Disclaimer: I do not own Rwby or any of it's characters, songs, features, etc. I am only a fan. RWBY belongs to Roosterteeth and was created by Monty Oum. Songs were written by Jeff Williams.

This is an alternate universe fic I am writing. :] It is a high school setting, and is a modern au, though fauness still exist.

Warnings: Trigger warnings of character death, possible spoilers, and will later contain the shippings of WhiteRose and Bumbleby. If you have anything against this, I advise that you please do not read.
That being said, please, enjoy :]

Roses and Thorns

"This will be the day we've waited for! This will be the day we open up the doors!

Don't wanna' hear your absolutions, get ready for a revolution!

Welcome to a world of new solutions! Welcome to a world of bloody evolu-….."

"What the- uuuhg!"

"Did your phone die?"


"About time." Summer cracked a smile, "Now I can finally talk to my daughter."

"Sorry mom…this music is just sooo good."

Summer let out a light chuckle. "It's alright kiddo. It just gets lonely after being in a car for over three hours without any communication….and this darn rain isn't helping anything."

"Do you think it will stop?" Ruby asked, putting her headphones away.

"I hope. It's coming down hard, and these windshield wipers aren't helping any."

"…You think dad and Yang are out playing in it?"

"Probably. They are such children at hearts…..you remember when we went to the beach house last year?"

"How could I not!" Ruby smiled, "It rained the whole time so we couldn't do anything, then dad and Yang decided to see who could stand out in it the longest and they both got colds!"

"Then they dragged us out there and we had a water fight…we all ended up getting really sick!"

They both laughed at the memory.

"Yeah but it was worth it!" Ruby gleamed.

"It sure was." Summer sighed happily.

"I can't wait to see them again…I really miss them."

"Me too Ruby…we are only another half hour away… so it won't be long." Summer reassured.

"I just wish we weren't a long distance family…"

"So do I Ruby…but with your father and my job it's hard to be together all the time."

"Yeah, I know….but that doesn't stop me from wishing."

"…You remember what I used to tell you when you were little?"

"Of course. You still tell it to me." Ruby smiled.

"And I'll never stop." Summer smiled back.

"Every rose has its thorn, and it may hurt. But if you take good care of it, and treat it right, "

"It will bloom into something beautiful." Ruby finished.

"Yep, and never forget it." Summer leaned over and quickly kissed ruby on the head.

Ruby laughed. "Of course I won't. Who do you think I am?"

"Your father's daughter."

"Haha! Good point, but I'm also your daughter so…."

"Oh, hush." Summer laughed.

It was silent after that. Ruby looked out of her window, though all she could see was rain. It was mesmerizing, though it was coming down rapidly, causing all sorts of noise as it hit the roof and windows of the car. Ruby soon found it hard to keep her eyes open, sleep slowly crawling up on her. Right as her eyes had shut, a loud, nerve-racking blare of a horn jolted her awake.


Summer pulled Ruby towered her into a protective position. Before Ruby could ask what was happening, a car from the opposite side of the road whirled and crashed into them, causing their car to lose control and spin off of the road. Ruby's head jerked sideways from the impact and smacked into the window beside her, causing her to lose all consciousness.

End of Prologue