Hi, welcome back. If you like HTTYD, then there is a good chance you like Lilo and Stitch too. I just posted a new story called How to Train Your Experiment and you should check it out. It is an alternate universe of Lilo and Stitch where the plot is more like HTTYD but with L&S characters.

Chapter 8

Ignoring the severe pain, Hiccup instantly kneeled down at the side of Toothless' head. He brushed off the loose snow on his head and shoulders. "Toothless?" Bud?" he managed to say.

Toothless did not move so Hiccup scratched him behind his ears. The Night Fury still did not move and the gesture would normally get a response even if he was asleep. Hiccup did not see signs of breathing and a dragon's scales were too thick to check for a heartbeat.

Hiccup rubbed Toothless' head hard but the only movements were from the viking's force. "Come on Bud, i-it's me wake up," Hiccup said suddenly finding it harder to breath or speak.

Meanwhile Astrid was getting the snow off the rest of Toothless when she saw the protruding Deadly Nadder spines in the dragon's back. "Hiccup," she whispered.

Hiccup turned to her to see what she was looking at. Both knew that Nadder spikes were poisonous.

"No…NO!" Hiccup screamed as it sunk in and he turned back to his dragon.

"Toothless please! It can't e-end like this!" Hiccup yelled and shook Toothless' head some more.

After a minute Hiccup started sobbing and buried his face in Toothless' neck. Astrid had removed the spines and knew she needed to get Hiccup to calm down. Trying to keep her own tears in control, she walked up behind Hiccup and tried to pull him by his arm away from his dead best friend.

She did not get far before Hiccup yanked out of her hold and yelled in protest.

He kneeled back down and hugged Toothless' neck. "I'm so s-sorry Bud. This is all my fault!"

Astrid saw that Hiccup was bleeding again and said, "H-hiccup we have to walk away. He's gone and we did everything we could."

Still holding Toothless, Hiccup cried, "I made him want to leave. I could have stopped this!"

Stormfly made squawking noises behind them that sounded like sobs. She hated to know that it was her own kind that killed her dear friend. Astrid needed to get Hiccup away from the horrible scene and tend to his wound. Unfortunately she could see that could not happen without her hurting him even more. She would have to wait until he passed out from bleeding again to help. So she knelt down beside her boyfriend and held him as they both cried.

This sad scene went on for ten minutes before they were able to at least calm down enough to breath normally. Hiccup laid his head down on Toothless' and tried to not think about what was happening.

He felt something move under his head and thought it was Astrid's hand. When it happened again he sat up to see her hands were not near him. He sighed thinking he was imaging things until he saw Toothless' ear twitch slightly. Hiccup's heart and breathing stopped for a second as he stared at the dragon's ear. When the other ear twitched, Hiccup gasped and mentally prayed to every god he was not going crazy. Astrid looked up at Hiccup and was about to question his reaction when Hiccup scratched behind Toothless' ear again.

It was Astrid's turn to be shocked when she heard a quiet purring. "Is he…?" she managed to say.

The Night Fury snorted and opened his eyes. He gave a confused grumble and Hiccup was in shock. After a moment Toothless found the strength to lift his head and was very surprised to see Hiccup sitting right in front of him. He cooed sadly and turned away expecting Hiccup to be furious with him and yell.

Instead he was surprised again to find Hiccup hugging his neck and sobbing out of joy. Toothless purred happily and leaned into the hug.

Astrid watched a moment she never thought she would see again. It turned out Nadder spikes were not strong enough to kill a dragon. It just put him in a small coma and the cold weather slowed his breathing and kept the poor reptile asleep. The body heat from the two loving vikings was enough to wake him up.

When Hiccup finally released the hug he made eye contact with his dragon. "I'm so sorry Toothless. Please don't ever leave me again. I will always love you."

Toothless cooed happily and then lowered his head knowing he was wrong as well. "Whatever problems we face. We handle them together," Hiccup continued.

Toothless nodded in agreement and Hiccup reached over to pet his head. Toothless then noticed he could smell blood and saw Hiccup flinch from using his left arm. The dragon looked down and saw a bloody bandage wrapped around his rider. He instantly started to carefully rip the bandage off before licking the wound.

"Toothless don't! It could get infected," Astrid exclaimed but Hiccup stopped her.

"Night Fury saliva has healing properties," He told her.

The wound started to hurt less than ever, even less than when he applied medicine to it. Astrid got a clean bandage and stitches and finished to job. Then she was able to pet Toothless, "He's right Toothless, don't ever leave again. I might not be able to keep him alive searching for you next time."

Toothless gave her an apologetic look that Astrid could not help but smile at.

The next day was dedicated to keeping the two dragons and vikings fed, hydrated and warm. Toothless was feeling a lot better by nightfall and it was not necessary to say out loud that they were all ready to head home.

The departure was planned for the next morning so Hiccup pulled Astrid aside while the dragons happily chatted. Astrid as going to say something but was instead kissed passionately by Hiccup. They only pulled away when they had to breath and Hiccup said, "Thank you Astrid. You are so amazing."

They stared lovingly at each other before Astrid said, "Well it takes a pretty amazing person to search the world for their best friend."

They each wrapped an arm around the other's middle and looked over at their dragons. Astrid sighed at what she was about to say. "Do you think Toothless will ever want to leave again?"

Without hesitation Hiccup said, "No. Everyone makes mistakes, and I think we both learned from this."

It took a week to fly home and both Hiccup and Toothless were overjoyed to be back in the skies together. Hiccup's wound was healing much better now making the trip even easier. When they reached the skies of Berk the whole island was overjoyed to hear the roar of a Night Fury. When the four landed they were instantly swarmed by the village of vikings and dragons. Valka and Gobber ran to through the crowd and Hiccup was hugged by his mother and patted on the shoulder in congratulations by the blacksmith.

Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Eret approached their chief and tried to apologize for prematurely leaving. Hiccup did not let them and insisted it was his fault and not theirs. Cloudjumper was more than happy to give the Alpha status back to Toothless as long as he promised him he would not resign again.

Hiccup was more careful in addressing Toothless' feelings towards killing Stoick. He made sure to pay more attention to him and always talk to his dragon whenever Toothless was feeling down.

Toothless always made himself remember a great memory with Hiccup whenever he was feeling sad which would easily overpower his guilt. Even if Hiccup was busy, he would know that it would not be long before his best friend returned to him. He may not of found other Night Furies, but his family was on Berk and that was where he would stay.


Sorry if I made you real sad at the beginning. I wanted to make it not instantly a wonderful reunion. Well thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my story.