PokemonXDigimon Generations

Chapter 5

Old enemies return

Disclaimer : I do not own pokemon and digimon adventure saga and now enjoy

Four Ash's, pikachu's, Sora's, Biyomons, kari and Gatomon are continuing thier quest to find thier friends and the crest stones as they're in the next portal "what is this place? " Said Classic Sora as she sees this city was paradise to her "I don't know Sora but it's amazing. " said Kari as they're walking to the city as the prime Ash notice the name kaibacorp in the building "We're in Domino city that's where my friend yugi lives. "said prime Ash remembered his friend the king of games but the classic Ash, pikachu, Sora and Biyomon see a statue with a pink hat

"Mimi! "Shouted classic Ash and Sora as they hear a voice behind the statue

"Pinsir use X scissors! " as an Pinsir appeared and attacked the classics as the prime Ash told pikachu to used iron tail to block it as the smoke appeared then they see the shadow with two shine circles on the face looks like glasses appeared "It's been a long time Ash " said the familar voice as the prime Ash looks at the shadow as the smoke clears "Weevil underwood. " said prime Ash as they looked at him " You know him. " said mirage Ash as the prime Ash nodded

"He's a duelist and also a member of Team Delta. " Said prime Ash he never forgets that logo on weevil's glasses reveal to be a green D on it

"That's right and now you're nothing without your PD- Team (pokemon/digimon universe dimensional team)" as Weevil smirked then shows them his Dark Digivice as the three Ash's, pikachu's, Sora's, Biyomons, kari and Gatomon saw it

"he has a Dark Digivice just like Ken's. " Said mirage Ash

"That's not just a ordinary dark digivice. That's the Darklord Digivice that's makes weevil and his Pinsir to Dark Digivolve together. " said prime Ash

" What? ! " said Classic Ash as Weevil laughs

"Don't believe your leader let me show you. Dark Digivolve! "Said Weevil as they see Dark aura energy glowing on Weevil and Pinsir "Weevil Darklord Digivolve to! " as Weevil and Pinsir formed in the sphere as Weevil was changing into a humanoid Pinsir with a black cloak, insect wings, armor and an scythe as a weapon as the sphere breaks into pieces "PinReaper! " as they see his form

"What hybrid is that Ash. " Said Modern Sora looking at the prime Ash

(Digi analysis )

" That's PinReaper an Darklord level hybrid of Weevil and Pinsir but very dangerous of his venom in his scythe his Venom Slash will strike you in seconds "

" Now let's finish this. " said PinReaper as he's going to strike till the mirage Ash brings out his master digivice

" It's time to master digivolve! " said Ash as him and pikachu are glowing

(Ash's master digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Ash master digivolve to! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Master digivolve "

" Voltachu! "

"Aw the other Voltachu I remember when I face the Ash I knew with that form but I'm going to strike you first. " said PinReaper as he's ready to fight " Thunder punch! " Said Voltachu as he used thunder punch at PinReaper "way a go As! "Said kari cheering her VVoltachu on till they see he got back up " my turn Venom Slash! " as PinReaper used his scythe at Voltachu and got hit from his slash "no way that's one strong level. " said Gatomon as they knew what to do

"Voltachu you have to prophecy digivolve! "Said Kari as Voltachu nodded then the crest stone of reliability is glowing

(Voltachu's prophecy digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Voltachu prophecy digivolve to! " as Voltachu is glowing in the sea as the whirlpool appeared the an new form shown up it look like Voltachu but with ancient armor that came from the sea with the crest of reliability on his chest plate then has a trident

" Prophecy Digivolve. "

" Hydravoltachu "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon!" as PinReaper sees the new form

"That's impossible? How can the crest stone of reliability glows so soon. " Said PinReaper as Hydravoltachu is ready to fight " That's because I have responsibility for my friends. " said Hydravoltachu as he's going to use his trident "lighting whirlpool! " as Hydravoltachu used the lighting whirlpool at PinReaper as he's send flying to the air then dropped the crest stone of sincerety as the modern Sora grabs it " I got it. " said Modern Sora as they see the city was normal then Mimi andpalmon are free from the stone as she sees the classic Ash then runs to him and hugs him

"Ash you save me and you're so brave. " said Mimi then starts kissing Ash as the classic Sora moves Mimi from her Ash " Mimi you're still the same but we need to go. " Said Classic Sora as Mimi was upset and they're walking to the portal but they didn't know that PinReaper was free from the lighting whirlpool with a DNA scanner drone with him as he changes back into Weevil "one down nine more to go as planned. " Said weevil as him and Pinsir were teleported back to wherever they went

" So you're saying that this dream Eater was responsible for all this and we have four Ash's to go on a journey to save our entire universe and our friends. " said Mimi as they all nodded "dream come true. " said Mimi as they're walking to the reaches of data island as the classic Sora and Mimi remember where they met Biyomon and palmon with Tai and thier friends "we remember this island. " Said Classic Sora as they see the island and explore "I hope we won't ran into devimon. " Said Mimi worried about who they'll ran to but the modern Ash, pikachu, Sora and Biyomon see an statue with a familiar face

"Mimi! " Shouted modern Ash, pikachu, Sora and Biyomon seeing thier friend till they see a devil digimon which was a other familar face

"Devimon! "Said Classic Sora

" I knew we'll ran into him. " said Classic Mimi

" It's been a long time since I was dead now I'll have my revenge. " said Devimon as the modern Ash is ready to fight " release Mimi " said Modern Ash as Devimon looks at him "I'm going to enjoy destroying you and your pikachu Ash ketchum. " said Devimon as Ash and pikachu are glowing

( Ash's master digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Ash master digivolve to! "

" Master digivolve "

" Voltachu! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon! "

Voltachu is ready to fight " Devimon meet Voltachu he's going to kick your butt! " said Classic Mimi as they see devimon laughing "I knew about Voltachu I'm more interested in fighting him as HolyVoltachu. " as the digidestined were shocked about devimon wants to fight him as HolyVoltachu as Voltachu smirked

"You got your wish. " Said Voltachu as he's glowing

(Voltachu's prophecy digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Voltachu prophecy digivolve to! "

"Prophecy Digivolve. "

" HolyVoltachu! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon! " as devimon sees HolyVoltachu the first time

"I'm going to enjoy this. " Said Devimon as he's ready to fight " then let me show you the true power of hope. "said HolyVoltachu as they're ready to charge at each other "nightmare claw! "Said devimon used nightmare claw at HolyVoltachu as he's send flying to the wall " this is too easy. " Said Devimon but wasn't till he sees HolyVoltachu sores to the air "my turn Heaven's slash! " as HolyVoltachu used his sword as it glows then slashed devimon as he's been deleted into data "Defeated impossible that's not the part of plan noooo! " as devimon is no more then they see the island is back to normal then the modern Mimi is normal she then sees her friends Ash and Sora as she runs to him "Ash you saved me and palmon thank you. " Said Modern Mimi as she kissed him which made the modern Sora jealous

"Mimi you do realise he's with me. " said Modern Sora as modern Mimi remembered "I know I couldn'thelp myself. " said Mimi tri as they see the other portal and the crest stone of sincerety as the modern Ash picks it up " we should get going. " said prime Ash as they noddedthen they'rewalking to the portal till the other DNA scanner drone was spotted at the trees with three familiar faces along with three pokemon (Raticate, Bisharp and hitmonlee )

" Scanning is complete " said Finn revealed he owns hitmonlee

"That's two DNA samples of the crest stones scanned. " Said Chow who owns Bisharp

"Now all we need is to scan knowledge and sincerity and we're good to go as the others scan six more. " Said Ratso

" Boss we got the DNA sample of the crest stone of hope energy. " said Finn talking to the radio

. Excellent mummymon, Rex,Jessie and James are at the other portals in time. " said the mystery voice as the three are teleported

(The next portal )

The four Ash's along with thier pikachu's, Sora's, Biyomons, kari, gatomon, mimi's and palmons are in the next dimension as the mirage Ash and Kari knew this dimension "Hey I know this place. " said Kari as the mirage Ash looks at the forest "were in the dark forest the part of the dark world. " said mirage Ash as memories of this place brings them back till they see an statue of the girl with glasses, lavender hair,helmet along with a hawk digimon with her as the mirage Ash and kari reconized her

"Yolei! "Shouted mirage Ash and kari as they see thier friend till they heard a voice "river power! "As a beam fires at them and it's a good thing that they dodge as they see the digimon "Metalseadramon! "Said both as Metalseadramon was looking at them " I'm gonna enjoy the sweet dish of revenge! " Said Metalseadramon as he's ready for battle then the mirage Ash brings out his master digivice

"Let's take out that serpent. " said mirage Ash as him and pikachu are glowing

" Pika " said pikachu

( Ash's master digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Ash master digivolve to! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Master digivolve "

" Voltachu! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon ! " As Voltachu is ready to fight Metalseadramon "I'm going to send you to the depths of the sea Voltachu. " As Metalseadramon used his move again at Voltachu as he dodge the attack "Why won't you prophecy digivolve to HeraVoltachu and make it the real showdown. " As they heard what he said " Why he's interested in prophecy digivolve something isn't right?"Thought prime Ash as they watched mirage Voltachu to prophecy digivolve

( Voltachu's prophecy digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Voltachu prophecy digivolve to! "

" Prophecy Digivolve. "

"HeraVoltachu! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon! "

"HeraVoltachu that's awesome! " Said Mimi as they watched the battle "I'm saving this trick for you my friend. " as Metalseadramon grabs HeraVoltachu at the legs with his tail and drags him to the water as they're underwater fighting but HeraVoltachu is losing air "Yes, I win. " Said Metalseadramon till he sees HeraVoltachu open his eyes "Electro buster! " as HeraVoltachu strikes him with electro buster "Impossible? ! " As Metalseadramon was destroyed as the light appeared from the water then HeraVoltachu leaps to the air and lands on the ground carries the crest stone of sincerety in his hands as the forest is light and see yolei and Hawkmon are back to normal

Thanks Ash and pikachu for saving me. " said Yolei

"Yeah you two or we should say eight because I see more of you. " said Hawkmon as they see the portal open " Let's get going guys we got the the last crest stone of sincerety for our prime counterpart. " said mirage Ash

" Pika " said pikachu as they're in the portal but the DNA scanner drone appeared again with mummymon and Rex raptor along with his tyrantrum

"That's four crest stones scanned. " Said Rex

"Yes now we must wait till the crest stone of sincerety is active and we're good to go till they find the other six. " Said mummymon

(In the final portal )

The four Ash's , pikachu's, Sora's, Biyomons, kari, gatomon, mimi's, palmons ,yolei and Hawkmon are in the next world as the prime Ash knows something familiar about this dimension " Hey were in the valley of no return. " said prime Ash as they knew this place so well "there's no telling who are we going to meet in this dimension " said Classic Ash as they're traveling to the spot where Ken tricked Davis then they see an statue with a familiar face "Mimi! " Shouted prime Ash as he sees his friend with palmon till they hear a sound

" Vengeance is mine. " as a shadow blur appeared and attacked the prime Ash as he managed to get out of the way as they run to thier friend "are you okay? " said Modern Ash as the prime Ash nodded " I'm fine. " said prime Ash as they see the figure appeared to be a ninja in armor complete silver as the prime Ash looks at him and knows who it is "Shredder! What brings you here in the digital world? "Said prime Ash " going to stop you for interupt the plan with the time Eater and the crest stones now I'll challenge you to a fight. " as the shredder is ready to fight then prime Ash brings out his master digivice

"It's time for you to be stopped. " said Ash as him and pikachu are glowing

( Ash's master digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Ash master digivolve to! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Master digivolve "

" Voltachu! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon! "

"You think you're master digivolve form can stop the master of ninjetsu Ash I know all your moves. " Said the shredder as the fight started as they dodge and punch "Volt blast! " as Voltachu used volt blast at the shredder till he dodge then slashes him as the others watched in fear as the shredder walks to Voltachu

"You think you can win and find the crest stones save your friends and including your girl. " said the shredder as Voltachu

"I can't give up on them and we'll find the other crest stones and stop the Time Eater and get our worlds back the way it was. " as they see the crest stone of sincerety is glowing and goes to Voltachu as he's glowing

( Voltachu's prophecy digivolve )

" Digimon "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions"

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon are the Champions. "

" Voltachu prophecy digivolve to! " as Voltachu is in the cherry tree as the petals are blowing away from the branches then he appeared in samurai armor and an electric kitana

" Prophecy Digivolve. "

"ShogunVoltachu! "

" Digimon digital monsters Digimon ! As they see ShogunVoltachu for the first time as he brings out his electric kitana

"Shredder you leave me no choice back away or face your fate. " said ShogunVoltachu

"I'll destroy you even you have your new prophecy digivolve form. " as the fight starts as shredder brings out the sword of tengu and they start fighting with thier swords slashing and striking at each other till ShogunVoltachu is going to prepare his stance "lighting slash! " as ShogunVoltachu is in top speed as the two are in thier speed as the two collide thier slashed at each other the one who fall was the shredder as he collapsed then they obtain the crest stone of sincerety and see the valley of no return turned green and paradise then they see Mimi was now normal

" Thanks Ash and pikachu I know you don't give up till it's over. " Said Mimi as the prime Ash nodded " Hey that's what friends are for Mimi " said primeAsh as Mimi and palmon see the others that are alike and see four versions of themselves as she asked the prime Ash something " Ash where's my Rexy? "Said Mimi as the prime Ash knew who she means "him and Ace are safe but we should get back to the library. " As they nodded and see the portal open and they went in then an DNA scanner drone appeared again with Jessie, James and meowth

"Our plan worked out perfectly. " said Jessie

"Yes letting an android clone of the shredder to let the twerp to prophecy digivolve is a success. " said James as the head of the shredder was a android as meowth jumps off James "That's four we scanned now we should meet up with the boss in operation Alpha is to go. " Said meowth as the former team Rocket are teleported

(The unknown aircraft )

In an unknown spacecraft inside the the lab as the teleporting devices have bring back Jessie, James and meowth to the lab as the figure appeared walking to them " did you three got the DNA sample of ShogunVoltachu. " Said the figure as James brings out the DNA scanner drone to him " just as you requested. " said James as the figure grabs the drone and places the energy DNA sample of sincerety to the canisters with the other three "We've never been that clever since you created this organization when we worked for the dark hand. . " said Chow

"Yeah now we got four samples of the crest stones scanned. " Said Rex

"Then we got six more to go. " Said Weevil

"Don't forget weevil we're waiting for Rocksteady and Bebop to complete thier job. " said Finn

" That's right the only way we're going to get the DNA sample of the time Eater is to let Ash and his three counterparts to do the job for us once operation Alpha is complete the universe will belong to the Team Delta. " Said the figure looking at his members as they agreed

"Yes the universe will be ours with you in charge. " said Arukenimon

"The team Delta will rule. " said Ratso

"And it's a shame that our Ash didn't know you return and also our leader that made the team Delta. " Said Jessie

" And this time don't screw it up. " Said the figure went back to the lab

" It's time to master digivolve! " said prime Ash

(In the tri universe )

"Hey Bebop you think we can find what we're looking for? "Said rocksteady

"We're getting close." Said Bebop as the scanner they had with them is detecting what they're looking for as they follow the trail then stopped as they spotted the shattered piece of black armor as the DNA scanner drone scans it said it's match the picture of the digimon

"We found the boss will be pleased of us. " said Rocksteady

" Yeah get the Delta droids ready to pick the armor up and Teleport us to the zeta Delta the operation Alpha is set. " Said Bebop as they're getting to work to gather the shattered armor with the robots with symbolize D on thier chests getting to work as the figure watches them in the computer " soon I'll have my revenge and I know he'll come for you. " said the figure looking at the statis capsule who revealed to be Dawn inside

Who is this leader of the Team Delta and what is his plan find out on the next PokemonXDigimon Generations

Signed Magmortar!
