HEY EVERYONE! Here's chapter 32 after months of not updating. I'm really sorry about that, and I just want to thank everyone who has been supporting this story all this while. I know it has been frustrating for some of you to see this story not being updated (and I still cannot promise regular updates) but I hope that you continue to support this story nonetheless. After this, there are 18 more chapters, so at least we're more than halfway through this story.

Given that it's been a while since you probably last read my story, I would strongly advise reading through the story or referring to previous chapters so you understand this chapter better and keep up.

Oh, and sorry if the writing in this chapter isn't exactly my usual standard. I haven't quite gotten a hold of my old writing style and my writing may be a bit rusty. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway and that my writing is up to standard.

This chapter is written from Calvin's perspective.

Chapter 32: Fear

A muffled voice could be heard in the distance, and it contained the warmth which dispelled the cold that Calvin had been living in for what felt like years. It had the compassion which Calvin longed for and the patience that he never received. The world was too fast for him to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, but here, surrounded by darkness, he could revel in hearing a friend's voice once more.

Hecate's voice.

"Hecate?" he croaked out as he awaited his first glimpse of light. His throat was as sore and rough as an overused sheet of sandpaper. His attempt to moisten it was a sensitive one, as he felt his saliva run painfully over the lump in his throat. He could vaguely remember certain events, but the last few days had been as confusing as they were agonising. He couldn't quite figure out what his last memory was.

"I am here, Calvin," Hecate's voice broke past the pain barrier which shielded him from the rest of the world. He was still surrounded by darkness, but Hecate's voice had illuminated his world. Calvin thought he'd never see her again, but as fate would have it, the two of them had been reunited at last. An overwhelming feeling of relief exploded within him, triggering waves of emotion to crash hard and fast.

Hecate was finally next to him again.

Despite how weak he felt, he reached out feebly in the darkness, hoping that his blindness would not deny him the excitement of touching Hecate again. What felt like a claw wrapped around his outstretched hand, gripping it in a firm clasping of hand and claw, the symbol of unity between the two species.

The symbol of bonding.

"What… W-what happened?" he asked her, wheezing slightly from the rustiness of using his voice.

"Gregor rescued you," Hecate replied. "He brought you back to Regalia. You have been under medical care for the last two days."

"Is Howard taking care of me?" Calvin asked.

"I'm afraid not," Hecate told him. "A lot of things have… changed, since you left."

The melancholic edge was unmistakable. Bad things had happened in his absence, bad things which had broken people's hearts. Calvin wasn't the only one on the receiving end of physical and emotional pain.

He decided not to ask any more questions about Howard. It was clearly a sensitive topic. With his throat now throbbing in pain, he kept his words simple and to the point. "What's… happened?"

The slight sigh before Hecate spoke indicated to Calvin that Regalia wasn't fine and dandy. "Queen Luxa has been under a lot of stress these last few months," Hecate told him. "Gnawers still loyal to the Bane have set up a cult group near the Dead Lands. They intend to destroy Regalia."

Loyalists? Bane? What the hell was going on?

"Bane… alive?" he asked.

"No," Hecate replied. "It is far worse. His legacy lives on through his followers. They embody the worst of the Bane's traits and carry out his will. They will not stop till Regalia is destroyed."

Calvin knew the power of legacies. He had nearly been crushed under the weight of the Warrior's legacy, and it had taken great courage from him to break free from the chains of expectations and forge his own. Immortal legacies could both inspire and destroy an individual, which is why Calvin's family motto had been changed to "Forging our own legacy". It had so much more meaning than trying to live up to a titanic legacy.

"And?" he asked on.

There was a noticeable shudder in Hecate's voice as she replied, "They allied with… with… the Fount. The Fount tried to tear Regalia apart from the inside."

Calvin couldn't believe what he was hearing. Even after the battle of Regalia, even after numerous lives had been sacrificed in the hope that the Underland would live in harmony and peace, even after all Underlanders had shed blood, sweat and tears as one united army, they had resorted to tearing each other apart because of their differences? Calvin could feel anger and disappointment brewing in his chest. This was precisely the reason why he wanted to give up his fight for justice.

He thought his bitter cynicism would fade away and give rise to hope for a better era, but the Underland seemed hell-bent on proving him wrong time and time again. He thought Gregor had become the living metaphor of the Underland- consumed by despair and guilt, but still finding the hope and courage to rise against diabolical evil. And even after all the times they had let him down, he still hadn't given up hope, fleeting as it may have been.

But in the end, Flavius was right. When the chips were down, they'd turn on each other like wolves. Honouring alliances and commitments didn't matter to anyone. It was truly heartbreaking that the Underlanders had proven Flavius right. His view of the world was cold, nihilistic, pessimistic, and above all, realistic.


How did Gregor rescue him?

"Flavius," he forced himself to say the fox's name out loud.

"He lives," Hecate answered him, and Calvin could hear the disdain in her voice. "Gregor tried to kill him, but he was far too strong. But they were able to rescue you from your prison, so that is all that matters."

Calvin gritted his teeth together at the news that Flavius was still alive, resulting in his jaw stinging from the grinding of his teeth. His broken jaw still hadn't fully mended, even whilst under the supervision of the doctors in his prison and the doctors in Regalia.

Then, out of the blue, he picked up on an anomaly in Hecate's response. "They?"

He heard a gulp, followed by a thunderous silence. "Who… else?" he asked.

"Ripred," Hecate whispered back in response, and the slight tremor in her voice was all Calvin needed to hear to know he wasn't supposed to know that Ripred was there.

His memory slowly pieced itself together as he was on the verge of solving the puzzle. "Ripred," he breathed aloud to himself. Now blurry images began to flood through as the dikes of pain broke down, resulting in his chance to view these pictures of the past. One stood out in particular, with Gregor bursting through the door and running straight for him.

Calvin had tried to shout a warning that it was a trap- Flavius had known he was coming all this while, and was preparing for a gladiator match between the both of them. But somehow, the words had never left his throat.

But why? Why did Calvin hold himself back?

Then he was struck with a swarm of horrific images. Black, beady eyes. Fur. Claws. Bleeding face. Empty eye sockets. A snarl, then a hiss. A face which personified terror. A naked tail, flying up and slapping itself down on his chest to the rhythm of his pounding heart.

Then a carcass rolled into view, its guts on the verge of spilling out all over Calvin. Missing genitals, and wounds inflicted by a combination of guns and swords painted the most grotesque picture Calvin had ever had the misfortune of looking at.

Then came white snow, bringing the harsh winter back with it. Calvin trembled from the cold and the fear, his world rocking from side to side as the white snow blended together to form soft fur, agonisingly brushing itself across his mouth, both invoking a scream and silencing him at the same time.

And then…

Calvin's heart felt like it had come to a standstill. An enormous monster stood in front of him, baring its teeth into a snarl. Foaming saliva flowed out of its mouth, and its red eyes settled on Calvin with burning intensity. Its fur was as grey as the ashes of the dead, and it unfurled its claws sinisterly.

Calvin would have screamed if his throat weren't so dry. His heart was pounding hard against his ribcage and he was churning out sweat in bucketloads. The images violated his mind, turning it inside out and robbing him of any tranquility he had established over the last few minutes with Hecate. His mind was more defiled and desecrated than a Greek temple burned to the ground. Those images of the… the… monsters, repeatedly thrust themselves into his mind, shredding it to pieces.

But Hecate's voice rescued him when all hope seemed lost.


He snapped out of his nightmarish stupor and focused on her voice, using it to anchor him to reality. "Hecate," he breathed. "Stay with me."

"I will always be with you, Calvin," she replied. "Always."

A tidal wave of pain crashed into him once more as he remembered the name he had uttered. "Ripred," he said out loud hesitantly, afraid of triggering another series of horrific images.

"Yes, he saved you," Hecate answered him.

"I never saw him," Calvin replied, gulping slowly. "I only saw Gregor and… and… and…"

There was another being in the room, but Calvin seemed to have erased any memory of that being. It was almost as if… almost as if he had censored that being to protect himself. But if that being was Ripred, then why would he have rejected any memory of Ripred. And more importantly, why had he not recognised Ripred?

"Hecate, why am I in the dark?" he asked abruptly.

Hecate slipped into silence once more, betraying her unrest at having to speak to Calvin. "You're in the hospital, Calvin," she replied.

"But why am I in the dark?" Calvin pressed on. "Am I… am I blind?"

A loud sigh shattered the fragile silence that ensued, before Hecate replied, "No, Calvin. You are not blind."

It didn't take Calvin long to put two and two together. "I'm blindfolded."

Another painfully obvious pause followed, before Hecate answered, "Yes, yes you are."

"Why am I being blindfolded?" he asked, somehow dreading the answer he would get.

Hecate's voice sounded unusually shaky as she replied, "Calvin… The… The doctors say they don't… they don't th-think you're ready."

"Ready for what?" Calvin asked agitatedly, starting to feel very impatient.

He heard Hecate gulp and the tension in the air almost became palpable within seconds. "Not ready… N-Not ready to see the world," she told him.

Calvin's muscles tensed up and he clenched his fists. "What are they talking about?"

"They say your body is full of foreign chemicals," Hecate explained. "There are many substances that they have not chanced upon yet, but there is one that they have identified."

A memory conveniently resurfaced- a memory which was blurred and tainted by raw fear. But he could still remember what Snake had said- "Flavius claims that it's called the Murk back in Regalia. Have you heard of it?"

"The green poison," Calvin breathed. "The Murk."

The suffocating darkness engulfed him even more, constricting him and stealing ragged breaths away, leaving Calvin gasping for air as fear and pain began to possess him. A cloud of black, hovering in the air menacingly and gazing down at him without pity. Red eyes. The slightest hint of wings fluttering nearby.

Calvin gritted his teeth. It was all not real. None of it had happened. The Murk was toying with his mind, trying to tease out a flinch or a panicked yelp from him. But Calvin was stronger than that- he didn't cave in to artificial impulses. He had overcome the power of the Murk before and he was going to do it again.

And yet his blindness, coupled with his fear, created an atmosphere of Stygian bleakness, where courage and hope could not be bred even with the seeds planted in his soul by Fabius. The slightest hesitations and pauses he detected from Hecate was enough to cast doubt, but the fact that the doctors had decided to blanket his world in shadow was honestly mind-boggling and fear-inducing. It was almost as if… almost as if they were protecting him from what he could have seen.

"Calvin," Hecate began uncertainly, "the doctors have said that you are not well. Until they can find a way to cure your illness, you have to stay this way."

"I'm not ill," Calvin growled. "Keeping me blindfolded won't do us any good."

"You don't know that, Calvin," Hecate replied. "I think it would be best for all of us if you stayed blindfolded. We have no idea what you've been exposed to."

Before Calvin could reply, a chorus of voices suddenly erupted, revealing the presence of other people in his hospital room. The chatter was too incoherent for Calvin to decipher what they were saying, but a familiar voice could be heard in the distance, a voice which Calvin had longed to hear again.

It was Gregor.

"-use echolocation, at least for the next few days," he heard his friend say. "It's the best alternative we have right now."

"Gregor?" Calvin croaked out, hoping to catch the attention of the messiah of the Underland.

In a flash, he felt a strong hand grip his, its warmth travelling up his arm and wrapping itself around his heart. "Hey Calvin," Gregor said as a hush fell on the room. "You doing alright, buddy?"

"Could be better," Calvin replied, allowing himself a pained smile. "You eavesdropping on me?"

A short but genuine laugh broke out amongst some of the other people in the room, including Hecate. "Don't worry," Gregor replied. "You didn't say anything embarrassing."

"It's good to hear from you again," Calvin replied. Gregor's sense of humour a welcome breath of fresh air compared to the perpetual brooding behaviour that Calvin had slowly become accustomed to. There was something different about this Gregor and Calvin could feel it in his voice- the slightly uplifting tone, the belief and strength… It was almost as if after all these years, Gregor had finally rediscovered hope once more.

But Gregor's shift in tone suggested that the darker side of him still remained, and was still an inherent part of his evolving character. "Calvin," he said, "I know it's tough for you right now and you've been through a lot of shit, but for the safety of yourself and the people around you, it's best you stay blindfolded."

"Safety?" Calvin said incredulously.

"Yea," Gregor replied. "The doctors say there's reason to believe that you might be a potential threat to others cos… cos… cos you don't see them as what they are."

"What does that even mean?" Calvin asked, perplexed by the deliberate vagueness in Gregor's answer.

"You started to scream when you saw Ripred," Gregor explained bluntly. "And you were screaming all the way on the journey back to Regalia while riding on Apollo. I think you should stay blind until the doctors can figure out what's wrong with you."

Screaming? No wonder his throat was so hoarse.

But why did he scream?

There was something about Ripred and something about Apollo that had induced fear, but he still couldn't figure it out. He tried to recall their appearance, but no images came to mind. It was almost as if he was subconsciously blocking himself out, because he absolutely couldn't remember what they looked like.

"Who else is in the room?" he asked Gregor abruptly.

"A couple of doctors and Hazard," Gregor replied. "Ripred and Lapblood are hanging about outside. I think Apollo's outside as well, but I'm not really sure about him. Luxa visited you earlier, but y'know she's queen and all, so… she doesn't really have the time to sit here and watch you sleep."

Calvin was suddenly bathed in waves of guilt and remorse when Gregor mentioned Luxa's name. He still hadn't apologised to Luxa for killing her grandfather, and he wasn't looking forward to the day when he had to sit down with her and explain himself. Luxa was a good queen, but she wasn't exactly the wise, sagely leader that Vikus was. Not yet, at least. The conversation was bound to be awkward and emotional at its very best.

But Calvin found the resolve in himself to shut the thought out. "Hey Hazard," he called out weakly.

"Greetings, Calvin," Hazard's distinct voice rang in. "It has been far too long since we last saw you."

"And I haven't seen you yet," Calvin replied. "Gregor, you can't keep me blindfolded forever."

"We don't want to," Gregor explained earnestly. "But I've told you already- the doctors don't want you to take it off."

"That's complete bullshit," Calvin snarled. "I'm fine."

He brought his aching arms up to his face level and pulled the fabric off his face.

The first thing that struck him was the glaring light in the room. The flames roared into his vision, ironically blinding him again and forcing him to close his eyes once more. But with iron grit which he had cultivated over the years, he inhaled sharply and opened his eyes, forcing himself to draw in the sights and images.

He could see Hazard in the background, his lime-green eyes staring intently at Calvin with concern and intrigue. Gregor's chiselled features soon shifted into view, his face looming over Calvin. Calvin had to fight the urge to unleash the goofiest grin he had ever had the inclination to produce. Seeing Gregor again stirred up a powerful mixture of ecstasy, excitement and relief. There was a time deep down in perpetual darkness when Calvin thought he'd never see Gregor again.

His eyes began to wander across the room, taking in familiar faces and unfamiliar ones alike. But a terribly sinister feeling of unborn fear began to grow slowly in his gut as his eyes continued to travel across the room, processing every nook and cranny. His gaze tended to linger on when it settled on the eerie shadows hiding in the corners of the room, haunting his every step…

And then a shadow appeared right by his bedside.

Calvin's heart skipped a beat and he found himself jerking upwards violently, scrambling backwards involuntarily. The shadow seemed to cock its head to the right, before attempting to inch closer to Calvin.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Calvin yelled at it.

The shadow's eyes suddenly lit up in the absorbing blackness. Its red eyes locked its gaze on Calvin and seemed to eye Calvin from head to toe. Calvin found himself fixated on the ruby-coloured irises, as fear latched onto his heart and began to gnaw away at his soul. There was a certain intimacy that Calvin shared with the shadow, an intimacy he had been unwilling to be a part of.

The shadow suddenly became a speck amongst thousands of other shadows, all of which flitted through the air in synchronised unison. They slowly began to assemble themselves, hovering in front of him with seemingly eager anticipation. Calvin writhed around desperately on the spot, hoping for the nightmare to collapse and for the light of reality to pierce through the horrific shadow.

But no such thing happened. Instead, the shadows began to screech at the top of their lungs, ear-piercing shrieks now echoing around Calvin's head as they once had before. There were frantic voices in the background, trying to be heard over the incessant shrieks that inflicted so much pain on Calvin. But he couldn't hear them at all. They were just soft whispers in the thunderous awakening of the night.

Millions of little red eyes began to appear as the tiny shadows merged with each other, coalescing together to reform that huge shadow that he had seen initially. It revealed razor-sharp teeth with a fierce snarl that sent multiple shivers down Calvin's spine. It opened its mouth and unintelligible words spewed out, sounding more like a feral beast in the midst of a torture session.

Calvin's whole body was drenched in sweat and his heart was on the verge of pounding its way out of his chest. His eyes were wide open and yet all he could see was an all-consuming darkness, intent on devouring him and everything that looked beautiful under the comforting embrace of light. Calvin tried to scream for help, but nothing came out. It was starting to become an undesirable trend- his inability to make any noise when it mattered most.

Suddenly, he heard Hecate's voice penetrate through the impervious defence of darkness. "Calvin!" she yelled at him faintly.

"Hecate!" he screamed back softly.

But no response came his way. He was truly alone, surrounded by fear and nihilistic gloom. Calvin forced words out of his throat, unleashing a guttural cry for help. "HELP ME!" he bellowed. "HELP ME!"

Suddenly, someone crashed into him and pinned him down on the bed, inadvertently dragging him back into reality. He struggled desperately on the bed, but whoever was holding him back and restraining him was clearly backed by the forces of nature. Even with all of Calvin's strength, he could barely move a muscle.

Gregor's face suddenly appeared above him. "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Gregor growled.

Calvin tried to talk, but he found his mouth clogged up by saliva. It sounded so hilarious- a saviour of the Underland being pinned down by one of his best friends as he foamed at the mouth like a rabid dog. It must have been hilarious to look at, but Calvin was more preoccupied with his fear than anything else.

He spat the saliva out of his mouth so he could speak. "GET OFF ME!" he yelled back at Gregor.

"I told you to stay blindfolded," Gregor hissed at him. "I TOLD YOU!"

"THERE'S A SHADOW!" Calvin roared back at Gregor, causing Gregor to flinch slightly as his spittle landed on the Warrior's face. "THE SHADOW'S COME FOR US!"

"IT'S HECATE, STUPID!" Gregor hollered back at him.

Hecate? No, it couldn't be. Calvin clearly saw a shadow. He knew what Hecate looked like- jet-black, beady black eyes the size of little pearls, fairly large wings for a female bat… The shadow looked nothing like her. Gregor was gravely mistaken on this matter, and they were all going to die if he didn't warn them in time.

He gritted his teeth and lashed out with a kick at Gregor's abdomen, sending Gregor tumbling off him with a grunt of pain. He sprang to his feet and looked around the room. Hazard was trying to tell him something, but Calvin's whole world was spinning too fast for him to figure out what the hell Hazard was trying to tell him.

Then the shadow reemerged, revealing its incisors with yet another animalistic snarl. Snarling back at the beast, Calvin hurled himself through the air…

Only for someone to collide into him again, sending him crashing against the hospital wall. Calvin looked up to see who his attacker was.

Gregor glowered down at him.

Of course it was Gregor.

But even the great Warrior of Regalia could be blinded to the threats around him. "I'm sorry, Gregor," Calvin said, before firing a punch towards Gregor's face.

But Gregor pulled off a stupendous reaction by catching his fist that rivalled any reaction Calvin had ever witnessed while fighting Snake.

"You can't see the monster!" Calvin snapped at Gregor.

Gregor suddenly grabbed Calvin's shirt and hauled Calvin up, before slamming him down with enough force to send the air rushing out of Calvin's lungs. Calvin gasped desperately but Gregor didn't bother to give him a reprieve. Grunting heavily, he pushed Calvin up against the wall and pinned him there. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Gregor boomed imperiously, causing Calvin's heart to flutter slightly in the presence of the killing machine in front of him.

But Calvin had heart, and he had it in spades. He brought his fist up and drove it into Gregor's ribs, eliciting another hiss of pain from Gregor. As the Warrior's grip on his shirt slackened, Calvin seized the opportunity and headbutted Gregor's chin, sending him stumbling backwards from the shock and pain.

With the Warrior reeling, Calvin rushed forward and crashed headfirst into him, sending the both of them sprawling across the room. Calvin tried to get to his feet hastily, but he was far too weak to steady himself on his own. He reached out to use the wall as support, but Gregor's boot suddenly flew into his vision and struck his arm, causing Calvin to yelp sharply from the sting of the kick.

Gregor sprang towards him, but Calvin lunged weakly to one side, narrowly evading his friend. The commotion in the room had now deteriorated to becoming a dull throb, with Calvin barely aware of what was being said or of what was going on in the room. All he could focus on was that menacing shadow, lurking quietly in plain sight and yet so elusive to all others except for Calvin himself.

It was his duty to slay the shadow. Only he could see it. He had to protect Hazard and Gregor and whoever else was in danger of being consumed by it.

He had to protect Hecate.

And yet… and yet, he couldn't bring himself to move against it. Fear now had him on a leash and he was being held back. His heart burst into yet another killing sprint as torrents of sweat soaked his shirt and skin.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" A piercing voice cut the leash of fear loose.

Calvin spun around to find Gregor glaring straight at him. Calvin snarled almost bestially and rushed at Gregor once more, determined to protect the Warrior by fighting him this time. Everything around him seemed to slow down- it was almost as if his soul was now a distinctly separate part of his body, witnessing his own body take flow and fight. It was all so distant, Gregor, the environment around him, the clothes he was wearing… All just a meaningless blur.

His head felt slightly elevated and his legs, which had been feeling like lead up to this point, suddenly began to lighten and almost fade away from his consciousness. Calvin stumbled forward carelessly, feeling as if he had been intoxicated by fear and exhaustion. But he steeled himself as Gregor advanced towards him slowly.

He rushed straight at Gregor- an amateur and stupid mistake. Gregor sidestepped the movement easily and stuck out a leg, sending Calvin crashing into the wall. Calvin, despite now having to endure both throbbing and stinging pain, just hissed and forced himself to his feet. He spun around just in time to block Gregor's right hook, but was powerless to prevent Gregor from jabbing his right side with his left fist.

Calvin staggered backwards, inhaling even more heavily with each breath. Gregor was merciless this time, though, and he followed up with a roundhouse kick that smacked against Calvin's face. Calvin hit the ground hard once more as the air rushed out of his lungs. He was vaguely aware of blood trickling down the side of his head, but he deliberately ignored it. Any recognition of his pain was a sign of weakness.

And Gregor would exploit any sign of weakness.

He looked up defiantly at Gregor, who towered over him. "What… w-what are you doing?" Calvin choked out, still struggling to breathe.

"I'm going easy on you," his friend replied coldly. "I could have all four of your limbs broken right now. And if I have to do that… I will, even if it's you."

"You don't see it," Calvin mumbled, shaking his head. "None of you can see it."

"See what?"

Calvin was suddenly too tired to conjure up an articulate response. He had no more breath to waste on explaining the situation to Gregor. "You don't see it," he repeated himself.

Before he could register anything, Gregor had hoisted him up and slammed him back down on the hospital bed. "Don't make me do this," the Warrior said through gritted teeth.

Calvin just shook his head.

"What are you seeing? What did you see back when we were flying on Apollo?" Gregor snarled. "What monster are you talking about?"

Calvin was close to tumbling into oblivion. He was still conscious of where he was and what he was saying, but he was as dazed as it got. The lights in the room were shining like supernovas, beckoning him to leave this world and his existence behind in order to fall into the void. An abyss of darkness would wrap him in a cold embrace, and give him the meaningless, eternal sleep he had been yearning for…

"Answer me, Calvin!" Gregor barked, shocking him temporarily out of his stupor.

"When you rescued me," Calvin barely breathed out, "I saw a monster behind you. The monster was next to you when we were flying out, and we were flying off on a different monster. That different monster was next to me when I removed my blindfold."

Something seemed to dawn on Gregor, and his grip on Calvin loosened slightly once more. His face seemed to register surprise and horror as he backed off slightly. "The bastard," Gregor almost whispered. "He poisoned you with a huge dose of Murk. He's conditioned you to be frightened of rats and bats."

"What?" Calvin asked, as he slowly slipped towards unconsciousness.

"There's nothing we can do," Gregor sighed in frustration. "It'll take years to remove the poison from the blood."

On impulse, Calvin suddenly attempted to fire a punch at Gregor, which was a stupid and clearly half-hearted attempt even to his addled mind. Gregor caught the punch easily and looked down at his friend.

Calvin could see a whole spectrum of emotions- disappointment, horror, relief, frustration… and even pity, all encapsulated in one distracted, mournful look.

"I'm sorry, Calvin," Gregor said. "I'm really sorry."

And then he fired a brutal punch between Calvin's eyes, finally pushing Calvin into the cold, infinite darkness.

Well, this was a chapter to string the story together now that Calvin and Gregor are reunited. And I hope you enjoyed the (admittedly) short fight scene between Calvin and Gregor at the end.

As usual, favourites/follows are recommended, and please don't forget to leave a review behind!

Question: Tell me your thoughts about Calvin's fear of bats and rats!

Share your thoughts in the reviews section!