Chapter 6 - Yo-Kai Fondnesse

Anais slowly blinked her eyes open, but she still felt REALLY tired and weak; though, she soon woke with a gasp of fright when she realized where she was.

Well…she didn't know EXACTLY where she was, but she saw that she was in a large, dark rock chamber that was dimly lit with a few lit torches.

"What happened?" Anais asked herself…not knowing at first that she wasn't alone until she suddenly heard a groan.

"Whisper?!" Anais gasped when she looked behind her. She finally realized that she and Whisper were tied back-to-back by a thick rope…but Whisper wasn't looking so good; he looked more dead than alive.

"Just be glad YOU'RE not in as much trouble as him, Dear."

"What?! Who are you?! What do you want with us…and what did you do to Whisper?!" Anais angrily called out.

Soon, Kyuubi emerged from the shadows with an evil grin, and he easily lit a torch near him with a flame on his thumb claw.

"This isn't as bad as it looks, Sweetheart. I only ask ONE thing of you—and then you both can go home unharmed—well, at least you can; the more you prolong this, the more your little friend will get suffocated with the deadly butler Yo-Kai repellent around his neck," Kyuubi explained darkly.

Anais was scared to death, but not for her sake, for Whisper's; she quickly turned around again, and that's when she noticed the butler Yo-Kai repellent tag tied by a string around Whisper's neck, and he was helpless to remove it.

"No, please! Don't let him die!" Anais cried.

"I can't make that promise if you don't give me what I want," Kyuubi gently responded while slowly approaching Anais.

"Then what DO you want?" Anais whimpered.

"I want—you're heart."

"My heart?"

"You got it, Darling. All I want is your unconditional love for me to be true. Fall in love with me, and I'll get the last heart I need. So, what'll it be?" Kyuubi asked eerily, as he knelt down smirked down at Anais.

And there was no denying it that Anais' eyes were filled with fear, as she glanced back up in the demon fox's eyes.

"I…I-I…I can't."

"Why not?" Kyuubi growled.

"Because I don't love you," Anais replied as she slowly glanced back at Whisper, but then she grinned back up at Kyuubi with an idea, "but you know what? Maybe I should try. To show that I care, how about some candy? Want a lollipop?"

"Hmm…I DO love sweets…alright, I'll take the lolli-pop," Kyuubi replied as he leaned down to for the 'promised candy'.

"Great, but one more thing. Where I'm from, we don't call 'em 'lollipops'."

"Well, then what DO you call them?"

"A sucker."

With that, Anais was suddenly able to get one of her back legs loose, and she karate kicked Kyuubi right in the kisser.

The giant fox jumped back while howling in pain, and he was holding his now sore jaws. When he finally let go and checked his paws for blood, he turned and glared at Anais.

"I see…you really are hard to get, aren't you? That's the problem. Because of your stubbornness, I see NO reason to set you free—and Whisper will only perish along with you—and it's all your fault! Hope you brought sun screen, Little Mutt—'cause it's about ta get REALLY hot in here! It IS a volcano, after all!"

With that, Kyuubi suddenly disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

And as if to prove Kyuubi's point, the entire chamber suddenly started to shake and rumble. They really were trapped inside, and with the ropes tightly bounded around them, they were too heavy to fly out, and Anais could already feel the temperature start to rise.

They were doomed.

"No…no…no, no!" Anais cried, as tears even started to spill from her eyes, "Whisper…I-I'm SO sorry…this is all my fault…I never should've yelled at you, or…oh…and now we're both gonna die, and…I just want you to know that…that I…that I…"

Anais eventually got too chocked up to continue, and she lost all hope when the temperature was really intense now, and she could see the red glow of the magma slowly rising between the cracks in the ground.

"Fear not, Child." Anais gasped as she glanced up…and she saw a silver version of Kyuubi slowly floating down.

"Do not worry. I am not Kyuubi—I am his brother, Frosttail," Frosttail calmly explained in a British accent, "I apologize for all of this; my brother has always been this arrogant."

"Well, can you help us?" Anais sniffled.

"I can't—but my luck can."

"What do you mean?"

"Just the dust of a single hair of my silvery fur can save both of you," Frosttail replied, as he plucked a thin silver strand of hair from one of his tails, and he then rolled the hair between his claws, causing sparkly silver dust to sprinkle onto Anais and Whisper. The husky dog Yo-Kai had to close her eyes to keep the dust from penetrating her eyes.

"Good luck, Child," Frosttail granted with a smile, and he poofed away in a silvery cloud.

But even after having been sprinkled by Frosttail's 'lucky' dust, Anais didn't feel any different, and it certainly didn't stop the magma from rising higher. Soon, the magma was right underneath them, creating even bigger cracks in the ground.

But somehow, the crack broke all around Whisper and Anais, practically creating a little raft for them to float on over the magma.

So, how did Frosttail help? Well, it wasn't long before the magma suddenly burst out through the top, flinging the two Yo-Kai up high into the air.

But, luckily, they plummeted into a lake far below, breaking their fall with a big splash. But the dust from Frosttail's fur was only enough to save them from the volcano, he never said anything about it saving Whisper from the butler Yo-Kai repellent. And because he was still so weak, he sunk into the water.

And as Anais suddenly surfaced the water for a breath of air, she was just able to catch sight of Whisper sinking. So, she immediately dove down, and she eventually caught him and pulled his lifeless body to the shore, where she had to drop him to catch a breath after pulling his dead weight.

But when she finally looked at Whisper, and he showed no signs of any life.

"Whisper? Whisper?!" Anais shouted at the butler Yo-Kai, as she crawled up to him, and she then cradled him in her arms…but he wouldn't move, he wouldn't speak, and he wouldn't open his eyes.

"Whisper…Whisper, please…stay with me," Anais begged with a whimp, as tears started to fill her eyes again, and she buried her face into Whisper's chest.

She just sat there, crying into his chest for a while…she didn't know what to do…she didn't have any Yo-Kai powers yet…and even if she did, would it be enough to save Whisper's life?

Actually…there was one thing she could do…whether or not it helps.

Anais soon pulled her head back up and sniffled, and she stared at Whisper's lifeless face, and she began to lean forward.

The kiss from the dance was accidental, but this…Anais meant this kiss. She put all of her passion into it because it was her fault that Whisper's life was lost.

But as Anais kept her eyes closed tightly, she never noticed the one miraculous thing happening during the kiss; emitting between her and Whisper's lips was a bright yellow light, and it only grew bigger and brighter the longer the kiss lasted.

Anais never once noticed the glow, and the glow suddenly faded when Anais pulled away, as she buried her face back into Whisper's chest, continuing to hold him close and cradle him.

But the light that light that Anais failed to notice was important. Why? It came from Anais' true Yo-Kai powers. She also failed to notice that Whisper was suddenly moving.

"A-Anais…?" Anais gasped, and her eyes popped wide.

"Whisper?! Whisper, you're alive! Oh, thank the heavens… wait, HOW are you alive?!"

"I think…I think it was you—Fondnesse," Whisper meekly replied, as he started floating again, but Anais stayed close to help keep his balance.

"H-h-h-how could I have…'Fondness'?" Anais stammered at first, but then she really didn't get it when she realized what Whisper just called her.

"THAT is your Yo-Kai name; your fondness—your love for me— is what brought me back to life, and your power is The Kiss of Life," Whisper softly explained.

Anais…er…Fondnesse…didn't know what to think. She was excited, she was amazed, she was shocked all at once…but she was mostly just glad that Whisper was ok because she did love him. And with that realization, Fondnesse smiled.

"Well…the new name might take some getting used to, but the only one I'll ever save my kisses for will always be for you—I love you, Whisper," Fondnesse admitted with a blush and her ears drooped sheepishly, and Whisper took her by surprise when he suddenly grabbed her paw and wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her close.

"I love you too, Fondnesse," Whisper added gently, as he continued to hug her, "and I may be Nate's butler until I pay off my debt for setting me free—but I also owe my life to you."

221 dates later…

What happened next? Well, first of all, since Fondnesse and Whisper finally expressed their love for each other, she moved out of the house next door to move into Nate's house and live with Whisper. But what else happened? Well, there's only one answer to that: marriage!

Fondnesse and Whisper had asked Nate to call out ALL of his Yo-Kai friends to attend their wedding, and they all gladly accepted. And their wedding was, ironically, celebrated up on Mount Wildwood in a large meadow.

And who was marrying them? Why, Happierre, of course! And he was nearly done marrying the two Yo-Kai.

"And do you, Monsieur Whisper, take Madame Fondnesse to be your lawfully wedded wife—through sickness and in health—'till death do you part?"

Whisper, who was dressed in a black tuxedo with a yellow bow-tie, stared into his fiancé's eyes, as Fondnesse wore a beautiful white wedding dress, and she stared sincerely back into Whisper's eyes…but like most men on their wedding day, poor Whisper was shaking and sweating with extreme apprehension to this kind of commitment.

"I-I…I-I…um…" Whisper stammered, making everyone lean forward on the edge of their seats, holding their breath with anticipation.

"I do." Everyone leaned back and let out a sigh of relief after Whisper's response.

"Then it is with high honor, that I pronounce you husband and wife—you may now kiss the bride!" the French Yo-Kai happily announced, and cheers from all the other Yo-Kai were sent echoing throughout the woods when Whisper and Fondnesse kissed passionately.

Even the grim Yo-Kai, such as Tengloom, or really gloomy Yo-Kai, like Desmerelda, clapped for the newly wedded couple.

After the wedding was over, the sky had already turned dark blue and was dotted with stars a bright full moon. And it was also time for Fondnesse and Whisper to go start their honeymoon, which is where Mirapo came in.

The said mirror-based Yo-Kai waited at the edge of the forest, and the newly weds soon approached him.

"Where would you like to go?" Mirapo asked while saluting.

"Anywhere…VERY romantic and private," Whisper replied seductively and sent Fondnesse a sly grin, making her giggle and blush.

"I got the perfect place for you. Have a happy night!" Mirapo pointed out with a big smile, and the two suddenly jumped through him to celebrate their love alone together.

Even after they left, Nate and Jibanyan continued to watch Mirapo, and they were happy that they were able to help their close friend find such happiness.

"How long do you think it'll be until they get a bun in the oven?" Jibanyan asked with a smirk, but Nate didn't get it.

"A what? Bun? What bun?"


The End

Yes, I know Yo-Kai are already dead and can't technically die, but I do have a theory that Yo-Kai repellent can "end" them. Does that make sense?

Now, will there be a sequel? Yes! Thank you, guys, for all the love and support! I really do appreciate it, and I'm grateful you guys made this story so popular.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!