Long Author's Note - nice-to-know information - amazing (if I do say so myself) story below.
You may want to know what you're getting yourself into for this story, so I recommend reading the Author's Note.
AN: Heya everyone, Asori here! This is it - the big one! AHHHH! I can't contain my joy at finally being able to share this with y'all :DDD A big thank you thank you THANK YOU to the wonderful LabRatsFan07 for the story suggestion almost a year ago in a review for my first Lab Rats FanFiction story Spiked Out - this story here would not exist without you! Also, I can't forget to give a shout out to the amazing vampiregal007 for being a messenger and a loyal Spike fan! And, of course, Dirtkid123, I was thinking of you the entire time I was writing this story - I hope it lives up to your awesome excitement! Thank you, you three and everyone else who left such heart-warming comments concerning the Spike story, for in effect, poking me to get this story done!
I would also like to give a special thank you to my personal proofreader/test-subject (my 'lab rat' xP ) who we will call Goose. Goose put up with my mindless, obsessive out-loud thought-processing and read my work because I said so. Goose actually really enjoys this and hopes that you all will enjoy it too!
Writing this has been a very long journey, and I was honestly terrified to take it up at first. But as I got into it, I began to love the idea more and more, and writing it has been the most fun and satisfying I've experienced yet. And all along the way I have wanted to post it as I wrote it, but I also wanted (and still want) to give you the best possible version of this story, so here it is now, almost completely finished and I'm posting it anyways (explained on my profile).
About this story: right off the bat I want to say that while there is action throughout the story, it is not all that plot-heavy, but focuses on BIG TIME character evaluation and development (basically a psychological novel). Our main character may possibly become Out Of Character as the story progresses, but that is simply my interpretation of him and a possible route of growth for him. In my defense, there isn't much to go off of from the TV series anyways :S I hope you like the direction that I take this!
Anyways, this story is rated T because of how deep the content is (my goal is to make you think!), maybe a few references, a cuss word, and mild-moderate violence. I mean, it's Spike - when writing a concept like this, you can't bypass the intensity even when it's a kids show. Don't worry, nothin' ya can't handle ;) The story has a darkness about it as you get into it, but there are plenty of light-hearted moments as well (Lab Rats is a comedy, and I prefer to keep my work fairly true to the show). You will see a substantial number of canon characters as well as a host of my own Original Characters (also as requested by LabRatsFan07). This story is set sometime in the Second Season, it could fall in more genre categories than listed in the description (and it becomes much less centered around humor than my other stories just before the first intermission - you will know what I'm talking about when we arrive), and the story is almost completely pre-written, so I will follow a steady posting schedule of an update every couple days save for intermissions.
The story is going to take you through lots of ups and downs - sometimes you will experience the top of the mountain with the characters, other times you will be trapped in valleys of hopelessness. You will laugh, you will cry. You will experience anger, joy, pride, sorrow, empathy. You will love the characters, and you will hate them. If you are faint of heart, this story will test your limits. It's intensity ebbs and grows throughout the story as you experience both the best of life and some of its more painful tragedies. You can't help being drawn in, and I hope that all of you make it through this journey to the end. We have a long road ahead of us, and I can promise you that it's one that you will never forget.
A little side-note: this may be my last story on FanFiction, and it's not because the show ended. See my profile for more details.
This is pretty much the conclusion of this very long Author's Note, and I promise that from here on out I will keep them to a minimum. So, without further ado, I give you A Man of a Monster. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Lab Rats or the canon characters, just the plot and my OCs.
Lady-Locks. Flashglue. Bumsweat. Chasey. Loser. Wimp. Not-Dooley. Squatmug. Nerd. Micro-Man. Weak. Killjoy. Dolly. Eensie-Weensie-Little-Woman. Dork. Chussle. Tiny. Buzzkill. Lady-Golfer. Geek. Bozo. Shortstack. The demeaning labels raced through Chase's mind within a split second, causing hurt, frustration, and anger to well up within him.
With the names came a torrent of accompanying memories. Memories of Adam's harsh words and rough play, memories of Trent pushing him around and humiliating him, memories of Bree abandoning him, memories of his seeming invisibility to Mr. Davenport, memories of the looks of disgust and disapproval from his peers…. Each memory in this fragile time for Chase was like a hammer blow, and he knew that it would not take much more to break him.
He stared up at the school bully, Trent, who had him pinned against the lockers. Ladyface. The new nickname reverberated through his being, causing more pain than being shoved against cold, unyielding metal. And not only was the metal cold and unyielding, but so were the countless teens that surrounded them, avidly watching the scene that had become their entertainment.
Trent's smirk of sick joy was reflected on the faces of the bystanders, cruel laughter contaminating the very air. And among the loudest of those laughing were Adam and Bree, Chase's older siblings. Their heartless mirth made him choke, his mouth coated with bile. They were supposed to look out for him – they were supposed to be his friends.
The word betrayed was thus added to the long list of emotions that described the brewing storm that twisted his stomach into a knot so tight that he felt ill. He attempted to swallow his queasiness, blinking back the hot stinging of tears that threatened to escape him. Breathe, he commanded himself over the swarm of thoughts, memories, and calculations that overwhelmed him.
Chase forced his lungs to relax enough to take in needed oxygen, but he was unable to control a gasp of emotional pain from slipping out, a testament to his roiling inner turmoil. Trent's evil grin grew fiercer, and he taunted Chase mockingly by saying loudly "Aw, is the little twerp going to cry?" Add Twerp to the list of nasty names. Trent barked with laughter as a wolf might be expected to, and like the animal that is often vicious in nature, he did not intend to merely wound Chase; he was going to go for the kill.
"Maybe your dolly will make you feel better – oh, right, you don't need a doll because you are one," Trent sneered, and more laughter pounded the youngest bionic's super-sensitive ears, further insults being hurled at him as if Trent's weren't damaging enough. Like their leader, the other teens were also as wolves, and Chase was caught in the kill ring of the pack.
Trent nodded in approval of the contributions of the others before bringing his face terrifyingly close to that of his victim's. In an awfully quiet voice that contained all of the contempt he had for the younger boy, Trent said "No one wants you around. You mean nothing. You're worthless."
Time slowed, and with the pronunciation of the last word, it was as if a chisel had been driven into Chase; in that moment he shattered like glass. The metaphysical form of the bionic had exploded to billions of jagged shards – he was broken.
Give up. Give in. I can fix you. I can fix everything, a familiar thought process whispered tantalizingly.
No, I will not activate Spike, Chase resisted. He will only hurt people.
These are people who hurt you – when I'm done, you will never have to fear again.
Because they will fear me.
Is that so bad?
Chase could defy his temptation no more. No, that would not be bad at all, he relented in his traumatized state, deliberately activating the commando app. I will never be picked on again.
What had felt like eons to the younger boy had in actuality been merely moments. Trent had been basking in his apparent dominance, but within seconds he sensed the danger that he now faced. Looking back to his victim, Trent was both amazed and horrified to see the quivering little snot seem to completely transform. Gone was the meek boy who let others walk all over him; here was a boy who blazed with a fiery rage, and Trent knew immediately that he was about to be burned.
Before Trent could make an escape from his impending doom, Spike lashed out and grabbed the front of the older boy's shirt, pushing off the wall and using his momentum to spin on his heel. When they had turned one-hundred-and-eighty degrees, Spike slammed Trent up against the lockers, letting the football player's feet dangle off the ground. Height was of no matter now.
"Who's the weakling now, huh?" Spike snarled menacingly in his deep, gravelly voice. When he didn't receive an immediate answer, he shouted "Answer me, scumbag!"
The hallway had gone silent by now, everyone holding their breath as they waited to see what would happen next. The only movements among the bystanders were the head-turns of Adam and Bree, who looked to each other worriedly.
Trent gulped, unable to hold the commando app's icy gaze for very long. The bully remained silent, and the room seemed to freeze in anticipation.
"Answer me," Spike repeated in a threatening rumble, gripping the quarterback in an even harder throttlehold.
"I get it, I get it; please just put me down," Trent pleaded feebly.
"Wrong answer," Spike spat, drawing his fist back before swinging at Trent with all the force he could muster. Trent yelped, ducking away from Spike's attack just in time. He scrambled out of the app's weakened grip, the crowd of students quickly stepping back and away from the two belligerents.
Spike advanced towards Trent, clenching his fists into rock-hard weapons. With a roar, he took another swing at the older boy, following closely with his other fist. Trent dodged both, falling backwards as Spike tried to knee him in the gut.
"A little help here!" Trent cried before another of his small screams followed, scrambling to his feet to avoid a kick from the younger boy. Spike took advantage of Trent's scattered attention, catching hold of the bully and socking him in the stomach with unparalleled force.
"Ohhhh," Trent moaned, sinking a little before slipping out of Spike's grasp and facing his enemy with a queasy expression.
"Fight back!" Spike shouted. With that, he continued his advance. His movements were a flurry of hits, almost too fast to track. Every impact made on Trent was marked by more yelps from the football player; his attempts at trying to shield himself were futile.
"What in the blazes is going on here?" Principal Perry demanded, shoving her way through the wall of teens and into the crude circle. Both an obviously relieved Trent and a profusely annoyed Spike froze, turning to face the despicable woman before them.
"He's trying to kill me," Trent whimpered shamelessly.
"He would be lucky if I only wanted to kill him," Spike growled, glowering at anyone who stared at him too long.
"You've got nerve to be beating up my football players," Perry snapped at the app, walking right up to him. "Looks like you've got yourself detention, squatmug."
"Yeah, you've got detention!" Trent added quickly in victory before Spike could retort. "Ha! That's what happens when y-"
Without warning Spike struck at the older boy, the crunch of the breaking of Trent's nose making many of the watching students gasp. Perry reacted instantly, grabbing Spike before he could continue beating up the howling quarterback. Spike fought her, struggling to break free, but the principal twisted the app's arms behind his back, her iron grip forcing him to his knees.
"How long is it going to take for you to learn that you can't beat me?" Perry asked rhetorically in a strained voice, her face red from the effort of restraining Spike. The app maintained his simmering silence, giving the injured bully his most dreadful death glare. He wanted not only to crush Trent's nose, but to crush every part of him like one might crush a detestable bug. He wished with a passion to make the older boy suffer the worst pain known to mankind.
"You, help Trent get up so he can come to my office," Perry ordered the unfortunate kid who had mistakenly made eye contact with her. With a combination of kicking and pulling, the principal forced Spike back to his feet, roughly steering him through the students who parted like the Red Sea. Spike kept his chin up defiantly as they walked to the administration offices, his facial expression locked in a vehement snarl as he stared down anyone who dared to gawk at him. His message was clear: I did not lose.
Trent trailed behind them, gingerly holding to his nose a fistful of tissues someone had offered him. He kept his gaze down, unable to meet the eyes of his peers as he shuffled by dejectedly. If there was any part of him that was more injured than the blooming bruises that mottled his skin and the smashed cartilage that was once his nose, it was his intimidating reputation, and he knew it. So instead of facing his fellow students, he focused on the thick scarlet liquid that oozed through the crumpled white squares he pressed to his face.
When the trio arrived at Principal Perry's office, she shoved Spike down into the nearest chair, firmly handcuffing him to it.
"You have handcuffs?" Trent asked her in mild surprise.
"Of course I do; I was a prison guard once," she replied defensively. "Now stay put while I go get my taser."
Trent's eyes widened, but there was no marked difference in Spike's countenance. If anything, he looked even more insolent.
Trent numbly sat down a couple of chairs over from Spike's, attempting to ignore the commando app's look of ire. He was substantially disturbed by the nerd's behavior; Spike was straining against his bonds toward the bully, baring his teeth and openly conveying his hate for the quarterback by his violent bearing.
Finally Trent couldn't take it any longer. "Stop it, you're freaking me out."
Spike's facial expression grew even more ghastly as he let a sneering smile of satisfaction develop. Still he remained nerve-wrackingly silent.
The older boy suppressed a shudder, genuinely asking "What happened to you?" He squirmed under Spike's fearsome look, mumbling uncomfortably "Chase… buddy?"
Spike barked a guttural laugh, at last saying "What happened to me? I decided I didn't like being nice anymore. And you'd better get used to it, cupcake." He paused suddenly, studying the football player intently. "Oh, and by the way, it's Spike. We're not friends."
Trent shivered with a chill of foreboding. He yet again felt relief wash over him as Principal Perry reentered the room, and he was glad that he was no longer alone with this maniacal 'Spike'. He tried to focus on Perry's movements as she rummaged through one of the drawers in her desk, but his attention was again captivated by his new formidable enemy who leaned even further in towards the quarterback.
"Just remember that you created the monster you see before you," Spike hissed a menacing warning. The school bully felt what blood was left drain from his face, and he desperately centered his attention back on Perry. Never before had he been frightened of anyone. And Trent was terrified.