Santana paced back and forth. She glanced at herself in the mirror, scowling at herself as she realised how ridiculous she was being. She was about to marry the love of her life, her best friend and she was getting cold feet. Santana sighed. It wasn't even like she had good reason. They'd agreed almost four years ago that what had happened would never happen again.

So why couldn't she stop thinking about him as she prepared to marry Brittany?

She sat on the stool she would soon be standing on soon, getting into her wedding dress, head in her hands. She shook her head.

"Woman up, Santana." She breathed out heavily, standing up and checking her hair again before glancing at the clock. She still had over an hour before the ceremony was supposed to start. She glanced at the window, closing her eyes tightly as guilty swamped her at the mere thought of leaving Brittany with no explanation.

She heard the door open and sighed. "Can I be alone, please?"

"And let you pass up the opportunity to insult me? Of course not."

Santana blanched, turning slowly. "Sebastian?"

He shrugged. "Guilty."

She glanced at the door, ensuring it was shut before she threw herself into arms, ignoring his startled gasp and her state of undress, it wasn't as if he hadn't seen it all before. She breathed in deeply, smiling as the scent of his cologne and shampoo wafted up her nose. "God, I've missed you so much."

Sebastian pulled away, pushing her off him gently. "Santana don't. You're about to get married."

"Since when did you have morals?"


"I'm serious, this would never have bothered you before. In fact, it didn't. Don't be such a hypocrite."

"You weren't getting married, Santana."

She drew back, dropping dramatically in the chair. "I don't know if I am, Seb."

"Santana, you're not making any sense."

She sighed. "I don't know if I can marry her. I love her. I do, I just don't think I can do this. Sebastian…"

His eyes widened, understanding her unspoken plea. "Santana, we swore that was in the past. I haven't seen you in years. It's your wedding day. We turned our backs on that, we promised. You don't want to do something you'll regret just because you have pre wedding jitters. Don't ask me to get involved."

She stood up, circling him. "This nice guy act doesn't suit you, Zuko. Where did my Sebastian go?"

"I wasn't aware I was ever your Sebastian."

She grinned as Sebastian backs away. "Of course you were. I'm pretty sure I'm the only girl who ever got to see you that way." She ran her hand up his thigh, smiling as she spotted the indecision on his face. His resolve wasn't going to be strong enough to stop him succumbing to her request. It never had been. "It's our last chance, Smythe. Come on, you know you'll regret it if you don't, Jedward."

"Jedward? That's low even for you."

She shrugged. "Have you seen your hair?"

He rolled his eyes before stepping away from her, heading towards the door. Santana beat him to it, standing with her back braced against the door, glaring him down as he walked towards her. "Don't go. I need this. Judging by the state of your pants," she glanced at his pants, much tighter than they had been when he'd first arrived. "I'd say you want this as much as I do."

She reached behind her with one hand, locking the door, never breaking eye contact. "I'm not going to beg, Sebastian."

"Are you sure you can do this to bubble-brain?"

"Don't call her that," She snapped, biting down the guilt that had begun to pool in the pit of her stomach at the thought of Brittany waiting for her. "What Brittany doesn't know can't hurt her."

He frowned, staring deeply into Santana's eyes as if searching for something.

As his lips crashed into hers, Santana grinned. She'd won.

He pulled her away from the door, his lips never leaving hers only to push her up against the wall instead. "Sure you want this?"

She nodded, pulling him back in for another kiss. He gripped the back of her knees, lifting her and grinning into her mouth as her legs wrapped around his waist.

"You're not wearing any - Oh, God. We shouldn't."

Santana rolled her eyes. "We've gotten this far, Sebastian. It's not like I'm in love with you or you're in love with me. We both just need to get it out of our systems. One last time."

He nodded, moving in for another kiss. "Are you sure we've got time?"

"If memory serves me, we've got plenty," she winked. It took him a moment before he realised what she was implying and the retaliation was a swift bite to her bottom lip. "Get a move on, Smythe. We haven't got all day." She squeezed his hips with her inner thighs, grinning as he pressed her harder against the wall.


After, Santana was checking her hair and makeup in the mirror. The makeup was fine, her lipstick was slightly smudged but that was an easy fix. She frowned as she looked at her hair. What had been perfectly styled was now a mess of tangles - she'd forgotten Sebastian's penchant for her hair being down.

"What am I going to do with this?"

Sebastian shrugged, reclining casually on the sofa. "Beats me, but it's not my problem."

Santana groaned. Where had that Sebastian been when she'd been throwing herself at him. It would have saved a lot of time.

"Come on, Seb. I'm getting married in an hour! I can't leave it like this!"

He rolled his eyes, but stood up, walking over to inspect the damage. "Looks like you've got a problem."

"No shit -"

He raised his index finger. "Ah, ah, ah. I have a solution to your problem. For a price."

Santana raised an eyebrow. "Sebastian, we literally just had sex, what could you possibly want?"

"You're not that good, Snixx," he ran his lips along her jawline.

"Whatever, I call BS. You don't have anything. I'll just ask Tina or Rachel to give me a hand." Santana clenched her fist, trying to keep her breathing even.

"And how are you going to explain away this mess?"

Santana shrugged. "I didn't sleep well last night, wedding jitters, so I must have dozed off."

Sebastian hummed, a tune Santana recognised instantly. She refused to rise to the bait. "What about this?" He poked at her neck.

She winced, having not realised it was tender. Shit. She looked in the mirror. "When did you?"

Sebastian grinned. "You were a little distracted. I'm an excellent multi-tasker."

She frowned. "You're an ass, Smythe. What happened to you turning over a new leaf?"

"I figured this would be more fun. Besides, who am I to turn down a girl throwing herself at me?"

Santana ran a hand through her tangled hair. "You tricked me!"

She would never admit it to him, but there was no denying she was quite impressed. He was almost as devious as she was. In another life they would have been the perfect match.

"What do you want, Smythe?"

He grinned. "Fancy a road trip, Lopez?"


A/N Okay, so I know I promised you all a story based on 'You've Got Mail' but I've totally lost inspiration for that one at the moment. This was just supposed to be a little one shot, but I was finishing parts off tonight when I realised I wanted to extend it. It's going to be quite different to We Can't Change but hopefully you'll all enjoy it just the same. Hopefully it'll be fine, if a little OOC. I'm sorry this is so short but it was just to give you an idea of how they end up where they will be in actual chapter one.