Despite how what everyone told him, the pain didn't go away. Instead Peter found himself struggling sitting in the bathroom of school five months after Aunt May's passing struggling to breath. The edge of his vision was sparkling in a way that reminded him off extreme heat. The writing on the stall walls slipped in and out of focus with each forced breath and his teeth clenched together so harshly that he could faintly here them grinding against each other behind the ever present pounding of his heartbeat in his ear. With hands that trembled more every second he wrestled his phone from his pocket. He flipped threw his contacts numbly, trying to find someone he could call, anyone, but everyone was busy. The door slamming open startled him enough that his phone flew from his hands and skid across the floor until it hit the wall under the sink.
Tears spilled down his face when he realized that his last life line was gone. The lock slid into place, something shoved under the door to keep it shut. Whoever it was knew he was in there and locked him in. It suddenly became even harder to breath. It wasn't until the click of heels echoed from right in front of the door to his stall did he realize it wasn't one of the football team. "Peter? Sweetheart you in there?" The voice was smooth with a thick southern drawl that was impossible to mistake as anything but the real thing. There was only one girl in the entire school who spoke like that. "L-Luna?" He asked softly just to be sure.
Luna Kitsuna was a newer student who had transferred mid-term the year before. She was a good student and though she wasn't on Peter's level she was amazingly smart. When she got to the school people where a bit off put by her because she was half Japanese and half American. It all got worst when they heard her accent but Luna was strong and never let it get to her. She was a good friend when you needed and that's probably why she had taken the risk of going into boys bathroom when she heard about Peter. It was also the reason why she had moved to sit on the bathroom floor with her back against the stall door talking about the cat tree she was making for her neighbors daughter.
"M-my ph-one?" he managed to shudder out the words between panted breaths. Luna hummed and shuffled until she was sliding the phone to him. "Sorry about that love. I didn't see it when I walked in." she said with a chuckle. Peter tried to pick it up but despite how hard he tried he, between shaking hands and watery eyes, he couldn't make out what the screen said. Frustrated at his own lack of ability he whimpered and bit at his lip. Luna heard him and reached under the stall. "I'll call them Pete, you just tell me who to call and I'll explain everything so you don't have to alright?" without thinking he let the phone drop from his hands and into hers.
"There ya go Pete. Who do you want me to call?" she kept her voice low and even but it was to late. Everything suddenly everything was to bright, the sounds to loud, even the fabric of his clothes clung to him to tightly sending another jolt of panic threw his system. He tried to hum to himself, to give himself to concentrate on but it wasn't working. The tuneless sound was broken by sobs that he tried to keep quiet but he knew Luna had heard them. Her voice was a murmur lost in the mix of people talking, water running threw pipes, and even the bugs crawling into the walls.
The bell rang. The sharp noise cutting threw the air and the buzzing sounds that surrounding him like a knife and he didn't even try and stop the cry that bubbled to his lips as pain shot threw his head. The door to the bathroom shook but didn't open, Luna had fallen silent both waiting with baited breath. A few more rattles and whoever was on the other side seemed to have given up. Another bell a few minutes later brought with it quiet. Peter was curled in the corner taking panicked breaths. Luna said a few more words before hanging up with whoever was on the phone with her. "There on there way okay Peter? There coming to get you but until then I need you to breath with me. Deep breaths in two, three and out two three. Again two, three, and out two three." she continued the mantra for awhile. Finally Peter began to calm down and he leaned against the wall tiredly.
"That nice lady on the phone said that she would be here in ten minutes." She said to the boy threw the wall. "W-who?" He asked not remembering telling her who to call. "Ms. Natasha, I thought you where trying to say her name before but you where humming and she had picked up before I could stop the call." She sounded slightly embarrassed. Peter found himself laughing a bit hysterically. Natasha, the Black Widow, was coming to school to pick him up. The laugh ended with half suppressed sobs. "Was I not supposed to call her?" Luna asked confusedly but before he could answer the sound of the door opening echoed threw the bathroom.
Luna was on her feet in a second and dropping into a guarding position in front of the stall. "Good form. Now leave." It was Nat. Peter couldn't help the whine that escaped him at the familiar sound. "I don't know how you got in lady but I'm not going anywhere." Luna's voice was strong and she was equally as stubborn but Peter could here the small shake there, Natasha Romanoff was not a woman one talked back to easily. "Thanks for calling me kid but if you want me to help Peter then you need to leave." Quiet steps, steady and purposefully making noise so as not to scar Peter more moved forward but Luna didn't move. "Peter? Do you know her? Is it safe for me to leave or should I stay?" Luna asked him. He took a deep breath "I-it's alright. It's N-nat." There was a second of silence before Luna said anything. "Alright then, ya'll take care of Petey." she said finally before leaving.