This is a very rare ship, but I just really wanted to work on it. Special thanks to Phoenix Commander for getting me hyped for this idea and to BurningPeace for the title of the story.

Here's chapter 1 everyone.

Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Dust Company was sitting down in class, pretty bored with how class had been going. Of course it was Professor Port's class, so it wasn't too hard to understand why she was about to fall asleep. She respected the man, but damn would he continue talking about his boring stories for way too long. Instead of focusing on the story Port was talking about, she began to think about her team.

Ugh, Ruby had better not try to wake me up with that stupid whistle again. Blake seems…Okay…I wasn't happy about what she said about my family's company though. And Yang…That girl needs to stop being so adventurous and study more.

Weiss could only imagine what other kinds of people she would meet at Beacon, but those she had already met weren't what she expected.

The heiress looked over to see the clock was one minute from the end of the class, so she grew a smile on her face.

"And that is how I managed to ride the Goliath into battle. Do any of you have questions on that riveting story of mine?" Port asked, but no one raised their hand as the bell went off and the students got up from their seats. "Hmm, it seems that we have no time for questions. Well, good luck to you all on the rest of your day."

Weiss got up and headed out the door, but was stopped by Yang about twenty feet from the classroom. "So, Weiss, you still think Port is this smart and wise teacher?"

Weiss rolled her eyes and continued walking. "Oh be quiet, Yang. Yes, the man can ramble on, but he is still a respectable hunter."

"Maybe, so what's been going on with you? I feel like we never talk or hang out." Yang said while walking with Weiss.

"Well that's because I tend to study and not waste time all day. We are in a school after all, so the school work should be our number one priority." Weiss stated in her high and mighty tone.

"Oh drop the whole princess shtick, Weiss. We both don't need to hear that all day." Yang said.

Weiss stopped and turned to the blonde with a glare. "Excuse me?!"

Yang sighed. "Please don't get angry with that. I was just trying to help you relax a bit. You seem so uppity about everything."

Weiss growled and turned to leave. "This is why we don't talk a lot. Now please go bother someone else."

Yang ran up to Weiss and said. "Ugh, come on Weiss. I'm just trying to be friendly, you know, since we will be on the same team for four years."

"Well if you were a bit more lady like instead of a brute, we'd have something in common, but we don't. So please just let me walk to the dorm alone. I'm sure you can go hang out with other people who have fun like you." Weiss said.

Yang stopped and watched as the heiress continued walking. "Damn, she is more anti-social than Ruby. Well, nothing I can do for now."

Velvet Scarlatina walked through the halls, wondering when she should even head back to the dorm. Coco was busy training with Yatsuhashi, while Fox was busy with a family call. The rabbit Faunus was happy with how things were going at Beacon, since she had not been sure at first about what kind of experience she'd have at the school. She honestly thought she'd be picked on more, but no one seemed to want to bug her.

The rabbit Faunus turned the corner and her eyes widened when she saw Cardin Winchester holding a boy against his locker.

"Well, you gonna cry kid?" Cardin taunted.

The dog Faunus growled at Cardin. "What is your problem?! I didn't do anything to you!"

"No, but you are a freak, so maybe you should learn to not be here at Beacon. This school is for learning how to fight monsters after all." Cardin said.

Velvet felt a pain in her heart at hearing that and the dog Faunus attempted to kick Cardin off of him. "Faunus aren't monsters you racist!"

"What is going on here?!" Glynda Goodwitch shouted suddenly.

Cardin dropped the Faunus and looked worried. "N-Nothing. I was just showing this kid how to keep someone pinned in a fight is all."

"That's a lie!" Velvet yelled and the three turned to her.

Glynda looked to Velvet and asked. "Then what was this exactly, Miss Scarlatina?"

Velvet wasn't surprised that Glynda knew her name, since she was very much an organized woman. "H-He held him up against his locker and said he was a monster."

"That's bullshit! You weren't even around!" Cardin remarked.

"I heard what you said! That isn't right!" Velvet defended the dog Faunus.

Glynda looked at the dog Faunus. "Is this true?"

"It is. He wasn't showing me some pinning tactic. He's just a racist." The dog Faunus growled.

"I see…Mister Winchester, you are to report to my office tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?" Glynda questioned in a stern tone.

Cardin looked pissed and nodded as he turned to leave, but not before glaring at Velvet.

The dog Faunus cleaned off the dirt he got on his clothes when he was dropped. "Ms. Goodwitch, please tell me he isn't just getting off with a warning."

"Racism will not be tolerated, so Mister Winchester will indeed be punished. As for you, it would be better to speak up on what is really happening." Glynda turned to Velvet. "Miss Scarlatina, thank you for letting me know of the situation."

"Um, you're welcome. I'm just a little surprised at what happened. I never really ran into someone like that in this school before." Velvet stated.

The dog Faunus walked up to her and shook her hand. "Well, you may not have seen much of this before, but don't be fooled. Jerks can be anywhere." The boy turned to leave and said. "Oh and thanks for sticking up for me. Later."

Velvet smiled at that, but grimaced at the thought of being in that kind of situation.

"Ruby, what is it?" Weiss asked while she was doing her homework.

Ruby frowned at the tone Weiss had used. "Yang told me that she tried talking to you earlier, but you seemed a little upset. Is something wrong?"

Weiss sighed as she closed her textbook. "Ruby, there is nothing wrong. I'm only trying to focus on the more important things right now, which is what you are interrupting."

"S-Sorry, but you just seem kinda…on edge. Maybe you should take a break from schoolwork." Ruby suggested.

Weiss opened her textbook and shook her head. "Like I told your sister before, I'd rather focus on the more important things here at Beacon, so no; I won't be taking a break from my schoolwork."

Ruby took a breath and jumped up on her bed. "It's not like I'm saying to stop doing schoolwork. I'm just saying that you should make some time for yourself. Just have some fun once in a while."

"Fun is not something I should be thinking about at a combat school. We are supposed to pay attention and prepare ourselves to fight monsters. That isn't supposed to be fun, Ruby." Weiss stated.

"It could be though." Ruby muttered.

Blake walked into the room and looked toward Ruby. "I didn't know you two would be here already."

"I was trying to study, since we got out early, but Ruby insists on me taking a break." Weiss said.

"You really should though. I mean what's the point of spending all day on just studying?" Ruby inquired.

"I'm not always studying, you dolt. I also train when I can and relax when needed." Weiss defended.

Blake sat on her bed and pulled out a book. "The only times I ever see you relaxing is on your bed though, Weiss. I may not be one to talk, but maybe a break might do you some good."

"And why are you so suddenly interested in what I do? If I recall, you had a problem with me when we first met." Weiss reminded.

Blake was a little surprised at how hostile she sounded, but kept her cool. "We both have gotten some things settled since then, so don't you think it would be better to drop the hostilities?"

"I'm not hostile. I'm just trying to get you all to leave me be with my studies. I should be allowed to choose what I want to do." Weiss said as she picked up her textbook and got up from her bed.

Ruby looked over at the heiress. "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere that I can actually study, since it's obvious I won't get it here. Now then, I will be back later before heading to sleep." Weiss said and left the room.

Blake put her book down. "That day you called her a princess…You weren't far off, Ruby."

"Come on, please don't say that. She just needs a little help on getting out there…and some other things I guess." Ruby said.

Blake shrugged and picked her book back up. "Until then we'll have to deal with her attitude. It's not unexpected, but she could at least try to play nice for once."

Weiss walked down the hall with her textbook in her arms, looking annoyed at how she was badgered by her team. "Those dolts don't need to bother me on anything. It's my life." Velvet suddenly bumped into Weiss and the two stumbled back, with Weiss falling completely over.

Velvet shook her head and looked over at Weiss. "Oh my goodness! I'm really sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going." She offered a hand to the heiress.

Weiss groaned and looked up to see Velvet's hand, so she grabbed it. "You should try to watch where you're going sometime, but I suppose it's..." Weiss then looked over to see that Velvet was a Faunus and she gasped as she pulled her hand away.

"W-What's wrong?" Velvet looked worried that she did something wrong.

"I-It's nothing. Look, I have to go." Weiss then walked past Velvet without looking back at her.

Velvet looked confused at that and noticed the Schnee symbol on Weiss' outfit. She got her camera out and zoomed in on her rapier to take a picture of it. "Wait, that's the Schnee Dust Company logo. That was Weiss Schnee."

"Bingo." Yang suddenly said.

Velvet yelped and looked over to see the blonde standing at a corner. "Um, I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

"Nope, but you did just meet my teammate. She's…something, but try not to let her princess attitude get to you." Yang said.

"Is that what that was? She seemed shocked at something and just walked off." Velvet explained.

"I'm not sure what that was, but she's been a little moody lately. Anyways, I'm Yang, so what's your name?" The blonde inquired.

"Oh, well my name is Velvet. I'm a second year here at Beacon." Velvet greeted.

"Awesome, so what's it like being a second year?" Yang asked.

"It doesn't feel that different to be honest, well…actually, seeing certain things happening was a little different." Velvet said with a sad tone.

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" Yang questioned.

"Oh it's nothing." Velvet's scroll went off and she saw that it was Coco so she answered it. "Hey, Coco, what's going on?"

"Yatsuhashi and I just finished up our training, so we're gonna have a little team meeting. Try to get back to the dorm if you can. You aren't too busy, right?" Coco asked.

"I'm not busy, Coco. I'll be there right away." Velvet ended the call and looked to Yang. "I'm sorry about this, but I have to head back to my team. Maybe we can talk at lunch tomorrow."

"That sounds good. I'd like to meet your team. Oh and I'll talk to Weiss about her little encounter with you, so don't worry about that." Yang assured.

Velvet nodded and headed off to her dorm.

Coco heard a knock on the door and walked over to answer it. "Velvet, you know you have your scroll. You can always use it to open the door."

"I know, but I never like to barge in. You know that." Velvet said as she walked in to see her team sat on their beds. "Hey, Yatsuhashi. How did training go?"

"It went as expected. The training dummies here could be a bit more durable though." Yatsuhashi noted.

Coco nodded. "Oh yeah, those damn things are way too easy to break."

"You both have pretty powerful weapons, so it isn't much of a surprise." Fox stated with his eyes closed like he was focusing on something.

Velvet smiled. "Fox is right, you both have devastating weapons. So, what kind of meeting is this, Coco?"

"It's kinda about you actually. How are the pictures coming along?" Coco inquired.

Velvet's eyes widen. "Oh! Right! I do have this one picture that I took today." Velvet gets her camera out and shows Coco the picture of Myrtenaster she took.

"Hey, I think I know that girl. Yeah, that's Weiss Schnee. Huh, well that's a pretty cool weapon there. Little light, but it might still be pretty useful." Coco remarked.

Yatsuhashi spoke up. "Is there any reason you were around a Schnee in the first place?"

"Huh? Oh, well I was just walking in the halls and I bumped into her. She…seemed a little worried about something though, because she looked at me and gasped." Velvet explained.

Yatsuhashi clenched his fist in anger. "It seems that the Schnee is just like her family then."

"What do you mean?" Velvet asked.

Coco decided to step in at the point. "Come on, Yatsu, chill out. It's probably not even like that. Maybe she was just in a hurry and noticed the time."

"I highly doubt that, Coco. She's a Schnee…and you know how they are against Faunus." Yatsuhashi reminded.

Velvet put two and two together at that point and frowned. "S-She didn't like that I'm a Faunus?"

Coco sighed. "Damn it, Yatsu. This is why I didn't want you to bring it up." Coco turned to Velvet and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"I-I'll be fine. Um, can we cut this meeting short today? I'll show you the other pictures I have later if it's alright." Velvet requested in a saddened tone.

Coco sighed and removed her hand. "Sure, Velvet. Get some rest, but just try not to think about it too much. Maybe talking to her about it will help shine some light on why she was like that."

Velvet nodded and walked over to the closet to get her pajamas out. Coco shot a glare at Yatsuhashi, since she didn't like what he did. Yatsuhashi crossed his arms to show that he didn't regret it.

Velvet changed into her pajamas and jumped into bed, thinking about how Weiss acted and if she really didn't like her being a Faunus.

Weiss sighed as she sat down in the library with her textbook. The Heiress just felt annoyed with how her day had gone and wished she could reset it, but nothing could be done about that. She turned a page in her textbook and the topic was about Faunus. Weiss was suddenly reminded of the rabbit Faunus she ran into earlier and felt her heart jump.

That girl…She…didn't seem that bad…even for a Faunus…Maybe I shouldn't have reacted that way…

Weiss shook her head and turned the page to get away from the Faunus topic. "I don't need to think about this right now. Studies first, dumb issues later."

"Hush over there." The librarian ordered.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll be quiet." Weiss said and she turned the page back to the one on the Faunus.

Weiss didn't know why she went back to that page, she just felt it was the right thing to do at the time and decided to actually read more of it. Honestly, Weiss never liked getting into the studying side of Faunus, since it just reminded her of the White Fang. It was the group of Faunus that was at war with her family for many years.

That's all they are…right? Faunus are just against my family.

She hated thinking about the topic, since it only brought out pain from the memories of her past. Weiss took a breath and decided to get away from the page again. The Heiress felt annoyed at how much she was thinking of the White Fang and closed the text book entirely. She got up and left the library with the thought of the rabbit Faunus she ran into earlier that day.

So…What did you guys think of this so far? Oh and just letting you guys know of where in the timeline this is set. It's after episode 10 of volume 1, so Weiss may be...a bit difficult at first with some things.

I hoped you all enjoyed the prologue. Remember, reviews are welcomed, but not required. See you all in chapter 2.