The Evil Within - Diary 2
Chapter 11, "In My Place"
By: RogueBHS

A/N: Dang...updates are hard to come by where I'm concerned lately aren't they? Sorry about that. However, my muse is kicking back in. Thank God. I've gotten more X-men comics, been watching my X-men Evo recordings (Seasons 1-4) and been looking at my stories that are still "In Progress," and think that with a little help from my new Beta, Saturian Blonde, I can get back on track. I'm working on all of my X-men related fictions again, bit by bit, but my new "baby" is for those who like Harry Potter. I know, I know...not within my usual realm, but my neice got me hooked. Dang it. Besides, there's a bit more to play with there...more open ends for imagination. So its all good I suppose. If you're interested, its simply titled "Faith."

Anyway, here's the first chapter that will be read by the new reader...the new FEMALE reader. So keep your eyes peeled for the clues as to who it is. I will keep with my "old" tradition of giving ONE hint at the end of the chapter. Oh, and if someone guesses correctly by Chapter 15, I'll let them get a hint on who the THIRD reader will be...hehe...Incentive! I LOVE IT! Oh yes, and Rogue is approximately 17 or so in this this would be close to the time she left Mystique to join the X-men, and almost directly after she absorbed Ms. Marvel.

And now, on to the fiction...

Tonight was a rainy night, ruining momma's plans for a mission. I know she's not happy about it, but I am. Something's been troubling me lately, aside from the blonde witch that's trapped in my head of course. But, actually, its something she said. Momma's always been...relieved I guess at the fact that I don't remember much from when I was little. I remember her holdin' me and all, but... I don't remember her "finding" me as she puts it or any of that. I was always under the impression that was normal... to not remember your childhood clearly, I mean. Some book I stumbled on said somethin' about most people not remembering much from about 7 years old and younger. Well, maybe I'm odd, as my earliest memories start at around 9 or 10.

Maybe it has something to do with my powers. I mean, the memories I absorb have to go somewhere, even if it is temporarily don't they? Oh well. I'm certainly no psychiatrist or whatever. And neither is momma. I wonder if I should find someone... maybe a telepath… that could help me. For all momma bad-mouths that Charles Xavier, I get the feelin' she respects him... sorta. He is the most powerful telepath around, ain't he? And that in itself is a fact I can't ignore. Carol is drivin' me up a wall, and there ain't nothin' momma can do to help me aside from keepin' a huge bottle of aspirin on hand.

But it's Momma's fault, after all. She's the one who originally told me to keep holdin' on to Carol, even when I knew something was wrong... very wrong. My powers never work that fast... never. If I could, I'd give Carol back her own body, but I can't. As much as I'd love 'em to, my powers don't work that way... they don't work in reverse.

As I move from my bed to the window seat, I see lightning streak across the sky, followed by a large clap of thunder. Such raw power...I've loved watching thunderstorms for as long as I can remember, which is actually less than half my life, sadly enough. I remember momma and nanna telling me that lightning and thunder were mother nature's first signs of temper. And after meeting the X-woman Storm, I'd have to say it's a hell of a lot more than that. Maybe...and I know momma'd kill me for thinkin' like this... but maybe I could ask Storm about her powers some time. I mean... to know that with a simple command, the entire weather arsenal of mother nature is yours to do with as you wish... that's gotta be amazing. I've never absorbed her...and I hope I never have to. I think that'd be too much power...too much responsibility.

Hell... I've got enough responsibility with my own powers. Especially after absorbin' Carol. God knows it took me months to remember my strength and finally get it under control. I wonder if its something like what a telepath feels? All the memories and thoughts filling your brain, blocking out your own...

I can hear hail pounding down outside, and I suppose I should move away from the window, but its not like the glass shattering would hurt me any. At the same time, I know Nanna'd worry, even though she knows I'm invulnerable. So, I guess its back to stretching out on my bed. At least it's a comfortable one though. Last place we stayed, the mattress was harder than a rock. I swear, I must've tossed and turned all damn night. That's one constant in my life... change. We're always moving, always going. Ever since I did my first mission for momma at 14, that's the way it's been. Before that, she tried to keep us settled. In retrospect, I guess it was so she could train me up better...her lil' protégé.

Protégé... that's all I am to her any more I think. I stopped being her daughter after the incident that put Carol in my head...seemingly for good. Then again, I'd act strange too if suddenly my kid had another personality that could take over at any time. It's not exactly normal, now is it? Hell...with my powers though, I doubt I'll ever have a kid... aside from maybe adoptin' like Momma did me. But even then... that'd just be like punishin' a kid I suppose. Cause I don't remember ever feelin' so safe as I did when Momma use to hold me and rock me, back before my powers showed up. That's one thing I'll never forget... how she's always been there when I needed her.

But... I'm nearin' 18, and maybe... maybe I should go. I can tell that havin' me here is becomin' more and more of a... well... an inconvenience, I guess. Its not like I can do missions on my own any more...just in case Carol takes over. Now, Fred or John has to watch me all the time when we're doin' missions. Drives me up a wall. And it makes things so much damn harder too... having to take extra precautions and all. Damn it all. I wish I could just go back to before I ever absorbed Carol and stay there... where things were easier. Now, my thoughts are so muddled with Carol's and what not that sometimes I catch myself thinking wistfully of a little brother I've never had. Hopefully, someone's out there that can help me. If not... God only knows how much longer it'll be before I'm locked up in some asylum for mentally instable mutants...

Rogue's thoughts, for a teenager, are way too complex. No one that age should have to worry like she did. Granted no one's teenage years are easy, but to have to question the same woman you call "momma?" Much less having to question your sanity. But then, telepaths often do that when their powers first manifest, if I'm not mistaken. I wonder exactly how long Rogue waited after her battle with Carol to finally seek help from Xavier... as its obvious from the journal that she felt like he might be able to do something for her. That or any telepath really, I suppose. Not that Xavier's made any huge breakthroughs.

If I didn't know any better, I'd almost say Professor Xavier hasn't tried to help her, but I know that can't be true. It's likely just that her powers are so totally unique. And certainly they're quite different from telepathy. And of course the way she views Ororo's powers over the weather is interesting. I do know, however, that those two have a relationship that started sometime not long after Rogue joined the X-men. Of course, Remy has taken the space of best friend away from Rogue, it might seem, but those two can be as close as sisters when the mood strikes.

I can't think of a single X-man alive (or dead for that matter) who has known Rogue that would say they wished she had never joined the team. After all, she's proved time and time again that she's a bundle of surprises. I mean, who would have thought that Rogue of all people would ever lead the X-men in any form or fashion? I know I certainly didn't... not at first any way. But the signs were always there, that she would be a good leader. I suppose it was just a matter of timing... and perhaps just a shot of destiny.

A/N: Well, finally another chapter. Whew. I actually wrote this entire chapter in one Haven't managed that for a good while! Hope you all enjoy it!

The reader is NOT: Storm you couldn't have figured that out right? Well the hint as to who it is: The reader, aside from being female, is one who has fought along-side Rogue for YEARS. So its not a newbie to the who joined after...lets say 98 or 99 is excluded from the list. That aughta narrow it down at least a little. :) Have fun!