A/N: The Force Awakens Spoilers! This is a dark Kylo Ren fic, with adult scenes coming. It's set a few months after the end of TFA, but will contain flash backs to the years after Return of the Jedi but before TFA. I don't own Star Wars, only the few characters I create along the way. Since TFA left us with many unanswered questions, I'll be using some of the expanded universe to fill in. It's been years since I had time to enjoy reading EU novels, so please be forgiving if some of the information I use is inaccurate. I hope you enjoy! This is my first SW fic and I took a long break from writing, so if you'd like to see more, please review, I need motivation to keep me writing. Also, I have no beta reader, so please forgive grammatically errors I may not catch as I proof read. If this story goes well and you all want it to continue, I'll need an experienced beta reader.

Chapter One

Takara hustled through the throngs of people, human and non-human, with her fully loaded drink tray, dropping off the full glasses at the right tables, and retrieving the empties to take back to the bar. She'd become skilled at avoiding the wandering hands of men, and the occasional woman, as she glided through the crowds. That was her life now, 6 nights a week, serving drinks, picking up empty glasses, and hoping her ass didn't get grabbed, pinched, or brushed. Her uniform was a set of short, shimmering black shorts with a low cut, v neck gray tank top that clung her to slender waist and stopped just above the curve of her hips. It had taken a while, but she could now walk in the 4 inch heeled strappy black sandals without falling on her face. All the serving girls, human and Twi'lek, wore the same uniform.

It nearly drove her to insanity to think she'd been reduced to this. Hiding out in a low class cantina buried deep in a jungle on the Twi'lek planet Ryloth, trying to keep her head down and remain unnoticed by anyone who mattered. Her sleek, dark crimson hair that curled at the ends, milky skin, and hazel eyes always drew attention. That didn't matter here though, no one of importance ever came. The Resistance and the First Order were more than happy to allow all of the small time scum in the galaxy to conduct their business in the cantina outpost. It didn't even have an official name, it wasn't on any official maps, but the local workers had started calling it Hobboke. As long as no one brought big business here, she'd be safely hidden.

She was a beautiful girl, but that meant big tips and a full meal some nights as long as she could manage to keep a flirtatious smile on her face. It was a fine line, to flirt enough to get her tips but not lead on some drunken idiot that thought a smile and a laugh meant she was up for more. She wasn't a whore, though a few of the serving girls were. Her mother had taught her that her body was only something to be shared with someone she loved. Takara had loved only one man, and he'd been destroyed by the Dark Side. The destruction that night was reason she'd fled to Ryloth to hide. She didn't know what would happen if the First Order found her and she didn't plan to find out.

"Hey there pretty lady," someone slurred. "Get me a Corellian whiskey." Takara turned to look at him. She smiled and nodded, even if it looked like he did not need another drink. He'd be lucky if he didn't smash his bald, scarred head the floor when he stood from the bar stool he was haphazardly seated on. It looked like he'd been burned on the top of his skull. He wasn't the slightest bit subtle as he leered at her with his glazed over eyes. Nights like this ended with a long shower, trying to scrub the creepy crawling feeling off of her skin. It rarely worked, especially since mildly warm water was the best temperature you could get in Hobboke.

As she made her way back to the bar to dump her tray full of empty glasses in the sink and pick up another round of drinks, she was glad she knew how to defend herself, that he had taught her all those years ago. The ridiculous sparring matches they'd had in the forests of Yavin 4 had seemed silly at the time, but she'd been grateful for them when the ship she'd stowed away on landed in Hobboke. She had a feeling the scarred whiskey man was going to be some trouble.

The trouble came when she set his whiskey glass on the tall table in front of him. He reached out, faster than she'd expected in his drunken state, and grabbed her wrist.

"Wanna get out of here?" he slurred even worse than he had 5 minutes ago. "My cargo ship's the biggest in the outer rim." She doubted that.

"No, thanks. I've got a while before my shift is over," she replied without a smile. He wasn't going to tip, and she didn't want to give him any reason to think she might be interested.

"I can wait, for a little thing like you."

"I'll be going straight home after," she stood up straight as she tried to pull her wrist from his grasp. He didn't let go. His grip tightened down painfully.

"You stupid little bitch, you ain't gonna get a better offer!"

"Better offer than some hideous, halfwit, nobody smuggler? I've had 5 better offers than that just tonight," she snapped back, louder than she meant to as she turned, ducking under her own arm and twisted her wrist out of his grimy hand.

As she came back up, his open hand struck the left side of her face. Her neck popped from the force as face whipped to the side. She stumbled back, her ribs hit the edge of the table with bruising force as she caught her balance. Those damned heels were impossible to balance in. She was preparing to kick them off so she could properly defend herself when he flew backwards until he hit the wall and stuck there, unconscious.

Takara turned to the entrance and froze. Her stomach turned, her eyes widened. She thought she might throw up as she felt the panic building inside of her. She couldn't breathe. He'd found her.

Part 2

Kylo Ren felt a disturbance as his command shuttle landed. There was a familiar presence here. He'd come on this mission with only one other. He would have come alone, capturing a smuggler was an easy assignment, but he needed a pilot to bring the cargo ship back to the First Order base on Arkanis. Who did he know that would be on Hobboke?

His eyes closed behind his mask. He took a deep breath and reached out with his mind, searching for more.

There. It was her. What was she doing here?! This dirty, criminal outpost was no place for her!

"Wait here," he told the Stormtrooper pilot. Kylo Ren didn't even know his number, he didn't care enough to learn. The man nodded and remained in his seat.

Kylo stormed down the ramp and into the outpost, her presence was getting stronger. The outpost was small. 6 larger buildings, and a scattering of huts that housed the local workers. The cantina, that's where she was. He was angry, so angry. Had she been hiding here the entire time? He hadn't felt her since that night. He'd thought her to be dead, after he'd spent years traveling the galaxy under Snoke's orders and never once sensing even a trace of her.

The cantina didn't even have a door, just a hole in the wall that people were coming in and out of. They all moved out of his path. Everyone always did. He heard her voice scream the insult and then the slap, even over the noise of the crude music and loud patrons. As she hit the table, the poor excuse for a man was bringing his arm back for another slap. Only weak men would hit a woman. Kylo raged as he reached his hand up and flung him against the wall, then held him there without even thinking. It wouldn't be a surprise if he'd cracked open the man's skull when it hit the wall. He watched as she stood up and turned to face him. The entire cantina was silent.

She looked different, but it was her. Her hair was longer, it reached past her waist now, and she was thinner, to thin. She wasn't getting enough to eat. And her clothes belonged on a harlot, not her.

"Takara," he spoke first, his masked voice was commanding. She snapped out of her trance, and her eye darted around the room. She was looking for an escape. "Don't. Come here."

Her eyes fell back on him. She was visibly shaking. Her heel clinked on the hard clay floor as she took a step towards him. And then another and another until she was within his arms reach and stopped. She was afraid, it hit him like a wave. He reveled in the fear of the others, the entire cantina stunk with it. But not hers. She had been fearless before and it had drawn him to her like a moth to the flame.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said. He took her upper arm in his gloved hand and gently pulled her to his side. She didn't resist. A pink welt was already formed on her cheek and his clenched jaw twitched. He almost reached up to unclasp his cloak to cover her, but thought better of it. He couldn't been seen in public like that. He snapped himself out of his own trance and looked around the cantina. He'd been sent here to retrieve a cargo ship, and send a message to the small time smugglers here. Takara had been a surprise, a gift from fate.

He smirked behind his helmet. The idiot who had slapped her, who was still pinned to the wall and breathing, was exactly who he'd been sent to find. He pulled him back into consciousness and pushed him further towards the ceiling. Everyone in the cantina needed to see this.

"You thought you could steal from the First Order and get away with it," Kylo said. The man tried to speak, but Ren crushed his throat before the words reached his lips. There was a loud crack as his neck snapped and his lifeless body slumped to the floor. "Let this be a lesson to you all. You do not take from the First Order. If you have an ounce of intelligence, you'll join us. There will be no rewards for those who fail to choose a side when the First Order is victorious."

He turned back to Takara, who was staring at him with horror. "This is exactly the reason why I ran from you. You're a monster."

Kylo Ren didn't respond to her. His hand, still on her arm, guided her back to his command ship and seated her next to his pilot's chair. He could feel the confusion from the Stormtrooper.

"Sir?" he asked Ren.

"The cargo ship is 2 docks down. Bring it back to Arkanis and leave it for the technicians to inspect."

"Yes sir!" And the trooper was gone.

Kylo Ren turned back to Takara. She would come back to the base with him. What he was going to do with her from there, he didn't know. It was a 7 day flight back to the base. He had 7 days alone with her to figure it out.