Sorry I've been gone for a while. I got lost in the world of ItaSaku and it is HOT. Definitely end up writing some of that myself. But for now, Some Sasusaku.


The pair exited the shower and Sasuke threw Sakura a fluffy towel to dry off with.

Sasuke gave his hair a light tousle before wrapping his towel around his waist and opening the bathroom door. He pulled some sweatpants on and walked out of his room into the kitchen to find some breakfast. Sakura joined him a few minutes later.

His eyes were immediately drawn to her legs, as he noticed she was only wearing panties. They continued travelling up her body further noticing she had pulled on one of his clean shirts and didn't appear to have a bra on. The collar didn't quite fit her enough to cover a hickey he had left just a few minutes earlier, and her towel dried, slightly messy hair made her look absolutely enticing.

"Sorry," She blushed under his gaze. "I didn't want to put on dirty clothes after having a shower."

He couldn't tell is she was serious or not. Their shower had been far from clean.

"It's fine. Would you like something to eat?"

"Uh, well I think we need to talk."

Sakura hadn't had time to feel nervous about anything this morning until now. They certainly had some things to work out.

Sasuke gave her a serious look and nodded his head.

"Anything to drink?"


He set up the machine to brew half a pot then sat down across from her.

There was a bit of tension in the air and understandably so. Sasuke wasn't sure where to start and Sakura wasn't exactly sure what was happening.

"Uh I think it would be best if we were both on the same page," Sakura started.

"And I think the best way to do that is to just say exactly how we feel. I'll start since you probably already have a good idea about how I feel. How's that sound?"

Sasuke nodded again and got up to retrieve them their coffee. He sat down and waited for her to begin, noticing how fidgety she was being.

"Well these last couples of days have been really confusing. You know how I feel about you, but I don't think you know I've been keeping you at arms length to avoid getting hurt. But these last few days, you've been pulling me closer Sasuke. I don't understand what you want but I can't give you anything more than I am the way thing's are right now. I don't know, how did we get ourselves into this mess. How do you feel?"

Sasuke took a moment to compose his thoughts.

"I'm going to stop drinking and I'd like to spend more time with you."

Well. That certainly wasn't what Sakura expected to hear.


"I started drinking to escape dealing with my families death, but that hasn't turned out too well for me so I've decided to stop. I also realize I've been taking advantage of your company and I want to spend time with you Sakura. Maybe even out of this apartment."

He finished with a smirk, and took note of her slightly parted lips and reddened cheeks.

"Wait you wanna date?"

Sakura was at a loss for words. She had no idea what Sasuke had wanted to talk about, but she had no idea that this was it.

"Well I'd actually really like to know what you do at the hospital at 5:30am." He teased.

"It's when my post-surgical rounds begin."

Sasuke wasn't really sure as to what that entailed but he could still sense the nervousness in her voice.

"How about you take some time to think about it and let me know next Thursday?"

Sasuke had been so busy he almost forgot it was Thursday, until her heard a knock at his door. He got up from his couch to let his guest in.

"Hey." He greeted the pink haired woman in front of him.

She smiled.

"Hey." She greeted in return as he let her in.

Sasuke locked the door and turned around to see Sakura looking him up and down.

"See something you like?" He raised an eyebrow and they started walking towards his living room.

"I've just never seen you dressed so properly Mr. Uchiha."

Sakura gave him another look up and down. He was wearing black slacks held securely onto his hips with a shiny black, leather belt. He also had a very nice looking white dress shirt tucked into his pants with the sleeves rolled up and the first two buttons undone. He smirked as they sat on his couch.

"I've been spending some time getting reacquainted with my parent's company. The people they left in charge have been hesitant about me taking over the company last week so I've been working a lot to prove them I'm capable."

Sasuke lifted his arm onto the backrest as an offer for Sakura to snuggle up against him. He looked tired judging from the black lines below his eyes.

She took him up on his offer and he pulled her in close.

"That's amazing, I had no idea your parents owned a company. Or that you had any idea how to run a business actually."

Sasuke was nuzzling the top of her head tiredly and hummed in response. It was something he hadn't told anyone before really. He never wanted much to do with it after the accident.

Sakura couldn't believe the turn around she was seeing.

"You look tired Sasuke-kun."

"Hn, I am."

"Would you like to go to bed?"

"Does that mean you've made a decision?"

The small bag she had brought with her had already given Sasuke a good idea, but he couldn't help to ask. He moved his head from the top of hers to look at her.

She always had such a pretty blush dusting her cheeks.

"Ah, well, I just thought you looked a little tired."

She was a bit nervous. Or were those butterflies in her stomach? Butterflies because she loved him? Or because he looked really good right now. She couldn't really tell. Sakura had believed him when he said he wanted to get his life back in order, she just had no idea that running a company was what that had entailed.

She was unknowingly making an adorable pouty face and Sasuke couldn't help but kiss her.

"Yes, I'd love to go to bed. Would you care to join me?" He got up and put out a hand for her.

She had to admit, he looked great dressed like that. Great enough for her to grab his outstretched hand and follow him to bed.

They walked down the hall, into his room, and Sakura surprised Sasuke by taking the opportunity to push him onto his bed.

He propped himself up on his elbows, amused by her teasing, and watched as she lifted her shirt above her head giving him quite the view. She threw it onto the ground and maintained eye contact with him as she removed her pants, leaving her in a bra and panties.

Sakura gave him a hungry look before walking over to undo his belt. Sasuke was quite intrigued at this point and let her continue. She slowly pulled his belt out of the loops and tossed it in the direction of her clothes, unbuttoning his pants next. She then climbed on top of him, straddling his hips, and started unbuttoning the buttons of his shirt one by one.

Once the shirt was open, Sakura leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

"You look really sexy in this."

Sasuke felt the blood drain from his brain and reroute to his groin.

She leaned forward to kiss him and thread a hand into his hair. His skin was soft and warm and she found it so comforting.

Then all of the sudden she was flipped onto her back and Sasuke was ravishing her mouth and she could feel his hot erection grinding against her core.

She let out a soft moan in response.

"Sasuke, now."

He let out a chuckle.

"Impatient are we? Perhaps I should always dress like this."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time idiot." She retorted with a smirk.

"I'm going to fuck that smirk off your face." He threatened before kissing her again as he let her remove her pants.

He ground his hips into her a few more times while he kissed her and tried to remove her bra.

Eventually they had removed all of their clothes and Sasuke was over top of Sakura rocking his hips into her core. She was so tight and hot around him and the sound of Sakura moaning under him was driving him crazy. She sure was a minx when she wanted to be.

Not that he ever minded.

Sasuke pulled out and flipped her onto her stomach before pushing the tip of his cock back in. Sakura moaned at the new sensation and grabbed the pillow as Sasuke began a relentless, deep pace into her from behind.

"Ahh, fuck Sasuke. Oh my god!"

"Feels good?" He snapped his hips hard into hers.

"Ah! Oh that feels amazing." Sakura was now loudly moaning into the pillow she was so desperately holding on to.

"Sasuke, I can't take much more."

He continued to fuck her at his hard pace and pulled her hair to lift her head slightly off the pillow.

The sound of her cries lit him on fire.

"Why is that, Sa-ku-ra?"

He dropped his mouth to her newly exposed neck to lick up her pulse.

"Uhh, it's too deep Sasuke, I can't take it."

He could feel her tightened around him.

"Let it out Sakura."

"I can't Sasuke!"

She tried to squirm out from under him but Sasuke grabbed both her arms and pinned them behind her back as he continued to pound deep into her trying to draw out more of her sharp cries.

Sakura had never come so hard in her life.

She was sure she was about to pass out until she heard Sasuke orgasm and let go of her hands. She tired to catch her breath as he hovered about her trying to catch his. He finished with a few shallow strokes before pulling out and lying on his side.

"Wow that was hot."

She vaguely registered hearing him beside her.


She let out an un-ladylike grunt at his question to which he laughed.

"Too much to handle?" He asked smugly.

"I can't move asshole." The force of her orgasm had literally left her too shaky to move properly.

"Good. Stay with me tonight." Sasuke pulled her onto her side and snuggled up close.

"I will." She let out a contented sigh.

"I'm really glad you're getting your life back on track Sasuke. It's not an easy thing to do."

"Thank you Sakura. I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for you being here. I think you're the only person I've been able to open my heart to for a long time."

"This is the grossest pillow talk we've ever had Sasuke, I'm going to sleep now."

Sasuke chuckled in surprise at her comment. She really was unpredictable sometimes.

"Goodnight Sakura."

"I love you too Sasuke."

What did you think?
I think I'll probably end this story here.
Not sure if I liked the ending or not, but I'm a lover of happy endings so that's how I wanted it to end.
Share your thoughts with me?