Caley was going to kill him. She was really going to kill him. She sat in Theo's room, chest heaving, and eyes stinging with tears that threatened to fall. Caley clutched the cell phone in her hand so tightly her knuckles were white. On the screen was Stiles and Malia. They were cuddled on an old, worn, dusty blue couch, a thin blanket draped lazily over their sweaty bodies. Caley watched as Malia propped her chin up on her folded hands that lay on Stiles bare chest.

Theo sat backwards in his chair, arms folded over the back as he lounged. A triumphant smirk plastered across his face as he watched the anger surge within Caley. "I'm going to kill him," Caley ground out between clenched teeth. Theo snorted out a laugh as he stood up. He held his hands up in a calming gesture. "Now I don't know about all that." Theo chuckled. Caley finally looked up from the phone, and locked eyes with Theo. The anger in her eyes caused him to stumble back, slightly taken aback. Her normal chocolate brown eyes crackled lightly with purple lightning as her anger began to supercede her powers. "Okay now, Calz, calm down. It'll be alright," Theo tried again, beginning to second guess his decision to show her the video. But he had to. Theo needed Caley on his side. Her powers would make him nearly invincible but he needed to break her bond with the pack first and he had to do that by breaking her bond with Stiles.

Caley closed her eyes, setting the phone down and taking a deep breath. She placed her hands on her thighs, taking deep breaths to calm herself. After a few minutes, Caley let out a slow breath and opened her eyes. The lightning was gone and her demeanor was eerily calm. Theo eyed her suspiciously, not believing she was truly calm, not after finding out her boyfriend of two years had cheated on her with a girl he had barely knew at the time. The icing on the cake however, was that this girl was now an integral part of the pack she had risked her life for many, many, MANY, times.

"I'm fine Theo, see," Caley's voice as calm as she flashed an all too believable smile. She stood, dusting off her pants and walked towards Theo's bedroom door. "So..what are you going to do?" Theo questioned as Caley opened the door. Without turning she answered, "I'm going to rip his throat out...with my teeth," Caley chirped before stepping out and slamming the door behind her. "I created a monster," Theo murmured as a sinister smile slipped on to his lips.

Caley walked into school the next day. A smile was on her cherry lips as she flashed her friends a smile. The anger in her eyes was hidden by large sunglasses. Her long brown hair bounced as she walked, sun giving her brown skin a gorgeous bronze glow. She went to her locker immediately, as if nothing was wrong. She had to play this cool.

All too soon it was lunch time and the pack met out by the lacrosse field to eat. It was somewhere they would be able to talk about the supernatural without risking being over heard by their classmates. Stiles sat in between Caley and Malia, laughing at something Scott had said.

"Hey Cal, you're quiet today," Liam mentioned, and all eyes were on her.

"Everything okay?" Scott asked sincerely worried.

"Oh everything is great," Caley drawled causing her friends to look at her curiously, "Just thinking about this really funny thing I saw yesterday."

"What was it?" Lydia asked, glancing around the group as Caley snorted softly, a smirk forming.

"Oh it's great. You're going to love it." Caley said, anger beginning to seep into her words. "So what I saw was hilarious, because I could have sworn it was Stiles fucking Malia in Eichen house four months ago. But that couldn't be it could it, because I distinctly remember us being in a relationship and that would mean he cheated now wouldn't it." As Caley spoke, more and more anger began to creep into her voice. There was a terrified silence as all eyes were on Stiles and Malia.

"Caley, I uh, I-I can explain that..." Stiles stammered out.

"Shut it." Caley growled, and Stiles jaw closed immediately. "You," Caley leaned in close to Stiles' face, "are so lucky Scott, Liam, and Lydia are here right now." she threatened, eyes crackling with purple lightning again.

"Caley, calm-" Scott started,

"DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Caley yelled, losing control for a moment, causing the bleachers to tremble beneath them. Scott shut up immediately, nodding quickly.

"And you," Caley turned to Malia, whose eyes flashed blue. Caley snorted as a smile flashed, shaking her head, "for your safety, don't ever come near me again." Caley stared Malia down, refusing to be the first to look away.

"Baby I," Stiles began again. Caley held her hand up,"no Stiles, don't get to speak." She said a little softer than how she was talking to everyone else. A little bit of the anger gone now, replaced with pain. "Two years...TWO FUCKING YEARS STILES! AND YOU PULL SOME SHIT LIKE THIS!" Caley burst out. "GOD!" She took in a deep shaky breath, letting it out slowly so she didn't lose control again. She didn't want to hurt her friends by accident.

Caley took a deep breath and made her exit. Silence followed as the pack watched her walk across the field and back into the school. Stiles had a pained look on his face as he watched her leave. Scott, Lydia, and Liam were left speechless, staring at Caley's retreating back. This wasn't good, at all.