Alright guys, this has been long awaited. This is my rewrite of body snatching, with a better story line, that will be completed, and a different pairing. I checked... there's like three Bella/Carmen stories and honestly I've already done a couple Bella/Irina ones. Not to worry, the pressure is on but I shall deliver!
Oh! How could I forget this lovely human! A huge huge shoutout to my handsome Beta, MeatyManCannon, without whom, this chapter would not be here and I would still be getting angry reviews :) Send the boy some love, y'all!
On with the story! Just a beginning chapter, the others will be longer!
Oh... I don't own Twilight. After all, my house is tiny, I rent, and I live on frozen dinners and instant romen...
Lexie Miles whistled softly as she began walking across the road to check the mail, turning to walk backwards and smirk slightly at her best friend who stood at the end of Lexie's driveway. "Don't lie, Hayley, you think I'm sexy," she called, making Hayley giggle. As Lexie began to turn Hayley screamed for her to look out. Lexie barely had time to look behind her, to hear the blaring horn, and to see the car that had flown around the curve and was seconds away from barreling into her back. In those seconds she couldn't help but think how stupid and cocky she had been to try and show off to Hayley in the middle of the road. Time seemed to slow for a moment and she felt the car, an old 1980 Ford Thunderbird, hit her, shattering her femurs, her tailbone following as it hit the hood of the car hard, her back shattering the glass, some of it getting embedded in her shirt and skin. The last thing she felt was her neck snap when she hit the ground.
Everything went black for a moment, but then she opened her eyes, feeling herself floating, the space around her white. She looked down to see her black clothes were now white, colored red from blood seeping from her skin. She felt her neck throbbing, likely from they way she had landed after the car hit her, and it seemed like her entire body pulsed with an aching pain. With each beat of her heart, pain shot through her, forcing a whimper from her mouth. Nonetheless, she looked around again. If this was the afterlife, why the fuck was she still in pain?
"I can answer that," a man's voice said to her right. Her head snapped painfully in that direction to see a black man who looked suspiciously like Morgan Freeman walking toward her, wearing white robes. She knew the man was dead, but... why did she feel like she wasn't getting the whole picture. "To answer your second question, yes, I look like Morgan Freeman. And yes," he held his arms out like he was about to embrace her. "I am God."
"Uhm... God, sir?"
"Yes, my child?"
"Why am I still in pain?"
He chuckled. "You are not quite dead yet. I have brought you here with a simple..." he pressed his lips into a thin line. "Or rather, a difficult and complicated task in mind for you, if you wish to hear it."
How could she say no, this was motherfucking God... "Uh... what is it you need me to do?"
"You are aware of the Twilight series?" Lexie cringed, nodding.
"My best friend was a Twihard. I'm well versed in it."
"Well... The truth is, Twilight is real and exists after all. There is another world where Isabella Swan, Charlie, Alice, Edward, all of them really exist. The problem I face is how much damage Isabella did to that world. Lives were lost and sacrificed without reason. Irina, for example, never had to die. Jacob wouldn't have been injured in the newborn battle, Charlie suffered while Isabella was catatonic. None of this was necessary. Mind you, it isn't all her fault, but it was definitely a series of events that she began."
"I still don't understand, sir, how can I help that? And... why choose me?"
"The answer, my child, is quite simple. There's a significant difference between you and Ms. Swan." At Lexie's confused look she received a smile. "Isabella Swan isn't gay, my child, while you are gay." Lexie cringed, remembering how many people had said God never intended for people to be gay. "That is not true," God said, correcting her unspoken thoughts and causing her to look up. "While it isn't completely true that I don't make mistakes, I had a purpose in making a fraction of the population attracted to the same gender."
"Can you... please explain why for me?" This was an opportunity she had never had, and she desperately wondered why she was the way she was, and had always been.
"Overpopulation." He answered simply. "Heterosexuals have children, and more often than not cannot afford to or do not want to keep these children. Same sex couples cannot have their own, and often adoption is the way they go. They give these unwanted children a loving, healthy home." And then he said the words that brought tears to Lexie's eyes. "Love is love, my child. Whether it is a man and woman, woman and woman, man and man, couples or even those who fall in love with two people. Love. Is. Love." He said this so firmly, but yet so gently, that a weight lifted from Lexie's chest. God accepted her as she was, completely, and no one could ever come close to making her feel so loved.
"Now, are you ready to hear your task?" He smiled softly, comfortingly at her, and she nodded. "As we speak, in a time toward the beginning of the books, Isabella Swan was also hit by a car, though her injuries were far less than your own. Her body will survive. I'm hoping you would be willing to take her place, as she will take yours." Lexie gaped.
"B-but... you... I... I'm not questioning your wisdom, but it would seem all you're doing is replacing one human with another, in a body I won't know... how could that help?"
"That's the thing, my child. You would not be human. You remember the shifters of La Push?" Lexie nodded. "You will be somewhat similar to them, but you will have five animals at your disposal."
Lexie looked down, closing her eyes, and thinking this through. "Do I get to choose the animals?"
Lexie nodded and replayed the books in her head. A wolf would be an obvious choice, after all that would blend well in the forest. All this made her wonder... did she have ANY animal at her disposal? After a Dragon would be fucking awesome, you know? Fire, flying... oh! A Unicorn! Lexie grinned at the idea, since she was definitely part of Team Super, and therefore already a Unicorn... plus I can stab bitches with my head if they piss me off! She thought with a mental chuckle. "Do they have to be real?"
God thought a moment and shrugged. "Nope."
A dragon would give her a lot of power, and fire power to fight off vampires that would threaten her safety, and those of the friends she would make. A giant cheetah would give her speed, strength, and a fear factor of the extinct species. A short snout bear was extinct as well, but she believed she remembered the largest recorded one was 15 feet tall when standing on it's hind legs. Strength was an important factor in this. She needed one more... of course! A velociraptor!
"You have your five?"
"Imagine the first, exactly as you want to look, and when you are ready I will encode it into your DNA." Lexie decided to rethink her wolf... after all the wolves of La Push were just overgrown mutts, in actuality. Yeah, they could tear vampires apart, but teeth were nothing compared to hands... Of course! A werewolf! A real one! She pictured a basic outline first, making it 15 feet tall, like her bear would be. Strong chest, arms, and stomach. Bowed legs, also strong. Human-like arms and hands riddled with muscle with razor sharp claws. A tail hanging from the end of it's spine. Next she pictured the head, large but proportional to the body, a muzzle full of sharp teeth, green eyes, and ears that stood tall on her head. Finally she thought of the coloring. Black seemed a good way to go, but she didn't want just black... brown... yeah. Brown would blend around her muzzle, a line moving up the middle of her head and down her spine, ending with a gentle blend with the black of her tail. Her stomach and chest would also have a black and brown blending. What was she missing... Ah! The fur around her neck, down her back, and around her waist and groin area would be far thicker, making a mane and almost armor-like protection. She nodded, this picture fixed in her head. Slowly she felt her body tingling, becoming stronger and her teeth changing slightly.
"Now for the next, Lexie."
The Dragon would have to be massive, and she pictured the dragons from Eragon for her base. She wanted to be large, and muscled, protected. She pictured black as her base for this as well, but had red as her blending this time. Solid red surrounded her eyes, the spines down her back being red, and the rest of her scales a gentle blend of the colors. Brilliant white teeth would fill her mouth, able to tear through anything in her path. It suddenly dawned on her how mean she was but she definitely would not be a motherfucking moving target in a world of vampires, shifter and fucking werewolves. Heeeeeeeell no! She shook her head and continued her mental picture. Lexie chewed her lip as she pictured her... paws? Did dragons have paws? Hmm... anyway whatever they were called they would be a solid, bright crimson red. Finally, her eyes would be green here as well. With a nod she felt the same feeling and felt her eyes changing this time.
Next came the giant Cheetah, which was much easier. She would stand ten feet at the shoulder, much like the actual animal of the prehistoric times, and black with gold as the secondary coloring. Of course her teeth would be razor sharp like her Dragon and werewolf. Green eyes that would glow in the dark would help her with night vision. Another nod had her feeling a change in her muscle build, filling her out more.
The bear was 15 feet, pure muscle with a strong jaw. Her fur would have a black base, White blending into the fur of her chest and stomach. Finally green eyes that would stand out against her dark coloring. The Raptor would be black as well, with red tiger-like stripes and red around her mouth. Lexie imagined all this forming around one of the fossils she had seen, the skin stretching over the muscle, followed by armored scales, the color filling in beautifully. Pure white claws adorned her feet (A/N: again... paws? Feet? Ah who gives a fuck...) and hands. Green eyes with a slit pupil finalizing her picture.
"You are done. You will notice the Bella you become will be much different, but it's a good different. Are you ready?"
Lexie took a deep breath and nodded. She felt herself being sucked back into some kind of vortex. Here goes nothing..
What do you thiiiiiiiiiink!?