So this is my first go at a Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction. Massive props go to my best friend Cynthia for really helping with the plot, couldn't have done it without her. Hope you enjoy, if so please leave a review, feedback is always good.

The soft snoring of the young 13 year old girl echoed in her bedroom. Marinette slept peacefully with her cute friend Tikki nuzzling on her shoulder. She was dreaming, dreaming of course about her crush Adrien. The two were at a one of the restaurants in their city of Paris.

"Marinette, you are as beautiful as the moon itself" dream Adrien spoke.

Dream Marinette giggled and blushed. "Oh Adrien" she spoke and rested on her hands with her elbows on the table.

"Oh Marinette, be my love forever" Adrien spoke once more.

"Oh Adrien, of course" she said with a dreamy expression.

"Marinette, I lo-"

The loud sound of her phone alarm ripped her from her dream. Marinette groaned in annoyance having to wake from her dream of dreams. Next to her was her little friend Tikki was yawning awake and stretching her limbs.

"Morning Tikki" the teen girl said rather excitedly.

"Morning Marinette, you seem really happy, why's that?" Tikki angled her head in confusion.

"Because Tikki, it's my birthday today" Marinette jumped in excitement and squealed like any teenage girl would.
Tikki joined her in celebrating, floating up and down.

"Woohoo" Marinette" said and made her way over to her wall of Adrien, a wall filed with his several modelling posters among other things.

Marinette drooled over the cute boy before Tikki snapped her out of her fantasies.

"Marinette, stop that and get ready" the cute creature called pulled on the girls pyjama sleeve.

The girl smiled and unlocked her phone and checked out her friend Alyas blog, the Ladyblog. Marinette smiled and her friends activities about her secret alias.

"Hey Tikki" Marinette called to her little friend who was lying on her desk.

"Yea?" Tikki asked and looked up.

"Do you think I should at some point maybe tell Alya that I'm Ladybug?"

Tikki looked down in deep thought "I don't know, Alya is pretty obsessed with Ladybug, so finding out who she really is she probably won't be able to resist posting it on her blog" the little creature said, to which Marinette sighed.

"Yea I guess, maybe, I'm just not sure if Alya would do that to her best friend is all" Marinette said and started to get changed.

The now 14 year old girl walked with her pack slung over her shoulder as she walked into her class for the next few hours. Taking her usual seat she waited for her friend Alya to take her seat. A few minutes later the darker skinned girl walked in with a heavy jacket under arm and a slightly annoyed expression on her face.

"Hey Alya, what's wrong" the black haired girl asked.

"Urg Marinette, the stupid weatherman said it was going to rain today, but nope, it's sunny as the desert instead, stupid weatherman" she mumbled the last part and took her seat. With that the girls chatted until their class started.

A middle age man with a deep blue suit walked with a slumped back into the studio cafeteria. Around him he could hear snickers; he knew they were directed at him. Baron was his name, he was the weatherman at Paris's top news studio, and unfortunately for him he had called the weather wrong for nearly two months non-stop. There were rumours going around that he was going to be fired anytime soon, although Baron dismissed them, hoping they were wrong.

As the man sat down he felt his phone vibrate, meaning that he had received a text. Pulling it out and reading, his already down feeling went down that much more. The message in short, said that he had been fired and must been out by the end of the day.

his sadness was now quickly replaced by rage, squeezing his phone in anger, he threw his tray of food to the ground and stormed out.

In the city of Paris Hawkmoth felt the feeling of a soul ready to corrupt in the air. His window opened to shine a bright beam of light causing the butterflies around to dance in the air.

"Ah, a man with nothing broken down more and more, a perfect chance" the man said and grabbed one of the insect.

"Go my Akuma, go and blacken his heart" he said let the butterfly go out through the window and into the city.

Baron sat in his car outside the studio, rage and sadness mixing together.

"What am I going to do now?" he asked himself.

His answer was soon questioned as a dark purple and black butterfly flew down through the open window and absorbed itself into a ring on his ring finger, turning it from gold to black. A light blue eye mask covered his face and a lose sleeveless shirt changed his top suit and loose pants instead of his dress pants and he became bare foot.

"Weatherman, help me and I will make the weather bend to your will, just get me Ladybug's and Cat Noir's miraculouses" Weatherman heard in his head.

"Of course Hawkmoth" he grinned an evil smile as a heavy downpour fell down on the city.

In a field lay a circus that had recently come to town. In the main tent a man in a blue and yellow striped suit was entertaining the crowd with low cut jokes and announcing the talent.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, for your entertainment, our very own strongman, Lester Struamen" he called and a light beamed down on near 7 foot man wearing and old fashion leotard. He had a large black beard with long matching hair.

The man walked over to what appeared to be a large anvil. The man rubbed his hands together and proceeded to lift it with ease.

"You see ladies and gentleman, this man truly is the strongest in Paris" the man in a suit called.

"Yea right" a voice called from the crowd.

Everyone turned to the source of the voice.

"Excuse me sir?" the man in the suit asked

"It's a fake, that anvil's probably made of cardboard, I Could lift it" in saying this the man quickly made his way down to the stage and to the anvil.

"Excuse me sir but I must ask you to return to your seat" the announcer said, a slight sweat appearing on his forehead.

The man however didn't listen and placed his hands on the anvil, already noticing something off about it. The anvil was then hoisted up over his head with such ease the man hardly felt it.

"You see, it's a fake, it's not a real anvil" he called.

The crowd started a wave of boos at the announcer and strongman. Lester the strongman hung his head in shame and made his way out, being pelted with snacks on the way out while the announcer tried to calm the crowd to no avail.

Lester sat backstage, ashamed of what had happened. As he sat in his own sorrow a black and purple butterfly entered the room and absorbed into a brace on his wrist.

A large black cape came over his shoulders and down his back and a voice in his head spoke.

"Strongman, I am Hawkmoth, get for me Ladybugs and Cat Noirs miraculouses and I will give you power. The more they hate you, the stronger you will get" he spoke to him.

"Of course Hawkmoth, their miraculouses will be yours" he spoke in a deep voice.

"Find Weatherman and team up with him" Hawkmoth finished off.

Hawkmoth smiled, two under his control.

"With these two with this kind of power getting those miraculouses will be easy" he let out a deep evil laugh.

"Oh, what's this?' he felt another heart open to corruption in the air.

Marinette and Alya watched on in disgust as their classmate Cynthia was receiving insult after insult from Chloe. The girl was a fashion student and had a project to make a summer design, and Cloe being Chloe just had to put her down in as many ways as possible.

Unfortunately, the teacher had stepped out so couldn't really stop it as the blonde student wasn't listening to the other students telling her to stop.

The black haired girl with slight tanned skin was near crying point from the relentless bully and was about to leave the room with tears when a butterfly made its way to a pink headband in her hair.

He eyes turned black and a long red coat appeared along with stylish pants, under top and shoes.

"Beauty Devil" an evil voice called to her.

"Do not let them judge you for your talent, instead control that talent, get me Ladybug and Cat Noirs miraculouses, find Strongman and Weatherman and team with them to make it easier" Hawkmoth said in her head.

"Of course Hawkmoth" she said.

The students in the class looked at her with shocked eyes. Beauty Devil held out her hands and suddenly Chloes arms were shocked up against her side.

"What the?" she asked "I can't move" she cried as her friend Sabrina tried to pry her arms away.

"Don't bother" Beauty Devil laughed "I control the very items you wear, you belong to me now" she grinned and made hovered her way out, leaving Chloe now out of her control, but shocked the none the less.

As the rain poured down outside the now 14 year old Marinette had one thought going through her mind.

This was not how I wanted to spend my birthday.