And here it is, I had fun writing this one, I hope you like it!

Steve Rogers,

First of all and just to be clear, I don't know why I'm writing this. The idea came into my mind and I just felt I had to do it, even if I burn this piece of paper after finish writing it (something I'll probably do considering you're dead or frozen in the middle of the Pacific, as Howard likes to say) Whatever. I also want to clarify that I don't usually write to my girlfriens's exboyfriends, I guess I'm doing an exception here.

Let's get to the point: I love Peggy. I'm obviously not asking for permission here but something inside me - maybe the 20 years old Daniel who admired Cap so much - feels like it's right to tell you.

For the same reason I wrote above, I've been pursued by your shadow for a long time. I've looked up to you so much that I was afraid I was never going to be enough for a woman like her. She deserves the best and I didn't think I could fit there. You are Captain America, damn it, and I'm just Daniel Sousa, a wounded ex-soldier, crazy enough to keep working on a secret agency. No one is going to trade a white, blue and red shield for a crutch, isn't it? I couldn't compete against you.

But this was never a competition, of course it wasn't. She is not some kind of price I have to be worthy for. I realize that a long time ago. It was just about me, feeling pity of my poor self.

And you know who opened my eyes? Yeah, our smart Peggy. One day she told me "I know my value, everyone else's opinion doesn't really matter" and then it was clear for me. If I wanted for her to love me, I had to love myself first. You can't expect for others to see the value in you if you don't see it when you look at the mirror. I followed her advice, and it worked.

Now I'm able to see myself as she sees me, and I love that image. She makes me a better man and for that I'm grateful to her.

God, I love her so, so much. Her laugh is music to my hears and when we dance, oh, it feels like Heaven. Ok, I will stop here because telling you this much is making me feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Just one last thing. You don't have to worry. I give you my word that I'm going to take care of her, to protect her. Well, if she lets me, you know how stubborn she can get. If I piss her off being overprotective she will kick my ass, I don't doubt about it. But I will try until my last breath, that's for sure.

I don't even know how to end this so I'll finish with this.

I promise she will be fine,

Daniel Sousa

This is it! I honestly don't know if I will keep updating but if you have any opinion/idea that could help, feel free to send me a review, it will be very welcome.

See you soon!