakin before but never of this magnitude. His duels with his former comrade had never been this intense when they were sparring, but then again Anakin had never drawn on the dark side before. Suddenly a foot connected with his face causing him to stagger backwards. He looked around and saw a pipe over hanging the facility and jumped down.

Just as he landed he heard the sound of engines overhead. Looking up he saw a shuttle he had seen on many occasions and knew he would soon be outnumbered. Anakin jumped down paying no attention to the shuttle and started slowly stalking towards him as he backed up. Struggling to keep his balance he knew he had to think of something quick before was fighting two Sith instead of one.

He quickly moved his blue blade to block Anakin's strike and almost fell as three more quickly followed. He was able to block them all but if he didn't move soon he wasn't going to have worry about fighting the two Sith because he would fall. Out of the corner of his eye Obi-Wan saw a bridge and jumped to it with Anakin following right behind him. No sooner had he recovered his balance when their blades met again.

Palpatine quickly descended the ramp on his shuttle followed by a squad of clones. Reaching out once again he could feel the two dueling down below. He must hurry if his apprentice was to survive. While his power in the dark side had been the key to gaining control of the galaxy, it was his powers combined with Darth Vader's that was the key to keeping that control. He turned to the commander of his clones.

"Have your men fan out and ensure all the separatist leaders are dead. Shoot the bodies even if they appear lifeless. I will see to Lord Vader. " the emperor commanded.

The trooper saluted with his blaster rifle and said "yes your majesty" before turning to his squad and issuing the instructions he had just received.

Palpatine reached out with the force for his apprentice, he could sense him down on the river of lava along with his former master. He passed through the control center and saw the body of Nute Gunray and the other separatist leaders. He smiled to himself inwardly, the fools thought he would share control of the galaxy with them. Little had they realized that he was also the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic they were fighting against. They had been nothing but pawns in a larger scheme to wrest control away from the senate and solidify it in the hands of Sith. Now they had paid for their short sightedness and lack of vision.

He followed the force presence of Darth Vader through the facility and down to the ashen ground below. He reached down and readied his lightsaber as he moved along the path. No matter what, Kenobi must not be allowed to escape as Master Yoda had done. As he neared the river he could hear voices now.

"I should have known the Jedi were planning to take over"

It was the voice of Darth Vader, perhaps he had bought into Palpatine lie more readily than he had thought.

"Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!" Obi-Wan responded to Darth Vader's claim about the Jedi.

Moving along the shore he could see the two combatants clearly now. They were floating down the molten river. Vader on top of a droid and Kenobi on a large block of metal.

"From my point of view the Jedi are evil!" Vader shouted back

"WELL THEN YOU ARE LOST!" Kenobi replied

Palpatine quickened his pace, if he was to help his apprentice he must hurry.

Kenobi chanced a glance up and noticed the black robed figure moving along the shore as his and Anakin's make shift skiffs briefly separated to go around an obstacle. If Anakin knew what his new ally was planning, he gave no sign. Instead he just glared at Obi-Wan waiting to come back into range to strike.

"This is the end for you my master" he told Obi-Wan, just before leaping over the Jedi's head and landing on the make shift skiff; once again locking blades with his former teacher. They battled furiously for a brief moment before Obi-Wan jumped backwards on to the banks leaving Anakin glaring at him.

Palpatine came over the rise just as Kenobi leapt to the shore and saw the Jedi master with his back to him, pleading Lord Vader not to jump. He thought he had the Sith at a tactical disadvantage, but if there was thing he was good at though it was making sure he was never at a disadvantage. Just as he sensed Vader about jump he ignited his blade.

During their brief exchange he had briefly lost track of Darth Sidious's movement along the shoreline. He knew he must be careful or he would be trapped between the master and the apprentice.

"It's over Anakin I have the high ground" the Jedi yelled at the new Sith

Anakin's response came seconds later "You underestimate my power"

Kenobi was shocked; did he really believe that he was powerful enough to make the tactical situation in which he now found himself insignificant? If so his friend was truly lost.

Suddenly he heard a lightsaber ignite behind him. Turning he saw the other Sith had finally arrived to help his apprentice. He dove out of the way just as Anakin made his move and Palpatine lunged at him.

He brought up his lightsaber just as the two Sith were about to land their strikes. He had been having hard enough time just battling Anakin and now with the addition of his new master his only hope was try to escape. As he switched to a purely defensive form Obi-Wan gave himself over to the force, letting it guide his movements and looking for an opening. He was being pushed along the banks towards the facility as the Sith increased the severity of their attacks. He had just parried a strike from Palpatine when out the corner of his eye he noticed a cauldron floating on the lava. Reaching out with the force while also trying to block both attackers he lifted it up and hurled it at the Sith. Just before it was about to crash all three men leaped out of the way.

Face down on the ashen ground he thought he heard screaming and looked over his shoulder. What he saw broke his heart despite the fierce battle he had just waged against his former apprentice. Laying on the ground Anakin desperately tried to put out the flames that had touched the left side of his face and body as Palpatine tried to beat them down as well.

Jumping up and taking off with all the speed the force would allow Obi-Wan made his escape back to the landing pad and the injured wife of Anakin Skywalker.

Darth Vader screamed as his master beat down the flames that threatened to engulf him. He could feel the burning skin on the left side of his face and under his tunic. He could smell the hair the flames had ignited. He was in agony, he had never felt anything like this before.

"Hold still Lord Vader, use your anger to focus" his master commanded as he continued to put the fire out.

Vader did as he was commanded. He had barely managed to jump out of the way as the force warned him of the impending danger. His master had jumped at the same time. Palpatine's Sith robes had caught fire but luckily he was able to cast them aside, Vader had not been so lucky.

Palpatine finally beat the flames out and spoke into his comlink "Commander, Kenobi has eluded us down by the river. Tell your men on the landing platform to be vigilant and send a medical team down here immediately"

Vader's eyes burned a vicious yellow ringed with red as he focused on his anger and pain while struggling to stay conscious.

"I HATE HIM!" Vader growled before finally passing out from the intense pain

Obi-Wan burst onto the landing platform and saw two clone troopers kneeling over Padme and two more standing at foot of the ramp. He made it halfway across the platform before the two troopers at the bottom of the ramp spotted him and raised their blasters to fire. He quickly ignited his lightsaber and deflected the shots back hitting both squarely in the chest. The two attending the senator finally noticed the Jedi. At the same moment three more troopers came running down the ramp having abandoned their search of the ship to join the battle outside.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Obi-Wan said to himself as he leapt at the three coming down the ramp. All five troopers opened fire at once and it was a miracle he wasn't hit as he twisted his body through the air and landed behind the clones. The startled troopers attempted to turn to face the Jedi but we're quickly cut down by the blue blade. He turned to face the last two troopers as a blaster bolt grazed his left arm.

"Kriff! " he cursed as he threw his lightsaber at the trooper on the left impaling him in the chest and used the force to push the last one over the edge of the platform into the volcanic river below.

Calling his lightsaber back to his hand and clipping it to his belt, Obi-Wan rushed to Padme's side and reached out with the force. "Alive, but barely" he said to himself.

Not sensing anymore troopers nearby he reached down and picked her up and quickly made his way back up the ramp to the ship.

Darth Vader awoke screaming on a table as droids picked pieces of his top out of his burnt flesh. Bright lights were shining in his eyes and medical droids moved around him picking more of the garment out of his shoulder, neck and back. He was in excruciating pain as the droids had not administered any kind of pain killer nor were they making any attempt to be gentle. He focused on the pain and how Obi-Wan had been the cause of it all. How the Jedi had never trusted him because of his power. How they had denied him the rank of master we'd held him back. How Padme had had turned against him not understanding he was going to save her and bring peace to the galaxy. The flames that had threatened to end his life on Mustafar and almost crippled him. All of it was Obi-Wan's fault. He would hunt the Jedi to ends of the galaxy for as long as his lungs drew breath.

"Lord Vader can you hear me?" He heard his master say from of the corners of the room he was in.

"Yes master" he replied turning his head towards his master's voice "where is Padme? Is she safe? Is... she alright?"

The Emperor stepped out of the shadows moving closer to his apprentice "it seems in your anger, you killed her"

Vader's pain and frustration increased tenfold "I... I couldn't have. SHE WAS ALIVE! I FELT IT!"

The room began to shake and all the glass in began to shatter. Some of the supports begun to collapse under the weight of the assault. His internal pain became too much for the new dark lord and he finally screamed.


Obi-Wan, Master Yoda and Bail Organa sat around a table on the mining facility of Polish Massa. Padme Amidala Skywalker had just given birth to two very force sensitive twins before passing away. The three now discussed the fate of the two twins, a boy named Luke and girl named Leia.

"Into hiding we must go" the green Jedi master said

"I will take the boy to his family on Tatooine" Obi-Wan said

"My wife and I will take the girl, we've always wanted a child and she will be loved with us" Bail Organa said

"To the Daghobah system I will go" Yoda said