Caley was avoiding Stiles like the plauge...well sort of. It was really hard to avoid someone you had every class with. Caley usually sat next to him, obviously when they were dating. Now she squeezed herself between two people she didn't know very well. She was pretty sure one was named Corey or something? Eh, she wasn't really worried about it. He was quiet and far enough away from Stiles so that he wouldn't try and talk to her.

Stiles was very aware that Caley was avoiding him. That didn't mean he wasn't going to try. Sadly, Caley was fast, really fast. As soon as the bell rang, her things were packed and she was out the door like someone was chasing her. Stiles groaned, dropping his head onto his folded arms. At this rate he was never going to get a second chance. But Stiles was nothing but determined. He may be cynical but he was determined, that was for sure.

He stood, picking his bag up slowly and heading out of class. He walked through the halls, frown etched into his features. His mind ran through his every option. He couldn't necessarily corner her and force her to talk to him, he might get thrown out of the window. Calling her repeatedly hadn't worked. Stiles thought about chocolates and flowers and maybe a stuffed bear, Caley loved stuffed bears. He felt a little hope bubble inside of him. That could work, but it was kind of cliche.

Stiles groaned as he approached his locker, letting his head fall against the cold metal. He was driving himself insane with endless circling. "Dude..." Liam's voice did nothing to help Stiles' mood. "What do you want Dunbar?" he groaned, just wanting to be alone. "You're moping around and it's annoying," Liam spoke bluntly, crossing his arms. Stiles glared at Liam from the corner of his eye. "Well sorry my girlfriend just broke up with me," he hissed. "Oh you mean the girlfriend you cheated on with a werecoyote...and then lied about it," Liam shot back. Stiles winced at the truth. Yeah, he did deserve to be miserable. "It was a mistake I wasn't...I don't even remember it," Stiles mumbled.

Liam eyed the tall boy he'd come to call a friend. "You don't...remember," he asked slowly. He was suspicious but Stiles wasn't really a liar. Okay well he was, but not when it came to Caley. "No," Stiles said meekly, straightening up. "I never told her because I didn't remember it. I just woke up next to Malia, naked, and there were only a few things that could have possibly gotten us there. I told her to keep it a secret because I didn't want to hurt Caley with something I wasn't even sure happened," Stiles admitted, heaving a sigh. Liam leaned against the blue lockers, listening intently to Stiles' heartbeat. He wasn't lying, or at least he believed what he was saying.

Liam didn't hear any irregularities so he relaxed his posture. "Well I know you aren't lying," he mumbled. "But Caley won't," Stiles finished dejectedly. Both boys glanced down the hall towards Caley's locker. She stood there exchanging books. Stiles bit his lower lip as his eyes ran over her figure. She definitely dressed to impress and he knew why. She didn't want to seem weak. That's one of the many traits Stiles loved about her. She always put on a brave face, regardless of how she was feeling.

Stiles stiffened as he watched Theo approach you. His heart rate sped up as anger surged through his body. "The hell is he doing with her?" Stiles grumbled pushing off of the locker. He was about to storm over and make Theo leave Caley alone, but Liam moved too quickly. Liam held Stiles in place, using his enhanced hearing to listen in on your conversation.

"Hey Caley," Theo spoke, his signature smirk shining down on the brown-skinned girl.

"Hey Theo, what's up?" Caley's voice was soft, aloof, not really into the conversation.

"I uh, I wanted to apologize for the way you found out about...ya know," Theo said, bouncing on his toes as if he was nervous.

"Don't be. Truth's bound to come out somehow," Caley hissed, jaw tightening. Theo stilled, watching her. He sighed, grabbing her arm and turning her towards him. "No I mean it. I'm sorry okay. Just...when you came over last night crying sucked. It just really sucked to see that," Theo spoke softly, eyes staring so intently into Caley's.

"O-Oh uh, okay," Caley murmured. She blinked rapidly, unable to focus on words to say. Theo was just so close and Caley wasn't really sure how she felt about it. Her eyes flickered over Theo's face before returning to his eyes. Caley licked her lips quickly, a nervous habit, "It's's fine really Theo. But uh, thanks, for...for last night," Caley's voice dropped to a whisper to keep their conversation between them.

Theo's eyes watched intently as Caley's tongue flicked out over her lips, leaving them slick and shiny. He forced his eyes back onto her amber one's ignoring the slight increase in his heart rate. He nodded, letting go of Caley's arm. "No problem," he said easily. He lingered for a moment before turning on his heels and hurrying away.

Caley watched him leave. She squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. All of the things Stiles had told her about Theo popping into her mind. Theo didn't seem so bad, despite her boyfriends, ex-boyfriend, was so adamant that he was evil. Caley exhaled slowly, finishing up grabbing her books and headed to class.

Stiles had been struggling against Liam's grip the time he watched Theo interact with Caley. He nearly lost it when they suddenly stopped talking and Theo just stared at her. He didn't like it, not one bit. Why, because Theo was the devil incarnate even if no one believed him. "Chill!" Liam said once Theo left, slamming Stiles into the lockers. The angry teen glared at the shorter blonde but stilled. "Listen," Liam commanded. "Theo was the one that told her. He had a video or something and it sounded like...well I mean it wasn't officially said but..." Liam began to falter, not sure how to break it to Stiles. "What!" Stiles hissed, he was already seething. Theo was the reason Caley knew. Stiles knew he did it on purpose, he had to. Liam stared at his friend who had begun to struggle again. "I think she stayed with him last night," Liam said it as quick as possible.

Stiles froze. All movement ceased in his body. He didn't blink, he didn't breath, he didn't even twitch. He was just still. Liam watched worriedly, slowly letting go of his friend. "Stiles?" Liam said softly, immediately regretting telling him what he had heard. Perhaps Stiles was right, some things were better left unsaid. Stiles turned to Liam slowly, eyes brimming with tears. He swallowed, blinking quickly to keep his tears back. "Did he..Did they um," Stiles cleared his throat, unable to finish the question that was burning in his mind. "No!" Liam almost shouted.

Stiles let out a shaky breath, raking a hand through his hair. "Um, okay...yeah," He said, breathing slowly. He nearly lost it when Liam told him Caley was with Theo last night. He slumped against the locker, looking down at his worn sneakers. "He did it on purpose," Stiles whispered. Liam eyed him strangely. Everyone knew Stiles hated Theo, claimed he was evil. "And how do you know that," Liam questioned, arms crossed once again.

The halls had emptied quite a while ago, neither boy too concerned with missing class. "Um, everything was fine until he showed up! Kids are going missing, then there's the Dread Doctors, and now he tells my girlfriend that I cheated on her! Liam, he's doing this on purpose, I just know it!" Stiles half yelled, arms flailing around to emphasize his points. Liam scowled, Stiles did have a point. Things really did go to shit after Theo showed up and he couldn't exactly ignore it as a coincidence. Nothing in Beacon Hills was a coincidence.

"Okay, fine, say I believe you. What are we gonna do about it? Scott wants to give him a chance and he's alpha. I literally can't disobey him," Liam said. Stiles glanced to where Theo had dissappeared quite a while ago. "We could always...follow him." He stated. Liam frowned, "Really? Follow him." His whole demeanor echoed Liam's feelings on the subject, and they weren't positive. "Listen, everyone slips up at one point. He'll mess up, we just have to be there when he does," Stiles reasoned.

Liam chewed on his cheek, mulling over the suggestion. He supposed it couldn't really hurt. Scott might be annoyed but he would get over it...eventually. Liam looked up into Stiles' eyes, the boy was giving him the puppy eyes. Liam groaned, dropping his head back in exasperation. "Fine," he sighed, shaking his head. He knew this was going to be a bad idea, but he found himself agreeing anyways.

Caley sat in class, focusing on writing down the notes on the board. It was a little difficult, feeling eyes burning into her back. She frowned, gripping her pencil tighter in her hand. She knew exactly who it was, he hadn't stopped looking at her all day. Caley glanced over her shoulder, meeting the broken gaze of Stiles. She lingered for a few moments, trying not to get lost in those brown eyes she was so familiar with. That was a lot easier said than done. As soon as her eyes met Stiles', Caley knew she was stuck.

It was like the whole world fell away again. Stiles sat up straighter, as did she. He looked so sad and it hurt to see it, but the pain from what he did was still fresh. Too fresh to forgive easily, but Caley couldn't look away. As much as she hated to admit it, those dark brown eyes still gave her butterflies and his lips still made her want to grab his face and...

"Miss Morrison," The teacher's voice snapped harshly. Caley flipped her head around she was sure she gave herself whiplash. "Uh, yessir," she said, eyes wide. "Please explain how to find the cosine, sine, and tangent of the angle on the board," the teacher spoke condescendingly. Caley looked to the board to find several angles and problems scrawled in white chalk with no idea as to which the teacher was referencing. She glanced around the classroom to find all eyes on her, nervousness twisting in her gut. "Oh, um...yeah well..." she glanced back at the teacher, then at the board, "I guess you just...for cosine you..."

"Well you only have the length of the hypotenuse and the length of the side adjacent to the angle, so first you need to use tangent to find the opposite angle, which is thirty. Now that you have that you can do the cosine function, therefore completing the problem so finding cosine and sine was actually a trick question," Stiles voice piped up from behind you. The teacher stared the boy down but Stiles didn't back down. He wasn't about to let some vain math teacher humiliate Caley in front of the class.

Once the teacher backed down, nodding at Stiles, he returned to the lesson. Caley looked back over her shoulder, studying Stiles' face. He gave her a shy smile, to which she frowned. She wasn't sure how she felt about him helping her out. Well, she was happy about it, he had basically saved her from public humiliation, but the feeling she was left with wasn't something she wanted right now. Her thankfulness came with a sorrow. Caley missed Stiles, she knew she did, but she didn't want to miss him.

Once the bell rang, Stiles hung back, letting everyone else leave. This time, so did Caley. Both teens moved at a snails pace, waiting for the class to empty. Long after everyone was gone, even the teacher, the two still didn't speak. Caley stole glances at Stiles, finding the right words to say. "Thanks," she muttered finally. Stiles' head shot up, staring at her surprised she initiated the conversation. "O-Oh it's no big deal," he said softly, eyes lingering on her face before turning to his backpack. Caley let out a snort of laughter, making Stiles look at her again. "What?" he asked, turning to her confused by what was apparently so funny. "It's like the first time you ever spoke to me. You were so awkward and nervous. You gave short little replies like that and you had huge pit stains from nervous sweating," Caley giggled at the fond memory as she fiddled with her bag. Stiles flashed a smile at the memories. "Well it's not every day I get to talk to someone as beautiful as you, ya know. It was sort of a new thing for me, as in, never done it in my life. Like heart palpitations from you even looking at me nervousness was happening there," Stiles confessed, a smile growing in his face.

Caley turned to Stiles, only a few inches between them. Both shared matching smiles as they thought on the early days of their relationship. "Remember our first date?" Caley asked and Stiles groaned. "Oh you mean when we were on the way to the restaraunt that I had to use my dads status as sheriff to even be considered only to have my car break down and have to get a pizza delivered to the jeep while we waited for a tow first date?" he quizzed, mortification from the event resurfacing. Stiles' face melted from embarrassed to cheerful as he listened to Caley's laughter. "Yes that's my favorite you know," She all but whispered. Stiles sobered, looking deep into Caley's eyes. "Do you...Do you think it can ever be like that again?" he asked softly, fearful of the answer. Caley was silent for a long time, staring into her boyfriend's, or was it ex's, eyes. "I don't know Stiles," Caley said honestly, sadness filling her features. Stiles visibly deflated, staring at his shoes. "I want it to...I really do," Caley confessed. Stiles looked at her again, feeling a small bit of hope. "I hurts Stiles. You cheated on me and that's going to take a long time to get over, not to mention that you have to earn my trust back and to be honest, if I ever do take you can't be friends with Malia," Caley said. Stiles opened his mouth to protest only to close it when Caley held up her hand. "I know Malia is part of the pack. Just outside of pack business, just can't go past that, I'm sorry," Caley said honestly sad that if they were to work out Stiles would have to drop a friend, but those were her terms.

Stiles was silent for a long time before nodding. "Okay," He said, determination gleaming in his eyes. "I'll do it. Whatever it takes." Caley watched as Stiles stood straighter, squaring his shoulders. "From this day forward I will do everything in my power to get you back. You are my world Caley and I am unbelievably sorry for what I've done to you. Even if we're friends, I'll settle because I need you. I need you to be in my life somehow. We've been through so many things, things that I can't share with anyone else. I need you and I promise to do right by you," Stiles said with so much sincerity. Caley watched him carefully and knew, even without werewolves little lie-detecting ability that Stiles was being truthful with her. "Alright," Caley said and Stiles beamed. "No promises Stiles, but, we can start as friends again," she said, sticking out her hand. Stiles eyed it with a raised brow. He smirked, pushing her hand aside and enveloping Caley in one of his soothing bear hugs. Caley sunk into his chest, relishing in the soft feel of it, something she missed terribly. "Thank you," Stiles whispered into her hair. Caley nodded, clutching Stiles to her like he would disappear on her.

Little did the duo know that there was a certain chimera outside, listening in on the whole conversation. Theo stood outside of the door, gritting his teeth as anger boiled in his system. He had underestimated Caley and Stiles' bond, he wouldn't make that mistake again. As he listened to them rehash memories of times spent together, another, more sickening feeling began to coil in his lower abdomen. It made Theo's skin crawl to hear it but he stayed, looking for a weak point. He needed Caley to be on his side. The Doctor's had something special planned for her, what exactly Theo wasn't sure. All he knew was that she was powerful and they could unlock it.

Theo slipped away before the two left the room. He had a plan forming in his mind already. He knew exactly how to get to them. He needed Malia for it. He knew it wouldn't be easy to get her to trust him but Theo was convincing, he did lie to an alpha without a stammer in his heartbeat after all. Theo smirked as he walked down the halls that filled with students on their way home. Oh this would be good.