"Thanks for letting me borrow your car." Rey hands back the car keys to Han.
"Na, nothing to thank for girl, you're family." After all those years she knows the Solos, those words still made her heart fill with gratitude.

Rey met Ben Solo when she was in High School.
The Solos had moved back to London after living in various cities across the globe due to Leia's diplomatic service. Ben had been two years above her and ended up being her tutor in chemistry. They met at the Solos house and Rey felt herself being slowly but surely being woven into the family life.
It had started with small conversations between Rey and Leia in the kitchen. The first were filled with lot of awkward silence as Rey wasn't truly convinced that she could trust this small yet fierce woman.
Eventually she learned to trust her, to accept her as someone who spoke into her life as a mentor.
Rey decided that the Solos were her family when they all, including Leia's brother showed up to her first performance for the Royal Ballet.
It was a small part but them showing up to show their support made her world a little more whole.

"Oi Bebe you silly cat. Move. Finn, Rose and the rest are coming over later and I need to get those groceries inside. Don't make me call Chewie."
The cat eventually decides to move from the porch steps.

'Hope you have enough food for one more. Forgot to chancel on Dameron.' Rey shakes her head.
As if Finn would forget to chancel other dinner plans.
Ever since that Friday when he dragged poor Poe to the ballet Finn was not so subtle trying to set those two up.
'We have to have a serious conversation about this.'
'You're awesome, peanut.'

She is still setting the table when she hears the front door being opened.
Finn and Ben each have keys for emergencies and only Ben ever uses it for such cases.
Finn on the other hand uses it rather frequently.
"You know, I should consider taking that key away from you. It's not meant to be used as your free entry card."
"You keep telling me that and still you're not doing anything about it. Careful cat on nine."
Bebe and Finn aren't friends.
They barely tolerate the other.
"Just ignore him then."
"Well the cat just made a new friend." Rose comments as the cat meows demanding Poe's attention who gladly pets it.
"Look at that small traitor. Rose, how was the trip to Shanghai?"
"So exciting. I'll tell you during dinner. I need to get the desert in the fridge." With that Finn and Rose disappear in the kitchen.
"Welcome to my humble home. This is Bebe. He usually doesn't like strangers but you seem to be an exception." Rey says after greeting Poe with a quick hug.
"Interested in a tour while those two mess up my kitchen?"
"Ehy I heard that." Finn yells.
"Just telling the truth."

"I'm still amazed by the amount of food you're able to eat." Finn comments as Rey helps herself to a second load of the lemon chicken pasta.
"I need the energy for the extra training hours. Cause I can tell you Katharina and Vince aren't messing around."
"How is your foot?" Ben asks while not so low key dropping a piece of chicken for Bebe.
Rey shoots him a look.
She already has a hard time keeping the cat from the kitchen counter while she is prepping her food.
She doesn't need her cat on her table stealing her food.
"Better. Another two weeks and I should be back on stage."
"Another two weeks I'll have to dance with Connix." Jess complains.
"She isn't that bad. Competitive but kind."
"I still have to find the one person she doesn't like." Jess tells Poe who has been quiet for the most part of the dinner.
It's not that he doesn't enjoy the company but Finn made him sit opposite from Rey.
On purpose, obviously, because his friend just knows and although Finn had first opposed the idea of Poe and Rey becoming more than friends he now finds himself enjoying teasing the two.
Ever since they met, Finn could read him like an open book, even when everyone else thinks everything is fine, Finn just knows it's not.
So being able to look at Rey the entire night is both delightful and painful.
"I'm still trying to find the one she is going to love more than Leia." Finn earns a slap to head from Rose for the comment.
One that makes Jess wince.
"What's wrong with you?" His girlfriend hisses.
"She is like a mother to me. Nothing could replace that."
"I'm just saying that I can't wait to meet the lucky guy who will get your full attention. Or you'll be just the old single lady with a weird cat." This time Jess kicks him.
But he doesn't deserve anything less.
They all had once agreed on not talking about this.
The memories of her last relationship still left a bitter taste.
And their lasts attempts in "matchmaking" had just resulted in frustration and disappointments on both sides.
So they would wait until Rey herself would tell one of them she is in love.
"Finn! Not everyone is as lucky as you and I."
But Rey is already walking out the back door.
Ben is about to get up to follow her but Jess places her hand on his arms nodding in Poe's direction who grabs Rey's glass of wine on his way out.

"I apologize for my friend."
He hands her her glass of wine.
She appreciates him coming after her although he has no idea what just happened.
"Hey he is my friend too, so I have to apologize too." Because she knows what Finn is trying to do here. Setting his two friends up. Maybe Poe has no clue about this or maybe he does. Maybe he isn't bothered by this as much as she is.
"He just wants to make sure that all his friends are as happy as he is."
"I like that about him. Yet sometimes." She gestures to the far end of her yard as she sees Ben and Rose in the kitchen starting to do the dishes. They'll have more privacy there. He follows her. Standing quietly next to each other they watch the sun set.
"The foot?" Poe eventually asks.
"Twisted my ankle two weeks ago while training for the audition next month. It happens." She shrugs as it is a normal thing to happen.
"And you're still dancing?" He looks at her in disbelief. Why would someone do this to themselves?
"Well, yeah to a certain extend. I'll have to be prepared for the auditions. This is one of the few chances one gets. And I'm still young enough so the probability of them replacing me after one season is not so high. Mia is only five years older and she got to dance only one season."
"I know what I'm doing Dameron. Trust me." She smiles at him. She likes that he seems to worry about her health.
"What have you been up to lately?" The couple falls into an easy conversation about Poe's latest project with a major company as they sit shoulders touching while the sun retires for the day.

'So I heard Bebe likes Dameron.' Rey groans as she reads the message Leia sent her.