
School holidays in the Belladonna-Xiao-Long household were, unsurprisingly, manic.

"Lance! Hari! Stop fighting and help you mother and me with the shopping!" Yang shouted over the din of the children bickering. Lance and Hari were caught up in one of countless arguments, each of which made minimal sense at best. "Your aunts will be here in an hour and you know what Aunt Weiss is like about a tidy house."

Lance and Hari each laughed, before the teens nodded at each other and halted their argument. Hari ran out to the car, grabbing a basket of shopping before triggering her semblance and teleporting inside, placing the basket on the kitchen table.

Blake, who was sorting the food into the relevant places, jumped slightly as her daughter appeared from thin air. "Hari! How many times have we told you not to use your semblance in the house?"

Hari pouted, "I just thought it would make it faster."

"You remember what happened that time you tried to teleport right to where Yang was standing?" Blake gave her 15-year-old daughter the sternest look the woman could muster. Hari's teleport had redirected her, seemingly randomly. The girl had ended up stuck up a tree for about an hour, being too far off the ground for her semblance to reach under normal circumstances.

Yang stepped into the kitchen, heaving a bag with her. "Don't be too hard on her Blake, she's just trying to help."

Blake sighed and rolled her eyes. Yang usually seemed to end up playing good cop with the children, leaving Blake to feel like the villain far too often. Not that she was upset that her children liked their stepmother, but still...

Hari smiled a little at Yang. The blonde put a hand on the girl's shoulder, "But seriously, don't overuse it. At best you'll tire yourself out, but if you're unlucky we might have to call the fire brigade again."

Hari nodded and hurried out to the car, dodging her step-brother on the way past as he entered, laden with bags.

"Aw~ Mum, you never let me get away with using my semblance in the house," Lance said as the boy dropped the bags on the table, a grin on his lips.

"Hari's semblance doesn't set the house on fire," Yang put in, smirking at the son.

"That was one time."

"And that's quite enough," Yang replied as the pair walked back outside again. "If you want to set someone's house on fire, go visit your cousin. I'm sure Weiss can afford to rebuild after a little fire."

"Like she did when you set her house on fire, twice."

"I maintain it was only once."

"Aunt Weiss's receipts for two insurance claims, with explanations of 'wild sister-in-law' beg to differ."

Yang made a mock-offended look, "You trust your aunt's insurance people more than you trust your own mother?"

"When it comes to remembering the details of the damages you caused, yes." Lance smirked at his mother, mirroring Yang's old expression.

The boy was very definitely Yang's son. Though not quite as 'happy-go-lucky' as his aunt would describe his mother, Lance's general attitude was similar. He joked with his mother all the time, loved throwing himself into everything and most certainly had his mother's trademark smirk. The boy had grown tall and broad-shouldered. His thick hair was like a short version of his mothers, and lilac eyes full of the same amusement his mother always carried. Wisps of a blonde beard had recently begun to show, forcing him to teach himself how to use a razor. Yang was certainly proud of the sixteen-year-old.

Hari rushed past them, bringing in another bag. The brunette slipped swiftly past, smiling at them as she agilely ducked around them. She had changed a lot, with her hair now somewhat lighter and clearly brown, no longer her childhood shade of black. Her ears flattened against her head as she ducked, perking up again once she was past her step-family.

"Careful Hari!" Yang called after the girl, who threw back a grin and a nod before hurrying onwards.

"She's really not very like Blake," Lance muttered.

"A bit more like her dad, though that might be a good thing in some ways..."

"Eh?" Lance raised an eyebrow.

"Outgoing," Yang answered. "Blake ain't exactly the most extroverted person ever."

"I guess so..."

"Not that it's a bad thing per se."

As the pair reached the front door, they saw Taiyo running downstairs, having been called by Blake to help. The twelve-year-old barrelled down the stairs and around the corner, exhibiting somewhat less grace than his siblings. He was still big for his age, with Yang worrying he might overtake her in height in a few years. Weiss already wore extra high heels when she came to visit now. He lacked some of the grace of his mother and sister, but made up for it with strength and steadiness.

Yang chuckled as the boy rushed past. Lance had already made his way to the car, pulling the last bags out and closing it up. "That's all."

"Okay, I'll go check on the girls then, if you don't mind taking that inside."

Lance nodded and walked back towards the kitchen. Hari appeared and took one bag off him as the pair headed back together.

Yang smiled at the helpful siblings, then began ascending the stairs. They had needed to move Lance into a new bedroom on the ground floor, in order to make one upstairs available a few years ago. She pushed the door to that room open and smiled at the sight within.

Two toddlers, three years old and both girls, looked up. One had light brown hair with black streaks in it, along with golden eyes. She was the bigger of the pair, though not by much. Brown cat-ears peeked from the top of her head, the left one of them having a black stripe down it.

The other had platinum blonde hair, aside from her own ears, the right one being black and the other a darker blonde. A little white tail perked behind her.

"Mama!" the brunette called out and pulled herself to her feet, padding over to Yang, who knelt down to hug the child.

"Hey Tabitha." She looked over to the other child, who was stepping over more nervously. As the girl drew close, Yang wrapped her in her free arm. "Heya Calico."

The blonde girl smiled, rubbing her head against Yang's arm, above where the metal part met flesh.

"So girls, your aunts are gonna be here soon."

"Auntie Weiss and Auntie Ruby?" Tabitha cocked her head as she asked.

"Yup, so we need you two to be ready. Think we can manage that?"

Tabitha nodded energetically while Calico gave a more reserved nod and a smile.

Yang set about changing her daughters. Every now and then, she had to silently thank Weiss for pushing through the fertility research which had enabled her youngest children to be born. They were fraternal twins, apparently quite common among artificial fertilisations. Yang had, needless to say, had quite the chore giving birth to the pair, but she would happily have endured worse for the two little beauties.

As she put on their nicest clothes, ones which Weiss had given them, apparently Argent's old ones, the girls smiled brightly, with Tabitha talking excitedly in slightly broken words about her Aunts visiting, while Calico mostly just nodded, at most saying 'Yes' to her sister's comments.

Yang led the two down the stairs shortly thereafter, with the three of them spotting Blake in the hallway. Tabitha excitedly hurried down to her other mother, jumping up into her arms. Calico stayed clinging to Yang's metal hand, slowly walking down with her mother.

The other three children stepped out of the kitchen as the doorbell rang.

Yang stood back, looking over her family as Blake went to the door and the children huddled round to greet their aunts and cousin.

She was lucky, there was no other way to put it.

'It all turned out okay, didn't it Biron?' she mused to herself, as Blake opened the door and greetings sounded.

Amid the din the children made, Yang could have sworn she heard a response.

'You made it turn out okay Yang. Nicely done.'

She chuckled, and went to her wife's side to greet her sister.

A/N: So, it's here, it's short and it's kinda late (I forgot to mention it would be last time, but whatever), but it's done.

Yeah... well this is a thing I've gone and done. Normally I'd have deep thoughts about it or something, but you know, it is what it is. I must say though, I found some of the reviews kinda amusing... like all of the 'surprised they slept together' ones. The whole point was they were drunk, they made a mistake, they tried to work with it. I dunno, I found it kinda amusing.

But yeah, so what next? Well... that's an interesting question. I'm thinking of giving writing a visual novel another shot (I started one a couple of years ago, but lost steam for various reasons), or maybe I'll be back here. I have a couple of ideas for things I could write, but we'll see... essentially, 'watch this space.'

Thanks, as always, to the reviewers. For once I didn't get too many one-line reviews, which was kinda nice (I like people saying more than 'It wus gud and stuff'). Not that I object to people just saying something's good, but you know, detail is nice...

Right... now to go play some League... see you around...

The Day is ended. What will the next Eternity bring?
