In the ruins of what was once a city, demons run rampart in the desolate streets. Earth was a kingdom meant for mankind, but now mankind is extinct and earth is now under Hell's rule. The Destroyer controls his army and rules earth, Uriel, through her valiant effort, still leads the Hellguard to fight the demons. But how did this start? They say the youngest Horseman War rode to earth uncalled and triggered the apocalypse early. Was he at fault or is he just a scapegoat for a deeper conspiracy? For now he returns to earth to seek revenge for his earlier downfall. Fueled only by revenge he travels the broken world to fulfill the demon's quest in hopes to fight Straga again. But he will find that there are more than demons and fallen angels on earth. There are different creatures hiding in the shadows. Beings that are neither human or demon but are so much like them. Half-bloods. They too have their own battles with each other. On one side are the ones who fight off their demon sides and struggle to keep their humanity, but only call on them for the power to survive. On the other are the ones who welcome the demon side letting it corrupt their already damned souls. Both sides are weak compared to the Destroyer himself but their power is hidden away. None are able to reach their full potential, if they did the earth a barren rock that even the demons wouldn't be able to live on.

Now let us cast our eyes on one of them. At first glance she seems like lost human adolescent cloaked in a long robe as dark as night to hide in the shadows, a hood hides a young face with skin as pure and white as an angel's wing. Eyes as green as the lush forests that once grew on earth, with a gold ring around the pupil to show the essence of her demon side. Her face shows one of a human but pull away the hood to reveal a single small horn growing from the back of her head and slightly curling back on top of her shortly cropped black and red hair. Under the cloak reveals a lithe body that gives the impression of a frail girl. But there is monstrous strength in her. On her arms are intricate markings unfamiliar to any known glyph. On her back are similar markings that resemble wings. Around her neck is a charm of an inverted cross. A small red and black tail exits her body, another sign of her demonic blood.
She runs from rooftop to rooftop across long broken buildings. Her long legs quickly but silently jumps from a building and lands hardly making a sound, the dust barely moves from the ground as she ducks into what was a warehouse. Sharp eyes scan the shadows for any hiding demons, recalling her past training. You would think her foolish to be out alone and unaided but strapped to her legs were two pistol. Both small but powerful guns that only fire when in her hands, hands with the addition of her demonic powers was a force to be reckoned with.
In the past century she traveled the dead world, collecting human, demonic and angelic items, fought many foes, mastered many fighting styles and learned many secrets about the demons,the worlds they hail from and her own secrets. How she was able to do all of that and still remain the same? That secret lies with her; she comes and goes like the fleeting winds never staying in one place to long. But there is one place she returns to every once in a while, a small haven at the edge of the city,and that is where she is heading now. Weary of her travels she silently longs for the comfort of her bed, even though she cannot sleep; she has not slept for nearly a century when the apocalypse started and her inner demon came out. Another thing she has managed to ignore, the never ending screams a darker side. Always clawing at the furthest reaches of her mind, her sleep constantly interrupted by the raspy whispers to be let free. She fears of what might happen if she falls asleep, so the dark rings of insomnia has taken a permanent mark around her eyes. The same eyes that confirmed that the building was safe and no danger lied within.
Staying in the shadows she makes her way inside. Normally she wouldn't return for another two months but the arrival of a certain horseman has put a dent in her plans. She has never seen him but heard plenty of stories from eavesdropping on the demons and from her master. Her master, it was something that could put a smile to her face; he was less of a master and more of a mentor. Banished from Heaven for cavorting with demons but not allowed to stay in Hell due to his angelic temperament. Cerviel no longer had a world to live in. He came during the early years of the apocalypse in hopes to save the humans but found something-or someone- who needed his help. Cerviel chose to help her and the other half-bloods who chose to keep their humanity.
As she exited the building her senses picked up an unnatural force and quickly ran back inside and peeked out looking around, something was wrong. The usual echoing chatter of demons has stopped; the whole area was strangely quiet and this is an early sign of something big and bad was coming. Her hand rested on one of the guns inside the cloak, eyes darting and scanning every shadow, pointed ears strained to hear anything, but she heard nothing, saw nothing but her senses didn't put her at ease. Something was out there and she will wait all day to figure out what.
As if on cue a lone figure stepped out on the main road in clear view of any attack, but not a single demon dared to. A hulking figure radiating with rage that was clear on his red hooded face. Glowing blue-white eyes focused on the path before him, every step of his heavy armored body echoed throughout the battered walls. One hand armed with a giant gauntlet the other wrapped tightly around the hilt of a giant double bladed sword, screaming faces etched on both sides. Nevaeh knew who he was, War rider of the red horse; even though she didn't see a horse he was intimidating enough to keep her rooted in her spot. She fought plenty of terrifying monsters but he was something else, something much more powerful. She knew he wouldn't hesitate to kill her; she knew half-bloods were never allowed to live. But he seemed too determined on his task at hand to even care.

Now she had two choices. Stay put and hopes he will pass by without noticing her, or find a safer location and risk being detected. As War got closer she decided to stay, backing into a dark corner and hunched down to blend in the darkness. She held her breath suppressed the energy that radiates from within her.
War started to pass by the warehouse and she would've gone unnoticed if it wasn't for a zombie stumbling out from the building next to her's and alerting War to their presence. A string of curses escaped under her breath as both the zombie and War started to walks towards each other forcing her to be stuck in the middle. If she moves now her fate is sealed, but she was in tuned with the chaotic flows of the earth and knew a distraction was coming.