So a new Riain fic! have writers block on Found out and any help gratefully appreciated! Hope you enjoy this!

Chapter 1

"Iain I have a confession." Rita came out of the kitchen, of Iain's flat, saying one morning on their day off.

"Ok, am I going to like it?" Iain asked, taking a seat, what the hell was she going to say? A mixture of thoughts rushed through his mind. Pregnant? Ill? Found someone else? Moving away? His heart rate was climbing and he could feel himself getting hotter. What was it?

"I can't drive." Rita confessed shamefully. Her head hung low, she hadn't ever needed to before.

Her parents couldn't afford it when she was 17, she couldn't afford it when she was at university on top of her living costs, Mark had driven when they were married, and she had always lived in a city so public transport was perfectly adequate. But having met Iain, having seen him drive the ambulance, she felt rather jealous. He had no limitations, nowhere he couldn't go. They had driven to the beach the other week and she had felt bad, as Iain had had to do all the driving. It was time she learnt.

"Is that it!?" he laughed, "I thought it was something serious!" he smiled, standing up, he snaked his hands around her waist and giving her a peck on the lips. Thank goodness, he thought to himself, he loved this woman so much, if anything bad had happened, how would he cope?

"Iain, this is serious. I want to learn!" Rita said, leaning into Iain's embrace.

"You want to learn, alright. I'll teach you." Iain suggested, realizing that this was really important to her.

"You will! Aw you're the best!" Rita smiled, a slight jump of excitement not going unnoticed happened. She reached up on her tip-toes and kissed him.

"I'll call my insurance company now and add you to my insurance." Iain said bending down and kissing her lips once again.

"OMG! Really! That's brilliant! Thank you!" Rita said clearly jumping with excitement now.

"Yeah, but you had better not destroy my car!" he joked.

"Well, I would say I promise not to, but I can't lie, I will try not to!" she said leaning into him.

"Well, at least your honest. Come on, ill give them a ring now and hopefully they will add you today."

An hour later.

"Reets! Come on! Grab your coat!" Iain called out to her.

"Really, now!?" Rita asked, emerging from the bedroom after a shower, buzzing with excitement.

"Yeah, come on! Lets go."

"Where are we going?" Rita asked as Iain drove her out of Holby into a more quiet area before Rita took the wheel.

"Just around outside the city."

They were driving for a few minutes more until Iain pulled into a residential area.

"Ok, are you ready?" Iain asked.

"Yeah, I cant wait!" Rita exclaimed.

"Ok, now remember, don't go to fast, and try not to crash."

They swapped sides and Rita set the car up as Iain stuck 'L' plates on the front and back of the car.

"Shortie," Iain smiled as she pulled the seat forward so she could reach the pedals.

Rita just smiled at him. How was she so totally in love with this doofus?

"Right, now gently." Iain said as Rita pulled off into the road.

Rita was focusing and didn't reply, so much to think about.

"Now how do you stop?" she asked as a 't' junction came up

"Clutch and break!" Iain said calmly. "Clutch then break, your in gear 1"

Rita fumbled with her feet, forgetting which pedal was which.

"Left and then middle!" Iain said, a little louder this time, the junction fast approaching and they weren't slowing down.

"I can't stop it." Rita panicked.

"Ok, calm down. Take your feet off the pedals." Iain said, trying to stay calm.

"Iain! Were going to crash!" Rita shouted.

Iain didn't reply. He pulled up the handbrake just as they got to the junction. The car came to a halt, with a massive jolt.

The car behind, not expecting Iain's car to come to a halt, but to continue around the junction slammed into the back of them, launching their car into the oncoming vehicle on from the right.

Rita and Iain were jolted forward the air bags exploding and Rita's head hitting the steering wheel, Iain's hitting the dashboard.

Yes, I've left you on a cliffhanger...

Update tomorrow or this evening, haven't decided yet! Let me know your thoughts! xx