Clara staggered towards the rear door of the TARDIS, hands clutching her neck, feeling her windpipe completely crushed. When she opened the door it went through to the console room. "Thank you," she whispered, leaning heavily on the door frame, tapping it with her hand. She went inside and the door shut behind her. "Now we need to save everyone," she whispered. The TARDIS glowed brightly as if it were responding to her.

She set the TARDIS co-ordinates and landed it next to Floor 25 with the invisibility shield turned on, she picked up the sunglasses on her way out. With some difficulty she heaved Bonnie out of the front door onto the concrete floor through the gap in the fabric. Bonnie's skin was beginning to turn a dark red colour as she pulled her roughly towards the central lift shaft.

She pulled Bonnie beneath the computer console on the floor. In front of the computer screens there was a large vat of red translucent liquid which Bonnie had used earlier by putting her hands inside. Clara looked down, putting on the sunglasses and grimaced, plunging both her hands into the slime, shuddering her shoulders.

Clara was able to access the computer mainframe using Bonnie's biometric credentials and then, she searched for a way to switch off the liquid that was inside her and all of the people. After ten minutes of searching she found schematics with the help of the sunglasses. It showed the chemical composition of the liquid, it appeared some sort of cleansing fluid with Zygon nanobots inside, controlled by a program from the network.

She searched the mainframe to disable it, now the telepathic network had been turned off. She found a panel which could turn off the nanobots, watching as a bar on the screen wound down afterwards. She felt tingly for a few minutes and then the vat of liquid forced her hands out. The computer screens shut down and then dissolved into the gloop.

Clara shuddered as she wiped her hands down the leg of her jeans. The sonic sunglasses displayed a message in small writing on the inside. '9,986,134 PEOPLE SAVED.'

"Yes!" she whispered, doing a mini fist pump. She grimaced as a wave of pain hit her through the arm at the sensation. Clara staggered back into the TARDIS, closing the door behind her. She walked slowly back into the console room, landed the TARDIS on the rooftop of her apartment block and then sat up against one of the control units on the edge. She felt herself drifting into a deep sleep, exhausted with injury.

Clara woke up to find Ashildr shaking her roughly on her shoulder. She half opened her eyes against the harsh white light of the room.

"Clara, are you awake?"

"I am now," she whispered, stretching out her arms and legs.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Crushed windpipe, remember?" Clara pointed at her neck.

"Oh yeah, what about Bonnie? Where is she?" asked Ashildr, looking around.

"Gone, I shot her-"

"You shot her? I didn't think you had it in you, Clara," interrupted Ashildr, "I wish I'd been here to see that!"

"- and then I dumped her in the building." Clara was struggling to make any sounds.

"Nice, like a bit of body dumping, I'd have thrown her out of the door." Ashildr laughed. "Thanks for your note by the way, 'She's lying, play Viking,' you even had time to make it rhyme, 'I can save them, come back to mine when you're done. Sorry about the fall'," Ashildr rolled her eyes. "Subtle, the old handshake trick."

Clara tried to laugh. She choked out, "Where?"

"Where did I fall?" Ashildr asked. Clara nodded in response. "I ended up impaled on an iron fence a few streets away," she pointed at the holes in her top.

"Ouch," Clara said, coughing.

"Could have been worse."

Clara smiled at her and shrugged her shoulders, holding a hand out to Ashildr to help her up. She stood next to the TARDIS console but felt lightheaded, so they went back out to the diner.

"We need chairs in there," Clara croaked, pointing to the console room as she sat in one of the booths, swinging her feet around to put them up. Ashildr picked up the upended bar stools and placed them back in their correct position in front of the counter.

"Does this kitchen provide us food?" asked Ashildr, disappearing into the back.

Clara looked at her hands, seeing the bruises on her wrists starting to turn slightly yellow at the edges. On closer inspection she noticed an electric yellow and neon orange light coming from them. Clara tried to shout out to Ashildr but couldn't raise more than a whisper, so she banged the silver napkin holder on the table.

"What? What's the matter?" said Ashildr from the kitchen. She paced back towards Clara.

Clara's hands were glowing bright yellow, red and orange. The light began to spread up her arms, and she felt an intense tingling sensation in her fingers.

"What's happening to you?" said Ashildr, taking a few tentative steps back.

Clara shook her head, shrugging, moving out of the booth. She held her hands up to her face, watching the tips of her fingers radiate the yellow glow. It spread across her body, emitting through her clothes for several minutes until it faded.

Clara looked at her wrists, the bruises had faded away. She saw clean skin through the rips in her jeans where she had been shot earlier. She took the bandage off her arm, finding only smooth skin beneath it.

"I think," Clara paused with the realisation she could speak again, "I think I've just regenerated, or something."

"What -"

"Oh no you don't, no, no, no..." she interrupted and looked around quickly, picking up the silver napkin holder on the table next to her, "I hope that doesn't mean," she looked at herself in the reflection and breathed a sigh of relief, "thank god."

"What are you talking about?"

"The Doctor, he regenerates, a bit like what's happened to me, but when it happens it changes his face. I guess this TARDIS likes me," Clara said, smiling.

"Or, the Time Lords are trying to keep you alive," Ashildr pointed at her, "so you can actually die, you know, before you died."

"It did let me get very injured before it healed me though, I'm going to have to be careful," said Clara.

"At least we've avoided a trip to the hospital," Ashildr said, nodding.

"That deserves a drink, wonder if this place has anything stronger than lemonade," Clara said as she walked behind the counter.

"Didn't you find some whiskey earlier?" Ashildr pointed at the glass on the table.

"Oh... so that was Coke," Clara laughed.

"What's Coke?" Ashildr asked, curious.

"Fizzy drink, very, very bad for you, full of sugar, but really, really nice," Clara said, smiling, "It looks like we're going to have to go to some intergalactic off licence. You know, the Doctor's TARDIS had a drinks cupboard, I found it after about three weeks travelling with him. Not wishing to prejudge the situation here but I think setting up a drinks cabinet in one of those white things needs to be on our list of improvements." Clara looked to the side, and said seriously, "wait, are you old enough to drink? Do I need to ask you for ID?"

"Very funny," Ashildr mocked laughter. "Hang on," she said suddenly, moving round to one of Clara's suitcases. She returned with two bottles of white wine, placing them on the counter. "I found these in your flat."

"Ashildr," Clara said with a raised eyebrow, "I think we are going to get along very, very well."

"Either that or I'm trying to get you drunk," said Ashildr, laughing. "Which I am not... by the way," she clarified.

Clara laughed. "Next time make sure it's cold, so still room for improvement," she said picking up one of the bottles. She found two wine glasses behind the counter and poured out two large measures. "Ice... where is the ice..." she dropped two cubes into each glass and offered one to Ashildr.

"Thank you," she said, taking it and looking at the liquid as she swirled the ice cubes around. They reverberated on the outside of the glass.

Clara held up her wine towards Ashildr. "To..." Clara paused, thinking, "to... the next adventure."

"The next adventure," Ashildr agreed, clinking her glass against Clara's.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, sipping their drinks, taking stock of the day's events. Clara drained her glass and set it on the counter hatch.

"Come on, let's get out of here, we need to go shopping," Clara said picking up the Doctor's guidebook from the floor, walking off towards the console room.