Santana groaned as she stretched out on the bed. She'd missed clean, well clean-ish, Sebastian hadn't exactly forked out for their accommodation, sheets and fluffy pillows. Her aching muscles sobbed in pleasure as the bed gave under her shifting weight. Judy was a great car but even she couldn't match a king-size for comfort.


Santana nodded as she peeked at Sebastian out the corner of her eye. "Unbelievably."

"Great, now you've had your turn you can sleep on the couch."

She sat up immediately, arms folding across her chest of their own accord. "Come again? You think I've spent the past three weeks with sore muscles from your moving trashcan so that when I finally get a bed I'm giving it up to you, Timon?"

"I paid, I get the bed."

"It's a king-size! The least you can do is share."

Sebastian shrugged. "I sleep naked, unless you're offering-" There was an edge to his voice, as if challenging her to contradict him. Was he really testing to see if she could remember?

Instead of rising to the challenge, Santana flopped back, screaming into the formerly discarded pillow. "I honestly hate you."

Sebastian grinned as she sat upright again. "I know, and I'm okay with it. So if you'd kindly remove your perky ass from my bed-" He narrowly dodged the pillow she had sent flying towards his head.


When she was sure Sebastian was finally sleeping, the guy fussed more than a Chihuahua in heat, Santana shifted off the couch, wincing as the floorboard creaked under her weight.

There was no way she was spending the night on the stupid sofa whilst Sebastian enjoyed the comfort of the bed. Whether he slept naked or not, Santana was going to get in on that action. Her aching neck was begging for it.

She eased herself under the cover, noticing despite her best intentions that Sebastian had been lying about his sleeping habits – she was actually a little insulted he seemed to honestly believe that she'd have forgotten that sort of detail from their time together. She chanced a quick peek in his direction, relaxing as she realised she hadn't woken him with her escapades.

A shiver escaped her as her near-bare back made contact with the cool sheet on the bed. She bit back a gasp. Surely she could escape the bed in the morning and Sebastian would have no idea she'd even been there. It was the perfect plan.

At least it was until Sebastian's alarm went off before hers. Really; who set their alarm clock to half six when they were on a road trip. It was ridiculous.

Santana muttered to herself as she searched blindly for the source of the noise, noticing as she reached out to shut the alarm clock off.

"Can you hurry up?" A muffled voice moaned, almost making Santana fall off the bed in her shock.


It was at that moment that Santana realised she had been, until her quest to shut off the alarm clock, enclosed firmly in Sebastian's tight grip. His hands were still splayed over her thighs and she could feel his 'friend' pressing against her calf. Santana figured he'd been using her butt as a pillow, the way he had a hundred times before.

He blinked, darting away from her when he finally took a moment to realise what had happened.

"What the Hell are you doing in bed with me?"

Santana felt herself blush as she finally located Sebastian's cell, hitting snooze on the stupid alarm before tossing it back on the table. "I wasn't going to sleep on the couch, Seb."

He blinked drowsily. "You haven't called me Seb since-"

Santana raised a finger. "It's too early for that discussion, Smythe. Can we just go back to sleep and forget all about this?"

He glanced at the clock next to the crappy TV – Santana had tried to get it working the night before and failed miserably – before nodding. "Fine. If we oversleep I'm blaming you."

She shrugged. They had until midday to be out of the motel, she doubted even she could oversleep that much. "Fine. No using my butt as a pillow."

She smiled into a pillow as she heard him muttering some protest of innocence. "Deny it all you want but I know what you're like. There's nothing to be ashamed of. So what, you're an arse man. It makes sense."

Sebastian groaned into his pillow.

"It's okay to admit you're into my ass, Sebastian. I won't judge you. It is pretty exemplary."

"If I say you have a nice ass will you please go back to sleep?"

Santana laughed, covering her mouth too late. "Nah, sleep well!"

Santana was eating her fourth slice of toast by the time Sebastian got out the shower, his towel slung low around his hips. Santana made a point of staring out the window. "You'd better not have used all the hot water, you pig."

"So what if I have, you've eaten all the toast!"

She shrugged. "Order some more. Right!" She dusted her fingers off on her thighs, grabbing her towel from the side of the chair. "I'm having a shower, stay out here or I will be forced to castrate you."

"Worried you won't be able to resist if I join you?"

Santana rolled her eyes as Sebastian stood in the centre of the room, hands placed leisurely on his bare hips.

"Oh how could I possibly resist?" Santana quipped, flicking her towel in his general direction before darting through the bathroom door. Typically, because the universe had clearly decided to make her life as difficult as possible, there was no lock on the door and she had to just trust Sebastian to keep his hands to himself. Really, it shouldn't be half as hard for him to behave as it was. He had spent almost half their time knowing each other debating who he'd rather screw, Blaine or Kurt. Santana had spent way too many nights listening to all his graphic fantasies.

She chucked her hair up into a quick topknot, it didn't need washing just yet and she couldn't be bothered with drying it, before climbing into the shower, moaning gently as the warm water dripped down her body. She threw her head back as she lathered the soap on herself. There was, in Santana's opinion, no better feeling.

Her eyes shot open as the door creaked open. "Get out!"

She didn't bother covering herself. It wasn't like Sebastian hadn't seen it before, besides by all rights he shouldn't be interested.

Only, from the way he was staring when she met his eyes, he most certainly was.

"I was just brushing my teeth."

Santana turned her attention back to the soap on her arms. "Of course you were. Can you hurry up and get out?"

Sebastian didn't say a word but a few seconds later Santana heard the door close once more.

This was going to be a long trip.


A/N I don't even know what this chapter is but it's something and it's here. Please R&R so I know what you thought. Hopefully you're getting more of an idea of their history in this story. IDK. Let me know if you liked it. Or not. Constructive criticism is also welcome!