"Marx! Withdrawl your troops and stand down."

Every head present snapped to attention at the sound of Kamui's voice. There was not one single waver in the princess's tone, despite the fact that she had just spoken to the heir of Nohr, her idolized since childhood eldest brother, to surrender.

And to Hoshido's forces no less.

"Kamui?! You can't be serious?"

The red eyed girl could feel it. The pressure filled stares coming from her left flank.

The entire Nohrian army was watching her with rapt attention. Watching as she, their fellow soldier and resoected monarch, raised her blade to the man who had been nothing but a loving sibling to her for years.

She could almost visualize their contempt grow the longer her stance held firm.

Worse yet, she could sense three distinct pairs of eyes more so than anyone else's.

Camilla. Elise. Leon.

It felt like six hot embers were being pressed into the side of her profile. Out of rage or utter shock she would never know.

She was scared to look.

"I stand with Hoshido. This is my final warning. Either retreat or surrender!"

Marx moved his horse forward, threatening and succesfully causing Kamui to step back slightly.

"Tell me this is not what I suspect dear sister. I had feared they would try to poison your mind with you with their lies...but to fall to their magic so quickly!"

Ryouma, who had been a few yards away to the princess's right, moved a step closer. His blade drawn with thunderous waves.

"Kamui has made her choice. We have done nothing to persuade her. She merely opened her eyes to your deceit."

Marx didn't hesitate at the sight of the older Hoshidian placing his hand on Kamui's shoulder. His horse immediately charged straight at Ryouma.

However Kamui's new blade quickly intercepted the blow. Causing the young Nohrian's horse to recoil and recover.

"Marx please! Father tried to send me off on a suicide mission into Hoshido! He does not care for me, nor you, nor any of us! Please call off your men so that we may talk!"

For an awful moment, Kamui's heart took the silence hanging within the air as a sign of Marx possible consideration to her plea.

But the sudden centimeter of space distancing her face from the Nohr prince's blade told her she had been wrong.



"I don't know what it is they have done to you sister. But I swear it I will not leave this place without you by our side."

The blonde suddenly drew his horse back towards the forefront of the Nohr army. With his sword raised in a ready motion, Marx faced back to look straight i to Kamui's eyes. His strong voice boomed across the battlefield effortlessly.

"Princess Kamui has been overturned to the enemy's magic. You are to restrain her by any means. Kill anyone who tries to stop you."

Red eyes widened as Kamui turned to see her Hoshido family rushing to stand defensively besides her.

Hinoka had her staff at the ready.

"You needn't worry Kamui. I will protect you... We all will."

Sakura nodded her head reassuringly as Takumi readied his bow.

"We shall see your true loyalty now I suppose.""

Despite his tone, Kamui could feel the hostility still lingering within Takumi's words. As though the sudden protective front he was portraying did not live up to his venomous intent.

If he was trying to show the tiniest bit more trust in her, he was faiking horribly.

But Kamui couldn't even bother to consider any of this before a blast of magic came within inches of her face.

It hadn't been for her, but rather Ryouma who was forced backwards by a few feet.

A dark chuckle broke past the Nohr front.

"If you all are prepared to die trying to steal our precious sister, let's make this a quick fight."

Camilla's tone was light, but Kamui could the tension hanging heavily in her words.

The purple haired woman was not going to live through the next few moments with any sense of mercy.

"You are coning HOME with us Kamui. Wether you believe so or not..."

Leon was certain. She could just see it in the way his eyes held onto hers. Just like when he was young and wanted her to focus on her lessons or play with him. He knew he was right. And he knew he would win.

"Yay! So Kanui is coming home with us!"

Elise. Dear sweet Elise with her staff at the ready and smile in place. It was as though she could not recognise what had transpired. Yet Kamui knew that was a lie. Elise was young, but not stupid. She understood every word that had been said. And she was refusing to believe it.

Ryouma couldn't even try to reassure the nervous princess before Marx's voice echoed far past both armies' lines.