Royal Love

Forest, as far as he can see surrounds him, eerily.

And for the first time, Luffy feels suffocated in nature, the trees cutting off most of the sunlight as the leafless branches sway in the wind. He attempts to stand up as his bare feet slide over the withered leaves and he leans his back against a tree. His eyes shift to the coat that falls from his shoulders and instantly Luffy wraps his arms around himself, rubbing the goosebumps away.

The urge to flee is strong, somehow, and it confuses him but there's no mistaking it - his instincts tell him to go, run, away...

Hesitantly Luffy starts walking, ignoring how the feeling of drowsiness increases and his muscles ache with each heavy and exhausting step. The teen lifts his palm to his chest, feeling his heart pounding at an alarming rate considering he was asleep moments ago.

Luffy's steps become unstable when his sight loses sharpness around the edges and as he's about to lean against a tree for support, he misses by an arm's length, falling face down to the damp earth. His ragged breathing is loud in his ears just like how the leaves crunch under his freezing feet as he stands up again. Luffy blinks to the ground, becoming dizzy as it seems to be moving and he realizes, his senses are thrown into disarray and his perception of depth is out of balance.

Luffy feels restless and hypersensitive to his surroundings, causing him jump at every sound. It's as if he can hear everything, the breeze that's like a flute in his ears, the flapping of birds wings and how he tries to swallow his awfully dry throat. It's all so loud and clear...

So why didn't he notice the sudden figure standing before him, holding his wrists up and painfully tight?

There's a slight ringing sound in his ears. The person is talking to him, Luffy slowly catches on, but he can't make out what they are saying as if the world was underwater. When the grip loosens Luffy tries to break free, but it's like he's moving in slow motion, a thick fog covering his mind and that's when he recognizes the feeling of tears burning behind his lids, thick drops soon rolling down his cheeks as a stinging sensation remains in their wake.

"Luffy!" Sabo calls out for the umpteenth time when suddenly tears start leaking from his reddened eyes. "What's wrong?" He tries again, futilely, but he starts to understand... they've drugged him heavily, to the point Luffy is anxious and unstable and probably not in his right mind.

Instead, Sabo closes his arms around Luffy, with ease stopping his feeble and powerless struggle. The man leans his chin on top of the teen's head, slowly turning his tight grip into a gentler one as Sabo rubs the other's freezing arms. Patiently he waits, focussing on Luffy's breath that steadily slows until Sabo can't feel his racing heart against his own anymore.

"Shhh..." Sabo tries to soothe, running his fingers through the younger's tangled locks.

The man leans back, wiping the damp strands of hair from his forehead as Luffy slowly looks upwards, but his gaze is dazed, clouded with confusion. Sabo can't even tell if the teen knows he's standing in front of him.

"Luffy?" He says softly, frowning when he notices the contrast between the skin tone of his hand and Luffy's unnatural pale complexion.

A low hum vibrates in the teen's throat, followed by an ugly cough as Luffy turns, his hands gripping his throat but when Luffy starts to sway Sabo holds him again, not daring to leave him out of his sight once more.

"Stay with me," Sabo whispers, lifting his chin so their eyes meet and briefly, Luffy's eyes show a flicker of recognition. Relieved Sabo smiles, turning his head to kiss the youngers temple. "Do you remember what happened?"

His gaze shifts to Luffy's quivering lips. Sabo doesn't know whether it's the cold or crying, but no words pass his lips. He decides to sit Luffy down, his back against a tree bark as Sabo kneels in front of him, wiping the remainder of wet streaks from his face.

"How do you feel?" The blond asks, throat tightening when he catches Luffy trembling.

The younger hugs himself, parting his lips to speak. "...I'm cold." His voice is barely audible.

The man quickly looks over his shoulder to his jacket lying on the ground a few meters away. He frowns concerned, glancing back at Luffy as he chews on his lip in thought. "I'll get the jacket okay?" Sabo strokes the princess's cheek. "I'll be right back."

As he turns Luffy's grasps his sleeve, and when the younger speaks his voice is clearer, yet still, a soft whisper, easily carried by the wind.

"Don't leave me."

Sabo hides how his breath hitches in his throat as if there isn't a heavy weight of guilt crushing him.

He forces a small smile. "I won't," Sabo turns around, holding Luffy's freezing hand. "I promise I won't."

Luffy watches the man's back fade with distance and the fog that descended over his mind and senses is gradually lifted, one memory after the other springs to life and within moments Luffy recalls how they ended up here, together.

However, for a split second, he considers this a nightmare, one of those beautiful, too good to be true dreams where Sabo always appeared cruelly vivid. Luffy would wake up with false memories and reawakened desire to be by his side, only to realize they had been parted.

But the warmth of his jacket as it's placed on his shoulder along with his musky scent must be real. Luffy clutches the coat closer to his shivering body, leaning to the right as Sabo sits beside him and pulls him in closer.

"Did I scared you?" Sabo asks, guiding Luffy's head to his chest.

The teen weakly nods. "I didn't know it was you." Luffy closes his eyes, letting his muscles relax as he succumbs to the exhaustion, the feeling of Sabo's fingers gently running through his hair. "Where are we going?" He questions.

"Someplace you can rest," Sabo replies, but Luffy abruptly sits straight, swatting the man's arm away when he inhales the sickly odor that knocked him unconscious back at the palace. His hand covers his nose and mouth, feeling his gag reflexes spring alive at the mere smell of it.

The man wraps his arm around Luffy's waist protectively. "It's okay." Sabo comforts. "I'm sorry you went through all that." The man apologizes, speaking calmly as his warm breath fans against him.

I'm okay. Luffy mentally repeats it, Sabo's words, he's okay, it'll be okay… but it just feels like he's doing a terrible job at deceiving himself.

"I'm by your side," Sabo reminds him. "You're safe with me." The man says but somehow it doesn't sound as reassuring as it once did.

Luffy starts shaking his head, feeling unease and fear seeping back through his fragile cracks of doubt.

"I'm not going anywhere, you know I'll always come back for you."

Luffy casts his eyes away, trying to calm his inner turmoil, to what is raging within him right now, the dubiousness and fear, ugly thoughts that keep him from seeing the truth.

"I know that… and I believed you but Sabo…" Luffy feels the lump in his throat growing with every word spoken.

Though Luffy knows the point Sabo's trying to emphasize, the reassurance he's offering him to ease the teen, it's only slightly, and not enough.

"I really thought you had left me," Luffy admits as his voice wavers. "...I wanted to believe and cling to that thought but as weeks passed it became harder and I got a new guard and you were on my mind all the time and-"

Luffy's chest aches familiarly.

"I thought you were so angry you did that to Law on purpose, so you'd have an excuse to leave me," Luffy confesses, whispering his next words. "I thought you didn't love me anymore Sabo."

"You know my love for you is unconditional," Sabo speaks genuine, its undeniable and yet…

Why does he feel, that even now when he lies in Sabo's arms again, so doubtful?

Luffy shrugs tiredly. "I didn't know what to think anymore."

When it remains silent Luffy presses his face against the man's chest, frustrated with himself for letting his words flow and to let his two months worth of bottled up feelings burst the moment they got reunited.

Even so, a part of him is glad Sabo now knows of his insecurities that kept him awake, made him constantly ponder and even start to believe what he did not want to - because it would mean that Sabo had broken their promise, which was what kept him sane during those unbearable lonely days.

"The sun is starting to set," Sabo speaks softly, lifting his face slightly so their eyes meet. "Do you think you we can move? There's an Inn not far from here."

Luffy rubs his eyes. Did he fell asleep?

"I can move," The princess leans away from Sabo and as soon as it's gone, Luffy's already yearning for his warmth, his touch...

The air has cooled down further as the sun touches the edges of the horizon, it's warm light peeking through the forest. Luffy watches Sabo grab his bag and disappear, soon returning, seated on a horse. The man steps down and helps the teen up before Sabo sits behind him and the horse instantly starts moving.

Neither of them speaks as Luffy lets his head fall backward, watching the orange and cloudless sky above as he listens to the birds chirping. For the short thirty minutes it lasts, Luffy enjoys the way he's being rocked in his seat, feeling Sabo's broad chest pressed against his back which fills him with a sense of security.

They leave the forest behind, following a stone path and in the distance, Luffy spots a cottage that they soon reach. It overlooks a meadow as the woods surround it.

While Luffy patiently waits outside, leaning next to the door he can hear Sabo arranging their room and meals for the night.

Which makes him wonder… When was the last time he ate or slept without being induced with a drug? His stomach is empty and the tiredness feels unnatural and forced, yet he doesn't want to doze off again. Not now when he's reunited with Sabo and has a ton of questions swarming.

He clutches his ex-guards coat closer to him. That's right… they need to talk.

As Sabo walks back with the keys, he stops in the threshold, smiling endearingly as he watches Luffy bask in the evening sun. But upon closer inspection, it fades quicker than it came. Sabo frowns worriedly, in these past years in the line of duty he has never seen Luffy so mentally and physically drained. The man doesn't fail to notice how his collarbones are a bit more protruding, the darker skin under his eyes and how Luffy oftentimes tenses up as if he's afraid.

Sabo only had the best intentions in mind, he was ready to answer Luffy's call and plea but as he's watching the teen, he feels that he did wrong, that there must've been another way, one that wouldn't hurt Luffy the way it has done. Sabo can't help but feel that he worsened their situations after all. Even if he succeeds in bringing Luffy home... Sabo knows... surely, he can't stay by his side.

The royal families will see through his schemes and Sabo would be labeled for treason.

But he knew that all along... From the moment he was gathering the money to issuing the order to capture Luffy from the palace. As soon as they arrive at the castle, their days together will end. He knew that all along, and Sabo is prepared to continue with the plan that has so many holes. So why does he still hesitate?

When Luffy's eyes start to droop Sabo walks over. "Let's go inside. I'll draw you a bath."

He won't be by Luffy's side, but at least the younger will be home again...

Luffy hums tiredly but remains unmoving as he leans forward against his chest, his sudden heavier body doesn't comply as the teen closes his eyes again, undisturbed of the fact he's standing and outside.

Rather than keeping him forcefully awake, Sabo without warning lifts Luffy up and carries him inside. The woman behind the desk beams brightly as they enter but Sabo faintly shakes his head, smiling sheepishly. Unfortunate, but it's not what it looks like. He walks up the stairs, unlocking the door as he tries to keep Luffy upright in his arms. Sabo pushes the door open with his foot, kicking it closed behind his back as he gently lowers Luffy onto the single bed.

Sabo sits beside him, running his fingers through the younger's hair, the way Luffy used to enjoy his touches.

"I'm sorry," Sabo whispers.

Unexpectedly Luffy opens his eyes sleepily. "...For what?" He asks and even though he's most likely on the brink of sleep, there's a glint sparkling in his orbs that almost challenging, as if daring Sabo to answer wrongly.

The blond clears his throat, frowning to himself as he glances away.

'For everything' wouldn't suffice, he's sure.


Should he just name every single thing he could've done differently?

Sabo retreats his hand and lifts his gaze to meet Luffy's. "I'm sorry for leaving you behind like that and -"

In one swift movement, Luffy sits up straight, angered gripping the material of his dirtied white wedding dress in a tight fist. Sabo tries not to let it distract him, but the thought of Luffy wearing it for another man… he can't help how his eyes linger.

"Do you know how awful I felt?" Luffy's tone is painfully accusing.

Sabo feels his throat go dry.

"I can only try to imagine…"

"I don't think you can." Luffy turns and looks the other way as he brings his knees to his chest. "I couldn't sleep, I didn't feel like eating… Nothing seemed right without you by my side, knowing that you left me behi-"

"I didn't leave you." He interrupts. "I never intended to leave you there Luffy." Sabo exhales shakily, not wanting Luffy to misunderstand. "I'm sorry you had to wait for so long and that you were doubting us and unknowing of the fact that I was doing everything I could to get you out of there." Their eyes meet, but there's a hardness in Luffy's, almost like he's shielding himself, trying not to get hurt.

Sabo holds his hands tentatively, furrowing his brows when he feels they're still cold.

"There's no way I could walk away like that for good. I love you too much for that."

Their eyes meet and Sabo feels his throat and heart swell. Luffy, despite his glassy eyes, doesn't budge, the teen even lifts his chin.

He should've planned it differently after all but…

"Doesn't me being here prove something?"

There's an instant frown on Luffy's face and angry tears start spilling from his eyes."And where were you when I needed you?¨ He raises his voice. "Where were you when I was alone and crying and even started considering marrying Law!?"

The words echo in the room, and Luffy wishes he could take it back, he can't stand the look in Sabo's eyes as they widen.

The teen breaks their eye contact. It remains quiet, and he feels his heart ache remorseful.

"am I too late?"

Luffy is staring at his lap, suddenly feeling the need to tear the dress apart as drops fall onto his hands, blurring his sight. "No." Luffy shakes his head as his sniffs start to mingle with a soft, bitter laugh. "I would wait a hundred years for you, idiot." Luffy wipes his tears and lifts his face. "But I can't help but feel so angry, the way you just left without a word, I can't… I want to smile but I can't stop crying."

Sabo's posture relaxes, his tense jaw, the way he was clutching his hands together, and Luffy doesn't miss the soft, shaky breath leaving his mouth. "There's a lot of work for me to do," Sabo says. "To earn your forgiveness."

Luffy shakes his head, there's no need for that. "How can you be so in control?" He mutters envious. "These days I always seem to be crying,"

Sabo scoots closer and wraps his arms around him securely, seeking his hand that the man holds against his chest. "I'm everything but in control Luffy." The teen looks upwards, feeling the blonde's heartbeat pulsing against his palm. "Especially when I see you hurt."

Sabo kisses his temple and leans back only for Luffy to press his face against him again.

"Thank you." He mumbles. "I'm still angry... but I know you did this all for me."

"And I would do it all over again, though differently."

"Now you're trying to make me feel guilty."

The man chuckles softly, guiding the princesses fingers from his chest to his lips. "But it's the truth."

Luffy hums, relishing in Sabo's hold but the younger groans in complaint when he pulls away.

"I'm sure you're longing for a shower after two days."

The teen nods eagerly but suddenly stops, frowning confused. "What? Two days passed? Since…"

"We're close to the border already. But It'll most likely take two days since we only have one horse." The blond says calculating. "You'll be home soon, Luffy." There's a faint smile on the younger's lips but Sabo has trouble reading if the evident shock in Luffy's eyes is positive. "I only planned to do it sooner…" Sabo lets his eyes wander over the torn and stained dress. "Were you…?"

"You really have the worst timing." Luffy chuckles. "I was fitting dresses but needed a short break so I went outside but then… well, you know..."

Sabo suddenly pulls Luffy up but the teen has to steady himself against the man, still standing unstable on his feet, feeling slightly intoxicated and weakened.

"I'm sorry, but I'm kind of glad I got you out of there before Law saw you."

Luffy averts his eyes regretful, thinking back to when he last talked to Law. "Well..."

Sabo leans in, lips brushing against his ear and it's enough to make Luffy shiver and forget his words.

"Will you turn for me?"

Luffy's eyes travel upwards to meet his, a light blush appearing on his cheeks as he slowly catches on. "Thought you'd never ask." The teen smiles. "I don't think I can do it alone though."

Sabo's pleasantly warm and bigger hand holds his, lifting it so Luffy can use it for support. Carefully he rises on his toes, gladly turning for the man whose eyes he can feel burning with a gaze of fondness. The dress despite its current worn out state springs to life, and within a matter of seconds, Luffy feels a bit more like old self again, wordlessly savoring the precious moment. It's just like the old times.

When Luffy's steps become unbalanced, Sabo holds his other hand too and stops him from moving. Luffy wraps his arms around his neck, already a little out of breath.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." Luffy feels his heart beating fast against its ribcage, but feeling more than just okay - the best he has felt in two long, hellish months of burning cheeks, but also of thinking and dreaming of the man who now stands before him, holding him in his arms.

Luffy, to his delight, doesn't miss how Sabo's gaze lowers to his lips, but it doesn't linger for longer than a second. However, Luffy isn't trying to be as subtle as the gent before him, he stares, letting his eyes do the talking.

The man clears his throat, looking conflicted. "I'll get the bath ready for you." He excuses himself before disappearing into the bathroom.

Sabo has been doing that a lot lately. Or is he just imagining things?

With a sigh, Luffy lets himself fall against the soft mattress, tiredly covering his eyes with his arm.

Despite his drowsiness, his heart is light, feeling elated and relieved yet also something that comes close to disbelief. Being back with Sabo again… it feels unreal. And Luffy realizes the man went out of his way so they could be together. Still, Luffy finds himself worrying about the blond - because what now?

As the tap is turned on Luffy hears the water running and moments later Sabo returns. The man kneels before him, and Luffy feels that his dress is being lifted to his knees. Gentle fingers caress his leg but Luffy can't help but pull away in discomfort. He sits up straight as Sabo's eyes briefly flicker up to meet his.

"How are you feeling now?" He asks, frowning at the sight of many dark blue hue bruises, small cuts and dried blood covering his legs.

Luffy tries to brush it off with a smile. "Hopefully I gave them enough work so the money you paid is worth it." But the blond doesn't smile, Sabo remains silent and Luffy pouts before he sighs, talking more seriously. "I'm tired," He shrugs. "I just want to get this dress off."

Sabo nods and sits beside him, starting to untie the dress that he has been wearing for way too long and the urge to pull it off becomes stronger with the minute.

"It's a pity it got ruined," Sabo says in thought.

Luffy shakes his head, looking up to the ceiling. "I don't really mind."

"Why not?"

The younger closes his eyes as his lips turn into an unsure smile. "Because..." Luffy looks over his shoulder. "Because that dress wasn't meant for marrying you." He immediately turns again as he forces it out, glad his voice didn't falter under the weight of those words.

There, he said it. Indirectly but not subtly, he let Sabo know his answer to the question he'd asked back then.

Luffy swallows thickly at the silence, but after what he'd said, how he shouted and easily blames Sabo for everything... He wants to let him know that after all that has happened, the amount of love he holds for the man can only grow. And Luffy is confident that his heart he handed over so long ago can only continue to swell with his love.

"Are you almost finished?" Luffy smiles. "I think the tub is full."

Luffy inhales the sweet aroma of scented soap he didn't know he was yearning for. The instant he steps into the hot water his skin tingles pleasantly as his muscles relax, the small wounds and cuts burn under water but it's nothing compared to the feeling of cleanliness that awaits him. However soon he starts to doze off again and Luffy to his dismay has to step out of the now lukewarm water and onto the cold tiles. He wraps a towel around him and steps foot into the bedroom where Sabo's lying on the bed reading.

And only then Luffy realizes there are two separate beds.

The man notices his presence and lays the book on the nightstand. "I've got a change of clothes for you." The blond picks it up from the edge of the bed. "Oh, and they serve a buffet dinner in half an hour. They can serve it in the room if you'd like."

"Thank you." Luffy holds the pajama. "I'm not hungry though."

The man raises a brow before he frowns concerned. "What have you eaten these past two days?"

"Honestly I don't know but... I just want to go to bed. I'm tired… can't stay awake for another thirty minutes anyway."

"You sure?" The man tries once more but Luffy nods, dismissing it.

He gets dressed in a large t-shirt, probably one of Sabo's, clean boxers and plain pajama pants before he crawls on the other bed. A loud, content sigh passes his lips when his head sinks into the soft pillow and the clean sheets surround him in their soft embrace.

Luffy can't recall where he spent the last two days but his stiff neck confirms it was highly uncomfortable.

He sighs as it remains quiet, Sabo probably thinks his rest is of more importance, but Luffy has countless thoughts gathering, begging to be enlightened. He pulls the blanket up to chin as he lifts his leg and lies on his side, focussing on the other's footsteps, sounds of Sabo unpacking his bag and occasional sighs passing his lips. Once every few minutes Luffy opens his eyes, glancing around the room to make sure Sabo is still with him, and the sight calms his heart, tells him things are going to be okay now.

Just as he's about to fall asleep, startled Luffy opens his eyes as his palm immediately seeks his chest, feeling his heart racing. He inhales deeply and realizes it was just one of those dreams, where he falls endlessly until he hits a surface, only to realize he's wide awake, safely tucked in bed.

Four seconds pass for him to realize a lack of Sabo's presence, and with the dream waking him, Luffy feels his fatigue fading, misplaced feelings of loneliness and abandonment returning.

Sabo's probably just eating…

Luffy turns, staring at the window. When he went to bed the sun was just below the horizon, the sky softly glowing but now he watches the shiny stars decorating the nighttime sky.

Impatiently Luffy waits for his return but when the teen is sure half an hour past with no sign of his ex-guard, worry starts to nestle uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach. And as the seconds tick by, that worry easily turns into doubt once more.

Frustrated Luffy presses his face in the pillow and lets out a long, muffled groan. "He'll come back." He reassures himself, annoyed that he needs to in the first place but the doubt that he out of habit never voices smoothly returns at once.

God, he feels tears burning behind his lids, but keeps his eyes closed so they won't find a way of reaching the pillow. The teen grips the sheets tighter in a fist. It's like he's losing himself to his overwhelming emotions again.

The door to the bedroom opens almost inaudible, and Luffy can hear the sound of his boots as Sabo walks into the room. Luffy is still breathing in his pillow and by now almost choking but there's no way he's turning around for Sabo to see tears leak from his eyes.

The man softly strokes his hair, placing a kiss on top before he walks into the bathroom and within minutes Sabo is lying in the bed to his right. Luffy's heartbeat returns to normal and the ugly, dark thoughts within fade just from knowing Sabo is beside him, hearing him breathe softly next to him.

And still, Luffy can't fall asleep, because Sabo is in a separate bed and after nearly three months that feel like a lifetime apart, Luffy can't ignore his longing, to feel him, hold him, to be held and kissed.

"Sabo." He thoughtlessly calls out his name as he turns to face the man despite not being able to see him in the dark.

There's an immediate response as he hears the sheets rustle and a soft, tired hum. "Something wrong? Can't sleep?" Sabo asks hoarsely.

The second he hears Sabo speak, Luffy wants to drop it. What was he trying to accomplish in the first place? Question him to his heart's content after this long day of events and traveling?

"Hm. I'm okay. Goodnight, Sabo." The younger turns around again and with that, he hopes the blond is too tired to notice his unusual soft voice or the way it wavered.

"Come on."

The younger peeks over the blanket to Sabo who sits on the edge of the bed and the lamp on the nightstand is switched on. His blue orbs shine brightly as they reflect the light, but his lids hang low.

"You know I know you better than this." The man says, visibly trying to suppress a yawn. "What's wrong Luffy?" He now asks more concerned.

"You're tired." The teen thinks of an excuse to delay the talk.

Why does he always begin and bail out halfway? Though this time he didn't even get any further than calling out his name. Why can't he just say it? Or not mention it, to begin with?

"Why are we sleeping apart?" Luffy asks softly, but the question is loud in his ears. "You asked for separate beds, didn't you?" The younger bites his lip, he shouldn't be assuming but he can't help overthinking. "And why won't you kiss me on the lips?"

The lamp is switched off and Luffy feels his heart sink, only when the sheets are lifted and Sabo lies next to him does he feel himself calming down, reason returning to him.

"You're injured and you need your rest… I thought a single bed would be best for the night." The man gently pulls him closer, as if afraid he'll hurt him.

Sabo wraps his leg around his, kissing his forehead and cheek before he snuggles closer to the crook of his neck, and his soft exhales make Luffy shiver.

"And since it has been a while I thought… I'm not sure, maybe you needed space."

"I don't," Luffy whispers quickly. "Not from you."

Sabo hums deeply, approvingly, as he presses his warm lips against Luffy's collarbone and the teen's breath hitches, feeling a familiar, warm feeling spread throughout his body, the way Sabo's affection always does so effortlessly.

"Is this ok?" He continues to kiss along his neck, up to his ear and Luffy leans his head backward as Sabo's hand finds his under the blanket.

Neither can see in the pitch black darkness, but somehow Luffy's lips blindly find Sabo's.

Luffy is surprised at his own tentativeness but the moment he feels the man's lips against his, the teen forgets any possible hesitance as he the leftover tension flows from his body into nonexistence.



Sabo's breath is hot against his lips as he whispers, "I missed you."