Short and sweet last chapter to tie up the loose ends! I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you to all who have reviewed!
Chapter 4
Dylan didn't remember much of what happened next
Vague visions of the police storming in and arresting his father as he rushed over the slumped body of Ben on the floor.
The ambulance crew were rushed in and he was taken away so they could help Lofty.
The blade had remarkably missed all vital organs but he had puncture his lung so spent 5 days in hospital recovering, Dylan's dad was imprisoned for attempted murder and Noah had been found left alone in their flat with no food or water.
When the police told Dylan that Noah was going to be put into care, without hesitation he told them he would care for him. There was no way he was going to let his brother grow up in a system he had hated for the full 9 months he had been in it. He knew Ben wouldn't mind, but it would mean them moving to an actual house rather than the boat.
Robyn was showered in gifts, from chocolates to hugs and jewellery. Even Dylan had hugged her when Lofty told him about the text.
Zoe signed them off work for a month minimum but they ended up taking 2. They had brought a house, with a garden for Dervla and Noah to play in. 3 bedrooms and a large kitchen.
The night that Lofty was discharged from her hospital Dylan asked Robyn to babysit Noah, and he booked the whole restaurant out, the one they never got to go to, and they had cheese soufflé over looking the harbour.
So, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! Please give me your final thoughts in the reviews! x