Sorry it's been a while. Here's another chapter, thank you for waiting a longer time for it. If you can, leave some feedback in a review.

(I do not own RWBY at all)

The three blondes stepped off of the elevator, entering a dark room somewhere below Ozpin's in Beacon's tower. Dim green lights gradually illuminated as they came in, growing brighter every second until they bathed the entire room in the cool rays. The room resembled the headmaster's almost exactly. Same desk, same amount of black metallic chairs, and same eerie atmosphere. The only components it lacked were all of the windows that granted a view of the lower grounds. In their place were plain black walls that blocked out all outside light, making the entire room look dull. Which seemed fitting, keeping in mind the woman's reserved and stoic nature.

Glynda walked over to stand behind her desk, not bothering to sit down in her chair. She crossed her arms over her chest then tilted her head down to inspect the two with a harsh glare, making the both of them avert their eyes from her in discomfort.

Yang felt Jaune's grip around her shoulder tense, unintentionally showing that he was far more nervous than her. This was the second time that he had run into trouble with the professors, they might not be as lenient as they were the first time. The two remained at the entrance of the room, Yang still holding Jaune up, both of them feeling as if they would collapse from their exhausted Auras.

"Please, take a seat," Glynda ordered in a neutral tone, not abiding to her own instructions in sitting. She preferred to always be at attention and aware, not letting her guard down for even a second.

The teens wasted no time in heading her command, neither wanted to aggravate the woman any further than she was at this point. Yang led Jaune to the chair toward their left, carefully assisting him in lowering him down. His left arm hadn't yet healed completely, making it a difficult task for him to try putting any weight on it in the process of sitting. After situating the boy, Yang took her place to his right by heavily plopping down in the chair, letting out a weary expulsion of breath in doing so.

"May I ask what exactly you two were doing?"

Jaune turned to Yang right as she turned to him, both of them hoping that the other would answer. The boy's eyes begged for her to do the talking, but the irresistible lilac look Yang held was undeniable.

He tipped his head to her, giving in to her plea, then shifted his timid gaze to the professor. He avoided direct eye contact, but managed to look in the general direction of her. "We were trying to find a way to convince me to fight. When I refused, they took a different approach by sending Yang at me." Jaune's hands were fumbled shakily on top of the glass table, his panicking eyes glanced away from the woman every now and then.

"And why in the world would you ever think that to be a reasonable idea?" Her scrutinizing question made him feel all the more shameful, while Yang's guilt began to pick deeply at her conscious. Glynda set her hands behind her back, holding onto her riding crop as she paced a circle around the two and the desk.

"It was the only way! And it wo—" She cut him off mid-sentence by slapping her wand near his hands on the table in disapproval, causing him to immediately yank his hands to himself at the snap.

"It was foolish and irresponsible." Glynda's green dagger-pointed gaze stabbed sharply into him. "You are on your way to becoming a Huntsman," she then addressed Yang, "And you a Huntress." A slight look of disappointment rose on her face as she denounced, "Neither of you exhibited the qualities by deciding to fight in such a careless manner without seeking an actual supervisor."

They both looked down into their laps, feeling like disgraces, like they had dishonored themselves. Jaune was motionless, heart beating violently, blaming himself as he held firm on staring anywhere but at the woman. Yang slowly twirled a couple strands of her blonde that flowed onto her lap, a dreary frown curling her lips downward. This is all my fault for losing control, I should have known that I was going to blow up like I always do… Her chest rose and fell slowly, her state calmer than her friend's.

Glynda surprisingly spoke with a slightly softer air toward the matter, "Although, I cannot deny that you both performed well against each other, even if it was not an official match. Especially you, Mr. Arc, for not being accustomed to facing a human opponent."

Jaune and Yang lifted their heads in wonder, not believing what their ears told them. There was no possible way that Glynda Goodwitch had just complimented them for blatantly disregarding the rules. The boy managed to babble out, "I-I beg your pardon?" Yang's mouth hung agape, her eyes seeming to bulge out of her sockets, speechless.

"Don't get me wrong, I will not tolerate this sort of reckless behavior again. You two are lucky that I caught you before any real damage was done," her serious tone hit them once again. But it faded to a more neutral, maybe even satisfied sounding voice after her chest heaved in a sigh, "The distance between you and becoming true Huntsmen is enormous. You will still have much to learn following your graduation from this academy, and refuse to ever settle for what you have gained. Believe me when I tell you, every day out in the wild, with no one to watch over you, is worth a week in here. This world is a cruel and unforgiving place, never let it deceive you," she paused, feeling the need to take a break to brace herself to praise them. "Though for now, you two fought exceptionally for your current levels."

Yang was undergoing explosions of fiery excitement erupting and bubbling inside of her, and she was not doing well at hiding her cheer. It meant the world to her having Glynda, of all professors, complimenting her like this. A glowing smile from the girl brightened up the dimly lit green room, while Jaune wasn't too sure how to feel just yet, though he was certain that his Aura had almost fully regenerated back to its max.

The boy relaxed in his seat, leaning back and moving his hands to rest on the arms of the chair, making his right hand barely an inch away from Yang's left.

Glynda suppressed any sign of a slight smile that she might have wanted to show, concealing it with judgmental look, "Don't let this go to your heads, the last thing we need here at Beacon is two more egotistical fools…" She threw a brief sidelong scowl away from them, as if having a particular plump professor in mind.

The chirper girl lost her smile and cooled off, not wanting to humiliate herself even further by her energetic emotions. A light pink blush colored her soft cheeks in embarrassment and she shifted her gaze away from the professor.

"Ms. Xiao Long, you fight fiercely and with passion. Swiftly, forcefully, and relentlessly. A true force to be reckoned with, given you acquire some self-control. Your volatile emotions will be your downfall. I also advise that you adapt to reserving your Semblance, not using it until the advantageous moment, or unless you absolutely must." The blonde being described clenched the armrests on her chair tightly, whitening her knuckles for the pressure. "If you fail to properly keep them in check, then they will overpower you, leading you to do something that you might regret… And there will be no going back."

She sounded as if she spoke from experience, bringing Jaune to tilt his head in curiosity on how she knew all of this. After pondering it for a second, he realized it wouldn't be too far out for an expert warrior like Glynda to have been a witness to such a thing. Who could she be talking about?

Yang threw a downcast look at the ground, knowing that this was her worst issue. Glynda's words struck her hard, like she had been bashed in the head by Jaune's shield again. She resentedthe side of her that made it so easy for her to go off. It wasn't her fault, she had never been able to regulate her anger, and nobody dared to confront her about it due to a fear of being pummeled. The only person Yang would hear it from was Ruby, but even the redhead couldn't bring herself to face her sister, only because she was aware of the mood it put the blonde in.

Yes, Yang's rage was useful to have the power in an actual encounter, but not so much when she was simply having a conversation and one tiny wrong word could cause her to blink from zero to one hundred in an instant. Ironically, that exact thing was beginning to happen to the poor girl, and Jaune could see it all happening before him as he turned to check on her.

Her hands were trembling furiously, gripping the seat to the point of the metal bending. Her face showed none of her easygoing or teasing side. She was fuming, provoked by this professor's suggestion. Glynda just tilted her head forward to examine the girl closely without her lenses, thinking of how predictable this all was.

Jaune dragged his hand to hers and nudged it, hoping to grab her attention before she could make a mistake. All he succeeded in was getting a sense of warmth from her radiating heat, the temperature would have been abnormal for anyone besides Yang. She ignored his touch entirely and uprooted from her seat, about to let loose the wrath of a thousand suns, if it had not been for Jaune. He reached out to grab onto her forearm, holding onto her bare skin with a secure grip.

She whipped around to face the boy that was restricting her, on her face was a look that could scare even the bravest of souls. Her terrifying eyes were glinting red. A moment passed like this before she met his blue eyes that swayed like the ocean's depths. He looked back into her eyes, wordlessly imploring for her to settle down. It seemed to assure her, telling her that it would be okay, everything would be okay. Because he would be there when she was in need, he would be there for her.

In response to this she felt herself soothing, as if one small look into those stupid but meaningful eyes of his had effectively tamed the beast inside of her. The red orbs dominating over her normal irises receded, exposing her lovely lilacs as she reclaimed her seat. She casted a dejected look to the side of the room away from them, realizing just how right the professor was.

She could still feel the squeeze on her arm, except for now it had slackened to a looser hold. Why is he still holding onto me? It wasn't that she was not in favor of a cute boy touching her, just this seemed a bit… Unnatural… Isn't he with Pyrrha? They are going on a date. Or is he with Weiss or Blake? Those three have a history together and everything, it would make sense. I'm SURE he's not with Ruby, at least I hope he isn't. For his sake, of course.

Glynda had been astounded with how Jaune had so easily cooled his hotheaded friend off. How I would pay to know what he is truly capable of… "I prove my point," the woman said matter-of-factly to the girl. "It appears that you will struggle in the beginning, but thankfully, you will not be alone," she nodded toward Jaune.

"Now, since I would rather not keep you both here to all hours of the night, I will set you on your way. Only following the arrangement of your punishment." She noted that sometime she would have to have another talk with the knight about how he holds back while fighting, but she wished to have them out since sunset had already passed by the time they made it into her secluded office.

Jaune grumbled deeply, knowing that he would dread whatever the cruel sentence would be. Yang didn't visually express her care for the subject, still looking to the right at the room's dull wall. But on the inside she listened closely to what Glynda had to instate.

"You must write a thorough report on the significance of color in our world today, and how our lives would be different if we had instead lost the ability to express our individuality after the Great War. Due in one week." She said resolutely, not being gentle with delivering the assignment. She had taken this writing prompt directly from the great book of Ozpin himself. Well, there wasn't actually a book. She had just pulled this from one of his speeches given to previous new students at Beacon. Nevertheless, it would be a tiresome and tedious task, exactly what she intended.

The boy groaned even louder. This school would be ten times better without all of the paperwork. But I guess if it keeps me with my friends, I'll stick it out, no matter what the cost. So, I can bear a bit of writing. It wasn't like he had much room to argue, this was much more forgiving than being expelled.

"How long?" He chirped up, the look she returned to him made the boy regret the question as soon as it left his lips.

She narrowed her eyes at him, scowling, repeating her vague term coldly, "Thorough."

"I-is it safe to assume this is a partner project?" He gave her a goofy smile and laughed awkwardly in his very own way, trying to play off his last question that made the mood tense. This was already going to be a difficult task considering everybody has a different definition of the ambiguous word "thorough".

Glynda sighed as she finally took a seat in the chair beside her, though she refused to slacken her body for even a second. "I suppose I will grant you both the opportunity to complete this as partners, since you both infringed upon the rules as partners. And for cooperation purposes, so that you may become more familiar with each other. The teams you two belong to obviously synergize well together, therefore it wouldn't do any harm to collaborate here."

The woman appeared exhausted regardless of her efforts to hide the fact. Her eyelids slowly began to close, they would have if she had not snapped them open, chastising herself mentally for being informal in front of her pupils. "It's high time you both proceed back to your dorms."

Jaune nodded and stood, now feeling his Aura at healthy state. He was still latched on to Yang's wrist, and she still looked as if she was staring off into another dimension while being deeply in thought. He shot a concerned glance her way, bothered that she was so upset. Really she was just probing her mind and reconsidering certain aspects all because of what he had done to her.


A gentle squeeze from him and his worried voice pulled the girl back to the land of the living, "Y-yeah? What's up?" She sounded disoriented and like her mind was still hooked on something.

"Time to go," Jaune gave her a warm smile that was meant to brighten her day, but sadly it only yielded a quick nod from the strangely quiet girl as she joined him in standing. He released her arm so that she could walk freely over to the closed elevator doors.

As if the metal transport had sensed them, the doors of the machine immediately opened for the passengers as they neared the entrance. Jaune entered after Yang, wondering how these things always knew exactly when someone required a trip without having a signal to alert it. Yang on the other hand, thought nothing of the convenient timing.

The thick elevator doors closed, obscuring their line of sight to the professor. An uncomfortable silence overcame the small room. One that made the back of Jaune's head itch annoyingly, obligating him to break the soundless period. "Soo… Wanna go to the library to get this thing started right now?"

Yang set her eyes on his for the first time since she had almost set her anger free in the meeting, "You think that would be smart? It's past curfew and we're already in trouble," she inquired, gazing deeply into his eyes in an attempt to discover any sort of hidden intention. Any guy would absolutely take advantage of getting alone with her, and she was well aware of this. But would Jaune really try that?

"Come on," he said this and the doors pulled to either side as if on cue, opening up to a darkened hallway. The only lights in the passage were dim and provided barely enough brightness to light the halls completely, but just enough to see where you wanted to go. He took her hand, guiding her along, inadvertently making her heart skip a beat and the rhythm of said organ quicken to a panicky pace.

Under the faint hall lighting, a flustered pink blush spread across her face. Yet to her relief, it was perfectly invisible to anyone who might throw a look her way. Not that anyone was up and about at this time, but in case someone actually was roaming around, they would suspect nothing. This boy… Has guts. She admired the careless and partially reckless side of him, it made him all the more relatable and appealing to her. Except she would deny everything, convincing herself that she saw nothing special in the knight.

They made it to the library in almost no time, Jaune had forced the girl to run along with him, not slowing down for any reason. He pushed the door open to the large study, as the two entered, they were enveloped in darkness. They would have to leave the lights off or else they might risk alerting anyone who walks by the entrance. The only source of light was produced by the hologram projectors for each computer. They blinked a dim red light that came from the opening where the display usually was shown, switching on and off every ten seconds.

The two made their way over to the computers, still hand in hand. Jaune thought nothing of it, he forgot that he was even doing it, Yang was the exact opposite, her blush deepening over time. What's wrong with him?! Why is he doing this?! Even though she complained so furiously internally, she found herself not separating the hold. Like a small part of her refused to, and was causing the rest of her to do the same.

Jaune pressed the button on the base of the projector to activate the computer. The display flashed a brighter red for a final time before the screen turned on and changed to a green. The last ray of red shined on his sword, a maroon color that almost exactly resembled the red burned into the center of his sword during his last nightmare.

As a result of this recollection the blonde boy tensed up. He felt cold and alone like he had in the darkened realm, even with the very warm and real girl that had her hand locked in his. Shivers ran down his spine, making him feel like something was crawling under his skin.

"D-don't do this for her!"

The cry of his wintery friend replayed in his mind. Her final words before it killed her. That wretched beast of pure hatred which he had been consumed by, overcoming his light, infusing him with a tempting dark power. Power that made him feel invincible, undefeatable by anyone or anything. He let go of the girl's hand and took a step away from the computer, looking terrified of something that she had no idea about.

That… Thing. The boy shook his head in denial, he would never let that happen. Ever.

Yang lost all worries about herself and focused them on Jaune. In an instant he had somehow flipped his whole mood upside down, now appearing afraid of this computer for a reason that she was not aware. She began carefully and compassionately to get to his soft side, "Jaune, what's wrong?" There was no doubt in her mind that he was not being his usual self.

He spoke senselessly, without choosing his words precisely, "Another nightmare." It slipped his mind that he was supposed to keep these to himself.

She was instantly intrigued by what he answered. She picked up on him saying "another", meaning that this was not the first of these nightmares. "What was it about?" She pried curiously while taking a seat in one of the chairs next to the computer, facing the boy instead of the display.

"N-nothing, it doesn't matter," he sat in the chair by her and faced the screen. He hoped that maybe if he tried to get straight to work, then she would follow suit and help. Much to his displeasure, he would not get that lucky.

She suspected that the subject actually did matter a significant amount, so she would berate him until he revealed what the contents of the dreams entailed. "Jaune, you're awful at lying. Spit it out, or I'll beat it out of you," she threatened with a slight bit of unwillingness, knowing that she would do nothing of the sort. This was when being strong and intimidating proved helpful to the girl, so that she could easily get information out of others. Yet saying this to Jaune was different than it would have been with someone else. She felt a peculiar opposition tugging at her, as if telling her to not treat him this way… Like a mysterious force had forbidden her to do so.

He was under the impression that the girl's blunt remark was true. And anyone in their right mind knew very well to never reject one of Yang's insisting requests. "I was in some sort of dark world where there was nothing except for me," he started in a hushed tone. "But I wasn't exactly… Me." It wasn't possible for him to sound any more serious or afraid than he was now. "Whatever I was felt like it had been emptied of all love and care, it was fueled by a perverse hate for everything, excluding just one person. It purely wanted to deal pain and torture. It longed for… Blood."

Yang's eyes were widened in shock at the last word; her orbs were glued to the depressed looking boy. She was confused on how Jaune, the most loving and caring person of Remnant, could be converted into a corrupt being like that. This was only a bad dream, right? He shouldn't be worrying this much…

"Then this invisible lady asked me what I feared, I replied saying that I feared nothing and…" The boy trailed off and wished not to continue, yet he urged himself to go on. Not only because Yang wanted to hear this, but it also felt like weight was being lifted from his shoulders with every word spoken. "I-I confessed my love for her," he choked out in a feeble voice. He remembered how the inexplicable words had burned and seared his throat. "Weiss appeared out of nowhere, absolutely terrified, she didn't know that I wasn't myself and…"

Once again Jaune was unable to speak another word. He was decimated by what had happened next in the dream, it made his heart break conjuring the image in his head of what the monster had done. Through the dark the boy could be seen leaning his elbows on the desk's top, burying his face into his hands. He's really worked up about this… She knew what she must do to help him proceed, except she racked her brain for other ideas that might involve less touching between the two.

The girl sighed internally, apprehensive to do this for him. Well Lady-Killer, looks like today's your lucky day. She summoned the courage to reach out, brush his hands away from his face, and cup his cheek as she pulled him so that he looked directly into her lilac orbs. She used the utmost amount of tenderness, keeping in mind of how fragile his emotions were at the moment. In the green light provided by the computer, a glistening was left visible in his eyes, showing the sadness that had welled there over time.

A stab of agony ran through her heart as she took in the sight of him. He looked crushed. She furrowed her eyes in an empathetic frown, "Jaune, it's alright. None of it was real, and now I'm here to help you." In another gesture of benevolence, she willed herself to stroke his cheek warmly with her thumb, awkwardly consoling the anguished boy.

She wasn't used to being so touchy like this with a boy, it was considerably more intimate than she had ever been with one. Everyone had it in their minds that Yang was a daring girl who had already done everything under the sun with the boys of her choosing. But truthfully, she was as inexperienced as this knight. Her confident attitude played a major role in helping her appear more familiar with these intimate situations. But on the inside she knew that she was all talk and no game when it came to it.

Jaune responded by taking a deep breath in preparation, misery picking at his emotions like a crow at a corpse. The girl's touch awakened a feeling of encouragement inside of him, and showed no means of moving any time soon.

"I killed her." He said all of a sudden. A single shattered tear ran down his cheek, even though it wasn't exactly he who had done the dreadful deed. "I… He… It," he fumbled trying to settle on what to call the being. "…Killed her. And I don't know what it means or how that would ever happen!" He raised his voice over the whisper that they had been using, scaring the girl's soft hand away from his cheek. "I-I think I'm going crazy or something, I keep seeing my friends getting killed and I can't do anything to stop it, every time I go to sleep I have to worry about whatever unbearable things I'll have to live through. I'm even seeing people who I have no clue if they're real or not!" He was yelling now, forgetting to breath before his quick-firing words, not caring for what he lets slip. He was breaking down after all of the stress, it was bound to happen eventually. He was losing his touch with reality, losing himself. "I can't take it anymore, Yang! I can't do this! How am I supposed to be Ozpin's 'valiant leader', guiding my team and friends, when I can't even tell myself the difference between what's real and what's fantasy?" The boy was losing his mind from the pressure, letting go of his deepest and darkest secret. He felt like his throbbing head might blow if any other strain was placed on his back, his emotions crumbling and piling like fallen debris. "I can't," he finished in a defeated whisper.

Perhaps if he were older and more mature, he would have a better chance at sustaining this tension, but he was still just a kid. A boy whose unique fate had been decided since birth, permitting him no choice in being the normal person he longed to be. He was not used the strain qualified Huntsmen underwent, and this whole title of becoming a valiant leader was of a much greater burden than that. He was a boy whose fate was of unmatched importance.

Yang was taken aback by his sudden outburst. Yet she couldn't suppress an overwhelming compulsion to comfort him and get to the bottom of his pain. He needed this help, now more than ever. She whispered lightly in a tone to cool him, "Shhh, slow down Jaune. Breath." She gave him a generous amount of time to assemble his scattered thoughts, and he used all of it to heed her directions of slowing down. He steadied his rapid breaths and the intense shaking that had begun after confessing that he had killed the dream version of Weiss. "Ready now?"

He nodded in reply, having a more level head now.

"Good," she smiled lightheartedly. That was simpler than I expected. "First, how are you Ozpin's 'valiant leader'?"

He was wary to inform her of his ancient abilities, and felt like he should avoid doing so, but the damage was already done. She already knew that something fishy is going on, there was no going back now.

His head hung low, the roar of objecting thoughts in his mind failed to dissuade him from proceeding. "Apparently I was born during this rare occurrence called the Transcendence of Color, giving me these unordinary powers that make me 'special'." He confessed with a draft of dismay, feeling more alone than ever because of the pedestal he was placed upon. "Ozpin is telling me that I'm a born leader who has to lead through this dark time, but I don't see how I could possibly be capable of anything like that," he spoke in an unenthused drawl.

"Wait, we're in a time of peace, there's nothing dark about what's going on," Yang pointed out with an inquisitive look on her face.

"I know. No wait, I mean I don't know what he means."

She took a minute to wrap her head around what he had just told her, wondering why he was so disturbed if he had irregular powers, assuming that he was telling the truth. Nonetheless, she would keep her mind set on getting to the bottom of his sorrow, and once having done that, she would do her best to fix it. "Well whatever you have to do, I'm sure you'll pull it off. You're not one to go down without a fight, Jaune," she gave her best shot at a hopeful smile to encourage him.

A single message of disagreement ran through his head, but I am one to fail…

The powers were the next priority on Yang's list of question to ask, now that the first had been dealt with. She wanted to figure out what made him stand out among the rest, besides being the most caring and compassionate boy in history. Since after all, they were going to be fighting on the same side and it might be helpful to be familiar with her allies. "And what do those powers do?"

He shrugged lethargically, not being certain how to answer her clearly. He himself wasn't even sure. "As far as I know, in Forever Fall when Pyrrha and I ran into that Death Stalker, I was able to make her Aura increase above the natural limits, making her faster and stronger. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do it again…"

Yang's eyes bolted open at hearing the impossible being accomplished by this boy. There's no way. "How?"

"I'm still asking myself the same thing," his eyes still refused to meet hers, he didn't feel the need to look up from the oh-so-interesting ground.

She was aware that it would prove useless to question him any further on this topic, so she skipped to the next. "Who are the imaginary people that you think you're seeing?"

A loud out of the ordinary thud sounded from one of the aisles of books, discontinuing the two's conversation.

Yang was the first to react, rising from her chair and hissing in an undertone, "What was that?"

"Someone might have caught us!" He yelped in a similar whisper.

The girl narrowed her eyes in the direction of the row where the noise had originated from. Something doesn't add up... "If it were a professor, then why would they sneak around rather than confront us?" The only other two known professors other than Glynda were not the most stealthy of individuals from what she could recall.

Jaune squinted his eyes curiously, the more he contemplated it, the more it made sense to him. Yang then nodded her head in the direction, signaling him to tail her as she led the way over to the row. Both of them moved with light feet through the darkness, making no noise with their tip-toes.

The two positioned themselves on either side of the lane, pressing their backs against the ends of the sturdy bookshelves. They listened closely, ready to pick up any other sound from whoever (or whatever) was in the library with them. At the sound of gentle shuffling the blondes froze like statues, not moving or talking, not even daring to breath. From their places, the two were completely invisible to what was in the corridor.

"Come on… Where is it? They must have heard that, how couldn't they have?" The female's elegant accent flowed to the ears of the concealed listeners, one that Jaune instantly recognized, knowing it all too well. He peaked around the corner of the shelf, making out a faint light, most likely belonging to a Scroll. It was panning over the multiple book bindings that were set into their places on the ledge of wood that held them up. As if someone was searching for one title in particular.

Jaune was able to use the shadows to his advantage by creeping over to Yang without being seen and barely whispering into her ear, only loud enough for her to hear, "I'll go first, wait here." Before Yang had a chance to respond, he had already pulled away from her range of quiet speaking.

The mysterious girl's concentration on locating her target made her less aware to her surroundings, this made it much easier to sneak around undetected. He took one step toward the girl, then another, then another, not alerting her. I'm totally a secret agent. He was confident that he would catch her off guard.

Just as it seemed like he would get the jump on her, she rounded about with a book in hand, not expecting to get a view of a shadowy form in front of her. She squealed in surprise and dropped her Scroll on the floor. At first, the identity of who was before her went unrealized. But when she blinked a couple times to let her eyes accommodate to the lack of light, she wished that she had fled right after dropping that book.

"What are you doing here?" He sounded curious, a touch of fear lined in the tone he used. He was only a couple feet away from the girl.

Her first instinct was to attack his mind like she had last time. She was desperate, not knowing any better than to act out of fear to save her neck. She flooded his brain with a rush of drowsiness, this time it was a much higher dose. His legs turned to jelly, immediately causing him to collapse, not having the strength in any limb to pick himself back up. The only view available to him was of the plain ceiling, blackened by the dark. Except it was being blotted out by a cloud of fuzz that began to block out his vision. His thoughts became tangled and disordered, making it difficult for him to do anything at all. He struggled to keep his eyes open, they were begging to close despite the protests of his mind. They wanted him to go into a deep sleep…

"What are you doing to him?!" Yang shouted, not minding her volume. She stormed out of her place from peeking silently around the corner of books, thundering loudly toward the terror-stricken girl.

"I—," she was given no chance to explain.

The fierce blonde dragon cut her off by shoving her violently into the shelf, knocking a couple of books off and pinning the unknown girl by her shoulders. She hung inches off the ground, staring into the face of what she assumed was death itself. Blood colored eyes. Hair tips flickering in flames. Teeth barred in pure rage. And strength that a girl like this usually didn't possess. The violet-eyed girl had no hope, her reserves were already drained from taking out Jaune. It consumed most of her power to fully incapacitate someone, that's why she could not perform the action again.

"Stop what you're doing to him!" Yang spat, her scathing eyes burning holes into the girl.

The stranger immediately obeyed, releasing Jaune from his undesired compulsion to drift into unconsciousness. He shook his head to wake his thoughts, the feeling in his arms and legs returned from their inactive state. He slowly picked himself up with the support of the bookshelf beside him. One of his hands assisted him to walk along books over to the girls, a groggy feeling still present in him.

Once reaching them, he patted Yang on the shoulder, notifying her to let the girl down. The brawler was prepared to beat the snot out of this girl for doing that, and she couldn't place her finger on why. Yes, the strange girl had done something wrong to her friend that might have hurt him, and she would fight to protect him any day. But why did I flip over it? Why did it trigger me? She set the victim of her rage back on the ground, who was stunned. Yang reverted into her cool state, her blonde locks flowing blonde and her eyes no longer relating to those of a Grimm.

"I'm sorry, I-I had to or else she would have killed them!" She sputtered out hysterically, she was still obviously petrified by Yang's rough treatment.

"Who are you?" Jaune insisted with regained strength, taking a step toward the girl as Yang took one back. The first thing he wanted to know was what he should call her.

"Violet Cascade," She mumbled unproudly, like she hated it being spoken.

He took another step closer, feeling anger rising inside of him for what she has done to him. "You're the one responsible for the nightmares, aren't you?"

She avoiding looking at him, locking her eyes on the ground as she shook her head in shame. A small whimper escaped her lips before replying, "You don't understand, I had no choice, she will kill them if I do not obey…" Upon pronouncing "she", Violet shook in her place, as if it was outlawed to even refer to the woman.

"Who is she?" Yang piped up, taking a step forward to join in on the conversation.

Jaune added along with his friend, "And who is she hurting?" The two were both considerably lost on what this girl was only hinting at. They found it a bit ridiculous that she wouldn't simply tell them who was getting hurt and who was doing it so that it could be resolved.

Violet startled them both by jerking her head up to fix her purple mystified eyes on Jaune's, "She is obsessed with you..."

His mind screeched to a halt, walling off from the outer world as he rummaged through his noggin for a guess at who it could be. The answer so simple, yet he still couldn't see it. He went through all of the women he had become acquainted with, time and time again. Except for the one from his dreams.

Yang took the lead of the interrogation while Jaune was in his own realm, repeating his question from earlier, "Who is she going to hurt?"

Violet's eyes jumped to and fro restlessly. She seemed to be searching for someone that might be stalking from the shadows. "No, I-I've said too much, she might hear us," she clung to her thick book, then darted out of sight, leaving the two with even more unanswered questions.

Yang would have pursued the girl if it hadn't been for Jaune not responding to her orders to follow her. Minutes passed before he finally reacted from her grabbing his shoulders and rocking him back and forth, "Snap out of it, Jaune!"

At the conclusion of her final syllable, the two both heard the knob of the library click, signaling a door closed, making it clear that someone else was now in their midst. Only a couple booming words needed to reach them to reveal who the newcomer was. "Hmm, it seems that there are prowlers of the night present… But not Grimm…" The one and only: Professor Port.

Whatever this is all about will have to wait. Nothing is going to ruin my night with Pyrrha. He finally came back to her, snickering as quiet as he could at the humorous man. There'll be another time to figure this Violet situation out. He suggested softly, "We should get back to our dorms."

But I still have so many unanswered questions! Yang protested mentally, she was not confident in her whispering skills at the moment. Who's the lady? Who is she hurting? What's going on here?!

None of the girl's intrusive thoughts would be resolved that night as they weaseled their way to the second less used exit, making it back to their rooms without a problem.

The next evening, the troubled girl had a lot on her mind as she walked to her dorm. Yang was returning from putting some work in with Jaune on the paper they had been assigned, taking up their entire Saturday morning up to now. After their time together, he was long gone; he had sped back to his room for some odd reason that continued to elude her.

For the whole duration of the session she had come off as being distracted by something. Every time Jaune asked for advice he had to interrupt her fazed out state in order to acquire what he needed. And when he would ask what bothered her, she would shake him off and deny there was anything wrong.

Now Yang was deep in thought as she made her way down the long hall, dragging her feet lazily. How does Jaune know whoever the lady is? And why is he just acting as if nothing happened last night? He had not brought up any of the events belonging to the preceding night, leading Yang to believe he might be keeping information from him. In reality, he was lost on what was going on, just like her.

"Yang!" Ruby cutely skipped until arriving by Yang, then transitioned into a walk to match her sister's pace. "What were you and Jaune doing?"

The blonde was taken off guard at first, "Oh! Hey, sis." In a smoother tone she added, "We were just working on a paper for Goodwitch."

"That's because you beat him up, right?" Ruby accused, sniggering at her sister's punishment.

Yang shot her an annoyed glare, "How'd you know?"

"Well, Pyrrha isn't great at keeping secrets," the redhead smiled innocently. "Though I can't say the same for Blake, she's got us all beat in that game!" She faked a distressed face, but couldn't hold it and broke into another giggle.

"Don't let anyone outside of our two teams know, alright?" She requested politely.

Ruby nodded and saluted, "You've got it, sis!" She wasn't going to question why Yang wished to keep this on the down low, she would listen to whatever her sister told her to do. Yang was like a mother to her younger sister. She had always been that way ever since the reaper's true mother disappeared. And the blonde would fiercely protect her little sister for all eternity, no matter what.

The two were coming up on their room, only about ten steps were left between the door and them when Yang spoke in a grateful voice, "I'm just glad to see you haven't gotten yourself into any trouble…"

"Yet!" The red squeaked back, seeming determined to give her sister a great hassle. She was convinced that it was her duty as a sister to do so, and have the most possible fun. Until she throws a fit… Ruby chuckled mischievously, worrying the blonde girl who opened their door.

They missed the muffled complaint of a stressed spartan as they closed their door behind them, joining the rest of their team.

(Meanwhile, in JNPR's dorm)

"Nora! This is serious!" Pyrrha griped, coming close to sounding like she was whimpering. She hurriedly paced from her dresser to her mirror, examining herself in her usual attire. "I have not the slightest clue on what to wear, and Jaune will be here soon!" The fretful spartan clapped her hands to her head, accidently ruffling her hair as she hopelessly fell backward, letting her bed catch her. This was the most important night of her life so far, and she would hate for it to end in a disaster.

Nora was sprawled on her back, dangling her head off one side of her bed to look at her teammate. She started in a singsong voice, "Pyrrha and Jaune-Jaune sitting in a… Bullhead, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Well, until Jaune throws up from his weird tummy…" She giggled at her own joke, then gasped as if something important just came to mind, "Are you and Jaune… Together-together?" She put emphasis on the last two words, making them sound like a long lost treasure, sought after by people for their entire lives, yet in the end, few found it.

The redhead groaned back to her friend, not willing to answer. I now am certain I want to be, but he sees me as just a friend. No more, no less. It will always be that way between us. Or… A tiny spark inside of her whispered a prayer for the contrary, wishing that it would eventually evolve into something more special, more loving. What are these strange emotions that this boy woke inside of me? She let out a lengthy huff, having an internal heart to heart with herself regarding the knight.

"Anyways, I bet Jaune will be fine with whatever you wear! I mean, LOOK at you! You're drop-dead gorgeous!" Nora complemented, earning a flattered blush from the other girl.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Nora on this one!" They heard a call from the bathroom, the voice belonging to the blonde in mention. He pushed the door open to pop his head out for them to see, causing Pyrrha to jump to her feet in an uncoordinated manner, her overwhelming emotions being the reason for the ungracefulness.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha looked mortified. He heard all of that…

"Jaune!" Nora yelled, drowning out the spartan's voice. She leapt to her feet and cheered at his completely unpredictable arrival, then saw that her closest friend was missing in action. "Where's Renny?"

The black-haired ninja popped his head out from around the bathroom doorway above Jaune's. "I was not a part of this. I voted to stay out, as you ordered in when we all woke. This was Jaune's doing!" He claimed in an almost desperate manner, immediately throwing their leader under the bus.

Jaune put on an unconvincing smile and entered the main room for the team, "Hey, I'm sorry," he apologized with the most sincerity her could offer, which was not much. "I just had to know what was going on!"

"What exactly do you agree on with Nora?" Pyrrha asked with a gentle quiver of anticipation, her heart racing as well as the spread of a light redness across her features. This was the more relevant subject; she had obviously had already gotten over the trespassing of the two boys.

The blonde raised an eyebrow at his partner, "Now that, my friend, I shall leave to the imagination," he said with a cryptic tone and mad grin.

"Oh, the intrigue…" Nora commented with an open-mouthed face of actual interest. Ren smiled kindly at her, making his way to her side.

Jaune laughed with mirth at the gullible girl, taking his place by his partner as Ren had done. He smiled amiably at the spartan, "Pyr, you don't have to impress anyone."

"Are you sure?" She worried, fearing that this minor decision could ruin the possibility of her ever being the boy's love.

"Positive! Heck, I'm already impressed! Isn't that all that matters?" His warm smile was substituted for one that was more joking, making it difficult to judge how serious he was about the statement.

Pyrrha bit her lip bashfully, wondering why she always got this nervous and shy around him. The flustered redness had yet to disappear from the girl, only deepening with each word of praise spoken to her. If you only knew how much that matters to me…

"We should get going, we don't have all night!" He offered his hand to her like a gentleman, which she accepted with a bubble of joy. "Actually, we do. It is a 24-hour fair after all, so we could wait a while," his contradiction was followed by yet another toothy smile.

Pyrrha fell in love with the idea of having their night out at the fair from the first moment he mentioned it, which was right now. It was so simple, yet wonderful. It's so… Jaune-like. She smiled, her inner self almost felt the urge to hop in glee, clapping her hands like an overexcited child.

Nora came out of nowhere the two could see, shoving the them to the door and beckoning them to get out already, "Nope, you have your night, we have ours! Shoo!" She was adamant that they exit now, and the last thing that anyone wants to do is anger this hammer-wielding girl of pure energy.

"Wait I forgot my—," the slamming door cut Pyrrha off, she finished in a quiet mumble, "Lien…" She turned the knob to re-enter, finding that it was locked already.

Jaune laughed playfully at her misfortune and squeezed her hand, "Come on, you won't need it."

"But how will I pay for anything?"

He raised eyebrow at her with a face that said "are you kidding".

She gave him a blank stare, "Am I missing something?"

He motioned with his head, instructing her to walk with him. "I'll be paying for everything tonight. My treat," he smiled invitingly as she received the message to come with him.

"But Jaune…"

"Shush! Nope!" He rejected politely, "It's on me." Pyrrha covered her reluctance, burrowing it deep inside of her. She didn't want him to see it, but then again, she also didn't want him to pay for her.

The two hastily made their way to the Bullhead docks, but kept a walking pace to not draw too much attention. That plan soon became pointless.

It was only a couple minutes to walk there, so they weren't too far away now. As they passed through the crowded surrounding grounds of the academy, they felt the envious stares of others searing into them. Most of which were from bitter male students. Guys who were stronger, faster, and better looking than the knight. All of them were dumbfounded on how a klutz like Jaune could win the heart of a stunning and brilliant girl such as Pyrrha.

The redhead caught on to this quickly, nibbling the inside of her cheek and feeling unsettled by the lingering eyes. I don't understand what's so strange about two ordinary humans, going to have a completely normal evening to themselves. Even if they may be holding hands like companions. She unconsciously came closer to the blonde, her arm making contact and rubbing against his.

Jaune took enjoyment from the sudden contact, gaining a small smile that went unnoticed by her. Though the roar of the readying Bullhead smashed his brief happiness to tiny pieces. Somehow, the main plan of taking the ship had snuck right out of that thick skull of his. Growls from his objecting stomach came to life, he already felt like puking from the mere image. He didn't see any aircraft; he only saw a flying death trap.

"H-how about we just stay here?" He stuttered cautiously. "Fancy dinner at the cafeteria?" His offer was desperate, not one part of him wanted to get on this wretched thing.

His partner hopped onto the main platform of the open ship, still holding his hand. "It will be far worse hanging out of the opening as we fly, once we take off," she appeared amused by his silly attitude. "Because I refuse to let go," her alluring orbs begged him to get on with her, their glow a similar brightness to that of twin stars sparkling in the clear night sky.

"Did you just threaten me?" He feigned a dramatic offended expression, then uneasily accepted her assistance in climbing up.

She attained a blamelessness and pure smile to defend herself, "No, I simply influenced your decision with a harmless indication!" The Bullhead took off, quickly ascending high into the sky and following the set course to the destination.

He shook his head, "I had no idea that dangling out of the door at this height was 'harmless'." He momentarily broke out a laugh, it only lasted a couple seconds before he clamped his mouth shut with both hands, preventing any of his insides from become outsides. Pyrrha immediately took the hint, escorting him to the seats next to the wide side window where she sat him down. She then went off to look for something in the cockpit, returning with a metal trash bin that she set in front of him.

Jaune stared at her in glory. He hummed a close-mouthed "thank you", then dropped his gaze to the inside of the can in case he had to use it. She knows me so well! Man, if my wife in the future is like Pyrrha, I'll be the luckiest man in the world! But what girl would ever want to marry me?

The possible answer to that question laid in three different girls at the moment, except they had not yet discovered this. One of the three actually was taking a seat next to the boy at this very second.

"You're welcome, next time it might be wise to choose another method of transportation." She clenched her teeth and held her tongue, mentally scolding herself for saying "next time". How do you know there might be a next time?! This might just be a onetime event.

If Jaune hadn't have nodded to the deal, she would have continued to put herself down. But he was agreeing. The girl could only assume that either meant he missed the question, or he actually was interested in doing this again, considering this went well.

For the rest of the ride there, Jaune held his head in the can, not vomiting. Pyrrha sat quietly by his side, just watching him making sure that whatever happened, he would be okay. And in the end, he shockingly was. The Bullhead was touching down on the platform located inside of Vale's most popular fair, letting the two hop down and kick off their late evening.

As they strolled down a path lined by concessions, all Jaune could see was delicious food that called his name. He had completely ignored the memory of his previous nausea from the ship. "So many options…" He ran off to a stand where they sold the greasiest of foods, purchasing the largest available size of fries. He didn't even wait for Pyrrha to advise him not to do so because of how unhealthy they are.

"Jaune…" She stopped herself. This is a time to be calm, relax. The food wouldn't hurt him too badly, and plus, she wanted to enjoy this night to the fullest more than anything else. He began stuffing his face mercilessly, not sparing a single slice of the poor potatoes. They were gone in no time, before he even could offer Pyrrha any. "Did you at least appreciate them while they lasted?" She looked at him with amazement for how quickly he devoured them.

He tilted his head, pondering the question as they walked, "Mediocre at best," he joked with a rub off his unsated belly.

"Well, that's better than bad I suppose," she said, looking at the bright side.

"Exactly!" He yelled positively, not bothering to keep his voice lowered for all of the bystanders around them.

After a while of wandering aimlessly and deep talk, Jaune was able to figure out more about his elegant and gifted partner. He had finally pieced together why Pyrrha was so disciplined to hide her emotions after she further explained her status prior to Beacon. She was reserved due to habitually maintaining a strong image for her fans, she was the "Invincible Girl", meaning that she was not allowed to show any sort of weakness. She deserves to have a chance at being treated like a normal girl, not some idol on a pedestal. Finding this out only made Jaune even more determined to help her open up and become more comfortable with herself.

After that, the conversation had descended in casual small talk. The path that they were walking on led them to the fair games area. Upon entering this section, Pyrrha instantly squealed in joy, bolting over to one of the booths, yanking Jaune along with her. The game here was a classic, knock the three bottles that were stacked in a triangle down, with only the throw of a single ball. The concept of the seemingly simple game was not what had drawn the attention of the girl. It was the huge stuffed animal fox that was hanging from the booth's ceiling.

Jaune followed her eyes up to the toy, never expecting Pyrrha to be so interested in something so childish. Though he had to admit, her reaction to seeing this was incredibly cute, so he felt the need to gain the prize for her. "The fox?"

She nodded shyly, feeling slightly embarrassed for showing immaturity. She spoke softly, "I've always loved them…"

He looked from her, to the fox, then her, then back to the fox, then the man running the game, then finished by looking back to her. "Okay let's make a deal," he smiled admiringly at her. The spartan became giddy once again, ears perking up to hear him out. "We will have our fun, and then before we leave, I will win it for you so that we don't have to carry it all night."

She bounced in gleefully, letting her emotional constraints down for now. Without thinking, she hugged the boy tightly, not embracing him long enough for him to hug her back. She pulled away with a blush that matched her hair, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself," she tried playing it off with another sweet smile. What were you thinking? Oh that's right, nothing. She felt like she should not have done that, but she actually didn't regret it for a second. No one from school was here to make fun of them, so why shouldn't she show a little more affection to the boy? She loved how warm he always was, how gentle he felt against her, his touch made her feel cared for. It made her feel protected from all of the wrong in the world.

"Hey, you don't see me complaining," he grinned, exhibiting a blush that was put to shame by Pyrrha's as they walked off in another direction. "This date is already going better than my last!" He shouted in pride for the accomplishment.

No way, he's been on a date before me? Wait, he just admitted it was a date. A Date. I am on a date, with Jaune Arc. Prickles began to pick at her body, making her feel divine raised an eyebrow at him, trying to figure out if he was lying. "You? On a date?" Half of her was in disbelief, the other half held a disheartened feeling since she was not his first.

"Yep. Nine-year-old me was a ladies' man!" He gloated pitifully, not being very convincing. In a more unamused tone he told the truth, "Actually, it was the opposite of that. And at the time, I was only under the impression I was on a date. But in reality, a girl sat by me at the lunch table and said 'hi' to me. Which caused me to throw up all over her…" He scratched the back of his head with his left hand because his right was still occupied by Pyrrha's.

She did her best to stifle a fit of laughter with the help of her right hand, taking a while to get over the fact that his first date wasn't really a date, and how unfortunately it had ended for him. "So, does that mean you were Vomit-Boy before your time at Beacon?"

He rolled his eyes and shot a sidelong smirk at her, "I guess so, but please don't start calling me that, Yang and Ruby give me a hard enough time already."

"I promise I won't…" Pyrrha trailed off as they came close to a specific ride that she had thought was one of the most romantic of them all. "…If you come along with me on that…" She lifted a finger to direct his eyes to a gigantic circle that was rotating around a center, looking like the wheel of a bike. Gondola-like cradles were attached to the wheels, being turned round and round in slow motion. The lights lining the spokes and circumference were just awakening as the sun was beginning to set. The colors of these consisted of yellow, red, and orange. The dreadful Ferris Wheel.

He gulped audibly. Well Jaune. You need to think out the particulars before deciding a place to go on a date. "Pyrrha, I don't know…" His stomach attested to his doubt while he examined the wheel. The two were already standing in line, and it looked like they would be able to get on with the batch of riders now entering. He felt his knees shaking just from the image of him being up so high spinning in circles.

He looked back down to his partner's face and was greeted by the most irresistible sight in all of Remnant. This was by far, the most adorable thing he had ever seen. The striking redhead had pulled her face into a cute pout, her widened puppy dog eyes sparkled and glistened marvelously, begging him to do this for her.

Jaune felt his breath being stolen from him, his heart aflutter in the most confusing ways. What's happening? Why is she acting so weird? He allowed her to gradually lead him forward, entering their own carrier that was open to look at the scenery while up in the air. He felt all worries slide away from his mind, all of his thoughts focused on what was going on here and now.

Pyrrha smiled lightly in triumph, "It won't be too awful, I'll be right here with you. And, you can conveniently puke off the edge if you feel the need to," she giggled gently, sitting on the flat seat with her back leaning against the pod's wall that stopped people from tipping right off the edge. Jaune did the same, placing himself very close to the girl. Strangely, his stomach was absolutely fine. No queasiness, nausea, vomit, or anything. He would be able to experience this ride like most others were able to.

The wheel smoothly took off, beginning the long ride that would go on for a while. A drafty wind blew across the whole machine, blowing the spartan's long red hair dreamily. Jaune turned to absorb with his eyes the beauty of her, having his breath taken away yet again. She's so attractive… And she cares about me so much… Wait, what am I thinking? This is Pyrrha, my partner. Not my girlfriend. Pyrrha's teeth chattered slightly, she brought her hands across her front to rub her biceps for warmth, shivering next to the boy. Her normal outfit was not well suited for cold weather.

Jaune's instant impulse was to wrap an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. Sparks began to fly in her head, igniting wildly and driving her feelings for him to an even higher degree. She blushed once again, turning to gaze deeply into his eyes, losing herself in his mesmerizing orbs. It felt like she was soaring off into an unreal dream, her eyes became glossed with desire. Her heart began to race as they simultaneously set their heads in motion, their lips on a course to introducing each other, their eyes shutting at the same time…

This throbbing in my heart, it's happening… I never imagined… Jaune I lo—

"You looked cold, so I thought I'd fix that," the goofy tone snapped her out of her lovely fantasy. It was all just her imagination cooking up what she really wanted to have. Her cheeks burned terribly, it wasn't possible for her to get any redder than she was now. In reality, he had removed his hoodie and draped it over her front, blocking the wind from her skin.

"T-thank you," she sounded disoriented, thanks to her mushy feelings towards the knight. She moved her hands to rest at either side of her on the seat, his sweatshirt already working on protecting her from the cold. Of course, I should have known it was too good to be true.

He smiled modestly and turned to watch the sun as it set, "Don't mention it, my queen." It had been a while since she had heard him call her that, she had forgotten how fond of it she was.

An abrupt gasp slipped Pyrrha's lips, a light puff of breath expelling itself from her. He's…

Jaune had taken her left hand into his again, only this time unlike the others, he intertwined their fingers together, bonding them as one for the first time. It was like her some unworldly force froze their hearts in the same instance, but in the finest of ways. It was indescribable. She leaned her head to the left, laying it delicately on his shoulder, as they shared this sunset. It felt natural to the both of them, like this was where she was meant to be. She was content with this, letting a pleased expression overtake her earlier surprise. The kiss will have to wait until another day, hopefully not too long.

Thoughts were whirling rapidly through their minds, making them both lose track of time. Jaune was riddled with complete confusion on why his Aura was fluctuating irregularly, and why he couldn't get this girl off his mind. What's this feeling that I'm feeling? It's all so new, I don't understand…

The ones in Pyrrha's head were more of realization. I think he just brought us together…

What's she doing to me?

I knew from the beginning that I wished to be with him…

Why does she feel so… Right?

He's too much, I think I'm going to faint… She lightly let her eyelids seal out the lights of the fair as the sun's rays dripped away into the dark night sky.

I never thought that she would be…

He's the one…

Is she falling asleep?

I love you, Jaune Arc…

Then a magical silence washed their minds clean, as they savored this precious moment.

Two teens. Thrown into a cruel and unforgiving world burdened by darkness. Destined to become the most revered of warriors, living perilous lives that were far too treacherous for their age. Being forced into giving up their innocence of youth, and taking the honor of brutally fighting for what they were told was right.

Though here they were, enchanted by care for one another. Cherishing a moment that resembled what normal teens were blessed with. Living like the children they truly were, treasuring this rarity, in which they experienced an infinitely small portion of the peacefulness of youth.

To the spartan, this was the romantic life she had always longed for. A fairytale, full of charm.

Thanks for taking the time to read another chapter, I have no idea how I can show you guys how much I appreciate it. Don't forget to follow, favorite or leave a review. And always, thank you JMK2 for helping me with the story.