"Five, six, seven, eight." The voice of Katharina echoes through the room.
She watches the girls closely as they dance their parts.
Every now and then she would correct the way a girl moves her hand or would tell them to correct her feet.
"Stop. It's on the count of seven not five." The girls stop and Katharina shows them the moves again.
Some do the same, others watch her closely.
"And again."
The pianist starts playing the part.
This time the girls do it right.
Yet Katharina wants them to know it by heart, so they do it again and again.
"One last time for today."
Some girls sigh happy about the fact to be home soon.

"Alright that's it. I see you all tomorrow. Rey, darling, do you have a moment?" The older woman asks as the girls gather their things and head for the showers.
"Sure." The brunette shrugs and walks over to her, undoing her iconic three part ponytail.
"I would like you to train for Odette." Katharina announces once the room is empty.
"Odette? The White and Black swan?" To say that Rey is surprised would be an understatement.
It was one of the parts every ballet dancer – including herself – dreams about.
"Yes. Although Mia got the part for this season, I and Vince would like you to audition for it for the next season."
"But the auditions are in three months." Rey realizes shocked knowing it would be a lot of work for her to learn the parts.
Especially the Black swan.
She knows how long Mia has trained and how much time she has invested.
"I know but I have faith in you. Mia isn't getting any younger and I think you would be better. You don't have to decide about it yet, tell me tomorrow" She looks at the young woman for a long moment.
"Rey, don't miss this chance."
Rey nods slowly as she grabs her things.
"I'll think about it." She finally says sounding more certain than she felt.
"Good. I'll see you tomorrow." Katharina dismisses her and Rey's head is spinning as she heads to the locker room.

"So what did the old lady want?" Jessika asks looking up from her phone.

"She wants me to learn Odette." Rey tosses her water bottle inside her locker before grabbing her towel and her clothes.
"Odette?" Jessika follows her friend to the showers caring very little about privacy.
"I know, it's insane. I got three months." Rey undresses quickly jumping under the shower.
"We're talking about White and Black?" Jessika yells over the noise of the water.
"Yes." She replies while fishing for her shampoo.
"Christ, the old lady is full of surprises. Yet I told you she would ask you someday."
"Yeah whatever. But still. I'll have to fit it in somewhere between the rehearsals and visiting Luke."
"Here. We'll find a way because you totally should do it." Jessika hands her a brush.
"Luke would say the same. Everyone would say that." She adds.
Rey puts on her sweater stuffing her things in her bag and heads out.
"I know but it's still a big thing." She mutters as they head for the tube.
"Everyone would love you in it."
"Maybe." Rey tugs her hair behind her ears.
"Definitely." Jessika says with a knowing smile and Rey simply rolls her eyes.

"Hey Chewie." Rey gently pats the head of the old dog which greets her happily at her neighbors garden gate.
"Rey, darling, Leia wants to know if you want to come over for dinner?" Mr. Solo - or Han as he insisted on being called - meets her at the gate.
"I'd love to. I'll check on Bebe first." She replies smiling as she picks up her mail from her front stairs.
"Alright. Come over when you're done." Nodding she opens her front door.

"Hey Bebe, I know I'm late." The red tabby cat looks impassive at her while walking down the stairs to meet her at the kitchen door.
She drops her bag and keys in the hall before skimming through her mail just to find nothing of interest in it.
"So what did you do all day while I was away?" And like Bebe thought she understands what his meows mean he tells her what had happened.
"I see you had been quite busy. Here you go." She places his food bowl on the kitchen window sill and pets him gently after he jumped up on it.
Lost in thoughts she stars out of the window pondering about the offer Katharina made her.

"So this is a big thing." Leia asks her an hour later as they sit at the dinner table.
"Yeah I'll need to find time for the extra rehearsals and all this."
"I'm sure you'll find a way and Luke will be fine if you're visiting him less during this time. He'll understand." She adds knowing her brother far too well.
He loves to have the young woman around who is so eager to learn so much about the art of photography, something she does in her free time to relax.
To take her mind off dancing.
She is like the daughter he never had.
"I know."
"Chewie and I could look after Bebe." Han offers.
"You know they can't stand each other." She says and the three chuckle remembering far too well the moment the cat and the dog met for the first time, which ended with Chewie earning himself a scar on his nose.

"It could be your big chance. And you love this ballet." Leia stats looking at the young woman sitting across the table.
"Yeah." Rey picks at her food.
"So it's decided then." Han tries his best to hide his smile.
After all this year's Leia still the attitude of a General, which is the reason people still call her General.
Rey knows there isn't really a reason to say no.
She knows Leia is right.
It could be her big chance to become a ballet dancer that would be remembered.
It could be her chance to reach her dream.