AN: I've always loved the idea of Azula (after a redemption arc) being Korra's firebending master. If Katara can do it, I don't see why Azula can't.

"For the last time, Zuzu, I'm not traveling to the South Pole."

Zuko groaned. He didn't understand why Azula was resisting this. He thought she'd be more willing. "I formally recommend you to the White Lotus to be the new Avatar's firebending master and you don't want to do it? Why not?" What happened to his sister's royal ego? She may have changed since trying to kill him all those years ago, but she still had that I'm-better-than-everyone-else attitude.

"You expect me, a princess of the Fire Nation, to travel to that frozen wasteland? And for what? To teach a child? I refuse."

Zuko groaned again because as usual Azula was making things far more difficult than it should've been. To be honest though, Zuko had no one to blame but himself. It was his idea to recommend her.

The Order of the White Lotus had asked each of Avatar Aang's old masters to either teach or recommend a new master for the new Avatar, Korra. Before he died, Aang had requested his son, Tenzin, would be Korra's airbending master. By the time Korra mastered the other three and was ready to move on to Air, Tenzin would be appropriately experienced. Katara, despite her old age, was still a renowned master waterbender and so opted to teach the young avatar herself. Besides, Katara was probably the only teacher in the world who could handle the little 4 year old. Toph, like Azula, did not want to travel south and had preferred to search for enlightenment rather than teach again. She instead recommended one of her best earthbending students from her metalbending academy.

Now years later, Zuko had finally received word that Korra was almost ready to take her final earthbending test and once passed, would need to move on to firebending immediately. And being Aang's former firebending master, Zuko needed to send his recommended teacher south as soon as possible. Of all the people Zuko could've chosen to teach Korra, he chose his sister. Sometimes he still asks himself what possessed him to do that.

Azula gave him a harsh look. "I don't understand why you can't go and teach her. You've done it once already. And I know for a fact you miss that waterbender of yours."

Zuko couldn't help the blush on his face when Azula brought up Katara. "That's not the point. And Izumi needs me here. She's still new to the throne and the council still hasn't been convinced of a woman as Fire Lord."

Azula rolled her eyes. "Izumi can handle herself without you coddling her." Her niece was strong willed. Azula had no doubts she could handle herself as Fire Lord.

"Azula." Zuko's voice now had that firm tone that he saved for council members. If Azula closed her eyes she could almost swear she heard Ozai in there. "Please. For me?"

And in a blink of an eye, he was just Zuko again. Not a trace of Ozai. Her brother, who never gave up on her recovery and gave her a chance at redemption. How could she refuse him when all this time he believed in her? Believed in her so much that he'd recommend her to be the next avatar's firebending master? So Azula sighed, cursing herself for becoming soft over the years. "When does the White Lotus want me down?"

Zuko smiled at her. "Thank you…"

Before he could say anything else, Azula raised a hand to stop him. "But I am the master."

Zuko nodded and repeated. "You are the master."

"No one will tell me how to teach my pupil."

Zuko again nodded. "No one will tell you how to teach your pupil."

"And no matter what the White Lotus says, I will say if she's ready."

Zuko agreed. "You will always have the final say."

Azula was satisfied. "Good." Azula tried not to show how happy she felt at seeing Zuko smiling proudly at her.

It took a little more than a week for Azula to sail to the South Pole. It didn't help that her White Lotus escorts were so excruciatingly dull. She barely listened to them as they told her what the Avatar needed to learn. She was a princess of the Fire Nation. A true prodigy. She didn't need, let alone want, the White Lotus telling her how to properly teach firebending. She would do it in her own way.

And she proved that the moment she set foot inside the White Lotus compound where she was immediately received by Katara. Despite their past, the two women had, at the very least, a mutual respect for each other. And besides, Katara was the second person after Zuko to give her a chance.

Even so, after years of knowing each other, Katara knew better than to give tips on how to train Korra or advice to Azula. So niceties were quickly exchanged before Katara showed Azula to Korra's room.

It was early morning. The sun was still in the middle of rising. Perfect time to start training.

One moment Korra was soundly sleeping in her bed, the next she was being tossed and thrown onto the floor.

Before she could even register what was going on, her parka was being thrown at her as someone began yelling at her. "Rise and shine, water tribe peasant!"

Korra pulled off the parka that was thrown at her face and looked at the woman yelling at her. This woman was old, probably as old as master Katara. But she was intimidating and scary. But Korra wasn't going to show her fear, especially if this was supposed to be her new master. "I'm the avatar and you gotta…!"

She didn't even get a chance to finish. "Until you master all four elements, you're nothing but a mere water tribe peasant to me. So get up. It's time to start your firebending training. And I don't like to be kept waiting."

Azula turned her back to Korra to wait in the training area but Korra's whining stopped her once more. "But it's still dark out! It's too early to start training."

Azula didn't even turn around to face Korra but if she did, Korra would see her trademark smirk. "You rise with the moon. I rise with the sun."