Thanks for the subs/reviews/favs! I hope you all enjoy this new chapter!

It was a warm, sunny day in the city of Chicago. While many people were out enjoying the fine day, most of the citizens were cooped up in traffic, school, or work. The latter was certainly true for Alex Wesker; the head (and subject) of Umbrella's top-secret eugenics project. Alex was hunched over at her desk, reading and transcribing the latest reports, when the phone of her desk rang. Figuring it was probably Spencer (again), she picked it up and answered.


"Hello, Alex, this is Vincent Gibson, the head of the Sheena Island facility. I'm in Chicago and thought that perhaps you'd like to go on a date?"

Alex's heart fluttered. Like herself, Vincent had a fascination with fear, and according to reports he believed that hormones secreted during times of extreme stress could enhance his bio-weapons. This (combined with his looks and ambition) made him a very intriguing subject in her eyes. She was about to agree to the date when she realized a glaring inconsistency.

"Wait, did you say Gibson?"

"Yes, I am Vincent Gibson, the head of Sheena Island and a severe mama's boy."

A groan escaped Alex's lips. She'd heard about Alfred Ashford harassing some of the other employees, and it looked like she had become his newest target.

"His name is GOLDMAN, not GIBSON! He's Jewish…I think."

Although Goldman was usually a Jewish name, Vincent looked rather Aryan from his pictures; but then again so did most Umbrella employees. If it weren't for the fact that the Wesker candidates were made up of people from different races Alex would honestly think that Spencer was a Nazi.

"Uh, I, uh, I meant to say Goldman! I'm definitely Jewish! I love Chanukah, and, uh, Franz Kafka."

Alex had of course heard about Chanukah, but the name Franz Kafka escaped her. She made a mental note to look him up later.

"Well, if you are Jewish, I suppose you can tell me the Hebrew greeting?"


"It's SHALOM! Goodbye, Alfred!"

With that, she slammed the phone onto the receiver. She started to read reports on Hiro Wesker when the phone rang again. Alex shook her head and answered it.


"Alex and Vincent, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Alex growled and slammed the phone back on the receiver. She furiously clicked on the link to the report when a troubling thought loomed over her. How had Alfred found out about her curiosity towards Vincent? The only person she had confided that in was…

Alex's eyes shot open in horror. A wave of anger swept through her body, and she sent her fists right onto her keyboard.


One day earlier, Spencer had been in his leisure room, reading The Metamorphosis, when he was approached by his butler, Patrick.

"Sir, I hate to disturb you, but you have a call."

Spencer growled and closed his book. Despite his ambitions, he hated having his leisure time interrupted. He walked into study room and answered the phone.


"Hello, Mr. Spencer, this is Vincent, the head of Sheena Island."

"Oh, you're that young man my Alex is so fond of!" Spencer chirped. "How can I be of service?"

Alfred paused on the other line. Initially he had just wanted to ruin Vincent's name, but with this new information he could play a grand prank on Alex…but he first he needed to figure out which Alex he was referring to.

"Oh? Alex who?"

"Alex Wesker. You know, Vincent, she's a very bright girl, and not a bad looker. And, not to place any pressure, but, she hasn't given me grandchildren yet…"

Alfred felt greatly confused. What did he mean by 'grandchildren'? Was Alex by some chance Spencer's illegitimate daughter? And was she related to Albert Wesker? He shook his head and quickly brushed the questions aside, deciding that he really didn't care.

"Oh, well, that will be a big problem. See, I'm calling to let you and my co-workers know that I'm impotent. Yes, I, Vincent, head of Sheena Island, can't get it up."

"…Oh, well, I'm terribly sorry to hear that, but I fail to see why I should know this."

"Well, I'm just an honest man. I have to go now: I still have more people to call."

With that the call ended. Spencer stared down at the phone with a confused gaze before hanging it up.

"I'm starting to regret putting him in charge of the Tyrants," Spencer mumbled.

Spencer had barely stepped out of the room when the phone rang again. He grumbled to himself as he walked back over to it.

"I'm never going to finish the book at this rate—Hello?"

"Hello Spencer, it's William Birkin, head of the G-Virus research. I'm calling to let you and my coworkers know that I'm impotent."

"Jesus, first Vincent, and now you? What is going on?"

"I can't say, sir, but Albert's not happy about it."

"Albert? Why would he care about your-" Spencer's jaw dropped at the sudden realization, "Oh…so that's why you guys were always hanging out at the lab…does your wife know?"

"Oh, she encourages it! Well, I've gotta go, sir! I'm meeting Albert and Annette for dinner!"

The call ended. Spencer shook his head and hung up.

"I need a vacation."

Back at the present time, Alex had calmed herself down with some herbal tea and was saving her files. About an hour had passed since Alfred's attempt to prank her. Alex had finally found content when the phone rang. She eyed it cautiously at first, but then decided that Alfred had probably lost interest by that point, so she answered it.


"Hello, is this Alex Wesker?"


"Very good. My name is Vincent Goldman. I'm supposed to be arriving in Chicago tomorrow and-"

What little inner peace Alex had managed to regain shattered. Red filled her vision, and her grip on the phone became so tight that she nearly snapped it in half.


With that she slammed the phone down, then grabbed her coat and stormed out of her office.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, Vincent stood frozen at his desk, with his phone held tightly against his ear. After the initial shock wore off, he lowered his arm and gently put the phone back on the receiver.

"Hmph, so much for the American branch's hospitality! I'll just find someone else to recruit for my project!"

A/N: So, I feel like Alex and Vincent probably would've gotten along pretty well if they had met; they both like white clothes, base their research on the element of fear, and hate children. Actually, the more I think about it the more I wonder if Vincent belongs to the same family that Spencer abducted Alex from. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter and the story so far.