
Genre: Romance, Action/Adventure, Comedy,

Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia/Princess Bride

Played As: Straight, minor Parody (Fairy Tales, Romance Tropes, Princess Bride memes)

Style: Fusion

Synopsis: Colonial American is sick, so England decides to read him a story from his youth, full of fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles, and characters that bear a remarking resemblance to our Nations. A Hetalia/Princess Bride fusion.

Characters: England, America, North Italy, Germany, South Italy/Romano, Spain, Turkey, France, Russia, China, Japan, Belarus, female OC (Florin), male OC (Guilder)

Relationships: Italy/Germany. Background China/Japan. Interpretable Spain/Romano, England/America, England/female OC, and female OC/male OC.

Rated T for language, violence, and frank discussions on gender and sexuality that may be alienating to younger readers

Disclaimer: Axis Powers Hetalia and its related media was created by Hidekaz Himura. The Princess Bride was created by William Goldman…or S. Morgenstern if you really like roleplaying. Any other works mentioned or homaged are property of their respective owners. This is a fan-made, nonprofit work that only seeks to entertain. Please support the original franchises.

June 1, 1677.

Kirkland Estate; England

Damn, damn, damn, damn!

Such were the thoughts of one Arthur Kirkland, known to his superiors and colleagues as the anthropomorphic personification of The British Empire. The Nation was currently huddled over his desk, trying to keep his mind on papers that he knew were important. They slipped through his mind without any trace of information being left behind. There were more important matters to consider.

America had a cold. Not any of the deadly diseases that killed so many colonists before. Not even a serious illness. A common cold.

Such a sickness was usually unheard of for a Nation. Usually, illness meant times of recession or political unrest, never because they spent too much time outside. Even the king himself had seemed troubled by this, and asked England to oversee the matter personally. And of course, England was going to; America was his brother and therefore his responsibility. But, never being sick himself in such a way, England had no idea what he was supposed to do.

He sighed as he finally removed the papers in front of him, opting instead to bury his head in his hands. It was useless to do any work in this mindset. If anything, he could at least check back on America and see if he was awake now.

Just as he stood, something fell off his shelf.

It was a rather old book, upon inspection. The pages were yellowed, the binding was loose, and the ink nearly faded. A quick glance at the cover page told England why. It had been-what, 100 years?-since he had last picked this up.

One of the first printings of The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern.

He had known the Nation of Florin. Hell, if their political ties had been closer, she probably would have been to him what he was to America now. Her economy had been only hundreds of artists and storytellers and exporting coffee, so it wasn't any surprise that one day last century she had just…disappeared.

"So what's it about?" America asked him as England pulled up a chair.

"Oh, all sorts of things." Truth be told, England scarcely remembered himself (not reading a book in over 100 years would do that to you). "Fencing, fighting, torture, giants, true love…miracles…"

The young colony's eyes lit up as England rattled on. "Sounds really cool! I'll make sure not to fall asleep!"

England gave a strong nod back as he found his place. "The Princess Bride. By S. Morgenstern. 'Chapter One…


An Axis Powers Hetalia/Princess Bride fusion fanfiction

By the Poor Sap Advocate

Author's Note: This started off as something of a present to myself. My favorite movie of all time is the Princess Bride. It has influenced so much of my writing and how I think of stories in general. Hetalia, on the other hand, is my go-to fandom to headcanon. Though it doesn't do much with it, Hetalia could easily be a series full of big stories, great worldbuilding, and perfect set-ups for character interaction. I didn't really make much of this series as I was writing it, but now it's become something really special to me.