A/N: I know I promised to get this out within a month. I'm sorry. Life happened. I'll be getting off disability soon and I'm preparing to get a job. And then there's a whole family drama going on... yeah. Life happened. I won't make any promises, but I'll try to do better.


Rawr: Don't worry, she/I won't be a Mary Sue. She won't have instant control over everything, and I believe I've stated that everything will take time to develop. She has the powers, she just can't really control them. It'll take time and practice to perfect her abilities.

Vishwakarmarahul735: I have plans for Gohan, so don't worry he won't end up like he did in the anime. I mean, I can kind of understand why the guy gave up fighting, but really. After everything that happened, to go from being the strongest fighter on Earth to that is stupid. And we get to see when we are... now.

Artdirector123: I know right! I think Goku can be plenty scary when he wants to be, especially to someone who knows what he's capable of. And no, neither Goku nor Piccolo is the minion. The minion debuts this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters. I only own my OCs. Don't sue me.

DBZ... DBZ... DBZ...

Chapter Two:

"Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you" -Stephanie Klein

I am so dead. You hear me? Dead! D to the E to the A to the D, DEAD! I'm not even here half a day and I'm going to die. And it wasn't going to be at the hands of Akku or one of his minions or even in a great, noble sacrifice for my family, friends, and planet. No, I was going to meet my untimely end at the hands of one of my favorite anime characters of all times. The freaking main protagonist of the series! Man, this sucks.

Goku continued to glare at me, "Who are you?" he repeated, "Are you another teammates of Raditz? Talk! I'm not going to ask again."

Oh, yeah, the guy was pissed. I decided then and there that I didn't like my empathy powers. At first I thought I would just be able to tell what a person would be feeling, you know, just be aware of what they were feeling. But, nooooo. I can actually feel what others were feeling. In the back of my brain, I could feel Goku's anger and Piccolo's hostility. I somehow knew that these were not my emotions, but I also had a hard time separating their emotions and mine. This sucked.

The tall Saiyan took a threatening step forward and I responded by backing up so fast I tripped over my own feet, landing on my ass. Smooth, great first impression (note the sarcasm).

"Um- uh- well-," I stuttered, "My name is, uh, Kyra- um, Lin. Kyra Lin," close enough to real name that I'll answer to it, but different enough so no one would ever guess what it really is, "And, no I'm not- wait, did you say Raditz? Other teammate? Since when does Raditz have a teammate?"

That was not the right thing to say.

Goku took another step forward, his glare intensifying, and I started to try and butt scootch my way backwards. Until I ran into something.

Don't look up, don't look up, oh, honey do yourself a big time favor and don't look up, I chanted. But of course, like the epic idiot I am, I went against my own advice and looked up. And promptly looked back down, my stomach clenching so hard I'll probably crap out diamonds later.

Two, rough, green hands grabbed my arms and hauled me to my feet and tightly held me in place, while Goku closed the distance between us. Crap. Me and my big mouth.

"So you do know him," he growled.

"Ummm... I know of him. Kind of." Better to tell the truth now, rather than get caught in a lie later. I've just yet to decide how much of the truth to tell them.

"What do you mean by 'kind of'?" Piccolo demanded. While I was still terrified, I was internally screaming like a psychotic fan girl. I know it sounds stupid, but Piccolo was my first crush. Like ever. Animated, real, or otherwise. (I was eight and I was mostly in love with his voice, okay? Don't judge me.)

"I mean, that I don't know him personally or even know a lot about him. Just kinda seen and heard of him in passing from time to time." Truth.

"And you're not helping him?" Goku checked.

"Nope," I said, popping my lips at the end. Also the truth.

"Oh, okay then." And just like that Goku was no longer the terrifying Saiyan warrior. Now he was back to being the lovable dork everyone knew him best as.

There was an irritated growl behind me and the grip on my arms tightened even more, probably leaving bruises. I had to bite back a whimper. "Seriously, Goku?" Piccolo snapped, "She's a Saiyan! Your brother is a Saiyan and he just helped kidnap your son! Put two and two together in that thick head of yours and think about it. We can't just take her at her word that she's not working with them!"

Though I kind of agreed with him, the pain in my arms was making it hard for me to concentrate to follow their conversation. I heard Goku say something but I honestly wasn't paying attention anymore. Right now I was just trying not to cry from the pain. And the arguement was not helping.

I do not like arguments. Or conflict of any kind. Back home I've always kept my opinions to myself to avoid tension and I'm always the one backing off to keep the peace (especially if the people I'm arguing with is family). I have my own opinions sure, and there are times when I will voice them, especially if I do not like the person I'm arguing with. I have a spine, I just find it to much of a bother to argue with people. I just hate people yelling at me or around me, and as a reflex I start tearing up. I don't know why, as usually I couldn't care less about what I'm being scolded for. Plus, because of my stupid empathy their emotions were starting to give me a migraine. Have I mentioned that I am not good with pain? Yeah I'm a wuss, I know.

To my eternal embarrassment I started to tear up a bit. I looked away and prayed to Bob that Goku wouldn't notice. However, the stupid glowing blob had abandoned me. Thanks man, love you too. Nice to know I can't count on you for help.

I did not want to look up when they suddenly went silent. Now they probably thought I was a crybaby. Or more likely Piccolo thought I was trying to soften them up with tears. Both scenarios did not work in my favor. "Hey, you okay?" Goku asked. I hate my life.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just... ignore me," I said.

Then I had an idea. It was the thing that bothered me most when reading 'person-falls-into-another-world-fic': They almost always lie about where they're from, their past, sometimes just about everything. I mean, if you're trying to gain the trust of the heroes, then why would you lie to them from the very beginning? That doesn't make sense to me and while I can appreciate the need to stretch the truth a bit at times or omitting a few things, lying to this lot is stupid with a capital 'S'. And while I pride myself on being able to make up complete bullshit in times of crisis (i.e. not doing my homework or chores) I do not want to be caught in a lie later.

So without really thinking my entire plan through I went for it.

"I'm from another dimension!" I blurted.

Yeah, maybe I should have thought that through a little more, because the look Goku was giving me and the vibes I was getting from Piccolo told me that I need to choose my next words carefully or they were probably going send me to the nearest psychiatric ward and personally wrap me in a straight jacket.

"I'm from another dimension," I repeated, "In my dimension, the events of this world was documented by a man named Akira Toriyama and made into a cartoon-"

"Excuse me?!" Piccolo snarled, "A cartoon?!"

I flinched. "Yes a cartoon," I said, trying to ignore the righteous indignation coming off the Namekian, "Anyway, I have general knowledge of all the events that occurs up to maybe twenty years in the future. Maybe. I never watched all the episodes and movies and I have to do the math to incorporate all of the time skips."

Goku and Piccolo exchanged an unreadable look. Thankfully I could read their emotions so I knew they didn't believe a word I was saying. (Again, please note the sarcasm).

"Hey don't cop those looks," I snapped, "You have seven magical orange balls that can summon a gigantic green dragon who can grant almost any wish, Piccolo and Kami used to be one person, and Goku, you just found out that you're a member of near extinct alien race. I think you guys could expand on your definition of believable a little. And since you don't believe me and think I'm crazy you can take that information as your proof."

Suddenly their emotions were less disbelieving and more wary. "What else do you know?" Goku asked.

Might as well get it all out into the open now, but first, "If Piccolo will let go of me first I'll tell you what I know."

At a nod from Goku, Piccolo released me and I immediately put a few feet of distance between us. I was perfectly aware that it was a completely useless tactic, but it made me feel better. I turned to face both of them. Goku had his hands on his hips and had a scowl on his face, though he was more curious and wary than hostile. Unlike Piccolo, who was giving me a death glare and had his arms crossed over his chest.

I took a deep breath, "Okay, here's the thing and I want to let you know this straight up: my knowledge won't be completely accurate, please don't interupt me Piccolo, or we'll be here all day," I said before he could interupt me, "I'll answer any questions you have at the end."

He glared at me but stayed silent. "Anyway," I continued, "My knowledge won't be completely accurate because a) I never saw all the episodes and movies so I mostly only have general knowledge of all the important stuff that occurs and a vague sense of when. And b) the timeline has changed because an inter dimensional tyrant named Akku."

It was actually kind of funny watching their mouths drop in comical unision, but I didn't stop to laugh or give them time to interupt. I launched into my explanation of Bob and my mission and explained the possible effects I and Akku could have on the timeline. "For example I have know idea who Sake is and Bob said I was about to meet one of Akku's minions," I said, "I agree this is completely fucked up and unbelievable, but there you go."

Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if they had run off screaming for the police to arrest the insane teenager, or in Piccolo's case just up and blasted out of existence. It all sounded insane, even to me, once I said it all out loud and for better or worse this was now going to be my life.

Kami help the DBZ universe...


A/N 2: Yeah I know that I cut this off kinda prematurely, but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible to let you guys know that I haven't abandoned you. Like I said in the first note: I'm no longer making any promises to updating, but I promise that I will not jump ship on this.

And to make up for the super late update here's a little inside info of the future: A major villian will be (kind of) joining ranks of the Z Fighters. Can you guys guess who?

Oh what the heck! One more: The Z Fighters will be getting a new name, courtesy of me (Kyra) fangirl-ing out about a completely different fandom.

See you soon. Have a nice day/night!