A/N: Another short chapter this week, I'm a little busier with exam work and such than I thought I would be so it's difficult for me to write full length chalets each week. I will upload every week though, even if chapters do stay around this length. So I'm adding something a little new this week, I'm going to be replying to comments at the start of each chapter, so everyone can see the answers. So enjoy!

Omaribacache316 - Through the story I'll be looking at most of Bruce's various love interests when I think that character fits into the story. As for Batman vs Superman, I don't want to give anything away so I'll stick to silence, other than saying that there might just be a minor confrontation between the two in the next chapter.

LOTSlover - Batman and Wonder Woman is one of the main pairings I'll write about in this story, being as this is a Justice League story and I can't really ignore Bruce's, sort of, relationship with Diana.

That's it from me, leave a review if you enjoy, that always makes me more enthusiastic to write, or you want to ask me anything.

The moon had begun to set over Gotham, the sun would rise in just over an hour. Bruce collapsed into the drivers seat of the Batmobile and, sealing the cockpit, he pulled down his cowl. The night felt longer than it used to, maybe he had gotten old. Checking the clock on the car's control panel he saw he had little time to do anymore work tonight, it would probably be best to go back to the cave. As he prepared to head for home the comms system on the car kicked into life.

"Bruce, you there?" It was Barbara, hopefully with information for him.

"Go ahead Barbara."

"I went through those phones you got Dick to bring me."


"It's bad news, turns out the guy with the military contact..." Barbara sighed "O. C. Cobblepot. Three guesses who that is."

"Penguin." Bruce spat. "He went underground before I retired. Why would he come back?"

"Actually," Barbara interjected, "he never went underground, he left the country. I did a sweep for him on the usual channels and an MI5 file came up."

"He went to Britain?"

"And did pretty well for himself out there, thing is it was as a legitimate business man. He ran a big chain of nightclubs, but the Brits suspected they were a front for smuggling weapons into the country through American imports. They never proved anything but..."

"If they were right he would have made a lot of contacts and a lot of money, now he's come back to Gotham to cash in on the lack of another arms dealer."

"Must be, if Penguin's back you need to warn the commissioner."

"She won't listen, besides I've got no way to convince her to meet me."

"Of course you do." Barbara stated, like he was missing something obvious.


"Didn't my dad ever say? Of course he didn't. They never took the signal down, it's a little dusty, but it's still on the roof of GCPD."

Bruce smiled, maybe he did have a way in after all. This would attract the attention of media all across America, maybe he needed it, it was time for the people of Gotham to step out of the shadow of fear.

"Bruce?" Barbara sounded a little concerned, he realised he hadn't answered her.

"If I do this, it'll be loud. There'll be no more pretending Batman isn't back."

"You need to. So everyone knows."

"Thanks Barbara, I'll be back at the cave by sunrise."

"Alright, I'll let Alfred know then head home, good luck Bruce."

Clicking off the comms, Bruce grabbed the wheel, kicking the car into life he swerved back onto the streets of Gotham, racing towards the GCPD building. The roads were quieter now, less traffic roamed them, which played in Bruce's favour. As soon as the signal hit the sky then the whole of Gotham would be able to see it, everyone in Gotham would know he was really back.

Bruce parked the car in an alley a few blocks away from the precinct, not wanting to risk it being caught by some lucky cop. Given that the police were supplied to be on high alert for the presence of Batman there would hardly any officers keeping watch on the exterior of the GCPD building, they probably thought he wouldn't dare come so close to the home of the very people who wanted him out of business. Jumping across the rooftops onto the precinct Bruce took a step down onto the platform where the signal stood. It was covered up with a blue tarpaulin, but they had never taken it down, it had become a part of the cities history and it was as much of a part of Batman's myth as anything else.

Bruce ripped the tarpaulin away and let the wind carry it off somewhere. He pushed the signal up, angling the projector so that it would be seen by all, then he threw the switch. The machine sparked, the old wiring hadn't been used for too long and after a moment the light sprang up into the sky, the symbol emblazoned in the clouds. Bruce took a step back and admired it, it had been far too long since he had seen it. He quickly turned and found a perch above the doorway which lead into the building and waited.

Inside GCPD there was a distinct division in the mood. Many officers there had been around during Batman's active years, and seeing the signal in the sky again was like the re-emergence of hope. For the younger cops in the city, seeing the signal in the sky for the first time was almost awe-inspiring. The Batman had become a legend since his retirement, shifting into a myth, and to see his light in the sky made it seem all the more powerful.

Commissioner Ellen Yindel was sat in her office, unaware of the events happening at the very precinct she ran. The cop from the heist Batman had stopped ran into the room, exhausted even from the short run. The commissioner looked up with impatient eyes.


"Commish, you've gotta get out here."

"What's happening?"

"It's him; he's here."

The anger burning behind Yindel's eyes was visible. She rose from her chair and grabbed her gun, looking out of the window. Seeing the signal her eyes widened, she'd never bothered to get rid of the thing, given that Batman was supposed to be dead. She turned and rushed up the stairs, heading to the roof.

The night air was cold when Yindel burst out into it, kicking the roof door open as she did. Gun in hand, she looked around, desperate to see Batman for herself, but there was nothing there. She walked over to the bat-signal and looked at it, checking it couldn't have just been an accident.

"Commissioner." A voice sounded out in the night.

Yindel turned around with a fright, she found himself staring into the eyes of Batman.

Bruce looked at the younger woman, slowly observing her as if she were yet another of the night's prey. Yindel just stared at Batman, not sure how to react, the shock of seeing the Batman for the first time hitting hard. Bruce wasn't surprised, Batman had begun to become a myth again before last night.

"Get the hell outta my city." Yindel spat at the vigilante.

Bruce was a little taken aback by the reaction, he wasn't expecting pleasantries from Yindel but nor he wasn't expecting such a harsh reaction. Putting on the steely guise of Batman, Bruce pushed back.

"This was my city long before you were here."

"Yeah?" Yindel raised the gun "you're under arrest Batman."

"Take it easy, I'm not here to fight you." Batman began "Oswald Cobblepot is back in town, you need to keep your men on high alert."

Yindel looked at Batman even more bitterly than she had done before.

"You've been back one night and you're already bringing Gotham's top criminals back into town."

Bruce decided he'd push the new commissioner a little.

"And what about Victor Fries? He broke out of jail just under a month ago, and the public haven't heard a thing."

"How the hell do you..?" Yindel was getting even more angry. "That's it, I'm bringing you in."

Bruce knew if he pushed Yindel hard enough she would resort to this, it was what he'd been counting on. Taking a step forward towards Yindel, her response was predictable, even a cop like her would be fearful of Batman. Yindel took a step back, exactly what Bruce wanted. Her foot pressed down the power cable for the signal and the old wires couldn't take the strain. The wires sparked and the signal glowed with a blinding light as the bulb exploded. Yindel had to close her eyes to protect them and Bruce used the distraction to dive off the rooftop, pulling his cape out and vanishing into the brightening sky.

As the light from the signal died out Yindel opened her eyes again, raising her gun to where Batman had stood. As her vision faded back in she saw Batman was gone. She dropped her arm in anger, blaming herself for letting the vigilante get away like that. Kicking the roof Yindel turned and headed back into the precinct.

By the time Yindel was back in her office, Bruce was already on his way back to the manor. He took the drive at a slightly quicker pace than usual, the sun was about to come up and Bruce couldn't risk being out in the light. The hidden entrance to the cave was in sight well before the sun even peaked over the horizon. Bruce drove the car into the cave, the segment of the journey now entirely driven by his muscle memory, it was such a familiar experience.

The car came to a halt in the Batcave, climbing out Bruce saw that Alfred was already stood waiting for him with a change of clothes and, what Bruce guessed was, a protein drink.

As the he started to get out of the car Alfred spoke.

"Good morning sir, Miss Gordon ensures me all went well tonight."

Smiling at the old man, Bruce began to shed his costume the moment he was out the car, it took him only a minute to change out of the protective suit and into the fresh outfit Alfred had brought. After hanging the outfit back on it's stand Bruce took the protein drink and quickly drank the liquid.

"It did," Bruce paused for a moment "I'm getting slow in my old age, Alfred."

Taking the glass back off his employer Alfred smiled a little.

"Even you got too old to die young, Master Bruce, though not for lack of trying."

With that Alfred turned and walked away, leaving Bruce to consider what his oldest friend had just said.

Perhaps he was pushing himself a little too hard by trying to start exactly where he left off. Jim had once said that the only reason that Batman had made it so far was luck, in his younger days Bruce had dismissed the idea but now it seemed all the more like a reality. Shaking his head Bruce headed up the stairs to the manor, he needed sleep, as much as he hated to admit it.

Reaching the manor, Bruce paced slowly over to the wall-length windows, he watched the sun begin to rise. The bright rays spilled across the Gotham skyline, Bruce had always thought sunrise was the only time the city looked peaceful. A small grin crept onto his lips, after the city saw the signal in the sky last night the whole of Gotham's criminal population would be breathing a lot easy now the sun was up.

Bruce remained stood at the window for some time carefully observing his city, he knew it better than anyone, he knew it was broken. At the sound of footsteps behind him, Bruce turned to see Alfred walking into the room.

"As much as Gotham may enjoy having the Batman back I trust you haven't forgotten you have a charity gala to attend tonight."

Bruce paused to try and remember, since he gave up the cowl he had attended a lot more charity galas, after a while they became indistinguishable.

"No matter," Alfred began, smiling a little "I shall have your best suit prepared for tonight, in the mean time I suggest we both get some well deserved sleep."

"Not yet Alfred, I'm going to take a look at the MI5 files of Cobblepot then..." Bruce was cut off.

"Master Bruce, as much as you may not like to admit it, even you need sleep."

Bruce smiled, even now Alfred still cared for Bruce as if he were his own.

"I'm not a kid anymore Alfred, you're can't send me to my room like you used to." Bruce chuckled

"I bloody well can if you still want somebody to do your cooking and cleaning."

The pair smiled at each other for a moment then laughed, everything really was the same.