A/N- New story! Basically this may be 3 chapters or somewhere around that. Maybe?... If you see any mistakes, please look over it! Also to try and make these stories longer it'll take a bit of longer updates so I can think of things to at least have 2K or more words in one chapter.

Eli is part model and bartender, yet it will be focusing on her bartender side more.

I don't own Love live!

Eli was a beautiful, blue-eyed bartender working at a small bar, yet despite its size the bar was a popular one. Due to her looks she was favored by many men and women, yet she never would get close to them because of her, yet as fate has it she will meet her again.

"One Yamazaki Autumn Delight miss!" A man slurred as he slumped over the bar.

"Alright, but this'll be your last one. We can't have people passing out here." Eli said preparing the drink. She saw her manager out of the corner of her eye and readied herself.

"Eli! I need you to find some musicians who would be able to work a couple of days here each week." Umi said, and proceeded to sit on a bar stool.

"I also need you to look over the bar for a couple week, maybe 2 or 3 while I go out." Eli smirked,

"You finally started dating her or are you going over to try and date her?" Umi's face turned a shade of tomato red as Eli finished that sentence.

"I-I'll cut your pay if you keep that up Eli!" Umi threatened causing Eli to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah Umi I'll go find some people. While you go off and spend some lovey dovey time with Kotori." Eli could tell Umi was about to yell, but before she could she pointed over to the doorway. A woman with grayish hair stood there, surrounded by a couple of men. Umi looked towards the doorway and quickly came to the rescue. Seconds later they were out of sight, and a few moment later Eli had gotten a text.

Umi- I'll be leaving now for 3 weeks. I expect at least two musicians before I get back or I'm really cutting your pay!

I said I would do it! You can trust me Umi.

Umi- I hope I can or you're dead!

Despite Eli being older, Umi was still her boss.

Eli rolled her eyes and continued on with the night. Others had come to do their shift and Eli stayed to keep everyone in check, yet she fell asleep. A few moments later she was woken by one of the workers.

"Eli were closing for the night, and we want your help to clean up the tables and we'll take care of the rest." Eli grunted stretched out her arms. She looked up at the clock: 1 AM.

"Alright I'll trust you guys to clean up the rest after I'm gone then." Eli said as she trudged out towards the tables. After helping the others with cleaning up Eli went out to her car and drove off to her house. She took a quick hot shower as soon as she got in and watched some shows on TV. She managed to drag her own body to bed and fell asleep after the exhausting night.

Morning came early, yet it always does for Eli. She had some free hours to herself, so she put on some casual clothes and picked out her other pair of work clothes. Eli put her extra pair in her bag and set the dirty ones in the washer, she then left her home to go and buy groceries. After shopping she then got herself some breakfast at a Subway, then went home to put the groceries up. Then she later pulled out her phone and realized it was Sunday: her free day. Eli mentally slapped herself.

Well at least I'm home…

Eli took her bag and set her clean work clothes back in the closet. She spent her time sleeping and watching comedy shows. Her relaxing time was then interrupted by a text.

Nishikino- Who is this?

I should be asking you that. Who are you and how did you get my number?

Nishikino- I just found this while scrolling through my contacts, and your name looked familiar. This is Maki Nishikino.

Maki... Maki…

Eli thought, tightly closing her eyes trying to remember anyone named Maki. Suddenly an image of a red haired girl came into her mind.

Do you have red hair, play the piano, and know of a girl named Nico?

Nishikino- Yes I do.

Do you remember a girl in high school named Eli Ayase?

Nishikino- Yes. Is that you Eli?

So you still remember?

Nishikino- Yeah you made quite a pair with her and it's only been 4 years

An image of a purplenette suddenly flashed before her eyes.

Nishikino- Are you fine about me talking about her?

No… just please don't remind me

The two spent an hour texting each other, Eli suggested to call her to not take up much time tapping away at a digital keyboard. Maki agreed and called Eli after her last text.

"So do you still play the piano?" Eli started.

"Of course I'm a musician after all. So what is your profession?" Maki answered.

"I'm a bartender yet I also model for a couple of magazines."

"Nico would be jealous of you. Free drinks and modeling." Eli then heard a muffled yelling through the phone.

"Hold on."

Maki then muted her mic.

"Who are you talking to Maki?"

"Why do you care Nico?" Maki said clearly annoyed.

"Are you cheating on me?" Nico asked, Maki sighed. She stood up and hugged Nico.

"I would never. I was talking to Eli just now." She said.

"Eli! Lemme talk to her." Nico snatched the phone from Maki.

"Hey!" Maki shouted. Nico unmuted the mic and whispered a 'shut up' to Maki.

"Eli! Long time I haven't heard from you." Nico started.

"Ow, could you not shout out? My volume is on full here." Eli complained.

"Well maybe it shouldn't be, you idiot." Nico snorted.

"Says the one who barely scraped passed the finals in high school." Eli retorted.

"That was 4 years ago! Jeez." Nico sighed.

"So… you still mad at… her?" Nico asked slowly, Maki then put a hand on her shoulder and shook her head.

"I-I… I'm not really, I'm just upset, yet there is that tiny pent up anger in me you know?" Eli answered back.

"Well uh, sorry if I made you uncomfortable about that subject Eli. I'll hand it back over to Maki."

The two then spoke only for a few minutes before Maki had to go to. Eli slumped down on her couch, flashing images of her kept popping up in her mind. Eli felt a moist, coldness on her cheek. She realized she was crying.


Why did you leave me?

Eli then threw the remote on the floor and pulled her knees to her chin and cried there silently. Hours passed by and Eli was sulking around the house finding nothing interesting. She only walked around with no purpose until she fell asleep.

Eli had woken up to an upset stomach due to not eating anything the day before. She was still upset, though she was definitely feeling better from the day before. She made a quick breakfast of bacon and eggs. It was Monday: modeling day, so Eli took a hot, steamy shower and got dressed after. She put her hair up in her usual high ponytail. She didn't bother putting on make-up since she would have make-up applied to her face anyways.

A week has already passed from the day Umi left. Eli was serving some locals with whiskey. Much time passed and it was the other workers shifts. At this time Eli got a call.

"You find any musicians yet Eli?" Umi asked.

Oh… crap. I forgot!

"Nope still on the search for good ones." Eli bluffed.

"That better be the truth Eli." Umi hung up after her last sentence.

Man… maybe I could ask Maki or Nico.

Eli helped with the cleanup as usual and left to go home after. She knew she had to call Maki to get an answer, but her exhaustion got to her and she fell asleep. The next morning Eli had woken up to coldness, she had fallen asleep on her couch instead of her warm comfy bed. She looked at her calendar, it was a Sunday, her free day. She picked up her phone and called Umi.

"Umi I need the details about the days the musicians will be working." Eli groggily stated, she could her Umi yawn and sigh.

"Just 3 or 2 days a week would be fine and they will be paid 50 an hour." Umi then hung up.

Eli sighed, yet she understood it was early in the morning. She got her breakfast ready and called Maki.

"I got a favor to ask you. Do you mind?" Eli asked.

"No, unless it's something stupid then yes, I do mind."

"Umi asked me to get a couple of musicians together for our bar. I was hoping- " Eli was cut off by Maki,

"You were hoping for me to play there?" Maki finished the sentence.

"Yes and could you ask Nico too?"

"She'll accept to 'show off' her singing skills. And I guess I could help but only a few times a week, maybe 2 or 3?" Maki sighed.

"Great you only need to come 2 times a week and you'll get 50 bucks an hour. Maybe she'll raise it if you play good." Eli joked.

"Is that sarcasm I hear? Anyways tell her it's a deal, it would be nice reuniting with you and Umi after these years." Eli smirked.

"Awwww, you do care!" Eli teased.

"You just lost it." Maki retorted, Eli laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Just text me when you're coming by. I'll text you the address and if you can find anyone else to play that would be great!

"Sure. I'll see you on Tuesdays and Thursdays." Maki then ended the call.

"Nico!" Maki shouted.

Nico appeared with two plates in her hands. She walked over to Maki and handed her a plate.

"Try to be patient will you?"

"What? Anyways Eli asked me if you wanted to play at her bar, you ok with that?" Maki said, then stuffing her face with the delicious food.

"What's the pay, and how long?" Nico answered swiftly.

"50 an hour and for 2 days a week, I can give you my pay if you want." Maki offered.

"Right, right. Rich girl, I almost forgot."

"Are you going to or not?" Maki sighed in frustration. Nico nodded and continued eating her food.

An hour passed by with a comfortable silence with nothing but the TV sounds, both now cuddling each other and watching their favorite show. Nico then stopped that silence,

"Eli's still mad at her?" Nico whispered.

"Maybe, did she say so when you talked to her?" Maki whispered back.

"All she said was that she was upset and she had a tiny pent up anger in her."

"Why did you bring up this subject?" Maki questioned.

"She contacted me. She's back…, back here, in Japan! I feel like we should reunite them you know?" Nico muttered.

"It might not work out Nico, did you think of that?"

"We could lock them into a room until it does work out." Nico suggested.

"Are you serious?" Maki smiled.

"No, of course not, maybe, but I still have contacts to everybody, and I still talk to all of them. We can help them out, don't you think?" Nico looked up to Maki.

"Maybe, maybe." Maki looked at the clock, "Let's contact Nozomi tomorrow, right now we need to sleep." Nico lifted her arms. Maki instantly caught on and picked her up bridal style. Maki walked towards their bedroom upstairs and gave Nico a goodnight kiss and was returned the gesture after.

A/N- Omg this might be harder than I thought, buuuut I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! More to come soon? or maybe not idk. Hopefully this turns out as a great story and