"Scarlett?" Jax's voice woke me from my sleep as he banged his fist on the door.

I had come to the club last night hoping Jax would be here. But no one was.

I found myself a spare room and just went to bed. I was too sore and tired to actually do anything else. After the emotional roller coaster I had been on the last few months- well years really- I needed the rest. But even though it was now the next night, I still felt as if I needed to sleep for hours more.

Now, as I walked to the door to unlock it, I wondered if coming back was a good idea. I knew that the moment Jax saw me, he'd want to know everything. Why I hadn't called or wrote for months now. Why I hadn't gone to find someone to let them know I was here. Why my cheek was bruised and lip was split.

But yet I still I opened the door, turning back to the bed and crawling under the blankets once more before he could see my face...

My brother, the big-bad-biker, stepped in, and stood by the bed. I sighed, before turning to face him, knowing that there was no point in hiding. I looked into his eyes, the same hazel eyes I had, seeing them blaze with anger as he looked at my bruised cheek and split lip.

"Where is he?"

It was funny that even though we hadn't seen each other in years, or spoken in quite some time, he was still the same over protective brother that would do anything to help or protect me.

I shook my head. "No. He doesn't know I came back here Jax, I don't want him following me here."

But he just shook his head, sitting down on the bed next to me, reaching out to look at the damage my ex-boyfriend so kindly gave me. "Tell me where he is, Scar." the use of my nickname only he used, brought tears to my eyes.

I threw my arms around my brother's neck, sobbing against his cut. He relaxed then, most of the anger leaving him as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. I remembered then why I had come home, after all these years. It was for this, my brother. The only person in the whole world who I trusted enough to let my walls crumble. He was my best friend.

Since I could remember we had always been close. Even over the years, as I stopped coming to visit, he had never been far from my thoughts. He'd cried the day he found out I was leaving Charming, he swore he'd never forgive our mum for making me go away. And not many people knew that even now, as the big-bad-biker, he was still that kind and caring brother.

"Jackson, I'm scared." I sobbed, my hands grasping on to his cut for life.

He just held me tighter, resting his cheek on my head. "You're home now. No one will touch you. You've got me, and the club." he reassured me.

The club. I sighed with relief, pulling back as the thought of being home, at the club, settled in. Now that Jax was here, it really did feel like I was back and not just imagining it all.

Mum and dad had been weary with the idea of me- a little girl- being around the club while I was growing up; and when dad died, mum didn't change her mind. Then Clay and mum started dating and I had hoped that maybe he'd help her relax about it. But no matter how much I wanted to be apart of the life, it was never going to happen.

There were days when mum and Clay would let me come to the shop and I would just watch as the guys worked on cars and rode on their motorbikes. And I had loved every minute of it. I had come to love the members like they were uncles, and their kids were my best friends.

Tig and Chibs were my favourite. They always made me laugh, the funniest guys I've ever met. After them came Clay, seeing as he's my step dad, and Opie- he had a crush on me when me were younger, but I followed the rules and kept clear of dating a potential Son. Bobby, Piney, all the other guys. They were family.

Jax sighed, standing up. "Look, I'm heading over to the hospital. You wanna come?"

Alarm filled me as I looked him up and down, trying to see where he was hurt. "Hospital? Are you okay?"

He grinned, shaking his head. "I'm fine. I'm going to go see your nephew."

My worried face grew to a beaming smile. "I'm an Aunty?" Jax gave a short nod. I was up on my feet in an instant. "Let's go."


I pushed Jax playfully as the doors to the hospital lift. I laughed as he shook his head smiling. We had been joking around since we left my room. None of the other guys I really knew had been around so there was no time wasted. All I wanted was to see my baby nephew.

I noticed a brunette woman in a nurse's uniform standing by the counter. As I looked at her, I realized it was Tara, Jax's high school sweetheart and one of my old friends.

Jax, seeing me look at Tara, crept over to her before tapping her on the shoulder. She turned, at first her face was balnk, until her eyes landed on me.

"Oh my, God!" she pulled me into a hug. "Scarlett? I haven't seen you in years."

I laughed. "Yeah, I know. Life away from good ol' Charming." I stepped back, looking her up and down. "I see you've done good for yourself."

She nodded. "Yeah. But what about you, what have you been up to."

I opened my mouth to start, but shut it. I knew she had noticed my face, the way her eyes tried not to look at the purple shades. What was I supposed to say? I've been running around America trying to stay away from my psychotic ex-boyfriend who seems to find me where ever I go; so I finally came home where I hope he'd leave me alone. No, I couldn't tell anyone that.

So I just shrugged. "Travelling." I nodded before gesturing to my face. "Got into a fight with a horse a few days ago. I studied to be a vet nurse, so I've been helping people with their pets for cheap while travelling the states."

Suddenly she had no problem looking at the bruise and split lip, which I didn't mind. "Wow, seems you've been doing good, too." she smiled, turning to Jax. "Your mum's in with Abel."

"Where else would she be." he joked, though it was only halfhearted. I knew he disapproved of me lying about what happened. He didn't want people to know, obviously, but he hated that I had to lie.

"How's Nevada?" she asked, giving him a slightly disapproving look.

He lifted his vest of his chest, showing no wounds or blood on his shirt. "Uneventful." he shrugged before tapping me on the shoulder.

I waved to Tara. "I'll catch you later." I smiled, close behind Jax.

As we headed down the hall towards Abel's room, he just shook his head, giving me a look I knew all to well. It was the one he gave me when I wouldn't tell him what he wanted to know; and right now he wanted to know the name and address of my ex.

"Just let it go, Jacky." I tried to use the name I had called him when we were young. But it didn't work.

He shook his head, resting his hand on the door knob to one of the hospital rooms. "You know mum is gonna wanna know what happened to you. Clay too, when he gets back. All the guys."

I just shrugged. "What are they gonna do, go kill a made up horse?" I snapped, though kept my voice quiet. "Now open the God damn door before I kick your ass." he smirked, opening the door without saying another word.

Mum sat on the chair by the incubator, a baby book in hand. She looked up at me, and at first her face was blank, as if she didn't recognize me. But then it hit her like a tonne of bricks. Of course it would.

Standing next to Jax and seeing the resemblance after all these years, it would be hard not to figure it out. With the same mixture of dirty blonde and light brown hair- though mine fell to my waist, his just past his ears- and the same hazel eyes.

"Hey." I smiled at her as her jaw dropped.

"Letti?" she stood, using my other nickname- she had never liked calling me Scar. I stepped into her open arms and hugged her for the first time in six years. As I stepped back, letting her look me up and down, she frowned. "You're skinny, too skinny. And what the hell happened to your face?"

It was true. I was a little on the thin side.

I had the same figure as my mum. Long legs, curves in the right places, and as I've been told before, a decent rack. I was shorter than my mum and brother, but that was the only real difference. That and the fact I had stayed out of the sun enough so my skin was only slightly tanned, but still fair.

I sighed, shaking my head. "It was a horse-"

"Don't give me that bullshit." she cut in. "Tell me the truth. What happened?"

Jax stepped in between us, looking at mum. "She just wants to see Abel. You can grill her about it later. Okay?"

She thought about it for a moment, looking me up and down with that mum look I remembered so well. But eventually she gave a short nod. "Fine."

I smiled, turning to the incubator that sat in the middle of the small room. There lay my little baby nephew, and boy was he tiny. Even though I couldn't touch him, I knew that if I could, he wouldn't even be able to wrap his hand around my finger. He was the tiniest, sweetest thing I had ever seen.

"Oh, wow." I felt tears well up as I stared down at him. "He's beautiful, Jax."

My brother came to stand by me, and I rested my head on his arm as we look at the baby. Mum sat on the chair and started reading the book she had been reading to Abel before we came in. We stayed like that for hours, and it was perfect.

Finally, I was home.