A/N: Greetings peasants! This is a 'reading the Alex Rider series' fic. I never realised how hard it is to make one of these! I mean when do I set it? Before the books? After the books? Including some time travel? I dunno, I made a decision and I hope I don't regret it. Oh yeah, side note: I might publish a rewrite separately later so watch out for that. Anyways: Enjoy :3…

Summary: Alex Rider series reading. Set before Scorpia Rising but that might change. So yeah… What more is there to be said?

"Alex, dinner's ready. It's sushi, your favourite! You coming down?" Jack called. Alex wasn't coming down, he never did, and he felt kind of bad about that. It wasn't Jack's fault what had happened to him but he just found it so hard to go back to their normal routine after everything he'd been through. Alex sighed, at least he would never have to work for ANY countries' spy agency or military group ever again, the new Prime Minister made sure of that.

Well that was all good and well but this time Alex had another reason for not going down stairs to have dinner. When Alex had come home that day he had found a pile of letters on the door mat, not in its self unusual. It was the regulars: bills, adverts, 'die druggy' notes from his peers… but what had caught his attention was a letter addressed to him. That was strange. No one ever sent letters to him, the only people who would want to talk to him (Jack, Sab and Tom) could in person or email. But yet the letter definitely read Alex Rider. Maybe it was a prank from the kids at school, Alex speculated. He brought the letter upstairs with him regardless.

When he had arrived in his bed room he pondered opening it. If it was a prank who knew what would happen? But Alex was-used to be a spy for a reason, how could he just leave a mystery unsolved? So he opened the letter and read it. And that's where he was when Jack called. This had to be a joke, right? Alex really hoped so. The letter read:


How are you, dear boy? A rather interesting situation has arisen and I think you ought to know. As I was working on some chocolates (the flavour explodes in your mouth) Alex smirked when I received a package. It contained nine books but not just any books. Alex, they are the stories of your missions. They came with nothing, no explanation, just the instructions to bring certain people together to read them. I have been asked to tell you and Jack to come to the headquarters of MI6 for further instructions, Mrs Jones reckoned that you would listen if it was me who asked. I am so sorry, having your life exposed won't be easy, I would imagine, but it is better if it's in front of your face rather than behind your back when you would never know who exactly knew. I am sorry, and I know that's not enough, none of this should have happened to you.


Alex was in shock. He now wished the letter had been a prank. Could this all still be a prank? No, Smithers was one of the few people in the world Alex trusted, he wouldn't do something like this to Alex just for a prank. Alex collapsed, sighing, into his bed. He really hoped it would only be MI6 personal there but he highly doubted it. Why was this happening to him? How was it even possible? And how the hell was he going to tell Jack?

Jack looked up at a noise and was surprised to see Alex coming in, pleasantly surprised though, she hadn't expected him to come down. "Alex, what a pleasant surprise! To what do I owe the pleasure? You gonna have some fish before it goes funky?" Alex smiled momentarily, what would he do without Jack? He remembered why he had stopped. Jack frowned as she saw Alex's solemn face, she just wished the boy would lighten up once in a while like before all this had happened. "Alex what's up?" She could see him trying to come up with an excuse or softening way to say whatever it was "Cut the crap, Alex, I've literally raised you so I can read your expressions. Just tell it to me straight because I will find out in the end." Alex's expression made Jack smile, he looked like he'd just found out his whole life had been a lie. Yeah that's right, Jack had known when Alex stole her cookie dough. "Well..." Alex started and went on to explain what he had found out. When they left the house Alex remembered something; Alex had been on eight missions in total… and yet Smithers had said nine books.


Wolf was pissed. It goes without saying that he wasn't on the best terms with the people who had taken away one of his best friends. But now MI6 had dragged him and his unit, without any explanation, to their headquarters. "What do you think this is all about?" Snake asked warily. His expression became panicked "You don't think Fox has been hurt do you!" Wolf thought for a second before shaking his head "No, they wouldn't have bothered dragging us out here for that, Sarg would have told us then we'd be back to training or missions. MI6 never really gave to many shits about the wellbeing of their agents." K unit, like the others, were permanently stationed at their training camp except for holidays and missions so they would always be in top shape.

"Yeah, Fox is fine. I bet this is about the UFOs and we have been chosen to fight the aliens before they turn the world white!" Wolf and Snake stared incredulously at Eagle who was smiling expectantly at them. Wolf hit him in the head while Snake chided "Eagle stop watching Hetalia. It's not all true you know." Eagle rolled his eyes "No, everyone knows Hetalia includes as many facts as possible, next thing you'll be saying that countries don't have personifications." Snake had given up and was looking to the heavens for strength to continue, Wolf looked about ready to murder Eagle.

"Falling apart without me, I see." The three men looked up in surprise then broke into massive grins. "Fox!" They all exclaimed and catapulted themselves at their friend, heck, brother. "What are you doing here?" Wolf asked. Fox, giggling while pushing the others of him, replied "Dunno, probably the same as you. I was in the middle of a mission when I was pulled out and told to return to headquarters immediately. We'll soon find out why, I suppose. So how's life been?" Eagle quickly chipped in "We have been AMAZING without your big ass slowing us down all the time." Fox clutched his heart, feigning hurt. Snake snorted, in reality they had refused to accept any temporary replacements for Fox (who was still technically classed as part of the unit) and were the smallest unit in the SAS, constantly waiting and checking in for news about when their fourth team member would return.

"So shall we?" Fox questioned, gesturing to the door of the Royal and General bank. They all walked in, wondering what all this was about, to Eagle's bad cover of 'the boys are back' and Wolf's constant attempts to shut him up.


The cold stone building of the Royal and General bank loomed above the pair. Alex was becoming more and more nervous, how else was someone supposed to react knowing that their life story was going to be exposed? They were late (Alex was reminded of the phrase 'late to your own funeral'). Frankly Alex was surprised they had arrived at all, Jack had put up a massive fuss and had continued to do so the whole way there. "Honestly this is violation! Violation of a minor! Harassment! How could they do this? I swear I will expose all this one day and-" Alex silenced her "Jack please," Alex begged "There's nothing we can do, there never was, and you know that. If this is going to happen I would rather be present. And I don't actually think MI6 are too happy about this, it is basically exposing them, but I have no doubt everyone present will have to sign the official secrecy act. Besides, at least they're not sending me in a mission." Jack stopped complaining but a scowl was very evident on her face.

Since both Jack and Alex were expected, the receptionists didn't bother with the bank act and one, a lady, started directing them to their destination straight away. The pair were lead down a completely different route than Alex was used to, he had only ever gone up the lift and on Mr Blunt and Mrs Jones' offices' floor. They were lead to a door made of an expensive looking wood. Their guide stopped there "This is where I leave you, I don't have the security clearance to be present for… whatever it is. Take a seat and don't make a scene. Everyone else is already here." With that she left. Everyone else. That didn't sound good. Alex wanted to take Jack's advice and run out of the building as fast as he could and never return. Despite that instinct he turned the door's handle and entered.

It was as bad as Alex had thought, no, it was way, way worse. Everyone was there! They were sitting around a large wooden table. Mr Blunt and Mrs Jones were present, obviously. K unit was there and from their expressions they hated Alex just as much, maybe even more now they knew it was his fault they were brought there. Fox was there too, half-smiling apologetically at Alex.

But that wasn't all; people from his school were there! Miss Bedfordshire, Mr Donovan and even Mr Bray, the head teacher! Alex froze at the next people he saw: Aiden Silver and Candi Waters. The pair were the worst bullies in Brooklands and had personally made sure Alex's life was a living hell. Candi had been Alex's friend before all this had started, her name is actually Candice but according to Aiden's gang that was a 'nerd name'. While Alex was away on missions Candice had been 'infected' by them and she had become an air-headed clone. It was one thing bringing K unit but a complete other taking Alex's normal life into this. When the teachers recognised Alex they looked shocked then suspicious, undoubtedly wondering what the druggie did to get in trouble with the government. Aiden and Candice just sneered.

On the opposite side of the table sat some people Alex was actually happy to see, Tom and the Pleasures. They also seemed to be the only people actually happy to see Alex too. They looked confused but were waving happily and smiling. Alex was surprised Smithers wasn't there.

Everyone looked like they were about to start shouting questions but Mrs Jones silenced them by raising her hand and stood up. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sure you are all confused and have many questions but I assure you that we know as little as you do. First I will tell you why we are here. A couple of days ago a package appeared here containing some books. They claim to be the life story of one of our best and most unique agents. They came with the instructions that none of the books should be read unless in the presence of all of you here today. For reasons you do not need to know we have decided to go along with the requests given. All else will be explained later by reading the books. However, before we proceed, I need you all to sign the official secrecy act. By doing so you are agreeing to never letting the information you hear ever leave this room, you are not allowed to tell anyone else under any circumstances." Mrs Jones looked around the room, seriously, making eye contact with everyone. Alex now appreciated how good Mrs Jones was at her job. In turn, with varying levels of obedience, everyone signed the papers and waited for what happens next.

A knock on the doors made everyone jump; Mrs Jones went to answer it. That was when Alex realised that Mrs Jones was doing all of the explaining. He looked around and spotted Mr Blunt watching silently from the corner. He seemed intrigued by all this, content to sit and watch from a far. Mrs Jones returned to her seat holding a tape recorder and an odd looking device. "It appears that one of our workers has something to say." She said and pressed play.

Hello everyone present,

Unlike you I do not have the pleasure of being there to hear the reading but I assure you that you are all very lucky to be hearing this, you will be some of the very few people in the entire world to know this story. I may or may not have read it already. I hope you all learn something from this story and, by the end, understand why you, of all people, have been chosen to hear this. The item I have sent with this recording is a paradox-correcting-device-thingy I have been working on for an occasion such as this. Well, all you need to know about that is: things may be getting a bit weird around there.

Well anyway, enjoy!



Sorry about this next part, force of habit I suppose.

The recording ended then and (seconds later) exploded, leaving nothing but ashes behind. Well at least they knew what the last part meant. Wolf broke the silence that followed "What the hell was that? And who's Smithers?" everyone else wanted to know that too. Candi intervened "What eva! He sounds totally dorky," Aiden sniggered "And," She continued "From the oscillation and frequency of his voice I bet he's fat." Alex was impressed, it was always interesting when Candice shone through Candi's foundation plastered mask. From Aiden's scowl he wasn't so impressed. Candi blushed "I mean… Smithers sounds like a fat person's name." she giggled nervously, luckily Aiden was pretty stupid. Everyone else stared incredulously.

"Let's just get on with it, shall we?" Mrs Pleasure said quickly. Everyone agreed. "Any volunteers for reading the first chapter?" Her husband, Mr Pleasure, asked. No one made a single noise or movement. "Okay then, I will read." He said. "Yay dad!" Sabina chipped in. Mr Pleasure cleared his throat "Right, chapter one… Funeral voices

A/N: Okay! How'd I do? Sorry about any typos I will correct them at some point but right now I'm focussing on actually getting the story down and uploading it. Follows and favourites make me smile :) reviews make me upload another chapter! Hehe I'm so evil. Bysies!